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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    More than 135,000 UK drinkers will die from cancer caused by alcohol(酒精)by the year 2035, researchers say. A study by Sheffield University and Cancer Research UK shows that alcohol will cost the NHS (National Health Service)£53 billion over the next ten years including £2 billion on cancer.

    Although alcohol is known to cause many types of cancer including breast and throat, most people don't realize the relation between alcohol and cancer. A survey of 2,100 Britons by the researchers earlier this year found nine in ten did not connect drinking with cancer. The researchers used a computer model to work out the numbers of alcohol-related cancer deaths, hospital admissions(入院)and total costs to NHS over the next 20 years.

    The study shows that a fifth of men and 1 in 10 women have alcohol every day—many of these are middle-aged and middle class. Researchers are very worried about this group as they believe cancer may be caused by drinking over long periods. The study shows that even if the cost stays as it is, alcohol-related cancer deaths will rise from 6,299 in 2015 to 7,097 in 2034. Alcohol will lead to 891,299 hospital admissions, up from 802,118 in 2015, and 65,005 will be caused by cancer.

    Earlier this year Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davies studied carefully the alcohol guidance(指导)for the first time in thirty years. She told people there was no safe level of drinking and advised them to drink no more than 14 units a week. But researchers say this guidance isn't enough and want the government to increase a little price per unit of alcohol.

(1)、What can we learn from the text?
A、Alcohol will be the main cause of cancer deaths. B、More people will get away from the habit of drinking. C、The computer model can help researchers to cut down costs on cancer. D、Most people are not clear about the relation between alcohol and cancer.
(2)、What is the researchers' hope for the government?
A、To continue to support the study. B、To put up the price of alcohol properly. C、To control alcohol-related cancer deaths. D、To study the alcohol guidance carefully.
(3)、What may be the best title for the text?
A、A Recent Study about Cancer B、The Cost of the NHS on Alcohol C、The Discovery of the Causes of Cancer D、Alcohol-related cancer over the Coming Years

    Runners who encounter visual and auditory distractions (干扰)may be more likely to suffer leg injuries, according to research by the Association of Academic Physiatrists in Las Vegas. Runners often seek distraction from the task at hand. Whether it be music, texting, daydreaming, taking in the sights, or propping a book up on the treadmill(跑步机), more often than not a distraction is welcome. But, researchers from the University of Florida have recently discovered those distractions may lead to injury.

    Daniel Herman, MD, assistant professor at University of Florida, and his team conducted research on the effects of visual and auditory distractions on 14 runners to determine what effect these distractions would have on things such as heart rate, how many times a runner breathes per minute and how much oxygen is consumed by the body.

    The runners were all injury-free at the time of the study and ran 31 miles each week. Dr . Herman's team had each participant run on a treadmill three separate times. The first time was without any distractions. The second time added a visual distraction, during which the runners concentrated on a screen displaying different letters in different colors with the runner having to note when a specific letter-color combination appeared. The third time added an auditory distraction similar to the visual distraction, with the runner having to note when a certain word was spoken by a certain voice.

    When compared to running without distractions, the participants applied force faster to their left and right legs called loading rate, with auditory and visual distractions. They also experienced an increased amount of force from the ground on both legs, called ground reaction force, with auditory distractions. Finally, the runners tended to breathe heavier and have higher heart rates with visual and auditory distractions than without any distractions at all.

    "Running in environments with different distractions may unfavorably affect running performance and increase injury risk," explains Dr. Herman. "Sometimes these things cannot be helped, but you may be able to minimize potentially cumulative(累积的) effects. For example, when running a new route in a chaotic environment such as during a destination of marathon, you may want to skip listening to something which may require more attention - like a new song playlist."

    Dr. Herman's team will continue to investigate the potential relationship between distracted running and leg injuries, and any effect this relationship has on different training techniques that use auditory or visual cues.


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    In our twenties, we find it funny when we can't remember our neighbor's cat's name or a handsome actor who starred in a famous movie. In our thirties, we jokingly call it "brain freeze". In our forties, we laugh it off as a" senior moment" and follow up with one of these old age jokes. But the reality is that there comes a point when being forgetful stops being funny and starts to seem a bit dreadful. You think, "Am I losing it?"Or worse, "Is this a sign of Alzheimer's disease(老年痴呆症)?"

    Well, don't worry. The fact that you recognize your own forgetfulness may be a very good sign, at least in terms of the possibility of your developing Alzheimer's disease(AD). The researchers in a new study show that it's not forgetfulness but not being aware that we're forgetful that we should fear.

    The researchers began with the assumption that one common feature of Alzheimer's dis-ease is a damaged awareness of illness. And they wanted to prove their theory that the lack of awareness can be used to predict whether someone with" mild cognitive(认知的)damage" will progress to full-on AD. For the study, "mild cognitive damage" was defined as someone whose mental state was considered healthy but who had either complained of memory loss or had suffered objective memory loss.

    The researchers used existing data for 1, 062 people between the ages of 55 and 90 that had been recorded over a 12-year period. The data included brain scans, which the researchers used to look for visual signs of reduced glucose uptake(葡萄糖吸收).It is an objective marker of the sort of reduced brain function that goes along with AD.As expected, glucose uptake was reduced in those with AD. What the researchers also discovered was that glucose uptake was reduced in those with mild cognitive damage who also showed evidence of reduced illness awareness. Finally, the researchers found that those who had reduced illness awareness were more likely to develop AD than those without.


    There's a world of difference between a horror movie and a comedy—the former scares you half to death while the latter leaves you rolling on the floor with laughter. But try watching them without the background music and you just might decide they're not so different after all. Music and movies have been closely connected since the beginning of the film industry—even before the voices of actors were recorded. In movies, music helps to provide a sense of time and place, convey ideas about the characters and, most importantly, draw emotions out of the audience.

    Studies have long shown that our heart rates and anxiety levels rise and fall depending on the speed of the music we hear. Using this knowledge, composers use sudden changes in film music speed to create fear among audiences. Slowing the speed of the music will have the opposite effect, bringing about a sense of peace or a dreamlike quality. The use of dissonant (不和谐的) tones and noises is another technique that heightens tension. Humans naturally become unnerved when we hear dissonant sounds because such noises are usually associated with danger, like those that animals make to warn against predators (捕食者).

    As crucial as it is, the best film music is subtle. All that audiences are supposed to feel is a heightened sense of emotion—they shouldn't realize what's causing it. Only when the music is taken out of the film should audiences understand its effects.

    In keeping with this principle, some filmmakers are even using what's called "infrasound" (次声波) to arouse fear. While we may not be able to hear it because its frequency is below the range of the human ear, infrasound has been proven to cause anxiety, tremble and even sorrow. For example, infrasound was used in the soundtrack of the 2007 horror movie Paranormal Activity, and audiences reposed extremely high fear levels despite the 1ack of action throughout the movie. "It doesn't affect everyone equally," said British science writer Philip Ball, author of The Music Instinct, but he predicted that "we will see more of it used in movies in the future".


After a long and hard journey that made international headlines, China's famous herd of wandering elephants appears to finally be heading home.

In August, the 14 Asian elephants of various sizes and ages were guided across the Yuanjiang river in Yunnan and a path was being made for them to return to the nature reserve in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.

The elephants' return completes a more than 500km odyssey that caught the attention of the country. The highlights of their trip included the birth of a calf in Pu'er in last November; and going viral for taking a nap. If they were just taking a walk in the forest, it wasn't a big deal. But the fact is, they left whatever they stepped on in ruins, causing great damage to local residents.

Local wildlife experts have been unable to pinpoint the reason the herd decided to move. One reason is given that the population of elephants in the nature reserve in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture is so large, which has increased from 190 to over 300 since 40 years ago, that there is not enough food for them. Some say that their move is due to the influence of the magnetic field of the earth and there is another story saying maybe that lead elephant lost its way, thus leading the herd out of the way. But Zhang Li, a professor on conservation biology at Beijing Normal University, told the Global Times in June that large-scale human engineering developments have sped up the ‘islanding'of elephant habitats.

This meant "the traditional safe zones between humans and elephants are gradually disappearing, and the chances of elephants encountering humans naturally increase greatly".

