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  • 1. 阅读理解

    The wonders of ancient Egypt have drawn visitors for thousands of years. Astonishing temples, pyramids and legendary pharaohs are its timeless legacy. Smithsonian Journeys will be your best choice if you want to visit Ancient Egypt. It would be a great tour as you would be viewing the only remaining structure of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. The Pyramids, Temples and Tombs are amazing works that make you wonder just how these magnificent structures were built thousands of years ago! However, there is so much more with Smithsonian Journeys! Join us on this new tour to discover Egypt's mysteries.

    What Is Provided With Your Tour

    Pre-tour information, including a reading list;

    Luggage handling for one bag per person;

    All on-tour transportation, unless otherwise noted;

    All accommodations and meals during the tour;

    All sightseeing and visits.

    A Note about Costs

    This journey will cost you about $5000. All prices are based on two persons sharing a room. All prices are quoted in U.S. dollars. Tour costs are based upon current airfares, tariffs, currency values. While we will do everything possible to maintain the listed prices, they are subject to change. Due to fluctuations in oil prices, a fuel surcharge may be added to your tour fee (e.g. internal flights, cruises, etc.). Details will be advised prior to departure.


    To submit a reservation request, please use our secure online system at Smithsonian Journeys. Org or contact a Cultural Travel Specialist, at 1-855-330-1542 Mon—Fri 9 am—6 pm. Submitting an online request does not guarantee space on a tour. You will be notified by a Reservation Specialist of your status once your request has been received and processed.

    (1) What will be offered for the tour?
    A . A bag for each person. B . Room sand meals. C . Pre-tour transportation. D . A book for entertainment.
    (2) Why is the cost likely to change?
    A . Oil price may change. B . Room type may be altered. C . Way of payment is uncertain. D . The number of travelers varies.
    (3) When will you be informed of your status?
    A . When you submit your request online. B . When you log in a secure online system. C . When your request is received and processed. D . When you send an email to apply for a space on a tour.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    A few years ago, I returned from a family vacation in Mexico, where I'd bought myself a beautiful blue candle. I was so excited to light it. But when I got home and unpacked it, I thought, "Today is not the day. I'm going to save it for the right occasion." So I put it in my closet and forgot about it.

    Two years passed, I remembered my candle and I thought, "Today is the day. I'm going to light it." So I went to the closet and opened up the box—and my beautiful blue candle had turned into wax. Now what struck me is my candle did exactly what it's designed to do—melt—but it did it without me.

    That candle which melted triggered (触发) something in me. It old the story to my friend Gillian. The next time I was over at her house, she took me on a tour and she showed me that all of her candles had been lit. She told me, "I had waited a year to light those candles. You told me the story, and I lit them all the next day. "

    I believe, however, that those small actions send a big message and show you're no longer letting life slip— or melt—by.

    Here's my advice for you: Whatever object you answered "yes" to earlier, please use it with in the next week. Pull out your china for a random Tuesday night, open the Scotch, and cut the tags off a jacket. And don't let your candle melt in the closet.

    (1) What made the author fail to use her new candle immediately?
    A . She was too busy to use it. B . She didn't need it at that time. C . She planned to decorate her house using it. D . She wanted to use it on a special occasion.
    (2) What happened to the author's candle at last?
    A . It was burnt up. B . It melted in the closet. C . It was sent to her friend. D . It was redesigned into another shape.
    (3) Why did Gillian light all her candles?
    A . She wanted to make her house brighter. B . She couldn't wait to light them any longer. C . She was inspired by what the author had told her. D . There was no extra space to contain the candles.
    (4) What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
    A . Live in the moment. B . Always seize the opportunity. C . Don't worry about your possessions. D . Never buy candles if you don't need them.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    The last time you got angry, did you stop and listen to what your mind was telling you?

    Ryan Martin, psychology professor at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, has spent his career doing just that. It turns out, the thoughts that we have in response to the first flare (爆发) of anger are what can send us over the edge—or help us control the emotion for good, Martin says.

    Despite the trouble that it can cause, anger is not actually bad for us. From an evolutionary perspective, it plays an important role in our survival, Martin says: "It helps alert us to the fact that we've been wronged." When your heart starts to pound and your face gets hot, that's anger increasing your blood flow in preparation for a showdown (决战). "It's our fight or flight response, used to energize us to deal with injustice," he explains.  

    Anger only becomes a problem when we can't manage it. Managing your anger, it turns out, is all about managing your thoughts. While anger may inform us of a threat—even if it's just to our reputation—it's the thoughts that determine how we respond. That's why strategies like cognitive behavioral therapy, which teach people healthier thought patterns, can be so successful.

    Rather than ignore our anger, Martin wants us to see what our anger is telling us. If anger alerts us to possible injustice, for example, it's not helpful to simply dismiss it. "What I really want is for people to have accurate thoughts, thoughts that accurately reflect what's going on in the world around them," Martin says.

    (1) What is the purpose of Paragraph 1?
    A . To introduce a topic. B . To raise a question. C . To make a comparison. D . To put forward an argument.
    (2) What is the positive side of anger?
    A . It makes us full of energy. B . It urges us to fight with others. C . It warns us if we are treated unjustly. D . It helps us survive in a dangerous situation.
    (3) What determine(s) our action when we are threatened?
    A . Our anger. B . Our thoughts. C . Our determination. D . Our strategies.
    (4) According to Martin, what should we do when we are angry?
    A . Seek medical treatment. B . Simply ignore the anger. C . Focus on the world around us. D . Notice the message anger tells us.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    It takes just four minutes for brain cells to be permanently damaged due to a severe lack of oxygen in cases of sudden cardiac arrest (心搏停止). If medical workers do not arrive at the scene of such emergencies within 10 minutes, the chances of a victim surviving are minimal.

    In September, a 45-year-old man fell unconscious at Huoying station on Line 13 of the Beijing Subway. He died later in the hospital, despite attempts by two passengers to revive him by using cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR. However, if an automated external defibrillator, or AED, had been a vailable at the scene, the man's chances of survival would have been greatly improved.

    An AED can recognize an abnormal lheart rhythm and quickly correct it through an electric shock. The devices are viewed in medical circles as a more efficient and effective method of saving lives in emergencies than using CPR. After a brief training period, people with no medical knowledge can master the basic skills needed to use an AED.

    In May last year, a student at Tsinghua University in Beijing fainted in a dormitory after experiencing head sweats. Several students began to perform CPR and also used a newly installed AED to help the stricken freshman. After two electric shocks were administered, the student's heart beat was restored and he was sent to the hospital for further treatment. An emergency doctor from the hospital who attended the scene said it was highly likely the student would have died, had not a series of the correct first aid measures been applied, along with the AED.  

    PeiZheng, a staff member from Tsinghua University's Policy Research Office, said it was "really cool" that AEDs were available at the institution. "It's so good that we have these life-saving machines on campus, otherwise we would have heard tragic news," she said. The devices have been installed around the campus in stages.

    (1) What can we infer about AED?
    A . It is quite easy to learn. B . It is available nationwide. C . It has saved many lives. D . It is invented by medical workers.
    (2) A 45-year-old man and a student are mentioned in the text to ________.
    A . make comparisons in age B . stress the function of CPR C . show the efficiency of AED D . raise the awareness of heart attack
    (3) Why have AEDs been installed around the campus of Tsinghua University?
    A . To safeguard students' health. B . To make the campus more beautiful. C . To apply knowledge to practice. D . To make it convenient to learn AE
    (4) What is the main idea of the text?
    A . Heart attack can be prevented. B . First aid should be learned widely. C . Universities are equipped with new devices. D . Life-saving devices come to the rescue.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

    What I've been wondering is: And if so, how? Here are three ideas to do just that.

    Read books and watch movies that transport you

    One of my favorite things to do before taking a trip is to search out books and movies that can help me get a feel for a place. Search out famous—or not-so-famous—books or films from the part of the world you want to visit. Then get lost in these during your staycation week.

    Music is deeply connected to our emotions, which makes it particularly transporting. The beautiful sounds of Sigur Rós, for example, can create a dreamy atmosphere. Hawaiian ukulele and hula music bring the beach to your living room. Try searching for artists or genres of music from your desired destination and build a playlist to help you set the atmosphere.

    Visit a museum — virtually

    Museums in many locations have started to reopen with social distancing and masks, but if you're not ready to go in person, you can spend an afternoon exploring them online. Google map has digitized hundreds of collections and online tours at museums around the world.

    Tour a national park

    Camping is one type of vacation that's mostly safe and accessible to do right now. But if you can't get to the great outdoors, bring the outdoors to your home.Explore a Hawaiian volcano, dive a Florida beach or ride horseback through the red rocks of Bryce Canyon.

    If you don't have the budget or time to travel right now, try layering a few of these ideas together to create a kind of at-home immersion(沉浸感).

    A. Listen to related music.

    B. Is it necessary to go out for an adventure?

    C. You can choose a national park for camping.

    D. Find one near your destination using this map.

    E. But you can still do this even if you're staying at home.

    F. Is it possible to have an adventure without leaving home?

    G. You can do that with an online tour in America's national parks.


  • 6. 完形填空

    Sometimes, in this world, champions come from the most humble places. This tale begins in Nigeria, a country whose people are1. It begins with a young boy who2of something he has no frame of reference for, but even so, he made it because of his3and strong will.

    Tanitoluwa Adewumi, recently4a rather impressive honor. He took first place in the New York State Scholastic Championships tournament at the beginning of 2019. For those who aren't aware, chess is a two-player strategy board game that is5in its rules but complex in its gameplay. It's not a game that's easy to6, and Tanitoluwa's life has never been easy.

    In 2017, Tani's Christian family was forced to7their home in northern Nigeria for fear of 8by the Boko Haram terrorist organization. They moved to New York. It's not9for a family to make their way in the so-called "New World". Still, a year after they10, Tani began to thrive (显露头角) even while his family lived in a New York homeless11. Tani took up chess in 2018 and despite his young age, he seemed to be a talent at the12. He played at the shelter at first, learning the13strategy. With each hour of practice, Tani continued to14. Eventually, he found his way to New York State Scholastic Championships tournament and went undefeated throughout the15. He beat out player from elites (精英) who had private chess tutors to teach themselves 16, eventually claiming a victory. His parents were very 17, as was Tani himself.

    Tani has 18 his dream and become a famous chess player. He certainly goes a long way, 19he still has a very long way to go, and we've no20 he will be more successful.

    A . passing B . starving C . suffering D . escaping
    A . thinks B . dreams C . approves D . hears
    A . luck B . sense C . talent D . effort
    A . took B . received C . brought D . gave
    A . simple B . strange C . plain D . clear
    A . get B . choose C . have D . win
    A . sell B . accept C . leave D . return
    A . influence B . encouragements C . punishment D . attacks
    A . easy B . common C . ready D . delightful
    A . traveled B . moved C . visited D . called
    A . park B . house C . shelter D . apartment
    A . game B . sport C . job D . issue
    A . fascinating B . attractive C . simple D . complex
    A . develop B . learn C . improve D . fail
    A . country B . event C . world D . field
    A . publicly B . luckily C . lastly D . separately
    A . confused B . excited C . astonished D . eager
    A . realized B . forgot C . proved D . judged
    A . or B . and C . so D . but
    A . question B . confidence C . doubt D . wonder


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    What should we do when everything(feel) so out of control?

    Living with so much uncertainty is hard. Human beings long for information about the future in the same way we long for food, water and other primary(reward). Our brain sperceive uncertainty as a threat, and they try to protect us by(remind) us to focus on creating certainty.  

    But sometimes—maybe always—it's(effective) for us not to attempt to create certainty. evolution might have commanded our brains to resist uncertainty,  we can never(real) know what the future will bring.  And during improbable situations like the pandemic(疫情) , has greatly disturbed our routines and totally destroyed our plans, we need to learn to live with uncertainty.  

    "Uncertainty is the only certainty there is," wrote mathematician John Allen Paulos. "Knowing how(live) with insecurity is the only security." What have you always wanted to do?What outcome are you hoping for?How can you makereal life during this time?Live that life. When we take(responsible) for our lives, we will have the real power that comes from creating the life we want.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





    2.只允许修改 10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。

    I have worked from ages 17 to now (I am 60 this year), and I've really enjoy my career in IT. One week after leave school, I started to work. Now I do feel that my work has shaped myself in many ways.

    At some point soon, I will retire— and I am terrifying! I have no idea that I will do with all that time or why I will do it. I am happy married and have a 21-year-old son. My wife and I can travel and I can read book. There are operas to enjoy it and restaurants to try, but this isn't going to get me out bed at a reasonable time!


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你校将于本周日举行“英语演讲比赛”,请你给外教 Eric写一封信,邀请他做比赛的评委。内容包括:





    1)词数 100左右;

