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  • 1. 阅读理解

        One of the main decisions you must make when traveling is deciding where to stay. A place to stay can often make or break a holiday. Whether you are looking for a classy hotel or a night under the stars, we can guide you through your different options.

        Bed and Breakfast

        An English invention, bed and breakfasts, offers exactly what they suggest, a bed for the night and breakfast in the morning. “B&Bs”,are usually someone's private home, often found in the countryside.


        For those traveling on a tight budget, hostels are the best accommodation option. Informal places usually with a lovely relaxed atmosphere, they offer dormitory beds for rent. Bathrooms are usually down the hall.

        Remember to check reviews by previous guests online before you book your hostel.

        Couch Surfing

        An unusual but interesting option, couch(沙发) surfing is a growing trend among young internationals. The idea is that you become a member of the online couch-surfing community (www. couchsurfing. com) and then when you travel, look up other members in that country and ask to stay on their couch. Most hosts will suggest sightseeing trips and take you out in the evening, making it a great way to see things that aren't in your guidebook. And remember, it may be free but don't forget to offer to buy your host a drink or dinner.


        Sleeping under the stars! For budget travelers staying at camping grounds is the cheapest way to travel. The drawback is having to carry a tent with you. Camping grounds can be found across Europe, America and Australia. However, if you intend on camping in busy cities check first where the nearest place for camping is. More often than not, they are on the edge of cities, which can mean lengthy bus rides into town when you want to eat or see the sights.

    (1) What will hostels provide for budget travelers?
    A . A positive experience. B . Dormitory beds for sale. C . Reviews by previous guests. D . Beds and private bathrooms.
    (2) What is the advantage of couch surfing?
    A . You can have a couch to sleep on. B . You don't have to pay any money. C . You can explore the nightlife there. D . The host will share the expense with you.
    (3) What is the disadvantage of camping?
    A . Sleeping in the open air. B . Taking some extra articles. C . Camping near big cities. D . Using public transportation.
    (4) What may the four alternatives have in common?
    A . They help you save money. B . They help you make friends. C . They offer you good reviews. D . They offer you nice views.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Truman headed home from school, with the homework in mind, a report on beehives (蜂巢). Truman's class had studied bees for three days, so he was ready. But, as his teacher Mrs. Lawrence had explained, to earn an A +,he needed a “new angle”.

        Truman pushed open the front door to find his four-year-old brother, Bryan, sitting on the living room rag, hard at work. Paper towel tubes were all over the floor.

        Bryan quickly stood up. “Truman, help me build a city!”

        “I'd like to,” Truman replied, “but I have to do a report on beehives and ...”

        “Can I help you?” Bryan begged.

        “I don't think so, Bry. Sorry.''

        “I know where there's a beehive.” Bryan smiled.


        “In the wood pile by the garage.''

        The boys marched to the firewood. Bending down, Bryan pointed out the hive deep inside the pile. Truman carefully removed the hive out.

        “You got it!” Bryan shouted.

        Back in the living room, Truman paced around, turning the fragile hive under his nose. Each cell was a perfect hexagon(六边形). How did the bees fit the cells together so neatly? And how did they make each cell six-sided? Could they count? Lost in thought, his foot came down on something ...

        “Truman! You're mining my city!”

        “Get your stupid tubes out of here,Bryan! I'm trying to…”

        The towel tubes on the floor suddenly reminded him of something. The beehive!

        Looking closer, he noticed the tubes were arranged with one in the middle, surrounded by six others, just like the cells of the hive.

        Just to be sure, he tried five and then seven tubes surrounding the center tubes, but neither way fit. Six was the only number that worked.

        “Bees don't count to six,” he said aloud. “The cells have to be six-sided.

        Truman ran to Bryan and threw his arms around his brother. Bryan, you did it! Now I can build a model beehive with your tubes! I mean — if it's O. K. with you.”

    (1) Where did Truman find the beehive?
    A . In Bryan's city. B . Inside the garage. C . In the living room. D . Inside the wood pile.
    (2) What do we know about the beehive?
    A . It was hidden by Bryan. B . It was easy to break. C . It was ruined by Truman. D . It was a perfect hexagon.
    (3) How did Truman probably finish his homework in the end?
    A . With his teacher's aid. B . By building a city. C . With Bryan's help. D . By killing the bees.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Regardless of how far we'd like to believe gender(性别) equality in the workplace has come, there's still a yawning gap between male and female leaders in the professional world. A 2018 statistic shows that women nowadays hold just 5.8 percent of CEOs positions at S&P 500 companies, according to Catalyst.

        While it's not a huge shock that women are somewhat underrepresented in leadership positions, what is surprising though, is the fact that females may actually be better suited to lead in almost every area, at least according to new findings from the BI Norwegian Business School.

        In their research,Professor yvind L. Martinsen and Professor Lars Glas surveyed (调查)2,900 managers with a special focus on personality types. The results were clear: Women scored higher than men in four of the five major leadership-centric categories.

        While some people believe that men inherently make better leaders — probably because they picture a leader with a commanding voice, which is more typical of men than women — this piece of research suggests that women are better at methodical management and goal-setting, openness, sociability and supportiveness, as well as ability to communicate clearly.

        There was one area in which men scored higher than women, though, and that was on emotional stability and ability to face job-related pressure and stress. The results suggest that women are more sensitive to the effects of high-pressure or highly emotional situations.

        Obviously,it's important to consider individual(个人的) differences. Anyone, regardless of gender, may be an inspiring leader and a competent boss. But next time you're hiring for a management position, you just might want to give the resumes(简历) from female candidates a harder look.

    (1) What makes us shocked much at leadership positions?
    A . Women are worse than men. B . Men take almost all high positions. C . There is a huge gap between genders. D . Women might behave better in every field.
    (2) Which of the following can best replace the underlined word ''inherently” in paragraph 4?
    A . properly B . potentially C . naturally D . normally
    (3) Which of the following may be the best title of this text?
    A . How We Can Figure Out The Boss. B . Why Women Are Better Than Men. C . Why Women Make The Best Bosses. D . How We Can Tell Gender Difference.
    (4) Who might have special interest in this article?
    A . Job hunters. B . Employers. C . Employees. D . Male bosses.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        One of the most striking findings of a newly research in the UK is that of the people interviewed, one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with.

        Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start close relationships? Does modem life really make it harder to fall in love? Or are we making it harder for ourselves? It is certainly the case today that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships. Women no longer rely upon partners for money or status. A man doesn't expect his wife to be in (唯一的) charge of running his household and raising his children.

        But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly well without a partnership means that it takes much more to persuade people to abandon their independence.

        In theory, finding a partner should be much simpler these days. Only a few generations ago, your choice of soul mate was limited by geography, social convention and family tradition. Although it was never clear,many marriages were essentially arranged. Now those barriers have been broken down. You can approach a builder or a brain surgeon in any bar in any city on any given evening. When the world is your oyster ( 牡蛎), you surely have a better chance of finding a pearl.

        But it seems that the old conventions have been replaced by the limitations of choice. The expectations of partners are raised to an unmanageable degree: good looks, impressive salary, kind to grandmother, and right socks. There is no room for error in the first impression.

        We think that a relationship can be perfect. If it isn't, it should be ended. We work to protect ourselves against future heartache and don't put in the hard emotional labor needed to build a strong relationship. Twelve-hour work at the office makes relaxed after-hours dating difficult. The cost of housing and child-raising creates pressure to have a stable income and Career before a life partnership.

    (1) What is a contemporary family like in UK today?
    A . Couples share the burdens. B . Men begin to depend on women. C . Women are responsible for housework. D . It is difficult to take care of a family.
    (2) Why do people preserve their independence?
    A . To live alone happily. B . To have more choices. C . To avoid marriages. D . To ignore traditions.
    (3) What makes it hard for people to date?
    A . Mental headache in dating. B . The pressure to survive. C . Bad luck in finding a partner. D . The faith between life partners.
    (4) What is the author trying to inform us in this text?
    A . Perfect marriages conflict with independence. B . People should, spend more money on marriages. C . The expectations and reality separate the lovers. D . Independence is much more important than love.


  • 5. 任务型阅读

        The first TV was made by John Baird in 1925. It had one color. It could only show 30 lines. This was just enough room for a face. It didn't work well, but it was a start.

         It was in New York- Few people had TVs. The broadcasts were not meant to be watched. They showed a Felix the Cat doll for two hours a day. The doll spun around on a record player. They were experimenting. It took many years to get it right.

        By the end of the 1930s, TVs were working well. America got its first taste at the 1939 Worlds Fair. There were 200 small, black and white TVs set up around the fair. The U. S. President gave a speech over the TVs. The TVs were only five inches big but the people loved it.

        By 1948 there were 4 big TV networks in America. They aired their shows from 8 to 11 each night. Local shows were aired at other timesTV was not "always on" like it is now.

        Color TVs came out in 1953. Also, shows were aired in black and white. By 1965, color TVs were cheaper. TV stations started airing shows in color. People had to switch if they wanted to see the shows.

        Now most TVs are high-def (高清). This means that they have many lines on them.TVs have come a long way since Baird's 30 line set. High-def TVs have 1080 lines. There are state of the art sets called 4K TVs. These TVs have 3,840 lines. Some people watch TV in 3D. I wonder what they will come up with next.

    A. This makes the image clearer.

    B. They cost too much money for most.

    C. A big TV factory was opened in 1927.

    D. The first TV station was set up in 1928.

    E. People watch news and shows on them.

    F. This was one of the biggest events ever.

    G. Most of the time, nothing was shown at all.


  • 6. 完形填空

        My family and I were on our way to Pennsylvania and it was the middle of a snowstorm. We were almost there when we got stuck in a 1 traffic jam. Cars stretched (延伸)ahead of us and behind us as 2 as we could see. We sat in the same 3 without moving for seven hours. We 4periodically to see if the5 ahead of us were moving, which they had never been6there was a large 18-wheeler truck in front of us, my mom had to 7 the door to see around the 18-wheeler to get a 8 of the traffic jam in front of us. All we could do was sit and 9.At no time did any of us fall asleep or stop10 attention, because we were always checking up on the traffic. We sat for hours and heard11 about the cause of the traffic jam from the12and the only person we talked to was a truck driver13 us, who didn't know anything about it either.14after seven hours, the truck in front of us began moving slowly and we were happy to get moving, but when we15in front of the truck, there were absolutely NO cars to be seen, and NONE behind us16 one 18-wheeler. The only other vehicle besides those was the one of the trucker that had been next to us the 17 time. There were no signs of a traffic jam the entire 18 of our trip. It was as though the cars had all 19To this day we have no 20 as to how this could have happened.

    A . permanent B . huge C . messy D . illegal
    A . usually B . much C . far D . quickly
    A . car B . sofa C . seat D . spot
    A . checked B . examined C . stared D . tried
    A . passengers B . trucks C . men D . cars
    A . Because B . Although C . Even if D . As if
    A . shut B . answer C . open D . lock
    A . view B . sense C . list D . rush
    A . play B . wait C . sleep D . imagine
    A . attracting B . demanding C . paying D . receiving
    A . something B . news C . whispers D . nothing
    A . TV B . text C . road D . radio
    A . in front of B . next to C . behind D . over
    A . Again B . Finally C . Thus D . Unfortunately
    A . run B . walked C . looked D . talked
    A . for B . as C . near D . except
    A . whole B . long C . hard D . free
    A . journey B . rest C . day D . process
    A . disappeared B . passed C . stopped D . moved
    A . expression B . motivation C . explanation D . intention


  • 7. 语法填空

        After a long journey, we arrived in Jiuzhaigou late at night. The tour guide (tell) us its name was from the nine Tibetan villages distributed along the valleys, had the reputation of “fairyland on earth”.

        The guide collected us at 8 am  next morning. Then we set off.

        Jiuzhaigou was famous  the 118 beautiful lakes and the many astonishing waterfalls (瀑布). Clear streams in the valleys collected in beautiful blue lakes, while in some places they collected into waterfalls. The lakes were pure enough(see) to the bottom, and they provided fantastic reflections of the facing trees and mountains. This (real) was a place to lose a day in.

    After the (amaze) visit to the valley, we were treated to a well made singing and dancing show about Tibetan life. The( performer) had beautiful traditional clothes, provided by (they) families.

        When the sun set, I found that time slipped away, and the tour was over. Although I hadn't explored all the sights, I felt able to enjoy the heavenly (beautiful). It's absolutely different from UK. Oh, beautiful Jiuzhaigou, goodbye!


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        On Sunday morning, Jack was painting in the study while the phone rang. He hurried to the phone. He was his workmate, Mike. While they were chatting on the phone, but his little son knocked over painting. Jack rushed back to the study. The painting was on a mess and the baby was crying. He quickly cleared the mess, comforting the baby and then took him out. To his surprises, his wife came back from shopping ahead of the usually time. He was rather embarrassing. He told his wife that it was the cat which caused the disaster.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Christina来信说,她夏天要来中国度假,游览三峡大坝及上海,希望你为她安排行程。请你回一封信,告知相关事宜。






    3)三峡大项:Three Gorges Dam
