
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A 、B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Once there was a farmer who lost his watch in his barn (谷仓). The watch was cheap but it was very 1 to him because it was a present from his father.

    After 2 the watch in the barn for a long time, he gave up and asked for 3 from a group of children playing nearby. He 4 them that the person who found the watch would be rewarded.

    Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn 5. They searched everywhere but still could not find the 6. Just when the farmer was going to give up, a little boy went up to him and asked to be given another 7.

    The farmer looked at him and thought." Why not? After all, this kid looks honest." So the farmer 8 the little boy back into the barn. After a while the little boy came out with the watch in his hand! The surprised farmer asked the boy how he 9 where the rest had failed(失败). The boy replied," I did nothing but sit quietly and listened for the sound of the watch."

    This shows us that sometimes a 10 mind can think better than an excited one.

A、important B、useless C、expensive D、interesting
A、finding B、looking for C、watching D、studying 
A、money B、danger C、work D、help
A、promised B、taught C、believed D、asked
A、angrily B、slowly C、hardly D、quickly
A、clock B、watch C、book D、child
A、chance B、way C、smile D、lesson
A、threw B、sent C、gave D、caught
A、came B、trained C、succeeded D、suggested
A、beautiful B、boring C、noisy D、peaceful

    I was doing some last-minute Christmas shopping in a toy store. A nicely dressed little girl was 1 the teddy bears beside her father 2 she saw a little boy walk in and stop in front of the Pokemon toys. His jacket was obviously too small. He had money in his hand. However, it looked no more than five dollars at most. He was with his father, and kept picking up the Pokemon video games. Each time he showed 3 to his father, his father shook his head, "No".

    Rather disappointed, the boy gave up the video games and chose a book of stickers 4. After they walked away, the little girl ran over to the Pokemon video games. She excitedly picked up one 5 on top of the others, and ran toward the check-out. I picked up my purchases(购买物)and 6 the girl and her father.

    Then, much to the little girl's satisfactory(满意), the little boy and his father got in line 7 her and me. After the video was paid for and bagged, the little girl handed it back to the cashier(收银员)and said something to her in a low voice. The cashier smiled and put the 8 under the counter(柜台). I was putting things in my bag when the little boy came up to the cashier. The cashier said, "Congratulations, you're my hundredth customer today, and you win a prize!" and she handed the boy the Pokemon game. The boy could hardly believe his ears. It was, he said, 9 what he had wanted! The little girl and her father had been standing at the doorway, and I saw the biggest and prettiest smile on that little girl I have seen in my life.

    I suddenly understood that the world is not 10 into the strong who care and the weak who are cared for. We must each in turn care and be cared.

