
修改时间:2024-07-13 浏览次数:300 类型:期末考试 编辑

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  • 1. 阅读理解

        The following notice is posted in the bus station.

        Time Table:

        Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City, from 7:00 am and every half-hour there after, until 11:30 pm (7 days a week)

        Buses leave Brennan Station 20 minutes before and after every hour from 6:20 am to 11:40 pm (7 days a week)

        Evening rush hours (5:00 pm to 7:00 pm): Buses leave the Railway Station, New York City every minutes. (Monday- Friday)

        Holidays Buses leave every hour on the hour, each direction. (Trip time: 30 minutes each way)

        All tickets must be bought at Window 12, the Railway Station, New York City, or at the Brennan Station Window BEFORE boarding buses.

    (1) If you want to take a bus in the evening rush hour, you should take the         in the Railway Station, New York City on Monday.
    A . 6:20 pm B . 5:45 pm C . 8:00 pm D . 7:15 pm
    (2) If you get to the Railway Station New York City at 11:35 pm on Saturday, how long will you have to wait before you take a bus?
    A . 5 minutes B . 15 minutes C . 25 minutes D . No bus can be taken
    (3) You will go back home from work in Brennan. Which of the following bus will you take?
    A . 7:30 pm B . 6:00 am C . 5:45 pm D . 6:20 pm
    (4) Where should passengers buy their tickets?
    A . From the bus driver. B . On the bus after getting on it. C . From the conductor. D . At the station before boarding.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Science fiction writers create imaginary worlds. The way things work in your imaginary worlds will be based on actual science. So it's important for you to be familiar with the scientific principles and inventions that are related to your creation. For example, if you're writing about human living on a planet with zero gravity, then you need to know the effects of zero gravity on the human body.

        Then you have to figure out the exact rules of your imaginary worlds. And you have to follow them. If humans are able to breathe underwater in Chapter 1, your character can't drown in a swimming pool in Chapter 3. The issue here is maintaining your readers' trust. That means the readers are willing to pretend along with you. If you start out with an ordinary detective novel and then throw in someone breathing underwater in the 6th chapter, you will pull the readers out of their imagination. The same thing happens if you change the rules halfway.

        Part of your preparation work for the novel is to map out its worlds in great detail. You should decide the following issues: the history of the world, the geography, what possibilities it offers, how everything works in this new reality, and how all of these factors affect the way your characters think, feel, and react to things. You don't have to tell your readers all the rules in the first chapter. But you have to let readers know enough to understand what's going on. This also allows you to work out logical problems and contradictions before you start writing.

        When you are writing, remember to make it feel real. You are inviting readers to visit a new world. They will want to be able to see, hear, feel, smell, and even taste what it's like. Whether your novel is about a world without disease or an undiscovered planet, help your readers feel like they're actually there.

    (1) What's the relationship between actual science and science fiction?
    A . Science fiction promotes the development of actual science. B . Science fiction often reflects the development of actual science. C . Actual science limits the imagination described in science fiction. D . Actual science provides basic principles for science fiction.
    (2) The second paragraph is mainly developed by        .
    A . making comparisons B . giving examples C . following the time order D . analyzing causes
    (3) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
    A . It is necessary to do some scientific experiments before writing science fiction. B . It is more difficult to write science fiction than ordinary detective novels. C . Readers of science fiction actually pretend the writers' rules are true. D . It is great to leave some contradictions in your science fiction.
    (4) The passage is mainly about        .
    A . how to do scientific research B . how to raise interest in science C . what to expect from science fiction D . how to write science fiction
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Women make better drivers than men for many reasons. Why is that? If you ask me, I'd like to say, men know that women are better drivers but do not have the courage to admit the truth—women are queens of the road.

        Unlike men, women stop for directions when they have no idea as to where they are going. We don't drive around for hours pointlessly wasting a tank of gas only to find ourselves heading in the wrong direction. Have you ever been in a car with a man who is lost? He tells you to shut up when you begin to open your mouth. And every five minutes or so he takes a turn going forty-five miles per hour only to find out he's made another wrong turn.

        Speeding is what men do best on the road. There is a reason why men get more speeding tickets than women. Not because we trick to get out of tickets but only because we don't get pulled over as frequently. We don't speed. We have more intelligence than senselessly to put our own lives as well as the lives of others in danger.

        My largest issue with male drivers is how a majority of them drive with one hand on the wheel and the other hand doing only God knows what. The seat is backed as far as possible, and they're totally lost into loud music beyond a necessary level. You don't ever see women driving like that.

        I feel that the above evidence more than proves my points that women are not only better drivers but also safer drivers than men. We women rule the road. Oh, and men, if you want to continue criticizing(批评)women for being bad drivers, bring it on.

    (1) If a woman driver feels lost, she will       .
    A . stop the car and ask people for help B . take the wrong turns at a high speed C . tell the man next to her to shut up D . drive aimlessly for hours without stopping
    (2) According to Paragraph 4, men drivers          worries the writer most.
    A . making jokes about women B . not paying full attention C . not stopping for directions D . getting more speeding tickets
    (3) What is the passage about?
    A . Women stop for directions. B . Men make better drivers than Women. C . Women make better drivers than men. D . Women rule the road.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        In the movie Alice in Wonderland, Alice comes across a Cheshire cat and asks the cat which road she should take. The cat responds, “Well, that depends on where you're trying to get to.” Alice replies, “I don't know.” The cat responds, “Then any road will do.”

        You see, knowing where you're going increases your chances dramatically of getting there, and there is no better way of “GETTING THERE” than setting your goals for the upcoming year. Think of your goals as destinations and the action steps as your GPS guiding and directing you. If you are like many other people, for years you have resisted the need to set goals and even laughed at the thought that setting goals and,even more importantly, committing them to writing have positive effects on your life. However, a closer look might convince you that setting goals is a sensible thing to do.

        In 1979, a class of Harvard MBA students was asked: Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made an action plan to accomplish them? The following will astonish you. Only 3 percent of the class had written goals and a plan in place, 13% just had goals, and an amazing 84% had no specific goals at all.

        Ten years later the numbers of the class were interviewed once again and the following results will no doubt give the reason for our setting goals. The findings were that the 13% who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84% who had no goals at all. And the 3 percent who had clear, written goals with a plan to achieve them were achieving ten times as much as the entire 97% combined.

        Goal setting will increase your chances of arriving successfully at your destination. Remember, always set SMART goals. Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound!

    (1) Why does the author mention Alice in Wonderland?
    A . To introduce the topic. B . To recommend it to readers. C . To show its popularity. D . To criticize those with no goals.
    (2) What does the underlined word “them” refer to?
    A . Action steps. B . People. C . Goals. D . Effects.
    (3) What did the second interview find out?
    A . Action helped with the realization of goals. B . People with goals were certain to succeed. C . The income gap among students was bigger. D . People with goals earned the most.
    (4) Which of the following can best serve as the title?
    A . Why we set goals B . How to set goals. C . How to be successful. D . What SMART goals are.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

        When it comes to the benefit of volunteering, a lot of people think it's all about the warm feeling after helping someone. As is known, charity work requires a wide variety of people to do a wide variety of things for everything to work. It means that there are some surprising benefits for volunteers. For example, volunteering:

        Teaches you new skills.

        From helping making websites to teaching immigrant kids your native language, or to arranging events for charity, volunteering can really be almost anything. It means that when you get involved charity work, a lot of the time you will face challenges.

        Can teach you what truly matters.

        It's a great way to find new perspectives(角度)on life. When you've been at it for a while, you just might find yourself re-evaluating your advantages. One of my friends went from wanting U be a lawyer to discovering a true passion for teaching


        Maybe it is not surprising, but what might surprise you is how genuine these friends are. Some oi my long-term friends are people I've met through volunteering. I'm not that kind of guy that makes friends purely for connections, but sometimes it's very convenient to have a broad network.

        Summed up in one line: volunteering helps you grow.  You meet a wide variety of people who don't have a lot in common with. You learn to get along with people involved in many different walks in life. You learn to know what you are to do. So if you've ever considered volunteering, what are you waiting for?

    A. You might even decide on a completely new path to take in life.

    B. Helps you make new friends

    C. As it turns out, that's far from the only benefit.

    D. Volunteering helps you look outside yourself and your problems.

    E. Through overcoming the challenges, you learn completely new skills.

    F. Not only as a person, but it helps you develop your skill as well.

    G. Can help improve social skills


  • 6. 完形填空

        When I was a small boy my family was very poor. My father always used his savings to 1 my mother to visit her parents who lived far away. There was just my younger brother and myself in the house. One evening Dad came home from 2 and there was no food in the house, not 3 a piece of bread. Although we were 4, my brother and I went to bed without eating anything.

        My father had no money, but l knew from the 5 on his face that he could not let us have an empty stomach. He 6 the house and about two hours later returned and quickly 7 us up. He had in his hand two small potato pies, which he gave us to eat. I don't know where he got the 8 but somehow he 9 to get us something to eat.

        My father had not eaten and had worked all day 10 he sat there with great satisfaction watching us eat. This has 11 stayed in my mind and left more of an impression than any amount of 12 he may ever have given me.

        At that moment, l felt happy knowing that he was there and would not let us13.

        I guess the 14 I am trying to make is that in difficult times it is 15 not to show weakness but strength and character. If a 16 is the cement(粘合剂)that holds a family together, then the father is 17 that strengthens that cement.

        It is his values and 18 and memories that have carried me forward and helped me to 19 my own problems in life. In my own 20 I have learned that it is the valuable time you spend with your children and the values you give to them that will remain with them always.

    A . force B . remind C . send D . teach
    A . hospital B . work C . school D . shop
    A . quite B . just C . only D . even
    A . nervous B . hungry C . sleepy D . busy
    A . worry B . pleasure C . disappointment D . surprise
    A . cleaned B . observed C . left D . searched
    A . brought B . put C . called D . woke
    A . chance B . food C . support D . recipe
    A . managed B . decided C . agreed D . waited
    A . so B . or C . but D . and
    A . normally B . always C . shortly D . softly
    A . cost B . time C . salary D . money
    A . suffer B . know C . leave D . cry
    A . decision B . promise C . point D . apology
    A . strange B . important C . difficult D . common
    A . father B . brother C . sister D . mother
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . words B . records C . actions D . failures
    A . work out B . carry out C . run into D . look into
    A . opinion B . home C . order D . turn


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不少于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        This summer I travelled from noisy Beijing to Wuzhen, a beautiful village in Zhejiang Province. Unfolded before me was  unique image of this water country—the stone bridge and the water flowing, all like fairy tales to me.

        However,  impressed me most was not the natural scenery but the scene of a grandma bathing a little baby in a wooden basin with the door open. My friends couldn't help  (take) pictures of them. To my surprise, the grandma smiled and waved at us. All of a sudden, my heart was filled with  (warm).

        I shared the photo and my  (forget) experience with my friends. They were (simple) moved as I was, but at the same time they reminded me of the unpleasant experiences in big cities. We feel embarrassed to see people quarreling in public because they  (step) on accidentally by strangers.

        According to a recent survey  (make) in November 2016: 45 percent of the residents don't know the names of their neighbors; 63 percent have never devoted  (they) to talking to their neighbors; 67 percent think that the relationship between them and their neighbors is just so-so, or even bad.

        Wouldn't it be beautiful to say hello to our neighbors who just came backwork and give them a smile?


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Dear Sir or Madam

        I've learned from the newspaper dial my company is looking for a clerk. I'm very interesting in the job and I'd like to apply for at the position.

        First of all, allow me introduce myself. I have just graduated from senior high school and take the College Entrance Examination. I want to find an part - time job in the summer. I'm 18 years old and have a good knowledge of English, especially in terms at speaking and listening. In fact, I won the first prize in the English speech competition hold in our school last year. Besides, I'm quite easy - going and therefore very popular among my classmate.

        I sincere hope you can give me a chance. I'm looking forward to your early reply.


    Li Hua


  • 9. 假期中你外出旅游时发现许多不文明行为,如随地吐痰、乱涂乱画、乱丢垃圾等,请你给Beautiful China编辑部写一封信,呼吁人们提高素质、文明出行。






    参考词汇:吐痰spit;刻画scratch;不文明行为immoral behaviors

    Dear editor,

        I am writing to tell you about what I saw while traveling during this winter vacation.
