
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    It was only -28℃ when we landed in Siberia. That was cold enough to make breathing difficult. Five minutes later, I asked for a second pair of gloves and pulled my scarf tight over my nose and mouth. Clearly, I was a complete beginner to this. At the bus station, Mikhail laughed when we asked him why he wasn't freezing. He had spent the whole day outside only with his fur hat and a sheepskin coat for warmth. It was mid-afternoon and icicles(冰柱)were hanging from his beard.

    In Siberia, there's a belief that enough vodka(伏特加酒)will save you from the cold. However, it's wrong. The local hospital is crowded. Even here, icicles are hanging down on the inside of the windows, though the heating is at full power. The doctors are too busy to talk to us.

    The winter here is cruel —and this one is especially so. After her work as a teacher, Natasha Fillipova comes home. It is a freezing house. She shows us the bedroom — where ice has built up on the inside walls. One night, Natasha washed her hair before going to bed. When she woke up, it was frozen hard to the wall. Now the children are doing their homework in the bathroom — the only room warm enough to sit in. Natasha doesn't want to complain. But she is angry with the government and the architects for building terrible houses.

    The houses here are supposed to stand up to -40℃, but they don't. And her children are ill with coughs and colds. Of course, Natasha's anger is brief, and she seems embarrassed about it. According to her, Siberians are used to the cold weather. People here prefer to depend on themselves and the knowledge that spring will come in the end.

(1)、What can be inferred from Paragraph 1?
A、It is difficult to breathe in Siberia. B、The author wasn't used to such cold weather. C、Mid-afternoon is the coldest in Siberia's winter. D、A fur hat and a sheepskin coat are enough in Siberia's winter.
(2)、What can we learn about that local hospital in Siberia?
A、The heating there is in poor condition. B、It doesn't have enough medical equipment. C、It's so warm inside that nobody wants to leave. D、Vodka is provided in the hospital.
(3)、What does the example of Natasha Fillipova show?
A、Drinking vodka can't save one from the cold. B、Being a teacher is poor in Siberia. C、The bathroom is the warmest room in a Siberian house. D、Some houses in Siberia can't reach the standard required.
(4)、What do Siberians think of the especially cold winter?
A、Acceptable. B、Fantastic. C、Impressive. D、Unbearable.

    When Nancy Flexer opened the door to her classroom near the end of her final school year, all 41 years of her career as a beloved first-grade teacher came to life right in front of her.

    Cole Elementary School in Tennessee surprised Flexer with a memorable and emotional retirement party featuring former students of all ages, dating back to the first class she taught in the 1973-74 school year. A video of the event shows an overwhelmed Flexer being moved to tears as she hears former students who are now adults tell her how much she affected their lives.

    "I'm one of the luckiest people in this world," Flexer said. "I remember I opened the door to the classroom thinking no one was in there, and it was wall-to-wall people and banners and everything. It was the coolest thing that could've ever happened in my life. How many times do we really realize the lives we've touched, the manner in which we've touched them, and that these are memories that stay with them for life?"

    Despite being young when they were taught by Flexer, students easily recalled the heartwarming notes she wrote them on report cards, the ways she helped them overcome shyness and awkwardness, and how she inspired them to future academic success to earn scholarships and advanced degrees.

Even though Flexer hadn't seen some of the former students for decades, she instantly remembered the names of every single one there.

    A scrapbook(剪贴簿) of her career was presented to her as one student after another recalled the effect Flexer had on his or her life.

    “I've had many opportunities to move to a school closer to my home, but I said 'Cole gave me so much in my life that when I retire, I will retire from Cole school and give back what's been given to me.” Flexer said. “My career could've taken me nowhere that would have made me happier. I think of it as a blessing.”


    Forcing waiters and waitresses to survive on tips from customers rather than normal wages is a pointless, crude, and unique American custom that, in the past several years, a handful of progressive restaurant owners have attempted to do away with. Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group, is about to join their ranks and has announced that he plans to gradually stop tipping at the company's 13 restaurants.

    What, exactly, is wrong with tipping? As Brian Palmer has explained, more or less it's everything. To start, leaving a waiter's pay in the hands of customers has a feeling of classism (阶级歧视). And in theory, handing restaurant customers the power to tip is at least supposed to motivate better service. This fails in practice because humans turn out to be pretty arbitrary (随意的) about their tipping behavior. Research has shown that the amount diners tip has very little to do with their level of satisfaction. All of this doesn't encourage waiters and waitresses to do anything but turn over as many tables as possible.

    Tipping is also very unfair to kitchen staff. The law allows restaurants to divide tips between front-of-the-house workers like waiters, hosts, hostesses, and bartenders (调酒师), but not cooks. This creates a system in which the people serving the food in a restaurant can earn more than the people preparing it.

    One of the most fascinating parts of Meyer's move is that, unlike some restaurant owners who have taken an anti-tipping stand, he won't simply add a standard extra charge to diners' bills. Rather, Union Square Hospitality Group means to raise menu prices enough to fully cover the cost of a meal. If Meyer manages to move away from tipping at all without hurting his profits, it would almost certainly set the stage for others to follow suit.


    People You've Never Heard of Who Changed the World

    It is a fact that most people live their lives unremarked by history. Whether by design or by accident, there are some pioneers whose achievements changed the course of history but whose names are unknown to us.

    James Harrison

    James Harrison has saved the lives of over two million people by donating his blood 1,173 times, a Guinness world record. His blood produces a rare antibody (抗体) which cures the otherwise deadly Rhesus disease in unborn children. It has also been used in the development of a medicine anti-D, which will cure the Rhesus disease in children forever.

    Lewis Latimer

    After helping Alexander Graham Bell obtain his patent for the telephone, Lewis Latimer patented a carbon filament (碳灯丝), which allowed light bulbs to burn for hours before burning out, much more useful than that invented by Thomas Edison. Latimer went on to invent many other useful devices, including a device which cooled and cleaned patients' rooms in hospitals.

    Maurice Hilleman

    Not all achievements require bravery and self-sacrifice. Take Maurice Hilleman for example. He found another way to change the world. He developed the mumps vaccine (疫苗) after his daughter got the illness. And he didn't stop there. In total, he has single-handedly developed over 40 vaccines, including eight commonly given to children. His work has saved millions of lives and prevented serious consequences due to the diseases.

    Nils Bohlin

    In 1959 Nils Bohlin patented a revolutionary design that has saved millions of lives-the three-point safety belt. After the initial resistance from drivers who hated being told what to do, and even for their own good, the three-point belt has become a standard feature in new cars around the world.


Whizzfizzing Festival

    One of the "Home Counties" to the north and west of London, Buckinghamshire is known for the rolling Chiltern Hills, its pretty villages, and the much-loved children's author Roald Dahl.

    The writer who penned Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Witches, Matilda and The Big Friendly Giant is the i9nspiration for the Whizzfizzing Festival – which will transform the market-town of Aylesbury into all kinds of music, colour and fun on Saturday, 1 July.

    Formerly known as The Roald Dahl Festival, this year's event will celebrate a broad range of children's films and bring to life some of its best-loved characters – from Alice in Wonderland and the Gruffala to The Big Friendly Giant and Harry Potter.

    Things to see and do

    The fun and festivals start at 11 a.m. with a colourful children's parade. More than 650 local school children and teachers, many in fancy dress, will march through the town carrying giant carnival puppets(木偶), with thousands of audiences lining the streets to watch.

    The parade will be followed with a range of child-friendly activities and workshops held in venues across the town.

    Don't be late for the Mad Hatters Tea Party in the Bucks County Museum, catch a splendid screening of a Roald Dahl movie in the Old Court House, and watch leading children's authors, including Julian Clary, give readings in the Market Square.

    CBeebies' children's chef Katy Ashworth will once again be cooking up a storm with her inter-active

    Concoction Kitchen, located outside Hale Leys Shopping Centre. Little chefs will have lots of opportunities to get involved with preparing, cooking – and best of all, tasting – Katy's fabulous recipes.

    With hands-on arts and crafts workshops, storytelling sessions, live music, a fancy dress competition, street theatre and more, there is something for everyone.

    For more information, visit: http://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/cylesbury-whizzfizzing- festival-inspired- roald-dahl


    The big fire in April that tore through the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris(巴黎圣母院) is still fresh in people's minds. The 800-year-old landmark suffered great damage to its top, but thankfully the most valuable religious relics and cultural treasures were undamaged.

    So a US publishing company GoArchitect organized the People's Design Competition to invite designers, worldwide to share their ideas of rebuilding the French landmark. The open call attracted more than 200 proposals from 56 countries and regions. In the end, Chinese architects Cai Zeyu and Li Sibei won the competition with their striking design. They are both the post-90s generation.

    Named "Paris Heartbeat", the design replaces the old top with a kaleidoscope(万花筒) of multifaceted mirrors, which is combined with a mirror roof, reflecting the ever–changing urban environment.

    The kaleidoscope is the floating "time capsule", at the top using magnetic levitation(磁悬浮) technology, which is meant to open every half century. The "time capsule" moves up and down, breathing and beating together with the city.

    "I believe that the 'time capsule' can be achieved with present technology," Cai told the Global Times.

    The pair hoped that their design, Paris Heartbeat, could meet people's high expectations for the rebuilding. As Cai and Li told GoArchitect, "Notre Dame witnessed Parisian history. It burns, survives and co-breathes with the ever-changing world…The 2019 fire will mark a new era."

    Though people still don't know what kind of design the French government will choose, it's clear that people around the world hope that the lost beauty of Notre Dame will come back. Once rebuilt, it will certainly become a permanent part of history and the Parisian skyline again.

