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题型:阅读理解 题类: 难易度:普通


 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Last summer, two nineteenth-century cottages were rescued from remote farm fields in Montana, to be moved to an Art Deco building in San Francisco. The houses were made of wood. These cottages once housed early settlers as they worked the dry Montana soil; now they hold Twitter engineers. 

The cottages could be an example of the industry's odd love for "low technology", a concept associated with the natural world, and with old-school craftsmanship that exists long before the Internet era. Low technology is not virtual — so, to take advantage of it, Internet companies have had to get creative. The rescued wood cottages, fitted by hand in the late eighteen-hundreds, are an obvious example, but Twitter's designs lie on the extreme end. Other companies are using a broader interpretation of low technology that focuses on nature. 

Amazon is building three glass spheres filled with trees, so that employees can "work and socialize in a more natural, park-like setting." At Google's office, an entire floor is carpeted in grass. Facebook's second Menlo Park campus will have a rooftop park with a walking path. 

Olle Lundberg, the founder of Lundberg Design, has worked with many tech companies over the years. "We have lost the connections to the maker in our lives, and our tech engineers are the ones who feel impoverished (贫乏的), because they're surrounded by the digital world," he says. "They're looking for a way to regain their individual identity, and we've found that introducing real crafts is one way to do that." 

This craft-based theory is rooted in history. William Morris, the English artist and writer, turned back to pre-industrial arts in the eighteen-sixties, just after Industrial Revolution. The Arts and Crafts movement defined itself against machines. "Without creative human occupation, people became disconnected from life," Morris said. 

Research has shown that natural environments can restore our mental abilities. In Japan, patients are encouraged to "forest-bathe", taking walks through woods to lower their blood pressure. 

These health benefits apply to the workplace as well. Rachel Kaplvin, a professor of environmental psychology, has spent years researching the restorative effects of natural environments. Her research found that workers with access to nature at the office — even simple views of trees and flowers — felt their jobs were less stressful and more satisfying. If low-tech offices can potentially nourish the brains and improve the mental health of employees then, fine, bring on the cottages. 

(1)、Why did the writer mention the two nineteenth-century cottages?
A、To show that Twitter is having a hard time. B、To show that old cottages are in need of protection. C、To show that early settlers once suffered from a dry climate in Montana. D、To show that Internet companies have rediscovered the benefits of low technology.
(2)、Low technology is regarded as something that ____. 
A、is related to nature B、is out of date today C、consumes too much energy D、exists in the virtual world
(3)、What's the main idea of Paragraph 5?
A、Human beings have destroyed many pre-industrial arts. B、Human beings have a tradition of valuing arts and crafts. C、Human beings can become intelligent by learning history. D、Human beings can regain their individual identity by using machines.
(4)、What can be the best title for the passage? 
A、Past Glories, Future Dreams B、The Virtual World, the Real Challenge C、High-tech Companies, Low-tech Offices D、The More Craftsmanship, the Less Creativity

    “The car of tomorrow” runs one of the most famous businesses in advertising. People used to believe that science would promise a future of endless spare time and very cheap electricity. Nowadays the scientists' predictions are a great deal less optimistic: a world challenged by climate change and decreasing resources.

    In fact, “the car of the future” is just a symbol of hope. Carbon emis-Investment in new technology to maximize efficiency (效率) and minimize environmental damage is not only cleaning up the automobile producers' act but is also setting an example to other industries.

    It's said that most cars of today run at about 15 per cent efficiency, which does highlight the potential (突显潜力) for improvement. Get it right, and we could continue to enjoy the freedom that comes with owning a car, without the worries.

    Of course, many advances have already been made. There's evidence that the buying public is eager to switch to cleaner, greener cars. And with petrol prices increasing there is no doubt that economical, efficient engines are going to be in ever greater demand.

    The good news is that we can all drive “the car of tomorrow” today, without having to worry about the purchase cost. By choosing our holiday hire cars wisely we can cut down on our fuel costs and experience an eco-friendly drive whether or not we have already made the commitment back home. What's more, we are caring for the beautiful places we love to holiday in. Hire a green car and you make a difference to the environment.

    Designers will always enjoy catching our imagination with “concept cars” that look more like miniature spaceships than anything you see on the highway. Whether vehicles as radical (激进的) as these creations will eventually become family cars remains to be seen. But, for the moment, there's no doubt at all what “the car of tomorrow” will be, and it's here today: something familiar and friendly that does its job with considerably less trouble and much greater efficiency than the car of yesterday.


One moment it was quiet and calm in the forest, the next, the air was charged with tension. The elephant had heard the distant alarm calls of animals and her mood suddenly changed. I urged the elephant deeper into the forest. We sounded like a forest fire — cracking, snapping, trailblazing. But through all the noise came a sharp warning cry. The elephant stopped and we heard it again — the tell-tale call of a spotted deer.

    I looked quickly around the shadows of the forest. Rays of sunlight shone through tree branches, beneath which the patchwork(交错)of green plants and shadows-within-shadows would make tiger stripes(条纹)look more attractive. Apart from an occasional noise from the elephant's stomach, the forest was silent.

    Gradually, the tension slipped from our bodies. The elephant seized a nearby branch and put it into its mouth. I reached forward and gently moved my hand over the elephant's neck; there was a soft part, free of wrinkles and hairs, behind her ear.

    This was my fourth time to sense the aura of the forest in Corbett, although I saw no tigers in the end. Located at the foot of the Himalayan mountains, Corbett is home to about 135 Bengal tigers, but the forest seemed to be guarding their whereabouts(出没处), a silent reminder of their secrecy and rarity. Still, I was happy enough touching the elephant behind the ear. If I had so desperately wanted to see a tiger, I could have gone to a zoo. After all, spotting tigers merely confirms their beauty; tracking them can make you aware of something more.


    Why can't some people even get an inch of what they dream of becoming? Blame it on pure dreaming and lack of surrounding goals for achieving their dreams.

    Setting goals is very significant part of accomplishing and positive actions. It is like scaling(攀爬)a 200 feet construction and marking in the early hours on what feet you would like to reach at this specific period.

    People who set goals literally generate a map of their goal settings in life, marking where they should start, where to study a bit, and where and when to end. Once this map coms into being, it allows the map drawer to check where he is in the scheme(安排)of things and whether or not he is making some planning that will take him closer to his goals.

    By surrounding goals, people will know how they are doing and what they should be doing to get their goals or dreams in life. They will know if they can relax or if they have to double their efforts when they are falling short of what is expected of them.

    Goal surroundings means a person's proactive in dealing with challenges that may affect his plans. Being proactive means one is able to outline possible difficulties that may occur as well as the solutions to these difficulties. By doing this, a person is not easily scared or defeated when challenges occur because he has already prepared for them. He knows they can happen and he has prepared a solution or strategy when that time comes.

    Setting goals will enable people to track their progress in whatever hard work they set out to do. It will help people become more confident in themselves and more motivated to get their plans.


    In 2016, designer Liz Ciokajlo received a task from the Museum of Modern Art (Moma) in New York: revisit the Moon Boot, a fluffy-looking snowshoe inspired by the footwear used by the Apollo astronauts.

    Launched in 1972 at the height of the lunar missions, the Moon Boot is an icon of the 20th Century's “plastic age” and the museum administrators wanted a new take on it.

    Ciokajlo set out to reimagine it. She knew only a biomaterial would work in a “post-plastic age”, but the designer also wanted a new destination to inspire it. Our generation's space travel obsession is not the Moon, she thought, but the red planet Mars. And Mars allows you to really think outside of the box.

    The task led her to an amazing biomaterial that had already attracted the attention of engineers innovating m building materials and of top space agencies like NASA and ESA. Her final design, a tall, female, rough-looking boot, can be made on board a spaceship with almost only human sweat and a few fungus spores (真菌孢子), ideal for a seven-month trip to Mars with limited check-in luggage.

    This magic biomaterial is mycelium (菌丝体), the vegetative part of the fungus It looks like amass of white thread-like structures, each called hyphae. Collectively, these threads are called mycelium and are the largest part of the fungus.

    Mycelium has amazing properties. It is a great recycler, as it feeds off a substrate to create more material, and has the potential of almost limitless growth in the right conditions. It can endure more pressure than conventional concrete without breaking. It is a known insulator and fire-retardant and could even provide radiation protection on space missions.

    On Earth it's currently used to create ceiling panels, leather, packaging materials and building materials, but in outer space it stands out for its architectural potential, says artist and engineer Maurizio Montalti, who has teamed up with Ciokajlo.

    For her revisited boot, Ciokajlo wanted to use the human body as the source for some of the building materials and decided to employ sweat. Reusing sweat is not entirely new in space exploration but a novelty approach for footwear. She thinks it might make astronauts feel closer to home during the long journey to Mars.

    The design is still hypothetical, because the real boot submitted for Moma and currently in display at the London Design Museum did use mycelium but not human sweat, as their deadline was too tight, but the science checks out.


    It was only -28℃ when we landed in Siberia. That was cold enough to make breathing difficult. Five minutes later, I asked for a second pair of gloves and pulled my scarf tight over my nose and mouth. Clearly, I was a complete beginner to this. At the bus station, Mikhail laughed when we asked him why he wasn't freezing. He had spent the whole day outside only with his fur hat and a sheepskin coat for warmth. It was mid-afternoon and icicles(冰柱)were hanging from his beard.

    In Siberia, there's a belief that enough vodka(伏特加酒)will save you from the cold. However, it's wrong. The local hospital is crowded. Even here, icicles are hanging down on the inside of the windows, though the heating is at full power. The doctors are too busy to talk to us.

    The winter here is cruel —and this one is especially so. After her work as a teacher, Natasha Fillipova comes home. It is a freezing house. She shows us the bedroom — where ice has built up on the inside walls. One night, Natasha washed her hair before going to bed. When she woke up, it was frozen hard to the wall. Now the children are doing their homework in the bathroom — the only room warm enough to sit in. Natasha doesn't want to complain. But she is angry with the government and the architects for building terrible houses.

    The houses here are supposed to stand up to -40℃, but they don't. And her children are ill with coughs and colds. Of course, Natasha's anger is brief, and she seems embarrassed about it. According to her, Siberians are used to the cold weather. People here prefer to depend on themselves and the knowledge that spring will come in the end.

