
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    California has become the first U.S. state to approve plans to require newly-built homes to include solar equipment.

    The state's Energy Commission voted 5-0 to approve the new rules, which are to take effect in 2020. The rules will deal with most newly-built residential (住宅的) buildings up to three stories high.

    The move is California's latest step aimed at reaching renewable energy targets and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    California has set a goal of filling half of its electricity needs with renewable energy by 2030. Officials said they had reached 30 percent by the end of 2017. The state's Governor, Jerry Brown, plans to hold an international climate meeting in September.

    ①The Energy Commission said the cost of adding solar equipment to a single-family home would be about $9,500. But, the group added that homeowners would save at least $19,000 in energy costs over 30 years.

    Robert Raymer is the technical director for the California Building Industry Association. He says the action is a step forward for the wider use of solar power in the U.S. "You can bet every other of the 49 states will be watching closely to see what happens," he told the Associated Press.

    ②Solar companies praised the new requirements, which officials have said will likely raise demand for solar equipment in California by 10-15 percent.

    The Solar Energy Industries Association called it a "historic decision for the state and the U.S." It estimated the action would produce "huge economic and environmental benefits," including bringing tens of billions of dollars into California.

    ③Some legislative and community leaders argued that Californians cannot afford to pay any more for housing in what is already an extremely high-priced market.

    "That's just going to drive the cost up and make California, once again, not affordable to live in," said California Assemblyman Brian Dahle.

    ④Severin Borenstein is an energy economist at the University of California, in Berkeley. He sent an email to the head of California's Energy Commission to urge the state to reconsider its decision.

    He expressed his belief that it is a mistake for California to approve such a policy instead of centering on efforts to develop large solar farms to produce renewable energy. He said these farms would cost much less to operate.

    "Every energy economist I know is shaking their head at this," he told the Wall Street Journal. "In many ways, this is setting the wrong example," he added.

(1)、According to the rules to take effect in 2020, newly-built homes are expected to ________.
A、replace large solar farms B、be equipped with solar equipment C、have the height of three stories D、stop greenhouse gas emissions   
(2)、From what Robert Raymer says, we can know that _______.
A、other 49 states won't follow in the footsteps of California B、California can achieve its goal of renewable energy by 2030 C、the action will help homeowners save money in the long term D、the new rules will probably enjoy a great popularity in the US
(3)、The sentence "But some individuals and groups were against the new rules." should be placed in_______.
A、 B、 C、 D、
(4)、The purpose of the passage is _______.
A、to show different attitudes towards an approval B、to express the significance of renewable energy C、to inform a new way of dealing with climate change D、to prove a new plan of solar equipment unreasonable.

    No country in the world has more daily newspapers than the US. There are almost 2,000 of them, as compared with 180 in Japan, 164 in Argentina and 111 in Britain. The quality of some American papers is extremely high and their views are quoted all over the world. Famous dailies like the Washington Post or the New York Times have a powerful influence all over the country. However, they are not national newspapers in the sense that The Times is in Britain or Le Monde is in France, since each American city has its own daily newspaper. The best of these presents detailed description of national and international news, but many tend to limit themselves to state or city news.

    Like the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the “sensational” which feature crime and gossip (闲谈), to the “serious”, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events. But with few exceptions, American newspapers try to entertain as well as give information, for they have to compete with the attraction of television.

    Just as American newspapers satisfy all tastes, so do they also try to attract readers of all political parties. A few newspapers support extremist (极端主义的) groups on the far right and on the far left, but most daily newspapers try to attract middle-of-the-road Americans who are moderate (中立的). Many of these papers print columns by well-known journalists of different political and social views, in order to present a balanced picture.

    As in other countries, American newspapers can be either responsible or irresponsible, but it is generally accepted that the American press serves its country well and that it has more than once courageously exposed political scandals (丑闻) or crimes, for instance, the Watergate Affair (水门事件). The newspapers drew the attention of the public to the horrors of the Vietnam War.


The Grand Canyon(大峡谷)Helicopter Tour

    You'll discover the natural beauty of the Grand Canyon as your helicopter flies to the west edge,passing over Lake Las Vegas,Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam.During the flight,you can listen to a recorded introduction to the Grand Canyon and its surroundings via headphones.At noon,you'll land for an unforgettable champagne picnic,3,200 feet below the edge.While you share a bottle of champagne,your pilot and guide will be happy to answer any questions you may have.Your flight ends with a low-level pass over the famous Las Vegas Strip.On landing,a comfortable car is waiting to bring you back to your hotel.

    Each helicopter carries a maximum of 6 people including your pilot.For a roomier experience,upgrade your flight to an EC-130 helicopter which provides larger leg room and can accommodate more weight per seat.See Additional Info for details on weight restrictions.

Pricing Information

    Services included:45-minute(approx)flight each way,hotel pickup and drop-off by   limousine,lunch.

    Our price is constantly updated.Click to check pricing & availability on your preferred  travel date.

    Additional Information

    The maximum weight per passenger to ride in an A-Star helicopter is 2751bs.If passengers weigh in between 2751bs and 3001bs,you will be required to upgrade to the    EC-130.

    Pickup is available from selected Las Vegas hotels.You must contact the local travel    agency to fix your pickup time.

    All flight times are approximate and might be influenced by weather conditions.

    Traveler Review

    This is an absolute must do.The view of the Grand Canyon at his height was absolutely amazing! Our pilot was funny,knowledgeable and a great guide.All the staff from booking to check-in and helicopter departure were fantastic.I would recommend this tour to everyone.


    Unlike modern animal scientists, dinosaur scientists cannot sit on a hillside and use telescopes to watch dinosaurs in order to know how they lived and whether they were good parents. Instead, they have to search hard for information from dinosaurs' fossils(恐龙化石) because dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.

    It's very difficult for the scientists to reach an agreement because different results can be got from the same fossils. Many fossils of the same kind of dinosaurs have been dug out from one place. They might have formed when an entire group of dinosaurs got stuck(陷入)all at once. Or they might have been the result of dinosaurs getting stuck one after another over a course of a few centuries. Thus we can say that dinosaurs might have in the first case lived in big groups and in the second lived alone.

    Though there are two different results, dinosaur scientists now generally agree that at least some kinds of dinosaurs lived in big groups. “That's pretty much settled at this point.” Says Paul Sereno. A kind of dinosaurs called Sauropods left behind tracks in the western United States that appear to run north and south, suggesting that they even moved long distances together.

    As to whether dinosaurs cared for their young, dinosaur scientists have turned to the closest living relatives of dinosaurs, birds and crocodiles for possible models. Birds give a lot of care to their young, while crocodiles just help their young to the water. The discovered fossils of dinosaurs sitting on their eggs and staying with their young suggest the parents were taking care of their babies, but we still cannot say that all dinosaurs did the same.

    There is still a long way to go before the above questions could be answered. Dinosaur scientists will have to find more proof to reach an agreement.


    On Saturday evening, CCTV showed a computer-generated image of the Chang'e 3 lander's path as it approached the surface of the moon, saying that during the landing period it needed to have no contact with Earth. As it was just hundreds of meters away the lander's camera broadcast images of the moon's surface.

    The Chang'e 3's solar panels, which are used to absorb sunlight to generate power, opened soon after the landing. The mission blasted off (发射) from southwest China on Dec. 2 on a Long March-3B carrier rocket. It is named after a mythical Chinese goddess of the moon and the “Yutu” rover vehicle, or “Jade Rabbit” in English, afternoon the goddess' pet.

    China's military-backed space program has made much progress in a relatively short time, although it is behind the United States and Russia in technology and experience. China sent its first astronaut into space in 2003, becoming the third nation after Russia and the United States to achieve manned space travel independently. In 2006, it sent its first probe (探测器) to the moon. China plans to open a space station around 2020 and send an astronaut to the moon after that.

    “They are taking their time with getting to know about how to fly humans into space, how to build space stations, how to explore the solar system, especially the moon and Mars. They are making big advancements, and I think over the next 10-20 years they'll certainly be matching Russia and America in this area and maybe overtaking them in some areas.”


    If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how "foolish" the Finnish people are.

    Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz with a fare of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.

    The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners. Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals. The most they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration card to the waiter. With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine free of charge.

The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the rate. From then on they just say how many hours they have worked and they will be paid accordingly.

    With so many loopholes in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take "petty advantages". But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms. And workers always give an honest account of the exact hours they put in. As the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real "gentleman".


    Some jobs are so demanding that there is not a free moment to do something else than to recover and rest. Most physicians have great difficulty starting or even maintaining a hobby. But there are exceptions.

    Take Menno Baars for instance. He works full time as a cardiologist(心脏病专家)in a hospital in Holland. "Full time" might still be an understatement-as a cardiologist he spends about 60 hours a week in the hospital. However, after a long day of work, he likes to come home and spend hours doing what is his great passion: painting.

    How can he find the time and energy to live a life that few others can pursue?" "Actually it is quite simple. If you like what you do, you will find a way to do it. Don't get me wrong. I love cardiology, but it is not a very creative profession," says Baars."It is a specialty that is based on strict treatment guidelines, without much room for your own ideas and creativity. That is why painting as a hobby is so wonderful. There are no rules and I can do whatever I want."

    Although there are no rules in painting, for Baars it is still some sort of a custom. The only thing that reminds the painter Baars of the cardiologist Baars is his white coat and his surgical gloves which he wears every time he is painting." I sometimes start at 10 at night and can continue working until 4:30 in the morning and still make it to work on time that same day," says Baars."That is the advantage of my training as a medical specialist. I get used to making crazy hours and long nights."

    You would think that someone who is so driven by his passion for painting was already fascinated by art as a little kid." Not at all," says Baars unexpectedly." I never dreamed of becoming a painter. My parents expected me to finish college and pursue a professional career. I only realized my passion for painting after having completed medical school. Once I was attracted by a painting of Miro, but could not afford it. So I decided to paint myself. I just started painting lines, but within minutes a beautiful dove was on the canvas. I suddenly realized this is what I want to do."

    A successful doctor. A successful painter. It seems unfair to have the two identities in one person. What do his fellow cardiologists think of his passion for painting? "They accept it and actually appreciate it as well. You see, if I was a cardiologist who provided suboptimal(未达最佳标准的)care for his patients,they would not agree. My chairman told me a few years ago in the hospital that he would rather see me reading cardiology books at night than see me holding a paint brush."

    "I used to pack a lot of ideas into each painting-different shapes,colors and so on. I still have tons of ideas, which is not the problem. But I do strive for more simplicity. To depict a simple idea clearly is my goal. Also my technique has improved over time. When I started out, the paint would sometimes flake(剥落)if the basis was not good, but that doesn't happen anymore these days."

    Menno Baars never has any doubts when he is painting. However,he does like the response he gets from the most important woman in his life. His wife is the first to see each newly-finished painting." Sometimes when I finish a new painting in the middle of the night, I wake her up to see if she likes it. She doesn't always like to be woken up, but she always gives an honest answer.

    Even if she doesn't like it, for me the painting is finished. I won't change it afterwards. It is more of the feeling that once my wife has seen it, it is ready to be presented to the rest of the world."

