
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



New kinds of tourism

    People are travelling more than ever before. The World Tourism Organisation says that by 2020 the number of international travellers will be more than 1.6 billion people per year. Here are four different kinds of tourism that have appeared recently.

    Medical tourism can be for a lot of things, from operations to visits to the dentist. A few of the popular countries offering medical tourism are India, Cuba, Thailand and Jordan.

    Nearly all tourists eat in restaurants, and dining is one of the top three tourist activities. But if you were in a country famous for its food, would you learn how to cook it? Welcome to the unusual form of culinary (烹饪的) tourism, where people go to another country to learn how to prepare its food.

    Examples include tours to New Orleans after Hurricane (飓风) Katrina, to  parts  of Thailand after the tsunami (海啸) or tourist visits to ground zero in New York. This kind of tourism is not very popular with local people for understandable reasons.

    Another growing area of tourism is literary (文学的) tourism. It can be connected to the life of an author, for example, visiting the author's home or favourite places, or connected to the lives of characters in a story. It can also be a visit to a place where a film was made.

A. Cooking holidays are growing in popularity now.

B. It is known that few sites of disasters can be visited.

C. Many people enjoy these historical tourist attractions.

D. Disaster tourism is the act of visiting the site of a disaster.

E. This is a kind of cultural tourism and there are several types.

F. This kind of tourism includes going to a different country for health care.

G. The increase in the number of tourists also means an increase in the kinds of tourism.


Ways to Have an Amazing Day

    I am a big believer in the Law of the Harvest: we harvest what we sow. If we plant the seeds of success every day, we will get a successful harvest. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Try new things

    So many of life's great experience wait just on the other side of our fears or our comfort zone. When the opportunity to try something new comes up, ask yourself, “Why not?” {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Don't miss out on the great moments that are waiting all around you every day!

Keep learning

    When we were kids it seemed that every day had something new that we had not experienced before. That is why young children will ask their parents “Why?” about a thousand times a week. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} A lifetime of learning leads to a love for life.

Be kind

    It has been said that you can measure a person by how he treats the people who can do nothing for him. How often do you stop to talk to the people you meet with every day?One great way to get more out of your day is to fill it with people you know. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} And take a moment to learn a little about them.

Find a purpose

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It may be to run a marathon, write a book, start a business, develop a product, or learn a new hobby or profession.

A. Have one or more big “life goals”.

B. If we don't plant enough, we cannot have a good harvest.

C. We are learning and growing.

D. You have to make the most of every day in life.

E. Provide meaningful services for other people in any situation.

F. Many of the great moments in life are linked to new experiences.

G. The best way to know more people is to be kind to everyone you meet.


    Some people are naturally better than others at social activities. There are the lucky few that draw people to them without any effort. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Put yourself at ease and remember these tips:

    Smile! A smile is understood in any culture and any age as a sign of friendship. So go ahead! It will put the other person at ease. You will seem approachable and happy. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Make eye contact. Good eye contact engages the other person to you. When you are introduced to someone, shake their hands and repeat their names. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Making eye contact shows you have confidence and shows you are interested in the other person.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Having a trusted friend next to you makes it less frightening to walk into a room full of people. But remember that even if you walk in as a pair, it doesn't mean you just stick together the whole time. The point in a social gathering is you make friends with other people.

    Go to social settings with a shared interest. For example joining an art class automatically puts you in a setting with other people you already have a common interest in. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A.Go with friends.

B.Ask the other person questions.

C.That will help you remember their names.

D.This is the worst impression to make in any setting.

E.It will let the other person know that you are safe to talk to.

F.But for most of us, we feel shy and awkward in social activities.

G.You now have something to talk about and work it from there.


    Every one complains. Even if you argue that you are the happiest person in the world you still complain sometimes. Sometimes you complain without even realizing it, but rarely is it ever helpful. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Here are some tips to stop complaining and give up the negative thoughts:


    When you find yourself thinking or saying a negative comment about something or someone, stop and force yourself to say something positive instead. Seek the help of a cheerful friend to change you when you complain and help you to see the positive in the situation.

    Make a list of things we are grateful for.

    We often complain about the things we don't have without noticing those things we already have. Be grateful for what we have in our life because we are lucky simply for being ourselves.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Learn to adapt to the changes.

    There are many things we can't change. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Always find the positive side of each situation regardless of however difficult the situation is. With parents' and friends' support we can survive any life changes.

    Allow yourself to vent(发泄)your feelings every once in a while.

    Constantly ignored negative thoughts could add up If you are really going through a rough time, don't be afraid to share your feelings with a close friend or family member or see a therapist.

    Find what makes you happy.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Maybe it is time to make the hard decision to move on to another job or career. Uncover what your biggest complaints are about and see if you can change the situation to make you happy.

    Choose happiness focus on the positive and be kind always!

A. Change the way you think

B. Make friends with positive people

C. The best and only thing we can do is to accept them

D. Are you constantly complaining about your present job?

E. Sometimes this list can be easy, full of hobbies you enjoy.

F. So how can you manage to force yourselves to end complaining?

G. Set down things we are thankful for and we'll see that we don't have any reason to complain.


A. Keep it challenging

B. Eat for Performance

C. You'll know exactly what you need to do every day and each run builds on the next.

D. So you'll need to combine running with a healthy diet.

E. If you're hoping to use running to lose weight, here's some advice on how to be successful.

F. Here are ways to improve your running motivation.

G. But if that's not possible, try to shoot for at least 3-4 times per week.

4 Key Strategies for Running to Lose Weight

    As one of the most active exercises out there, running is an extremely efficient way to burn calories and lose weight. A 150-pound person will burn approximately 100 calories per mile when running. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    ①Healthy Eating is the First Step

    If you want to lose weight by running, keep in mind that you'll only lose pounds if you burn more calories than you consume. To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3500 calories. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Runners do have special nutrition needs, but the basic principles for healthy eating still apply. Try choosing smaller portions of high-fat and high-calorie foods and eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

    ②Follow a training schedule

    Sticking to a training schedule is a simple way to stay motivated to run. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} So it's much harder to postpone or skip workouts. Following a schedule can also help you avoid a running injury by not increasing your mileage too quickly.

    ③Run regularly

    If you don't want to follow a schedule, you still need to have some consistency with your running because you won't lose weight by running once a week. It's best to get some activity every day. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you find that your motivation to run is suffering, follow some necessary tips to get inspired.


    Incorporating speed work or interval training (running at a very fast speed for short intervals of time) into your running routine can also help your weight loss efforts. Speed work burns a great amount of calories in a short period of time. You'll also increase your muscle mass, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day.


How to calm your teens

    A major source of teen stress is school exams, and test anxiety is not uncommon. When you recognize your teen is under stress, how can parents help your teen stay calm before an exam?

    Be involved. Parents need to be involved in their teen's work. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}What they look for is your presence - to talk, to cry, or simply to sit with them quietly. Communicate openly with your teen. Encourage your teen to express his worries and fears, but don't let them focus on those fears.

    Help them get organized. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Together, you and your teen can work out a time-table in which she can study for what she knows will be on the test.

    Provide a calm setting. Help your teen set up a quiet place to study and protect his privacy.

    Give them a nutritious diet. It's important for your teen to eat a healthy, balanced diet during exam times to focus and do her best. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If this happens, encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches. A healthy diet, rather than junk food, is best for reducing stress.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Persuade your teenager to get some sleep and/or do something active when she needs a real break from studying. Making time for relaxation, fun, and exercise are all important in reducing stress. Help your teen balance her time so that she will feel comfortable taking time out from studying to spend time with friends or rest.

    Show a positive attitude. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Your panic, anxiety and blame contribute to your teen's pressure. Make your teen feel accepted and valued for her efforts. Most importantly, reassure your teen that things will be all right, no matter what the results are.

A. Encourage your teen to relax.

B. The best thing is simply to listen.

C. They will only make the situation worse.

D. A parent's attitude will dictate their teen's emotions.

E. Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite.

F. Your teen may also make negative comments about themselves.

G. Help your teen think about what she has to study and plan accordingly.


    If you want to plan a great party, you should focus on the three parts before the party, in the party and after the party, which are necessary for a successful party.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If the guest has just suffered a sad experience or has no time to go to your party indeed, you shouldn't send invitation letters to bother him. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Then, in the case of holding the party, the first and foremost thing is to create a good atmosphere to have an enthusiasm (热忱) party. For example, you can plan some simple but interesting games in advance, {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Dancing and singing are also acceptable for teenagers. But as for the old, it's necessary to prepare a quiet place for them.

     Last but not least, you could send the letters of thanks to the guests. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}And even next time they will enter your happy party whenever and wherever.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} And then if you mention the details, which I talked about just now, I'm sure that you will be more successful in your party.

A. which let your guests relaxed and delighted.

B. If you do that, your guests will feel thankful.

C. Here're some tips on how to hold a successful party.

D. Above all, believe in yourself and make sure of the place and time.

E. Besides, you should know different guests, special customs and hobbies.

F. First, you should survey your guests before you send the letters of invitation.

G. In short, planning a great party isn't an easy thing because many things should be considered.

