
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



There is no doubt that the first day of school can be crazy for most of students. New kids wander (徘) around in circles, waiting for the opening of the school door. The school nurse needs your medical records. The freshmen are running in all directions, looking for their new classrooms.

    How can you overcome the first-day chaos? If you will go to a new school, try to arrange a visit before classes begin. Explore any areas, such as the playground, library, or school labs.

    Get one and read it before your school, starts-then keep it in your school bag until you're familiar with your new surroundings. Your first day is also the time to bring in school supplies and books.

    You should arrange your schoolbag well the night before you go to school so that you won't look for what you need at the last minute.

Did you try on eight different coats before deciding on what to wear? The best choice is to wear what makes you feel good, whether it is a new coat or an old sweater. If you plan to wear a pair of shoes, make sure they fit you well.

     Some start with a gathering, while others may jump right into the first-period class. You'll meet your new teachers, and they will probably give you an overview of the courses, class rules, what the semester will be like, what supplies you'll need, and expectations of your performance and behavior. Some teachers will jump into their first lesson, while others may have some activities.

A. Some schools even offer maps.

B. But you forget to bring it with you.

C. It all depends on the class and teacher.

D. Don't depend on your parents any more.

E. Each school has different opening-days.

F. You can also try to ask the teachers for help.

G. Lots of students have difficulty deciding on what to wear on the first day of school.


                                                                   Tips for Cooking on a Tight Schedule

     From my experience,there are three main reasons why people don't cook more often:ability,money and time.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Money is a topic I'll save for another day.So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen.Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule:

     1.Think ahead.The moments when I think cooking is a pain are when I'm already hungry and there is nothing ready to eat.So think ahead of the coming week.When will you have time to cook? Do you have the right materials already?{#blank#}2{#/blank#}      

     2.Make your time worth it.When you do find time to cook a meal,make the most of it and save yourself time later on.Are you making one loaf of bread?{#blank#}3{#/blank#} It takes around the same amount of time to make more of something.So save yourself the effort for a future meal.

     3.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} This may surprise you,but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation.It gives you the chance to hit upon new ideas and recipes that can work well with your appetite and schedule.The more you learn and the more you try,the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.

     Hopefully that gives you a good start.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} And don't let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live!

A.Try new things.

B.Ability is easily improved.

C.Make three or four instead.

D.Understand your food better.

E.Cooking is a burden for many people.

F.Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.

G.A little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later on.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    In today's busy and competitive world, we all lead incredibly stressful lives. When stress becomes overwhelming, it can affect our mood and productivity.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} The good news is that it is manageable and can be reduced, or even relieved completely.

    Enter the world of books. Feeling stressed out? Pick up your favorite book and leave the reality and worries behind. It is the most effective way to relax and overcome stress.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Getting lost in a book before bedtime can calm your mind and prepare your body for a good night's sleep.

    Connect with people. Another way to successfully beat stress is meeting with friends. Friends and loved ones are important to any healthy lifestyle. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed and just can't seem to shake it off, call your best friend or a member of your family and talk to them.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Walk it off. You can also effectively relieve yourself of stress by simply taking a walk around your neighborhood.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} There's a whole new world up there that you never seem to notice while rushing to work or talking to someone. Take a moment to admire a new building or a balcony somewhere high up that reminds you of a castle from your favorite movie. Enjoy your time alone and seize every moment of it.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Nothing brings you back on track like a good laughter. It is the most powerful antidote(良方) to stress and it brings joy into your life. Laughing brings people together and drives away all stress-related problems as if they never existed. It is absolutely the best medicine there is, and it will keep you both physically and emotionally healthy.

A. Laugh it off.

B. Take some medicine.

C. As you walk, remember to look up.

D. Reading may also help you sleep better.

E. Your hobby could be reading books, or even writing one.

F. But most importantly, it can affect our physical and mental health.

G. The conversation with a close person will immediately make you feel better.


    You are sitting on the desk. A teacher is writing on the blackboard. Kids are yelling in the playground outside. A book falls off the desk next to you. Suddenly, the teacher hands you a pop quiz.

Don't panic! {#blank#}1{#/blank#} You're in a “virtual(虚拟的)classroom”. Everything you see and hear is coming to you through a computer-operated display that you're wearing on your head like a pair of very big glasses. Wearing this kind of virtual-reality equipment, you can find yourself sitting in a classroom, touring a famous museum, wandering across a strange landscape, flying into space, or playing with a cartoon character. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Virtual-reality equipment that delivers images and sounds directly to your eyes and ears makes these fake worlds seem lifelike.

Unlike the classroom, the technology is real. It's a type of technology that uses computer programs to imitate real world situation.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Movie directors and video game producers have been using computers for years to create ever more realistic special effects. Some companies are now building three-dimensional(三维)fantasy worlds in which players, linked by computer networks, appear to meet and go on explorations together.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} They see virtual reality technology as a useful tool for learning more about why people act as they do. It could help psychologists deter identify and come up with solutions for behaviors problems, for example.

“We've spent the last 100 years looking for certain laws in how people interact with the real world,” says psychologist Albert. “ {#blank#}5{#/blank#} This is psychologist's dream.”

A. You aren't actually in school.

B. This technology has been used in many fields.

C. Some psychologists are also getting into the act.

D. Grown-ups, too, stand a chance of benefiting from this technology.

E. As part of one classic test, you watch letters flashed on a computer screen.

F. You don't have to leave your room to experience all that mentioned above.

G. Now, we've got a powerful tool that lets us create worlds and see how people perform.


    Rather Public speaking and critical thinking

    What is critical thinking? To a certain degree, it's a matter of logic (逻辑) — of being able to spot weaknesses in other people's arguments and to avoid them in your own, it also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence .

    In the broad sense, critical thinking is focused, organized thinking – the ability to see clearly the relationships among ideas{#blank#}1{#/blank#}The greatest thinkers, scientists, and inventors have often taken information that was really available and put it together differently to produce new ideas. That, too, is critical thinking.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} As the class goes on, for example, you will probably spend a good deal of time organizing your speeches. While this may seem like a purely mechanical (机械的) exercise, it is closely connected with critical thinking. If the structure of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking is also disordered and confused. If, on the other hand, the structure is clear, there is a good chance your thinking is too. Organizing a speech is not a matter of arranging the ideas your already have{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    What is true of organization is true of many aspects of public speaking.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} As you work on expressing your ideas in clear accurate language, you will improve your ability to think clearly and accurately{#blank#}5{#/blank#} As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class, you will be better able to assess the ideas of speakers in a variety of situations.

    If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as critical thinker in many circumstances. This is one reason public speaking has been regarded as a vital part of education since the days of ancient Greece.

A. Rather, it is an important part of shaping the ideas themselves.

B. This may seem like a lot of time, but the rewards are well worth it.

C. It may also help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.

D. As you study the role of evidence and reasoning in speechmaking, you will see how they can be used in other forms of communication as well.

E. The skills you learn in your speech class can help you become a more effective thinker in a number of ways.

F. If you are wondering what this has to do with your public speaking class, the answer is quite a lot.

G. It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only reorganized ideas.


    A conversation with a good listener is like a good meal—we walk away feeling satisfied and happy.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Here are 4 ways to make your conversation partner feel like you're fully tuned in to their personal radio station.


    Making your conversation partner feel safe starts with two things: an open mind and keeping judgment to yourself. Just as immersing(沉浸)yourself in a novel requires suspension of disbelief, immersing yourself in listening requires suspension of opinions or advice. While judgments may appear into your head, set them to the side.

    Ask questions to follow your natural curiosity.

    When you're interested, ask questions.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Ask for examples. Ask for details. Following your natural curiosity by asking questions not only shows you are listening and interested, but almost always produces an interesting story.

Listen with your whole body.

    In many a kindergarten classroom, teachers emphasize something called “whole body listening”. It goes like this: use your eyes to watch nonverbal(非语言), your brain to think about what is being said, your heart to feel emotions» and keep the rest of your body quiet to show respect. But many of us lose it over time, especially as life gets busy. The result? We often try to multitask while listening.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Validate(使生效)with simple phrases.

    Keep in your back pocket some validating words and phrases to show you've heard someone.

    “Of course.” “That makes sense.” “Naturally.” “Clearly.” “For sure.”{#blank#}5{#/blank#}In conversation, combining those little phrases: “Of course you feel that way.” or “That makes total sense.” doesn't necessarily convey agreement, but it does convey something even bigger: acceptance.

A. Create safety.

B. Devote yourself to listening.

C. It's appealing to talk about your own experience.

D. We half-listen while getting things done or staring at a screen.

E. Think like a journalist and ask what, when, where, why or how.

F. But being a good listener goes way beyond just not interrupting or nodding your head.

G. All of these statements confirm a person's experience or feelings as worthy and accepted.


    Everyone who has lived or worked overseas understands that travel is an enriching and life-changing experience, {#blank#}1{#/blank#} That frustration often stems from culture shock, but being able to identify the symptoms can help you ease the discomfort and anxiety of living in a new place. There are four main stages of culture shock while studying abroad that occur at different times for each person.

    The Honeymoon Stage. This is when everything is new and fascinating about your host country. It's at this stage that you may fall in love with Italian pizza or the Irish accent. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} You're fascinated by similarities and differences between the host country and your home.

    The Crisis (危机) Stage. This is when the differences between your home culture and the host country become apparent and feelings of frustration (沮丧)or anxiety occurs. You really want a jelly sandwich to remind you of home, but you realize your host country doesn't have it anywhere. They don't know your sense of humor. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} At this stage, you become familiar with your surroundings and develop a routine. The same concerns will occur, but you will be better equipped to handle them. You have more friends, increased social skills and you've even become an explorer of the culture. You've regained your confidence, become more independent, competent and culturally sensitive. The Mastery Stage. Congratulations! You've adjusted to the host culture. You've taken an inward and outward journey that has led to immeasurable personal growth. You're now able to live and work to your maximum potential.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} You can confidently speak and understand most colloquial English. You've developed meaningful friendships. You've settled. You belong.

A. The Depression Stage.

B. The Adjustment Stage.

C. Nobody knows the real you.

D. but it can also be frustrating.

E. but it may be costly to live in a new culture.

F. You're no longer distressed by cultural differences.

G. You're thrilled by new sights, sounds, smells and events.

