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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Best Ways to Quit Smoking

        Not sure how to quit smoking cigarettes? Try the following ways to stop smoking and start your path towards a healthier, smoke-free life.

        Post this list in a visible location in your house.

        Whenever you're tempted to light up, take a look at all the ways smoking can damage your health:

        Increases risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure.

        Reduces levels of folate, low levels of which can increase the risk of heart disease, depression, and Alzheimer's disease.

        Affects mental capacity and memory.

        Contributes to thin bones.

        Affects ability to smell and taste.

        Increases risk of depression in adolescents.

        To minimize cravings (欲望), change your routine.

        Sit in a different chair at breakfast or take a different route to work. If you usually have a drink and cigarette after work, change that to a walk. If you're used to a smoke with your morning coffee, switch to tea, or stop at Starbucks for a cup of java—the chain is smoke-free. You might even work better in coffee shops!

        Tell your friends, coworkers, boss, partner, and kids how you feel.

        Don't bottle up your emotions. If something makes you angry, express it instead of hiding it with cigarette smoke. If you're bored, admit to yourself that you're bored and find something energetic to do instead of lighting up.

        Make an appointment with an acupuncturist (针灸师).

        There's some evidence that auricular acupuncture (i. e., needles in the ears) controls cigarette cravings quite successfully. You can even do it yourself by taping "seeds" (small beads) onto the acupuncture points and squeezing them whenever cravings arise. Acupuncture can treat these other conditions, too.

    (1) What is the function of the first suggestion?
    A . To encourage you to desert smoking. B . To show you how to quit smoking. C . To prevent all kinds of diseases. D . To warn you of risks of smoking.
    (2) What are you suggested to do when you have a bad mood?
    A . Go to a coffee shop. B . Change your life style. C . Smoke to relieve stress. D . Share it with people around.
    (3) What is special about the fourth suggestion?
    A . It turns to treatment. B . It tells human relations. C . It is about eating habits. D . It is the best way to quit smoking.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        When Kim Chil-doo was young, he says, he wanted to be a model. But he gave up that idea to make money. Now, at age 65, he appears in television advertisements and fashion magazines. With his gray beard and long hair, he is South Korea's first senior model.

        Kim is one of many older people in South Korea the country has the world's fastest growing ageing population. Almost half of the country's older people live in poverty. Some take low-paying jobs to support themselves after retiring. But Kim and some other seniors have shown how older South Koreans can find unusual job opportunities later in life.

        You Sung-lae is 59. When she was a child, she wanted to be an actress. But instead, she says, she got married and had children. Now she is training to appear on a catwalk to show clothes. She was wearing a bright blue jacket, orange high heeled shoes and designer sunglasses.

        You is also helping the fashion business by attracting older buyers. Older buyers have become big players. While many older people do not have much money, others have bought their homes and built savings. Now, those seniors are ready to spend some of their money on themselves.

        Some businesses are also trying to use older people's skills and experiences. For example, Cho Young-min started a company using Skype to connect older instructors in Korea with students around the world. The students are interested in learning Korean, and the instructors are interested in sharing their knowledge.

        Another man, Ji Byung-soo found success by performing a dance song on a televised singing contest. He is 77. Now he earns enough money to donate to a local support center. Last month, he danced nonstop at a youth festival in Seoul while young people called his name. "Life begins in your 70s," Ji said. "Let's be happy and have fun."

    (1) What do Kim and You Sung-lae have in common?
    A . They had to make money as a young person. B . They are living in poverty like other old people. C . They realized their childhood dreams in old age. D . They take low-paying jobs to support themselves.
    (2) What made You Sung-lae go against her will?
    A . Poverty. B . Laziness. C . Mistake. D . Marriage.
    (3) Why does Cho Young-min's company employ older instructors?
    A . To show respect to the old. B . To attract students overseas. C . To help the fashion business. D . To guide the old to spend their savings.
    (4) Which of the four persons does charity?
    A . Ji Byung-soo. B . You Sung-lae. C . Kim Chil-doo. D . Cho Young-min.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        The saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover, means you should not guess the worth or value of something based on how it looks. That message was clear at a recent event called the Human Library Project. The event took place at the Northern Virginia, or NoVa, Community College, outside of Washington. D. C.

        The Human Library began 19 years ago in Denmark. It grew from a youth organization called "Stop the Violence". Today, it is a worldwide movement. At the NoVa event, students got the chance to learn from a person—a "human book"—instead of a library book.

        Patricia Cooper organized the event. She said that human books celebrate variety by telling their life stories in an easy-going setting. "The goal of the human library is to talk to people in your community who you may otherwise not speak to because you have your own prejudices (偏见) and hopefully to break down some of these barriers."

        This is the third year that NoVa has held such an event. The collection of human books included a civil rights activist, a scientist from the American space agency NASA, and an opera singer.

        Artist Brian Dailey was a human book. He spoke about his travels to 113 countries in seven years. Dailey said that, during his travels, he asked people whom he took pictures of for a one-word answer to a series of other words—such as love, freedom and war. He discovered that people in different countries often had very different reactions to the same word.

        When Dailey asked people in Africa about the word "war" they used words like justice, liberation and peace. When he asked the same question to people in Syrian refugee camps, the answer was: "tears, hunger, fear, destruction".

    (1) Why was the human library organized?
    A . To replace the traditional library B . To offer a lot more information to readers. C . To make people communicate with each other D . To improve the living conditions of neighbors.
    (2) What do we learn from the human book of Brian Dailey?
    A . His struggle for human rights. B . His reactions to different cultures. C . His great achievements in science. D . His international travel experiences.
    (3) What was the attitude of African people towards war?
    A . Positive. B . Critical. C . Disapproving. D . Uncaring.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . Prefer a Human Book rather Than a Real Book B . Talk With a Fellow Human from This Library C . Treat Each Other Kindly to Avoid the Violence D . Enjoy Reading with the Help of Others
  • 4. 阅读理解

        The world's oceans will likely lose about one-sixth of their fish and other creatures within 100 years if climate change continues on its current path. Every degree Celsius that the world's oceans warm, their biomass is expected to drop five percent, a study found.

        The study predicts that if there is no change in the rate of worldwide greenhouse gas production, there will be a 17-percent loss of biomass by the year 2100. But, if the world reduces carbon pollution, biomass losses could be limited to only about 5 percent.

        Warming temperatures are the biggest issue. But climate change also produces oceans that are more acidic and have less oxygen. This also harms sea life. Much of the world depends on the oceans for food or work.

        The findings make sense and the possible effects of the predicted losses of animal life are huge. "Climate change has the potential to cause serious new conflicts over ocean resource use as the human population continues to grow," said scientists.

        Marine biologist Boris Worm, who helped run the study, added that the "building blocks of marine life—plankton and bacteria—may decline less heavily."

        "Those marine animals that we use directly, and care about most deeply, are predicted to suffer the most," said Worm. He works at Canada's Dalehousie University.

        Scientists had already believed climate change would likely reduce future ocean life. But past computer-based studies looked at only part of the picture or used only one model. The latest study used six different computer models to give the best picture look yet, William Cheung said.

        University of Georgia marine biologist Samantha Joye was not part of the research. But she praised the study as well researched and extremely detailed, and called it "an urgent call for action".

    (1) What does the underlined word "biomass" in paragraph 1 refer to?
    A . Ocean temperature. B . Total marine life. C . Sea condition. D . Ocean level.
    (2) Why do scientists think that climate change might cause conflicts?
    A . It may reduce the sea resource. B . It leads to the extinction of marine life. C . It pollutes the environment of the ocean. D . It may increase the world population.
    (3) Which sea animals will be harmed the worst by sea warming?
    A . The largest ones. B . The ones in deep oceans. C . The bacteria on sea surface. D . Those we humans need most.
    (4) What makes this study different from previous studies according to William Cheung?
    A . Purpose of the study on oceans. B . Computers used in the research. C . Improvement of research methods. D . Discovery of damage of climate change.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

    One of the healthiest Foods on the planet

        There is probably no flower more hated, or misunderstood, than the bright yellow dandelion (蒲公英). In an effort to have the perfect green grass lawn, people try their best to kill all dandelions with chemical products. Or they dig them out at the roots—only to see them grow right back.

        They are a great source of vitamin K and also are a good source of vitamins A and C. They also have vitamin E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins. Also, they provide lots of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

        Besides nutrition, another great thing about dandelions is that you can eat every part of them—from the bottom of the roots to the top of the flower. Do not eat ones that have been treated with dangerous chemicals or are growing near high traffic areas.

        Dandelions are said to provide several possible health benefits such as helping in digestion and improving some skin conditions. They may also reduce inflammation (炎症).

        Children in many parts of the world have had the simple pleasure of blowing the soft, white dandelion tops. In fact, there is a game children play with dandelions that have gone to seed. Pick the white top, make a wish, close your eyes and blow! If you blow all of the seeds off in one breath, your wish will come true!

    A. Well, that is what many children believe.

    B. They watch the seeds float easily in the air.

    C. At least the seeds have traveled far and wide.

    D. Just make sure to take care when picking wild dandelions.

    E. You can let more of this nutritious food source continue to grow.

    F. Dandelions are actually one of the most nutritious foods in the world.

    G. In the United States, they are considered “weeds”, the name for any unwanted plant.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        My wife and I set out across a vast wasteland of sandy desert and just headed for some mountains and canyons (峡谷) two miles away. There were no 1 in the desert and we had no destination in mind. After about 4-5 miles, 2 in the canyons, we sat down for lunch. We thought we heard our 3 echoing (回音) down through the canyon, but the distant echoes didn't 4.

        After a few minutes, high on the canyon wall we heard someone else 5 clearly in the distance. So I 6 a little up and saw a man shouting to us. He seemed 7.

        We continued to climb up a few hundred 8 to where he was. He was a retired policeman from California. He and his wife were 9an ATV (全地形车) for miles across the mountains just like we were doing. He 10 down into our canyon on a steep slope (斜坡) that no ATV should have been on.

        His wife, recognizing the danger, 11 got off just before he drove it over a small ledge and 12 it in a tree. The car had its 13several feet off the ground, hanging in a bush. He was 14 and only his pride was wounded.

        Together we 15 a risky and complex plan to saw (锯), tie and land his ATV into some logs that would stop it from 16 off the next bigger ledge. Then we built a road back up the ledge. The 17 took a couple of hours.

        He didn't know 18 where he was, but he would follow his tracks back to his truck. They were so relieved that we had 19 them from walking out of the desert. They just wanted to 20 and talk a while over lunch before heading home.

    A . shelters B . trails C . bases D . schedules
    A . dusty B . active C . deep D . upset
    A . actions B . experiences C . pleasures D . conversation
    A . match B . succeed C . cheering D . escape
    A . singing B . talking C . cheering D . quarreling
    A . climbed B . struggled C . dashed D . slipped
    A . gentle B . hopeful C . rude D . desperate
    A . blocks B . feet C . trees D . miles
    A . riding B . testing C . wiping D . balancing
    A . looked B . flew C . headed D . jumped
    A . truly B . freely C . sincerely D . wisely
    A . removed B . landed C . ruined D . fixed
    A . doors B . seats C . wheels D . windows
    A . safe B . confident C . grateful D . foolish
    A . put forward B . tried out C . went through D . carried out
    A . rising B . getting C . rolling D . setting
    A . discussion B . rescue C . accident D . disaster
    A . briefly B . finally C . exactly D . actually
    A . saved B . calmed C . protected D . warned
    A . survive B . escape C . respond D . relax


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        My hometown is Hangzhou, which attracts a great many tourists every year. Hangzhou played a very (importance) role in Chinese history, so it has a number of great heritage sites well reserved.

        Lying on the west district of Hangzhou city, West Lake (be) the symbol of Hangzhou as well as one of the most beautiful (sight) in China. West Lake has all along been praised as a sparkling pearl.

        If you want to enjoy whole West Lake, there are three kinds of sight you need to see. The sunny one, the rainy one and the night view of it.

        There is a saying that the sunny West Lake is not equal the rainy West Lake, and the rainy West Lake is less beautiful than the West Lake at night.

        At last there is a love tale happened at West Lake. It is said that a white snake changed into a beautiful lady, who (call) Bai Suzhen. She was willing to repay Xu Xian for (save) her life 500 years ago. Then she married him, living together (happy). But the Monk Fa Hai kept doing wrongs to her. He finally made them part. Bai Suzhen was shut in the Leifeng tower and the couple had no chance (meet) again.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        A video told a story about how a parent swallow taught its lazily child. It was time for the young to fly away and feed it. However, the young refused to leave the net. The mother bird tried to drive it away but it refuses to move. At the same time, another swallow kept fly back to feed the young, but every time stopped by the other.

        All the parents' efforts were in vain. Three day later, they gave up to their net with the young in it. Fortunately, the young were adopted by humans, and fed. At last, a bird flew into the sky but disappeared in the distance.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,是光明中学的一名高三学生。你在网上看到你市历史博物馆中国文化遗产展厅招募英语解说员,你想申请加入。请你给该馆负责人Mr. Chen写一封英语自荐信,内容包括:






    参考词汇:解说员 commentator;文化遗产 Cultural Heritage
