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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Excellent Smartphone Apps


        Space helps you set goals to be more mindful of your screen usage. When you install(安装)Space, you'll complete a few questions about your smartphone habits and then select a user type that is the best match. The app then sets screen unlock and time-use goals. The app will send notices as screen time increases and reward you with different badges(徽章)when you meet your goals.


        AntiSocial is one of the best-known screen-reduction apps available on Android. While it provides many of the standard functions like screen time limits and app blocking, it has an advantages. AntiSocial compares your screen usage data(数据)to other people in your age, so you'll an idea if you're using your phone more than they do.

        Off the Grid

        For those who truly have a problem staying off that phone, Off the Grid may be for you. Off the Grid completely blocks your phone for a length of time you determine. If you want to use your phone after you're turned on Off the Grid, it's going to cost you. The app will charge you $1 each time you end your off-time early.

    (1) How does Space help its users?
    A . By sending reminding messages. B . By offering keys to their questions. C . By setting proper life goals for them. D . By rewarding them with more phone time.
    (2) What is special about Off the Grid?
    A . It blocks other apps. B . It can turn on by itself. C . It may charge some money. D . It limits your time on phone.
    (3) What do the three apps have in common?
    A . They reduce screen time. B . They have a rewarding system. C . They are teenagers' favorite apps. D . They compare data from different people.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        One second-grade student wanted to help erase school lunch debt for her fellow students, so she decided to create lemonade stands to raise funds(资金).

        Amiah Van Hill was inspired to raise funds to help pay off her classmates' lunch debt back in May after reading about Jeffery Lew. The father of three crowd-funded to cover the cost of unpaid lunches in the Seattle School District, where his 8-year-old son took part. “She's a really strong reader, so she read the story and said, 'Wow, this is great! I wonder if there's any kids at my school that need help paying their lunches,'” said her mother, Rachel Van Hill.

        Amiah, 6, and Aria, 4, discovered that at Hayden Meadows Elementary School in Idaho, the unpaid lunch debt was $40.55. They set up a lemonade stand last month to raise the money, with a sign reading, “Lemonade 4 Lunch.” During their first set-up, the two met their goal within an hour.

        The school was very much appreciative. Principal Lisa Pica said “Our school believes in giving back to the community and we are excited that Amiah has got that value at such a young age and we are so proud that she has found a way to help those in need. She is a very special little lady.”

        After discovering it was “easy” to pay off one school's debt, they set up another lemonade stand a week later to raise money for two more local schools. The girls then decided to set their sights higher and raise funds for the entire Coeur d'Alene Public School district. In 22 days, they've raised more than $2,700. The school district is excited to recognize her for her good deed.

    (1) What made Amiah decide to create lemonade stands?
    A . Her own lunch debt. B . Her reading interest. C . The advice from her mother. D . The example of Jeffery Lew.
    (2) Why is Amiah called “a special little lady” by her principal?
    A . She learned to sell lemonade. B . She was proud of her community. C . She helped the community in her own way. D . She helped her school set the school value.
    (3) When did Amiah decide to raise money for Coeur d'Alene Public School district?
    A . After raising more than $2,700. B . When she was praised by her school. C . After raising money for two more schools. D . When people in the district recognized her.
    (4) Which of the following can best describe the character of Amiah?
    A . Caring and helpful. B . Hard-working and curious. C . Learned and kind. D . Easy-going and generous.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        I study English literature at university and have always been proud of Britain's literary heritage(文学遗产). Some British authors that you may have heard of are Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. These writers are famous all over the world because their books have been translated into many different languages. In the UK, their novels are celebrated as some of the best that have ever been written. We say that these novels are “classic” because they are still read and enjoyed years after their publication.

        I read classic novels because they are part of my university lessons but also because I enjoy them. They can teach you a lot about how people used to live and what society was like in the past. Novels like Hard Times by Charles Dickens remind us of the poverty in London during the Industrial Revolution while Jane Austen's fiction shows us what family life was like in the 18th century.

        Classic novels usually have memorable stories land interesting characters. One of my favourite books is Charles Dickens Great Expectations. It is about a boy called Pip who suddenly receives a lot of money from a mysterious supporter. As he grows up, his character changes: he becomes quite selfish and mean. Another important character is Miss Havisham. When she was young, her fiancé ran away on their wedding day. She lives in a dark house and still wears her wedding dress. She is a fascinating character, both sad and scary.

        Reading classic novels enriches my knowledge and life experience. And it has become part of life.

    (1) Why are some novels called “classic”?
    A . They stand the test of time. B . They are taught at universities. C . They are written by famous authors. D . They are translated into many languages.
    (2) Why is Hard Times mentioned in Paragraph 2?
    A . To introduce the university lessons. B . To remind people of the poverty in London. C . To let people know about what family life was like. D . To prove classic novels help people know the past.
    (3) What can we know about the character Miss Havisham?
    A . She is selfish and mean. B . She lives an unhappy life. C . She loves wedding dresses most. D . She becomes rich with others' support.
    (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A . Why I like classic novels B . Why some novels are classic C . How to read classic novels D . How to teach classic novels
  • 4. 阅读理解

        A new study suggests that people who drank a certain amount of alcohol(酒)had a lower risk of cancer and death than those who drank more or none during a nine-year period. And with each additional drink a week, the risk of cancer and death from any cause increased, the scientists reported.

        However, the study found only an association between alcohol and cancer and death, and did not prove cause and effect, the researches said. What sets the new study apart, said lead study author Andrew Kunzmann, is that previous studies looked at cancer and death separately. “What our study does is combine the two outcomes together and we find that lighter drinking is associated with the lowest risk of cancer or death,” Kunzmann said.

        But Kunzmann noted that the participants(参与者)were all older adults. That means that “we're not really showing what happens in younger people if they drink,” he said. Also, it's difficult to account for other lifestyles that could have affected the results. “These could also influence health. But the results did take into consideration differences in diet, smoking and education among participants,” Kunzmann noted.

        The researchers said that they hope their study sparks conversation about reducing the suggested alcohol intake in countries' guidelines. “We're not telling people what they can or can't do or what they can or can't drink,” Kunzmann said. “We're just trying to give them reliable evidence so that they can make their own informed, healthy decisions.”

    (1) What is the finding of the new study?
    A . Nondrinkers are least likely to have cancer. B . Drinking helps lower the risk of cancer. C . Lighter drinking is helpful to health. D . Heavy drinkers are at more risk.
    (2) Which of the following best explains “previous” underlined in Paragraph 2?
    A . Future. B . Present. C . New. D . Former.
    (3) What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?
    A . The result is of little value. B . The research has its limitations. C . The participants are all adults. D . The influence of diet is included.
    (4) What does the researchers suggest people do about drinking?
    A . Make their own decisions. B . Reduce the amount they drink. C . Have additional drinks occasionally. D . Drink according to the countries' guidelines.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Taking Care of Your Health While Traveling

        When you're often on the go, it is likely that your health will suffer. Here are a few simple ways you can keep on top of your health.


        When you're travelling, your body will quickly begin to wear down. How much is enough sleep? It all depends on your body-listen to it.. Although you want to experience as much as possible when travelling, it is still important to rest.

        ⒉Don't forget to take plenty of water.

        Carry a water bottle with you everywhere and keep it filled up with fresh water. , it will do your body a lot of good and keep you feeling your best.

        ⒊Eat healthier.

        . Yes, we get that you are on your holidays, but healthier choices will keep your body filled up with nutrients, which will make you feel better in the long-term.

        Make your own meals.

        Eating out each day isn't healthy for you so you should try and make your own meals where possible. , but making a few healthy sandwiches in your hotel room is something you should be doing.

    A. Get plenty of good sleep

    B. Take a break before you wear down

    C. Try and cut out as much sweet as possible

    D. If you pace yourself and go about things slowly

    E. Even if you need to visit the bathroom more often

    F. It is difficult to go to the bathroom when travelling

    G. We're not talking about coking up a three-course meal


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所各的四个法项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        My journal book is new and in style and there are inspirational words on its cover. Hers is old and leather-bound. As different as the 1 are, the two journals contain many of the same thoughts, quotes, and personal stories about our very different 2.

        We found our connection 3. One summer holiday, I visited my grandmother. 4 I would stay only for a few days, I couldn't part with my journal. I 5 my habit of putting it under my pillow. My grandmother 6 it as she made my bed. I felt 7 that she had found my collection of literary treasures at first. Instead of 8 me, my grandmother brought me to her bedroom and brought out her own 9.

        That night, we 10 a few articles, mine from the past few years and 11 from the past few decades. We laughed at funny stories, 12 at heartbreaks with tears on our faces, and were surprised to find we are so 13.

        I was excited to find a friend who also 14 writing and quote collecting. We were astonished when we saw that we both had 15 the same quote about the truth of experience.

        The connection my grandmother and I share goes 16 literature. Although my grandmother is a Ph.D. who has written some books on education, she has never 17 her study journey. She always reminds me that she will continue to be a 18 for the rest of her life. I 19 her for so many things, but perhaps it is her way on 20 that I find most inspiring.

    A . appearances B . colors C . sizes D . contents
    A . memories B . lives C . responsibilities D . histories
    A . on purpose B . by mistake C . as usual D . by chance
    A . Although B . Since C . Because D . If
    A . changed B . kicked C . continued D . formed
    A . discovered B . spoiled C . hid D . ignored
    A . uncomfortable B . disappointed C . amazed D . happy
    A . staying with B . looking after C . depending on D . laughing at
    A . brochure B . magazine C . journal D . picture
    A . analyzed B . published C . reviewed D . saved
    A . ours B . hers C . theirs D . its
    A . relieved B . wept C . whispered D . shouted
    A . different B . unique C . similar D . familiar
    A . demanded B . considered C . needed D . loved
    A . naturally B . obviously C . normally D . exactly
    A . beyond B . to C . by D . with
    A . covered B . doubted C . experienced D . ended
    A . friend B . student C . professor D . doctor
    A . inspire B . admire C . dislike D . ask
    A . expression B . determination C . learning D . writing


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Charlie Chaplin was born in a poor family of music hall performers in 1889.  astonished us was that Charlie (teach) to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. Such training was common in acting families at that time,  (especial) when the family income was often uncertain. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off. By his teens, Charlie had become one of the most popular child actors in England. No one was ever bored (watch) him—his subtle acting made everything (entertain). As time went by, he began making films. His film character, the little tramp, was a social (fail) but was loved for his optimism and determination (overcome) all difficulties.

        Charlie wrote, directed and produced the films he (star) in. In 1972 he was given special Oscar for his outstanding work. He lived in England and the USA but spent his last years in Switzerland,  he was buried in 1977. He is loved and remembered as a great actor who could inspire people with great confidence.



  • 13. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

        Geoffrey Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties. Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humour-everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny.

        Recently, one of Geoffrey's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. This is the sort of thing that Geoffrey loves. He prepared the speech carefully and went to the party with Jenny. He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Geoffrey was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.

        On the way home, Geoffrey wondered what Jenny thought of his speech.






  • 14. 假定你是李华,你的新西兰笔友Terry暑假要来中国旅游,并顺便拜访你。近日他发邮件向你询问潍坊的有关情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括:





    参考词汇:高铁high-sped railway 和乐Hele noodles

    Dear Terry,

        I'm glad to know that you are coming to China this summer vacation.


    Li Hua
