
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Learning English online is a good way to improve your English. But with any kind of learning you need to be prepared. .

    Make sure everything is ready.

    You should prepare everything before learning English online. A computer, a good Internet connection and a headset are what you will need to take classes online. A web camera is also pretty important. Make sure that your computer is turned on, that everything is ready and that you have tested the connection. Doing this before the class means that you will be ready when the lesson starts.

    Take the classes somewhere quiet.

    Trying to listen and join in English classes is very difficult when there is noise around you. So find a quiet room and make sure that no one troubles you while you are taking your lesson.


    When grammar or anything else is being taught, make sure that you understand it. You won't need to practice it at this time; just make sure that everything is clear. If you don't understand what is being taught, ask your teacher to explain it again. Your teacher will be very happy to deal with whatever puzzles you.

    Practice speaking English.

    Every class is a chance to practice your English with a native and good teacher. Try to allow the conversation to flow by listening and talking in a natural way. The teacher should note the mistakes and correct them at a later time.


    Come to class feeling relaxed and excited. Come into the class excited about learning English. You will be able to get more out of the class this way.

A. Ask for help from your parents.

B. Understand what is being taught.

C. Get away from everything that may be going on in your home.

D. Language learning should be enjoyable especially in online classes.

E. You will meet many problems when you are learning English online.

F. This passage will give you advice on how to make full use of your online lessons.

G. This is your chance to speak English without worrying about too many mistakes.


How to find the perfect career

    Too many people are not satisfied with their professional career (事业) and are “stuck” in situations that do not make them happy. Here are some wonderful actions you can take to begin the path to a truly happy career.

Talk to your friends.

    Ask them, “what do you think I am best at”, or “what do you think I enjoy doing most”. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}However, their advice may help you decide what you should do.


    Read some interesting magazines, books, newspapers or novels. They will give you a constant flow of ideas and keep the mind rich.

Talk to the happiest and most successful people you know.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Be serious with your questions. And see if there is anything you can learn from them. Have these people become your teachers and friends.

Keep a journal(日记).

    Writing down your ideas is an important practice for your career growth. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}You never know when great ideas will come to your mind!

Develop patience.

    You may want a change in your career right now. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Anyway, doing the practices mentioned above will bring about the right chance much faster.

A. Read as widely as possible.

B. This may seem like a strange conversation at first.

C. Ask them how they realized their dreams.

D. Changing careers can be very difficult.

E. Talk to your family members.

F. But it is necessary to be patient and wait for the right chance to come.

G. Carrying a notebook with you at all times is also a great idea.


    Do you know what a big dream is? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Or, is a big dream something that provides only entertainment? Children dream big dreams, but there are three barriers to realizing dreams. They often kill them before they ever have a chance to grow.

The Self

    Immediately following the birth of a big dream, a negative self-talk takes over and gives all the reasons why it cannot happen. This inside voice is the ego(自我). It's there for protecting and should be listened to. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Most people are influenced by the inside voice. That's why only a handful of people make their dream come true.


    Family and friends are a lot like the ego. They want to protect those they love, so they will often list all the reasons why the big dreams won't come true. Sometimes, family and friend destroy dreams of those they love most, out of their own fear of being left behind.

The World

    If one gets past the first two barriers, one has to face the world. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} In the past, big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world. Fortunately, in most of the world today, big dreamers just get laughed at.

    The way to realize a big dream is with confidence and action. When children have confidence and then take action, they will be ready to accept any failure. The truth is that every great dreamer whose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} 

A. Does a big dream show one's future ?

B. They simply fail until they succeed.

C. How Big Dreams Die

D. It is the last and the most terrible barrier.

E. Family and Friends 

F. Sometimes it is right, but more often it is wrong

G. And their big dream is to be a rock star or a famous artist.


    Having a roommate can be one of the best experiences in college or, easily, one of the worst.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Follow these tips to avoid the common mistakes that turn good roommate relations bad.

Talk things out.

    Communication is key. If something happens, sit down with your roommate and have a face-to-face conversation. I've seen roommate relations fall apart because something happens and, instead of talking to each other, the two start complaining about their roommates behind their backs.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Don't expect to be best friends.

    Some roommates become the best of friends, and some don't. Don't put pressure (压力) on yourself or your roommate, especially when you first meet.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} And if your roommate doesn't end up being your best friend, don't worry.

    Ask before you take.

    This applies (适用) to food, clothes and anything else. If you want to keep a relation going, show your roommate that you have respect for what is his or hers by asking first.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Clean up.

    This should do without saying. Don't be lazy. Or, at least, don't bury your roommate in your clothes and garbage.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} But being considerate with where you put your things will help you avoid conflict.

A. This creates nothing but terrible situations and unhappiness.

B. Even if you both agree to share everything, you should still ask.

C. So you need to think twice before you help your roommates out.

D. Sometime you get stuck with someone who has tons of bad energy.

E. You don't have all the time to clean your room and keep it organized.

F. It all starts with you to have a good relation with your roommate.

G. Remember, you're trying to make a new friend, not to frighten your roommate away.


    I have two younger cousins starting their “Third Year of High School.” Though I don't talk to them often, I'm both excited for them and also worried. Are they growing up too fast? Are they eating right? {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    I throw myself into anxiety. But, today, I stepped back for a moment and came to this realization: my cousins are smarter than my 16-year-old self. If I could go back in time, here's what I would say to myself.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} There's a time for everything—don't speed it up. This is especially true for love. Life is much longer than the distance from now until tomorrow.

    Maintain your digital diet. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Being connected has benefits, but please don't become a victim of the internet.

    Study. You're just starting to define who you want to be and what you want to do. Make sure you study, get the grades, light the midnight oil. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Study the other things in life—the people who are transforming your community and the simple stuff that makes our world go round. You will discover that each bit of detail will change how you view life.

    Be an upstander, not a bystander. Your biggest childhood regret is not standing up for that kid. The kid is the one who was accused of not fitting in right; the one whose shirt was always stained and whose eyes were dull. Your biggest regret is walking away. And, it doesn't matter if you turned away from the taunting(嘲弄). It doesn't even matter if you were nice to him when the other kids weren't around. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Take your time.

B. You'll regret not being more sympathetic, more courageous, more of a leader.

C. Are they dating?

D. Don't be afraid of what will happen.

E. But, don't just study what teachers say you should.

F. Are you worried about your life.

G. You don't need to spend every waking moment on a device.


    How do actors and actresses memorize hundreds of lines? Memorizing lines takes practice and constant repetition. However, there are a few ways to make the memorization process run smoothly and quickly.


    For most performers, there is no quicker way of memorizing lines. To learn lines, an actor must recite the play loud over and over again. Most rehearsals (彩排) encourage this by running through the lines or having a “read through”. By the time opening night arrives, most actors have spoken their lines hundreds of times.

    Listen to your cast members.

    Sometimes inexperienced actors spend rehearsals just looking at fellow performers, waiting patiently to say their next line. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} This will help the actor learn his lines better because the context of the dialogue is absorbed.


    Because there is often not enough rehearsal time, many performers find ways to listen to the play's dialogue during everyday activities. They use a tape recorder or an MP4 player to listen to the lines from each relevant scene (剧情). Some actors prefer to record the lines of all the characters, including their own. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Others like recording the lines of fellow cast members (参演人员), and they leave a blank space so that they can insert their dialogue while listening to the recording.

    Think positively and don't panic.

    Most actors will experience stage fright before the opening night. Actors forget lines now and then. When it happens, however, most of the time the audience never notice. If you forget a line in the middle of your performance, don't freeze. Stay in character. Keep the scene going to the best of your ability. If unfortunately you forget a line once, you will probably never forget that line ever again. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Record your lines.

B. Practice makes perfect.

C. Read lines loud and repeat them.

D. Read lines loud and remember them in a flash.

E. Sometimes embarrassment is the toughest method of memorization.

F. Then, they not only listen carefully, but they also speak all of the lines.

G. Instead, they should be listening carefully, responding in character at all times.

