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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Here are four famous museums for family visits in Washington DC.

    Dinosaur Museum

    The museum features evidence, facts and tons of amazing sculptures of some of the most powerful and sometimes scary animals that ever controlled the Earth. The artists used real dinosaur bones to form the reproductions so they are extremely life-like.

    Witte Museum

    Originally established in 1926, this museum offers guests a comprehensive look at a more than 3-century span (跨度) of history. Called the center where nature, science and culture meet, the museum prides itself on providing guests with immersive (沉浸的) experiences, such as being taken back to cowboy days in the Heritage Center or digging through sand to find dinosaur bones.

    The best part? The museum is constantly switching out some exhibits to better suit the season and provide guests with a different experience each time they visit.

    Museum of Illusions

    Step inside a completely new world at Orlando's newest exhibit the Museum of Illusions! This unique educational attraction is the perfect combination of fun and art, allowing visitors of all ages to test the limits of their mind. Focused on planting the seeds of curiosity, the astonishing images at the exhibitions remind guests that everything is not always as it seems.

    World's Largest Toy Museum

    Release your inner kid and visit the World's Largest l oy Museum, which will take you back in time with one million toys from the 1800's to today. You'll surely be excited to check out your "hero" toys from your childhood. The tours are self-guided and guests are allowed to leave and return during the same day.

    (1) Which of the museums is best at stimulating children's imagination?
    A . Dinosaur Museum. B . Witte Museum. C . Museum of Illusions. D . World's Largest Toy Museum.
    (2) What can a tourist do in the Witte Museum?
    A . Visit some seasonal exhibits. B . Watch the dinosaur reproductions. C . Enjoy interacting with true cowboys. D . Learn about the museum's 300-year history.
    (3) What can we learn about World's Largest Toy Museum?
    A . It displays the oldest toys in the world. B . It provides visitors with immersive experiences. C . It is meant for children with the theme of heroes. D . It allows tourists to come unlimited times in a day.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    With bars shut down all over the world, that sense of community has now been absent for over a year. But one bar in Mexico decided to do something about it by recreating some of those sounds at a bar for those confined (限制) at home.

    Started in 2012 by Oscar Romo, the bar named Maverick was a little neighborhood spot with live music and a small patio (露台) outside. It was a place for everyone to interact and Romo called it "A Place For Encounters".

    Things went well until the pandemic (疫情) hit in 2020. "Everything was closed," says Romo with a sigh. "We were not allowed to sell anything for two months. Obviously, the bar was hurting financially." But what hurt Romo most was that the sense of community they had worked so hard to build evaporated overnight. I didn't realize how important it was. Those normal things that you took for granted are now not there. It's really painful, he says.

    Romo determined to do something and that was where things got interesting. Considering the silence the outbreak brought about, he came to a realization: It was the sounds of the bar that really brought the sense of community home.

    "People came here because of the conversations, the atmosphere, the music and the sense of being with stranger," Romo says. So he recorded each of those sounds individually on a website, called IMissMyBar.com. The idea was that customers could put all the sounds together, and feel like they were in Maverick, while sitting around their homes, having a drink. It really worked.

    The website has been getting noticed and shared by people who are going through the same feeling of loss around the world.

    “What we want is for people to realize how important bars are in our lives, really, not just from the drinking angle, but from the social life," Romo says.

    (1) what does the underlined word "evaporated" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A . Expanded. B . Disappeared. C . Caught on. D . Got misunderstood.
    (2) Why did Romo create the website IMissMyBar.com?
    A . To win reputation for his bar. B . To get higher economic profits. C . To make online orders convenient. D . To recover the sense of community.
    (3) Which of the following best describes Romo?
    A . Energetic and conventional. B . Humble and imaginative. C . Caring and creative. D . Generous and cooperative.
    (4) What can we infer from the text?
    A . The bar culture helps strengthen social bonds. B . Maverick has managed to live through the pandemic. C . Many bars will restore their business with Romo's support. D . Romo's website contributes to building harmonious communities.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    The "30 by 30" campaign to protect 30% of the world's oceans by 2030, supported by more than 70 nations, is known mostly for ambition and few achievements so far. Just 7% of the seas are protected and only 2.7% are highly protected.

    Setting aside nearly a third of the oceans, the fishers say, is an idea developing nations in South America and elsewhere can hardly afford. That argument against a large expansion of sea protected areas is heard around the world, and the gap between conservationists and fishers has grown wider as fish population declines and the appetite for seafood grows along with the global population.

    Research published recently aims to dramatically change that situation. The study suggests that protecting 30% of the oceans not only could restore biodiversity to ocean habitats, it could also increase the annual global catch by eight million tons about 10% of the catch today. After all, the only way to get more food from the ocean is to protect more. And, as a bonus, it would provide a "cheap, natural solution" to climate change by reducing the amount of seafloor carbon emitted (排放) into the seas by fishing trawlers (拖网渔船).

    In the study, an international team of 26 scientists analyzed the world's unprotected ocean waters to calculate which are threatened by overfishing, habitat destruction, and release of carbon. The team then mapped locations globally where protections would provide the greatest benefits to fish resources, biodiversity and climate.

    The findings can be used by nations to address the three related aspects separately or in combination. Fully addressing all three will require that at least 30% of the oceans be protected, but nations can still realize significant protections by focusing on key areas, and global cooperation to strategically locate protected areas can be nearly twice as effective as individual nations working alone.

    (1) What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?
    A . The wide support for the campaign. B . The challenges of protecting the oceans. C . The worldwide efforts to resist illegal fishing. D . The achievements in reducing ocean pollution.
    (2) Which is not the benefit of restoring oceans?
    A . It keeps sea species stable. B . It improves the global climate. C . It helps to increase fish population. D . It removes carbon from the seafloor.
    (3) What is the purpose of the text?
    A . To discuss the methods of fishing sustainably. B . To stress the importance of biological balance. C . To appeal for building ocean protected areas globally. D . To introduce the background of the "30 by 30" campaign.
    (4) In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
    A . Environment. B . Geography. C . Travel. D . Economy.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    A study of Australian teens' Instagram (a popular photo social media platform) usage found 57% of Australian teenagers use it, while 30% reported being contacted by a stranger, and 20% reported being sent inappropriate unwanted content.

    Facebook is considering launching a version of Instagram for children under the age of 13 to safely use it. Currently the company does not allow people who are under 13 to create an account on the platform. A spokesperson for Facebook, announced the company was exploring a parent-controlled version, similar to the Messenger Kids app that is for kids between 6 and 12.

    "Increasingly kids are asking their parents if they can join apps that help them keep up with their friends. Right now there aren't many options for parents, so we're working on building additional products that are suitable for kids, managed by parents," the spokesperson said. "We're exploring bringing a parent-controlled experience to Instagram to help kids keep up with their friends, discover new hobbies and interests, and more."

    In a blog post, the company noted that although people were asked to enter their ages when signing up for Instagram, there was nothing to prevent them from lying about their ages at registration. Facebook said it would overcome that by using machine learning in association with the registration age to determine people's ages on the platform.

    The company also announced plans to roll out new safety features, including preventing adults from messaging children under 13, sending safety notices to children when they are messaged by an adult who sends a lot of friend requests, and making it more difficult for adults to find and follow children using the search function in Instagram. Children will also be encouraged to keep their profiles private at the point of registration.

    (1) What do the numbers in paragraph 1 mainly illustrate?
    A . Instagram's security risks in teens' usage. B . Instagram's popularity among young people. C . Instagram's resistance to teens' social interaction. D . Instagram's initiative for children to post photos.
    (2) What does Facebook expect of the additional version of Instagram?
    A . It will not require registration. B . Kids can use it under parental monitor. C . It will replace the Messenger Kids in the future. D . Kids can keep in closer touch with parents through it.
    (3) How will Instagram identify the users' ages?
    A . By sending safety notices to the users. B . By looking through the users' profiles. C . By checking over the registration information. D . By combining technological recognition with the input ages.
    (4) What can be the best title for the text?
    A . Facebook: A Company Devoted to Developing New Products B . Australia Attempts to Prevent Illegal Behavior on Social Media C . Facebook Is to Build a Version of Instagram for Children Under 13 D . Instagram: A Platform Building Connection Between Parents and Children


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。

    If you have an uphill hike in your future, you may be worried about how your body is going to hold up over mile after mile of altitude gain. Don't be scared.

    Depending on what kind of hike you are going to take, you'd better make a good plan accordingly to ensure the effectiveness of your hike.  For example, if your hike is very steep, add some stair sets to your workout by climbing stairs every day or going to a gym where there are stair-step machines that will help you get into climbing shape.

    Uphill climbing requires hard work from your core muscles. Your legs, feet and knees work overtime when you go uphill and downhill. If you carry a backpack, your upper body, including your arms and shoulders, also plays a big part.  If you've been jogging for twenty minutes, try building up to forty minutes with a hilly hike while wearing a backpack. If you've been walking for your exercise, alternate longer walks with walks that include hills. And you can also build new muscles by doing weight lifting at home.

    Of course, to guarantee safe and effective training, don't forget to add stretching to your routine.  Be sure to stretch your body thoroughly before and after your training.

     Even if you think you can't complete your full workout, promise yourself that you'll at least get started. Chances are that once you get moving, you'll keep on until you finish. Then you can enjoy the satisfaction of getting in great shape for your hike one day in the near future!

    A. As with any workout program, the key is to keep at it.

    B. If your motivation falls behind, try to find out the reason.

    C. Sometimes it requires you to rearrange your daily routine.

    D. More often than not, you have to stick to what you normally do.

    E. So it's time to increase the intensity of your training to build strength.

    F. It prevents injuries and helps tired muscles recover from a hard workout.

    G. Good planning, some training and enough determination will lead you up the hills.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    My son left our home in California for Cornell University several days ago. Yesterday he called, saying he was feeling 1 , He had no 2 to go down to the dining hall because he had hardly 3 the whole night before due to food poisoning.

    I googled and found a convenience store on campus. I immediately 4 and got Seth, the manager, on the phone. I explained the trouble and asked whether I could buy some items to be 5 in my son's room.

    After hearing me out, Seth said, "I'm so sorry that your son is having such a(n)6 start to the term. Don't worry. I'll 7 it for your son. What would you like to buy?"

    I told him what I wanted and he 8 to send these things to my son as soon as he could.

    My son texted me within one hour that the things had been 9. I was 10 to know he had some food at his bedside. Grateful, I called Seth to ask how much I owed him and that I could let my son 11 him later on.

    "Forget it," Seth said immediately, "We got this. Hope your son feels better soon.”

    "Oh, no, no, I can't take your things for nothing, I 12 .

    "You can send us some of the California sunshine," Seth replied 13, leaving me speechless and touched.

    In fact, it is Seth who has given me 14 that will last a lifetime. He made sure my son's first week at college was warm and sunny, and helped him build 15 that the world is a friendly place.

    A . ashamed B . disappointed C . bored D . unwell
    A . time B . courage C . energy D . mood
    A . slept B . eaten C . moved D . recovered
    A . went B . called C . left D . replied
    A . given back B . picked up C . cleared away D . dropped off
    A . hopeless B . unforgettable C . different D . unpleasant
    A . arrange B . buy C . keep D . order
    A . claimed B . attempted C . promised D . declined
    A . prepared B . delivered C . collected D . examined
    A . relieved B . proud C . honored D . astonished
    A . reward B . praise C . pay D . remind
    A . insisted B . demanded C . admitted D . complained
    A . shyly B . considerately C . jokingly D . curiously
    A . confidence B . warmth C . support D . inspiration
    A . expectation B . influence C . determination D . faith


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Sanxingdui Site, dating back to 3,000 to 4,000 years ago, was first discovered in 1929. It is considered one of the most important archaeological sites along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

    Large excavation (发掘) began in 1986, when two pits (坑) —  (wide)  believed for sacrificial (祭祀) ceremonies — were discovered and over 1,000 strange-looking artifacts were dug up,  (draw) wide public attention.

     (get) a better understanding of the unique civilization, archaeologists reconducted an investigation of No.1 and No.2 pits in October 2019. This time, six more pits were discovered with over 500 artifacts excavated, including the  (large) gold mask ever found, ivory and silk. Besides, more cong appeared, which is a typical jade artifact variety originating from  5,000-year-oId Liangzhu Culture far away in Zhejiang Province.

    All the new  (discovery) will help to better understand many unexplained finds in 1986. The similar shapes of the finds in the eight pits — (break) and burned — further prove the theory that the pits  (use) for sacrificial purposes.  it's too early to jump to a conclusion. Experts say deeper study is needed to rule out any other possibility.

    Studies of Sanxingdui Site will become a key project aimed at more deeply understanding the ancient civilization known as Shu,  historical records haven't yet been found, and explaining the origins of Chinese civilization and how diverse cultures communicate and come together.


  • 8. 假定你是英语校报编辑,为了加强国际交流,你校筹划下周末与英国的Saint Louis School进行线上互动,介绍各自学校的情况。现需招聘三名志愿者参与本次活动,请写 一则英文招聘启事,内容如下:




    Volunteers Wanted

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    "Are you ready for our walk?" Grandma asked the usual question every Friday evening.

    "Of course, we are!" We shouted excitedly, ready to talk about the end of the week and fill Grandma in about our week.

    Growing up, my sisters and I always knew Grandma had heart problems and couldn't do anything hard, but we did know she would do anything to spend more time with us. Whether it was wanders around the block or walks to the library, Grandma was there by our side.

    When I was going into sixth grade, we were told that Grandma only had 2% heart function. Her heart wasn't benefiting her anymore, but she found out that there was a way to live longer: an IVAD. It is a heart pump (起搏器) that replaces the heart, basically, a battery instead of a heart and it's connected to a battery pack by a tube that conies out of the side. Grandma would become a robot with no heart! The Toledo Hospital, the only hospital near us that could do this surgery, offered to do it for Grandma. She, obviously, agreed.

    The grey morning of the surgery was rough for our family, as we woke up bright and early to drive to the hospital. That car ride left me with worried thoughts racing through my mind: Will Grandma be okay? Will we ever take another walk around the block?

    When we arrived at the hospital, we knew exactly where to go, as we'd been there many times before. After going through those familiar doors and up the stairs, my mom and I walked up to the nurses' desk and asked for Grandma.

    "Oh, Mary?" A nurse answered. "She's one of the nicest patients we've had." Then she directed us to the waiting room and told us that only two of us were permitted to go into the ward (病房) at a time to say goodbye to Grandma before she went in for surgery.




    The last two people were Grandpa and me.


    Finally, after the longest morning of my life, the doctor entered the waiting room, smiling.
