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一、Grammar and Vocabulary

  • 1. Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

    Dear headmaster,

        On hearing the news that a Reading Festival is to be held on campus on the World Book and Copyright Day and the possible project is open to be recommended, I hardly wait to write to you, sharing my humble opinions.

        As far as I'm concerned, the theme of the festival can be “sharing”, primarily (consist) of three parts. Firstly, the festival can start with a 30-minute discussion where groups of students can exchange and share what they (expose) to recently, expressing themselves freely. Following this section is the speech. Teacher and student representatives previously selected by us are to share and recommend the book they think really deserving to be read. It's needless to say that the last sharing section which is the most meaningful is donation, during time everyone present, teachers or students, is expected to donate one or more books to the library. As for when (hold) the activity, the afternoon may be an ideal choice so that it won't interrupt our classes.

        My advice is justified by the following reasons. First and foremost, it is in the group discussion and exchange that we students can have a thorough idea our peers are reading for the moment, serving as a driving force for our own reading journey. So it is the books recommended. Named by those “idols” in our mind, they will definitely win our heart. As for the donation, the benefits are exactly self-evident. can we share beyond our class or even beyond our school, developing a good campus tradition, but (importantly), these books which are sure to be dusted on our shelves can now be of more value.

        I'm looking forward to your favorable reply. And is my sincere hope that the festival can be a great success and we can gain a lot from it.


    Amy Young

  • 2. Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once.  Note that there is one word more than you need.

        Overcoming Obstacles: How Your Biggest Failure Can Lead to Your Success

        There's been a lot written on the theme of failure and how essential it is to success. In a world where is given for people's accomplishments, failing feels dangerous. The fear of failure can stop people taking risks that might lead to success.

        Heidi Grant Halvorson, a psychologist, points out much of success is not on talent but on learning from your mistakes.

    About half of the people in the world hold that ability in an area — be it creative or social skill — is natural. The other half believes, instead, that someone might have a preference or something — say painting or speaking foreign languages — but this ability can be improved through practice or training.

    It's almost impossible to think rationally (理性地) while shouting at yourself, “I'm a failure”. But when you your thinking, you will probably see what you can control — your behavior, your planning, your reactions — and change them.

    The primary between successful people and unsuccessful people is that the successful people fail more. If you see failure as a monster approaching you, take another look.

    Success is as scary as failure. Researchers report that satisfaction grows on challenges. Think about it — a computer game you can always win is boring; one you can win , and with considerable effort, is fun. In pursuit of success, failure exposes areas that you need to . So the failure serves as a brick wall to test how you apply yourself to your objectives and how much you want them.

        There is a way to distinguish whether a failure you to double down or walk away, says Halvorson. If, when things get rough, you remain fascinated by your goal, you should keep going. If what you're doing is costing you too much time and energy or it's not bringing you joy, you should give a second thought to the of your goal and even set a new one.

    A deliberate   B. distinction   C. polish   D. credit   E dependent   F. occasionally   G. feasibility   H. shift   I. fulfilling   J. signals   K. continuously

二、Reading Comprehension

  • 3. Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

        This article is for all of the teenagers out there. Even though 1 you are years from being fully grown, society regularly expects you to adult. Yes, you are 2 in many ways: many of you drive and do so quite safely, and you handle schedules that would 3 many adults. But you probably cannot process caffeine (咖啡因) as constantly as your parents can because of your still-growing bodies and brains.

        I understand it feels grown-up to be drinking a cup of Starbucks. But all of this caffeine may worsen your anxiety, affect tonight's sleep and tomorrow's school performance, 4 nutrient absorption and even cause real trouble when mixed with alcohol. The following four aspects may well 5 the theme of this article.

        The power of caffeine

        Caffeine is widely considered a drug that is socially acceptable, universally used, even cool, but it still causes 6 symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and a lack of attention when removed from coffee-addicts' diets.

        How much is healthy?

        Caffeine is by no means a nutrient; you do not need it to be healthy. 7, it is a substance that can leave you lacking nutrients because it has been shown to reduce calcium (钙). Caffeine probably causes the body to release water. And the more caffeinated drinks you consume, the less likely you are to drink water. So experts say that adolescents should consume 8 amounts of caffeine a day (≤100 mg).

        Caffeine's 9

        According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 65 percent of middle and higher schoolers are 10 to insufficient sleep on school nights. Some of their sleep problems can be mainly attributed to (归因于) caffeine, which can remain in the body for seven hours after 11, thus causing teens' worse performance the next day. It is widely assumed that adequate sleep 12 proper growth and brain development. During childhood and adolescence, the brain goes through a period called synaptic pruning (突触修剪) when unnecessary connections are promoted.

        Caffeine labelling

        Caffeine is not listed on the Nutrition Facts column on food labels because it is not a 13. It may be listed as an ingredient, but the amount is not required. Caffeine is now added to foods such as gum, candy and water, along with makeup and beauty products that 14 to reduce swelling (肿块).

        Taste preferences and eating habits are often cultivated in childhood and adolescence, so teens, when you consume sweet, caffeinated drinks every time you feel sluggish (无精打采的), you are creating a pattern that may be hard to break as an adult. It is advisable to come up with other 15 ways to boost energy so that you can master adulting better than many adults.

    A . potentially B . necessarily C . developmentally D . materially
    A . mature B . experienced C . productive D . disciplined
    A . delight B . frustrate C . liberate D . exclude
    A . promote B . assist C . intensify D . discourage
    A . call for B . account for C . turn to D . appeal to
    A . withdrawal B . addiction C . nutrition D . infection
    A . Therefore B . Instead C . Moreover D . Otherwise
    A . initial B . sufficient C . moderate D . stable
    A . reputations B . confirmations C . implications D . disadvantages
    A . subjected B . alerted C . reduced D . opposed
    A . stimulation B . concentration C . excitement D . consumption
    A . results from B . contributes to C . benefits from D . attends to
    A . therapy B . material C . nutrient D . substitute
    A . fail B . appear C . promise D . happen
    A . instructive B . comprehensive C . extensive D . alternative
  • 4. Directions: For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

        There aren't many actors around the world who have enough self confidence to turn down an offer from Steven Spielberg. Maybe that was why Juliette Binoche gave him a choice. She said she'd be happy to be in Jurassic Park as long as she could play a dinosaur. Of course he turned her down and it was probably a good thing. It's difficult to imagine Juliette ripping people apart with her teeth. However, her decision doesn't seem to have done her career any harm. She has gone on to make a string of hits, including The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The English Patient (for which she won an Oscar) and Chocolat.

        Success in the United States has not been so easy for other foreign stars. Gerald Depardieu is a good example. Since his first film in 1967, his filmography (影片集锦) lists 172 acting credits. But he has struggled on the other side of the pond. While some of his films have been popular in the US, they have usually been French films that travelled. One possible exception was Green Card, directed by Peter Weir, where he plays a French immigrant who goes through a fake wedding in order to stay and work in the United States. This is a predictable but sweet romantic comedy which typecasts (分配同一类型角色) its lead actors in terms of national stereotypes. While some reviewers were kind, others shredded both the film and Depardieu's performance.

        While Monsieur Depardieu hasn't received the recognition he would have liked in the United States, one Mexican actor has achieved almost instant success. Gael Garcia Bernal first gained recognition in Amores Perros in 2000 and a year later in Y tu mama tambien. Since then he has appeared with hometown hero, Brad Pitt in Babel and, under the direction of top producer and director, Jim Jarmusch, he starred in Limits of Control. He hasn't picked up an Oscar yet, but he was nominated for a BAFTA (英国电影电视艺术学院奖) in 2005 for his performance as the South American hero revolutionary Che Guevara, in Motorcycle Diaries. In the same year he played American music icon Elvis Presley in The King.

    (1) It can be inferred from the passage that Juliette Binoche ______.

    A . very much wanted to be in Jurassic Park B . didn't want to be in Jurassic Park C . really wanted to play a dinosaur in Jurassic Park D . was hesitant whether she could play a dinosaur well
    (2) According to the writer, Gerald Depardieu's most popular films ______.

    A . have been made in Hollywood B . have only been seen in Europe C . have been made in France, but seen in other countries, too D . have been made in Hollywood, but well received in France
    (3) The last sentence in Para 2 “others shredded both the film and Depardieu's performance” means others thought Depardieu's performance and the film were ______.

    A . complex B . interesting C . terrible D . impressive
    (4) The writer's purpose in writing this article is to suggest that ______.

    A . Foreign actors generally do well in the United States B . American actors are able to earn more money than foreign actors C . Foreign actors are playing an irreplaceable role in the United States D . a successful career in Europe or Latin America doesn't guarantee success in the USA
  • 5. Directions: For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

        You are going to read three competitions which offer holidays as prizes.

        Competition One

        Competition Two

        Competition Three

    (1) Which competition extract(s) describe(s) what will happen on the flight?

    A . Competition One. B . Competition Two. C . Competition Three. D . Competition One and Two.
    (2) Which holiday prize(s) will offer you the chance to stay longer than a week?

    A . Competition One. B . Competition Two. C . Competition One and Three. D . Competition One and Two.
    (3) If you want to exercise during the holiday, which competition(s) will you take part in?

    A . Competition One. B . Competition Two. C . Competition One and Three. D . Competition One and Two.
  • 6. Directions: For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

        The purpose of a map is to express graphically the relations of points and features on the earth's surface to each other. These are determined by distance and direction. In early times distance was often expressed in units of time, for example “so many hours' march” or “a day's journey by river”, but such measurements gave more information about the relative ease of crossing the local terrain than they did about actual distance. The other element is direction, but for the ordinary traveller, whose main concern was “Where do I go from here?” and “How far away is it?”, the accurate representation of direction was not of primary importance. Partly for this reason, written itineraries (行程) for a long time rivaled maps. Even today, certain types of maps, for example, those showing railway systems, may make little attempt to show true directions. Similarly, obvious landmarks along a route were at first indicated by signs, realistic or conventional (惯常的), and varied in size to indicate their importance. Clearly the conventions employed varied with the purpose of the map, and also from place to place, so that in studying early maps the first essential is to understand the particular convention employed.

        The history of cartography (制图) is largely that of the increase in the accuracy with which these elements of distance and direction are determined and in the comprehensiveness of the map content. In this development, cartography has called in other sciences to its aid. For example, instead of determining direction by observing the position of a shadow at midday, or of a constellation (星座) in the night sky, or even of a steady wind, use was made of terrestrial magnetism (地磁学) through the magnetic compass, and instruments were evolved which enabled horizontal angles to be calculated with great accuracy.

        The application of astronomical concepts, and the extension of the knowledge of the world through exploration, encouraged attempts to map the known world. Then astronomers discovered that the earth is not a perfect sphere, but is flattened slightly at the poles, which introduced further refinements into the mapping of large areas. Meanwhile, the demands being made of the map maker were shifting significantly. The traveller or the merchant ceased to be the sole user of maps. The soldier, especially after the introduction of artillery, and the problems of range, field of fire, and dead ground which it raised, demanded an accurate representation of the surface features, in place of the earlier conventional or pictorial delineation (描绘), and a solution in any degree satisfactory was not reached until the contour (等高线) was invented.

    (1) Why might early maps have been misleading?

    A . Distances could not be calculated reliably. B . They were based on written itineraries. C . They were drawn by ordinary travelers. D . Distances tended to be overestimated.
    (2) What problem did early maps exhibit when showing landmarks?

    A . The signs used bore little relation to the landmarks. B . The selection of landmarks was faulty. C . They used symbols that were not standardized. D . They sometimes included unimportant features.
    (3) In the second paragraph, the writer says that ______ made better quality map-making easier.

    A . a greater understanding of climatic factor B . greater accuracy in draughtsmanship (绘图术) C . more accuracy in measurement D . more intensive map production
    (4) What encouraged the search for a more precise means of mapping the physical geography of the landscape?

    A . Discovery in astronomy. B . The growth of mathematical science. C . The activities of the great explorers. D . Military considerations.
  • 7. Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

        Self-Care Strategies for College Students

        Most college students don't put self-care at the top of their to do lists. When you're caught up in the whirlwind (旋风) of classes, extra-curricular, work, friendship, and final exams, it's easy to ignore a task that doesn't come with a deadline (even if that task is simply “taking care of yourself”). Embrace the excitement and intensity of college life, but remember that maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health is essential to your success and well-being. Instead, take time out to take care of yourself with some of these self-care strategies.

        Get Away for Some Alone Time. If you live with roommates, privacy can be hard to come by, so make it your mission to find a peaceful place on campus to call your own.

        Take a Mindful Walk Around Campus. When you're strolling to class, try this mindfulness exercise to center yourself and destress. Feel free to people-watch, but pay attention to sensory details too, like the smell of a nearby barbecue or the sensation of pavement under your shoes. Take note of at least five beautiful or intriguing things you notice along your route. You might find yourself feeling a little calmer by the time you reach your destination.

        Stage a Sleep Intervention. How much sleep do you really get each night? By doing that, you'll begin the process of repaying your sleep debt and establishing healthy new sleep habits. Don't buy into the myth that the less you're sleeping, the harder you're working. Your mind and body need consistent sleep to operate at optimum levels – you simply can't do your best work without it.

        Download a New Podcast. Take a break from the books, grab your headphones, and listen to some immersive mysteries, compelling interviews, or laugh-out-loud comedy. There are thousands of podcasts covering almost every subject imaginable, so you're sure to find something that interests you.

    A. As you walk, pay close attention to your surroundings.

    B. Make a plan to get off campus and explore your surroundings.

    C. If you're averaging seven hours or less, commit to sleeping at least eight hours tonight.

    D. If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, don't punish yourself by pushing your mind and body to their limits.

    E. A comfortable corner in the library and even an empty classroom are perfect places to relax and recharge.

    F. Actually, it is possible to shorten sleep time by up to 1 hour without the risk of sleep deprivation (剥夺) if you know how to have high quality sleep.

三、Summary Writing

  • 8. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

    Curiosity Is an Increasingly Rare Virtue

        Most of the breakthrough discoveries and remarkable inventions throughout history, from flints (打火石) for starting a fire to self-driving cars, have something in common: They are the result of curiosity. But the journalist Ian Leslie, in his newly-published book Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It, insists that curiosity is a much overlooked human virtue, crucial to our success, and we are losing it.

        Leslie presents considerable evidence for the claim that the society as a whole is growing less curious. In the U.S. and Europe, for example, the rise of the Internet, among other social and technological changes, has led to a declining consumption of news from outside the reader's borders. Indeed, Google, for which Leslie expresses admiration, is also his frequent whipping boy (替罪羊): we seek only the information we want. But not everything is to be blamed on technology. The decline in interest in literary fiction is also one of the causes identified by Leslie.

        Why is this a problem? Because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship (企业家精神). Worse still, that lack of curiosity produces a relative lack of knowledge, and the lack of knowledge is difficult if not impossible to compensate for later on.

        Fortunately, some strategies can be employed to develop curiosity: If you just accept the world as it is without trying to dig deeper, you will certainly lose the 'holy curiosity'. Of course, one effective way to dig deeper beneath the surface is asking questions: What is that? Why is it made that way? Who invented it? How does it work? ...And if you see learning as a burden, there's no way you will want to dig deeper into anything. That will just make the burden heavier. But if you think of learning as something fun, you will naturally want to dig deeper.

四、Translation. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

五、Guided Writing

  • 13. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

    假设你是启光中学的学生李跃华,你在学校公众号 (public platform)上看到一张志愿者招募启事。请根据该启事的要求,写一封邮件(邮件中不得提到自己的真实姓名和学校),就启事中的三个活动任选其一,申请一份志愿者工作。
