
修改时间:2021-05-20 浏览次数:348 类型:开学考试 编辑

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  • 1. — Jack, do you often play        piano in your free time?

    — No. I often play       basketball with my friends.

    A . the; / B . a; the C . /; the D . the; a
  • 2. If you are careful enough, I believe you won't make many ________.
    A . letters B . advice C . mistakes D . trouble
  • 3. Lidan went to the teacher's office to ask Miss Wu ______ help.
    A . to B . in C . with D . for
  • 4. If you want to talk in English, you must practice ____as often as possible.
    A . speak B . to speak C . speaking D . speaks
  • 5. — Don't forget the new words and expressions in this lesson.

    —Yes, and I will _________in my notebook.

    A . write them down B . write it down C . write down them D . write down it
  • 6. When you feel not good for a few days, I _________ you to see a doctor.
    A . suggest B . advise C . hope D . ask
  • 7. — What' your plan for the coming weekend?

    —___________ go to fly kites?

    A . Let's B . How about C . Why not to D . Why don't we
  • 8. We all know Hanghzou. It ___________ the lake called West Lake.
    A . is famous for B . is famous as C . is good at D . is good for
  • 9. He plays the piano as __________as his father.
    A . good B . better C . well D . best
  • 10. The population of Shanghai is ___________ than many other cities in China.
    A . large B . more C . larger D . big
  • 11. More than ___________ visitors visited Beijing during the holiday.
    A . two million B . two millions C . two million of D . million of
  • 12. Please drink more water to keep healthy, _________ in summer.
    A . especially B . hardly C . probably D . really
  • 13. When summer comes, the days get ______________.
    A . short and short B . shorter and shorter C . long and long D . longer and longer
  • 14. Shanghai is a big city _________ the east of China.
    A . to B . at C . on D . in
  • 15. — How was your holiday?

    —__________. I visited my grandparents and we had a good time.

    A . Not at all B . Pretty good C . I feel sad D . It's bad
  • 16. The roads in the city are much __________than before.
    A . wide B . widest C . wider D . the widest
  • 17. —      Li Na?

    — It has about 100, 000 people.

    A . Where is your home town B . How do you like your home town C . How old is your home town D . What's the population of your home town
  • 18. — Is that girl Linda?

    — No, that's Mary. Linda is      than Mary.

    A . fat B . fatter C . very fat D . very fatter
  • 19. The        sports you do, the      you will be.
    A . much; healthy B . more; healthier  C . much; healthier D . more; healthy 
  • 20. — I'm going to Qingdao for the summer holiday.


    A . Thanks a lot B . Have a good time C . You'd better not D . Sorry to hear that


  • 21. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A 、B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Once there was a farmer who lost his watch in his barn (谷仓). The watch was cheap but it was very 1 to him because it was a present from his father.

        After 2 the watch in the barn for a long time, he gave up and asked for 3 from a group of children playing nearby. He 4 them that the person who found the watch would be rewarded.

        Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn 5. They searched everywhere but still could not find the 6. Just when the farmer was going to give up, a little boy went up to him and asked to be given another 7.

        The farmer looked at him and thought." Why not? After all, this kid looks honest." So the farmer 8 the little boy back into the barn. After a while the little boy came out with the watch in his hand! The surprised farmer asked the boy how he 9 where the rest had failed(失败). The boy replied," I did nothing but sit quietly and listened for the sound of the watch."

        This shows us that sometimes a 10 mind can think better than an excited one.

    A . important B . useless C . expensive D . interesting
    A . finding B . looking for C . watching D . studying 
    A . money B . danger C . work D . help
    A . promised B . taught C . believed D . asked
    A . angrily B . slowly C . hardly D . quickly
    A . clock B . watch C . book D . child
    A . chance B . way C . smile D . lesson
    A . threw B . sent C . gave D . caught
    A . came B . trained C . succeeded D . suggested
    A . beautiful B . boring C . noisy D . peaceful


  • 22. 阅读理解

    Here is John's schedule(安排) for next week.


    10:30~11:00 a.m.

    visit uncle Peter in General Hospital



    swimming class



    part-time job



    Appointment (约会) with Mr Green


    go shopping


    11:00 a.m.

    go to the airport to meet Sam


    10:00~12:00 a.m.

    meet Dave to study for test


    5:00~7:00 p.m.

    birthday party for Kate

    (1) ______ is ill in hospital.
    A . Kate B . Peter C . John D . Sam
    (2) John has s swimming class on _______.
    A . Tuesday B . Sunday C . Thursday D . Wednesday
    (3) John does his part-time job for hours a week.
    A . eight B . ten C . six D . eleven
    (4) John meets Sam __________.
    A . at Dave's house B . in the hospital C . at the airport D . at Kate's home
    (5) John will have a birthday party on __________.
    A . Saturday morning B . Saturday afternoon C . Sunday morning D . Sunday afternoon  
  • 23. 阅读理解

        My favourite sport is baseball. It is fun to play, and it is fun to watch.

        I went to my first baseball game with my grandparents when I was 7 years old. It was really wonderful. We had a good time. I was happy to be with my grandparents. My grandfather made me love the game.

        My dad knew I loved baseball, so he gave me a baseball on my eighth birthday.

        When I was 12 years old, my friend came to me and asked me to join his team and play baseball. I agreed. From then on, I got to learn more about baseball. I practiced a lot and I learned how to play better.

        My favoutrite baseball player is Derrek Lee. Derrek Lee joined the Chicago Cubs in 2004. That year was a good year for him, but 2006 was his best year. One of my favourite things about Derrek Lee is that he is a very nice person. He never shouts at others. He always has a big smile on his face. He seems happy all the time.

    (1) The writer went to his first baseball game with ___________.
    A . his grandparents B . his father C . his friend D . his mother
    (2) When he was _______ years old, the writer began to play baseball.
    A . 6 B . 8 C . 12 D . 14
    (3) The writer __________ after he joined his friend's team.
    A . played baseball very often B . didn't learn more about baseball C . didn't improve his playing skills D . often played baseball with Derrek Lee
    (4) Which of the following is not true about Derrek Lee?
    A . He is vey nice B . He is not friendly C . He always smiles D . He always looks happy
    (5) What is the best title of the passage?
    A . Who made me love baseball B . What birthday present did I get? C . 2005 — best year for Derrek Lee D . Baseball — my favourite sport
  • 24. 阅读理解

        Linda was a sixteen-year-old girl in Canada. She was feeling bad for several days. Her mother took her to a hospital and the doctors found out that she had cancer.

        Linda's life changed. She began to go to the hospital often for treatment(治疗),and she also became depressed.

        The hospitals and the doctors were good, but Linda did not have hope herself. Linda's mother called a flower shop close to the hospital.  "I want some beautiful flowers for my daughter. She is a teen girl with cancer." She told the shop owner.

        Later, the flowers arrived. Then Linda saw something unusual. It was a card. It read, "Linda,

        I own (拥有) this flower shop. I had cancer when I was fifteen years old.  I am 24 years old now. Good luck. My heart goes out to you. Alice.

    Linda smiled. She finally felt some real hope. She found the will (意志)to live.

        Little things make a big difference. All of us can give little things like kindness, encouragement and hope to others.

    (1) Why was Linda feeling bad for several days?
    A . Because she left Canada. B . Because she lost her best friends. C . Because she was seriously ill D . Because she had no money.
    (2) What does the underlined word "depressed" mean in Paragraph 2?
    A . Safe B . Silly C .   Pleased D . Sad
    (3) Who sent Linda a card?
    A . Her mother. B . Her classmate. C . A shop owner D . A kind doctor.
    (4) What happened to Linda after reading the card?
    A . She became hopeful about life B . She wanted to work with Alice. C . She thanked her mother a lot D . She opened a small flower shop
    (5) Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
    A . Be Kind to Yourself B . Try Something Different C . Cancer Is Not Terrible at All D . Little Things Make a Big Difference
  • 25. 阅读理解

        Nowadays, computers and Internets are playing an important part in our life. Some people even say they can't live without them. We usually need to set passwords (密码) when we use computers and Internet. But not all the passwords are safe. In order to keep our accounts (账户)and personal information safe, we must learn how to make safe passwords.

        How can you make your computer and Internet passwords safe? Experts have some advice for you. You'd better remember the advice and they are useful for you. Here are the suggestions.

        Firstly, make your password out of capital(大写) letters. If your password is made of capital letters, it will be difficult for others to get into your account. It only takes a hacker(黑客) 10 minutes to work out a six- letter password made of small letters. But the same password in capital letters takes 10 hours to work out.

        Secondly, add numbers or symbols to your passwords. It may be much safer. Sometimes such password is not easy to remember, but it is really safe.

        Thirdly, never use personal information for passwords and use different passwords for different accounts. Experts say that a user should change his or her passwords every 90 days. In this way, hacker won't guess your passwords.

    (1) The underlined word "them" refers to " ________ ".
    A . the passwords B . computers and Internet C . the capital letters D . the accounts
    (2) If you set your password with six capital letters, a hacker may spend ______ working out.
    A . ten hours B . ten minutes C . one day D . a week
    (3) You should change your passwords_________.
    A . Every 10 day B . every month C . Every two months D . Every there months
    (4) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a safe password?
    A . Liz287 B . LUCKY3 C . 891106 D . 432Ac%
    (5) What's the best title for the passage?
    A . Computers and Internet B . Setting Personal Accounts C . Using Capital Letters D . Making Your Passwords Safe

四、词汇运用 ( 本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

  • 26. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。

    hometown    possible     busy    understand     dictionary

    (1) There is a small river near my .
    (2) It is for you to learn English well if you put your heart into it.
    (3) Miss Liu does housework every day. She is than her husband.
    (4) He is very smart. He can what you said?
    (5) There are some new English - Chinese on the desk.
  • 27. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

        I have been to Tai Wan for many (次). Tai Wan is the largest (岛屿) in China. Tai Bei is the capital of Tai Wan. It is in the (北) of Tai Wan.  It is an (优秀的) city. There are some good (大学) in Tai Bei. Many students study there. They also learn English.  Because there are many people speaking English. It's (合乎常情的) to have a conversation with them in English. Of course, maybe they will give you some (建议). (百万) of people visit Tai Wan every year. If you want to travel to Tai Wan in summer, don't (忘记) to take an (雨伞). Because it's often rainy.

五、书面表达 (本题有1小题,共15分)

  • 28. 假如你的英语学得很好,老师想让你在下星期的班会课上谈谈学习英语的方法,怎样才能把英语学好?请写一篇80词左右的文章,开头部分已经给出,不计入总词数。


        Hello, everyone! I am very happy to talk to you about my English study.
