
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    As most of us know, talking and listening don't go smoothly every time. Will parents take you seriously, believe what you say, listen to and respect your opinions?  But some of what happens depends on you, too. Since communication is a two-way street, the way you talk can influence how well a parent listens and understands you. So here are some guidelines to consider when talking to parents:

    Be clear and direct. Be as clear as you can about what you think, feel, and want. They can listen better or be more helpful if they understand what you mean and what's really going on.

    Be honest. If you're always honest, a parent will be likely to believe what you say. If you sometimes hide the truth or add too much drama, parents will have a harder time believing what you tell them. If you lie, they'll find it hard to trust you.

    Try to understand their point of view. If you have a disagreement, can you see your parents' side?Telling parents you understand their views and feelings helps them be willing to see yours, too.

    Try not to argue or complain. Using a tone that's friendly and respectful makes it more likely parents will listen and take what you say seriously.If you think your emotions might get the better of you, do something to blow off steam before talking: Go for a run. Cry. Do whatever it takes to sound calm when you need to.

A. Hit your pillow.

B. If you can, say so.

C. A lot depends on your parents.

D. Think twice before you make a decision.

E. Your parents won't always see things your way.

F. Give details that can help parents understand your situation.

G. Of course, this is hard for any of us when we're feeling heated about something.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Everyone, from homeless people to billionaires, is likely to be influenced by stress; there's simply no way to avoid it {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here are five powerful tips for ways to kill stress in almost any situation.

Eat Healthier

    Though a lot of stress is psychological, there are also plenty of physical factors that lead to this natural human response to noticed danger, In order to relieve stress, make sure you're treating your body right. A big part of this is eating healthier {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Anyway, adopting an alkaline(碱性的)diet instead of an acidic (酸性的)one is recommended.

Wake Up Earlier

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} However, waking up 15 or 20 minutes earlier each morning may have more benefits than sleeping in. By giving yourself some extra time, you won't feel quite rushed in the morning, which leads to better preparation and more confidence.


    Since you are never going to remove 100 percent of the stress in your life, one of the best things you can do is let it be one of your motivations. This is what stress is designed to do, after all. The psychological and physical reactions brought on by stress are supposed to heighten our senses and empower us to fight off a threat.

Watch a Funny Video

    Here is a simple and practical tip: watch a funny video on You Tube, Research shows that seeing something amusing activates the part of the brain that produces calm physiological(生理的)responses. This can lead to less anxiety and more happiness.

Take Walk Outside

    Whenever possible, make sure you take your walk outdoors {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It can improve energy levels and memory by as much as 20 percent.

A.A number of studies are two important keys to good health.

B.Diet and relaxation are two important keys to good health.

C.There are no magic”anti-stress”foods.

D.However, there are ways to reduce the amount of stress you suffer from.

E.Keep Positive Relationships

F.Let Stress Motivate You

G.It is certainly true that the more sleep you get, the less stressed you'll be.


How to Care for Your Ears?

    Ears not only let us hear, but they also paly a role in maintaining our balance, which is vital to our ability to function in daily life. Yet, we ignore them. We can't even see our ears, except in a mirror. We take it for granted what they do for us day in and day out—until we notice something worng, such as when an earache strikes or when we start having to ask people to repeat what they say. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

◆Clean your ear with a washcloth—covered finger only.

    Never put anything inside your ear canal, including cotton swabs (药签). {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

◆Leave earwax(耳垢) alone.

    Wax is your ear's way of eliminating (消除)anything foreign that gets into the ear canal. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you find you have too much earwax, use a few drops of earwax remover(去除剂)in the canal. After a few minutes, wash the ear with warm water.

◆Avoid noisy places.

    Rock concerts and construction sites are just a few places that frequently have noise levels that can damage

hearing.Any place where you have to shout to be heard should be avoided.


    Be careful not to play MP3 too loud, especially if using earphone.

◆Be careful with illness and medications.

    Respiratory illnesses should be treated to avoid their spread to the ears. Certain medications can damage hearing, so follow the directions carefully before taking them.

    See your doctor if you suffer from sudden hearing loss or hear noises in your head. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A.Most people don't need to clean wax out of their ears.

B.In such case, go to see a doctor as soon as possible.

C.These can be symptoms of a serious illness which needs to be treated.

D.This article will show you how to care for your ears.

E.Turn the volume down.

F.Avoid using earphones while listening to MP3.

G.Your ear canal is very narrow, and a swab can damage it.


How to Make Plans

    Most people get seared when talking about planning or writing plans.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} And you need to plan for success as planning redly works and inspires you to go straight ahead. However, how to create effective plans is still a problem. Don't worry, and just follow the steps below.

    Step 1{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    What plans have you had in the past? Probably, in some of your plans, you haven't ended up where you thought you were going to end up, Get a good understanding of what you have done and what you haven't done in the past. It is a primary foundation for your new plan. If having no plan, just take actions and make plans right now.

    Step 2 Think about the What - Ifs

    When you are building your plans, you should consider where you are going and make clear the What - Its, Because not everything just goes smoothly as you believe.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Step 3 Document the plans

    When starting to make plans, you should try to write them down. It is of key importance for the future.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In addition, make sure you have the plans fully written out with all the key elements concerned, including details.

    Step 4 Update the plans

    According to your written plans and actual situation, you should check out the plans you have completed and haven't completed.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Make sure all the assumptions are there and work out the details. After hanging on for some days, planning will be getting simpler and easier.

A. Review historical plans

B. Make new plans immediately

C. Actually, people are more likely to succeed in a planned way

D. And you need to continue what you haven't done and update it

E. Not all people can memorize every word they said and thought well

F. And what you should do next is to check your plan monthly or quarterly

G. For your benefits, you need to make Plan A and Plan B in case of changes and contingencies(偶发事件).


    The "Chong Yang Festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, which is also known as the Double Ninth Festival.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Climbing Mountains

    People like to climb mountains on this festival, so Double Ninth Festival is also called "Mountain-climbing Festival".

    The 9th lunar month, with clear autumn sky and bracing air, is a good time for sightseeing.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. It is really refreshing to climb mountains and enjoy the beauty of nature at this bright and clear time in autumn.

    Climbing mounting also indicates "climbing to a higher position". Another reason why climbing mountains are valued by people, especially by the elderly is that it has a meaning of "climbing to ligneous life". Climbing mountains on Double Ninth Festival was already popular in the Tang Dynasty.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    Drinking Chrysanthemum Flower(菊花) Wine

    The chrysanthemum flower wine is unique in brewing. In ancient times, people usually picked fresh chrysanthemum flowers and leaves on the 9th of the 9th lunar month, and brewed the mixture of them and grains into the wine.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. The wine is said to have wholesome effects on sharpness of the eye, drop of high blood pressure, reduction of weight and removal of stomach trouble, thus contributing to longevity.


    The Double Ninth cake is also known as "flower cake". It dates back to the Zhou Dynasty. It is said that the cake was originally prepared after autumn harvests for farmers to have a taste of what was just in season, and it gradually grew into the present cake for people to eat on the Double Ninth Day.

A. Eating Double Ninth Cake

B. Making “flower cake” with friends

C. A lot of poems were devoted to this custom

D. So people love to go sightseeing this month

E. It would not be drunk until the same day next year

F. Here are some traditional customs of the Double Ninth Festival

G. But few Chinese people are aware of the importance of the festival


A. Why has there been such growth in televised sport?

B. Why are there so many benefits of watching live sport on television?

C. Televised sport can be helpful in increasing people's value of teamwork.

D. There has been a general falling in ticket sales, especially among smaller clubs.

E. Through televised sport, more people have become interested in actually playing sport.

F. One obvious advantage of televised sport is the money provided by television companies.

G. However, it has also been responsible for changing the nature of live sports events for ever.

    It is now possible to watch live sport on television on any day of the week, and the present amount of reporting will undoubtedly increase further in years to come. This is certainly having an influence on the live sports events themselves, and there are both benefits and shortcomings to this.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} For one thing, with digital broadcasting, there are now many more TV channels than there were even ten years ago. Moreover, sport has become an important form of entertainment, attracting both men and women.

    What are the benefits of this televised sport? {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Large football clubs benefit financially (财政上) from TV income and the top players can be well paid. Less popular sports also receive money that can be used in training and advertising. What's more, there is a health benefit to some of the population. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    However, there will be some disadvantages if so much sport is on television. Considering football again, many small clubs have suffered financial losses recently, as they cannot compete with the large ones. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Fewer people watch live matches nowadays, preferring to watch from the comfort of their living room. And ticket prices have risen greatly.

    In a word, watching live sport on television has both good and bad effects. Televised sport has created many chances and benefited certain people and clubs very much. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}


    You have probably heard the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Lemons are considered not tasty while lemonade is considered sweet. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    But when something bad happens, it's common for most people to complain about life, " Why me?" That's like getting a bag of lemons and thinking, "Lemons taste bad! I just want chocolate!" {#blank#}2{#/blank#} But what if you did something with them? What if you made lemonade? Isn't it possible to do something similar in a bad situation?

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Let's say you're about to go to the movies, but you discover you have a flat tire(瘪了的轮胎). You consider this a terrible thing. After all, you're really looking forward to spending some time with your favorite film stars. Now you're very worried, hating the tire, the car, and your life. But what if you called AAA(美国汽车协会) to get your tire fixed or caught up on things that you' d been meaning to do? {#blank#}4{#/blank#} A bad experience can be turned into something good. Almost everything can work itself out into something better. You can't change what has happened, right? So make the best of it. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} The easy thing to do is to be disappointed about what has happened and not consider what it could be turned into.

    Next time when some bad things happen, stop and think, "How can I turn this around? How can I make it a positive experience?"

A. Here's an example.

B. I'm not saying it will be easy.

C. The answer to the problem is unique.

D. If you smile to life, it will smile back to you.

E. If you don't do anything with the lemons, they will go bad.

F. The saying tells you to make the best of a bad situation.

G. What if you did some reading, or had coffee with a friend instead.

