
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Could the device, smartphone or PC,which you're using affect the moral decisions you make when using it? To test it, researchers presented multiple dilemmas to a sample set of 1,010 people. The participants were assigned a device at random.

    One case of the questions participants were asked is the classic “trolley (有轨电车) problem”: A runaway trolley is headed towards five people tied up on a set of train tracks. You can do nothing, resulting in the deaths of five people, or push a man off a bridge, which will stop the trolley. The practical response is to kill one man to save five lives, which 33.5 percent of smartphone users chose, compared to 22.3 percent of PC users.

    “What we found in our study is that when people used a smartphone to view classic moral problems, they were more likely to make more unemotional, reasonable decisions when presented with a highly emotional dilemma, ”Dr Albert Barque-Duran, the lead author of the study, told City, University of London. “This could be due to the increased time pressure often present with smartphones and also the increased psychological distance which can occur when we use such devices compared to PCs.”

    As for why the researchers started this study, Dr Barque-Duran noted, “Due to the fact that our social lives, work and even shopping take place online, it is important to think about how the contexts where we typically face moral decisions and are asked to engage in moral behavior have changed, and the impact this could have on the hundreds of millions of people who use such devices daily.” It's clear that we need more research on how our devices affect our moral decision making because we're using screens at an ever-increasing rate.

(1)、Why did the author mention the trolley problem?
A、To introduce a difficult problem to readers. B、To introduce the aim of carrying out the study. C、To show an example of the questions in the study. D、To show the difficult in dealing with dilemmas.
(2)、How do the smartphone users of the study behave in dealing with emotional dilemmas?
A、Calmly. B、Cruelly. C、Hesitantly. D、Enthusiastically.
(3)、Dr Albert believes that compared with PCs, smartphones ________.
A、help people bear more pressure B、help people make decisions quicker C、make people feel more mentally distant D、make people stay happier to solve problems
(4)、What can we infer from the text?
A、Shopping online has a great effect on making moral decisions. B、The people using smartphones are more than those using PCs. C、People who often use smart phones or PCs always meet with dilemmas. D、It is common for people to be involved in making moral decisions in daily life.

    On a recent visit to the Museum of Modem Art with a friend and her daughter,wandering through the museum's exhibits,I was struck by how often my friend's 13-year-old daughter asked us to take photos of her with her smart phone in front of the artwork.Then,she gazed at the photos which she would then post on Instagram,Snapchat and all the rest.She was not the only person who was doing this; it seemed everyone was busy taking photos of themselves "experiencing" the museum.

    This is by no means a criticism of my friend's daughter or anyone else.What was concerning,at least to me,was that in between being photographed and posting,my friend's daughter had no interest in the artwork,a fact which didn't seem to matter or have anything to do with wanting to post herself as someone enjoying the experience.

    When I was her age,I had no interest in going to museums either.Having no interest in art at her age (and any age) is completely normal.But what is disturbing is how much of a young person's energy these days goes into creating an image of the life they're living and the character they "are" in that life.While creating a self-image has always been a big part of growing up and figuring out our identity,social media seems to have changed the rules of the game.Social media has not just increased the pressure and possibility of creating a self-generated(自我创造的)  self-image,but also distorted(歪曲)the process through which we become who we are.Young people now seem to be creating an image of who they are in place of becoming who they are,posting their life rather than living it.

    Social media has turned life and its experiences into an exercise in narcissism(自恋,自我陶醉).No matter what the experience is actually about,it becomes about you,the person who is living it.A concert is not about the music,a restaurant not about the food and a sport event not about the sport;it's all about you,the doer,and what the event says about you.As a result the more we use life create an identity,the more distant from life we feel.Instead of being part of it,we feel as if we have to keep generating new life material.

    I hope the next time you post your story,pause for a moment and experience where you are,feel what it feels like to live what you're living without using life for your benefit,or for anything at all.Just live,without the narrative(叙述).While you may feel this practice is a threat to your identity,causing you to miss a chance to prove your value,in fact,the benefit will far outweigh any loss it brings.


    When Huang Lizhi took her first class in African sociology at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa in February, her professor asked her and her classmates what impresses them most when it comes to Africa.

    Unexpectedly, Huang, 31, found that words like "poverty" and "safari" – negative words that were often associated with the continent in media reports – were the kind of terms her African classmates didn't want to hear. Instead, they preferred to hear the question answered in this way: "Africa is the cradle of humankind" and "Africans are passionate and generous".

    Apparently, there are some misunderstandings between us. It's true that with incidents like the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa and the emergence (出现) of pirates off the coast of Somalia hitting the news, it's easy for us to keep forgetting that Africa has one of the world's oldest civilizations – Egypt, born by the world's longest river, the Nile. The proof is in the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza, which are both popular among tourists. And the tombs of ancient Egypt have also become endless sources for the literature and film industries.

    When it comes to the natural environment of Africa, our misunderstandings are only bigger. But the truth is that instead of being extremely hot all year and covered by desert, the continent has large areas of savannas (稀树草原) where lions, giraffes and zebras live, the snowcapped Kilimanjaro – the highest mountain in Africa – and even thick forest on the island of Madagascar. These misunderstandings are one of the reasons why the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation was held on Sept 3 and 4 – to understand each other better.

    Indeed, only by visiting Africa herself did Huang see the convenient living conditions, the amazing natural beauty and the friendly people. In her eyes, her classmates were as hopeful about the future of their own countries as they were about Africa as a whole, and they were quick to demonstrate both their strong will and activity. "At that moment, I knew exactly what they wanted – they wanted their culture to be respected."


    At the age of seven, while his friends were spending their allowances on candy and toys, Jose Adolfo Quisocola, Peru, came up with the creative idea of an eco­bank which allows kids of all ages to become economically independent and financially wise while helping the environment.

    Established in 2012, The Bartselana Student Bank is the world's first cooperative bank for kids. Whoever wants to join has to bring in at least 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of solid waste (paper or plastic) and establish a savings goal. Once accepted, all bank "partners" are required to deposit at least one additional kilogram (2* 2 pounds) of recydables on a monthly basis and obey other requirements, such as attending financial education and environmental management workshops. The waste accumulated is sold to local recycling companies, who, thanks to some clever negotiation by Jose, pay a higher­than­market rate for everything brought in by Bartselana Student Bank members. The funds received are placed in the individual's account where they collect until his/her savings goal is reached. The account holder can then withdraw his/her money, or choose to leave it and continue to grow for a bigger target.

    "At the beginning, my teachers thought I was crazy or that a child could not undertake this type of project," Jose recalls. "They did not understand that we are not the future of the country but its present. Luckily, I had the support of the school principal and an assistant in my classroom."

    The youngster's persistence paid off. Today, the eco­bank, which now has the support of several local institutions, has ten educational centers and begins accepting applications from kids all across Peru. On November 20, 2018, the young boy was awarded the famous Children's Climate Prize (CCP). "Jose's eco­bank is a brilliant way of linking economy and climate impact, both in thought and practice. The potential impact is amazing", a judge said.

    Hopefully, Jose's success will inspire more kids and adults to come up with new ideas that create value while helping the environment. As the boy says, "Together we can change the world, we just need an opportunity."


    The Notre Dame fire has been put out, but its spire and a large portion of its wooden roof have been damaged. The terrible destruction causes a sudden sharp pain to people around the world. On Chinese social media network Wechat a common comment on the disaster is: "What a pity that we cannot see the damaged parts of the wonder anymore."

    But the good news is that there is at least one way of seeing them, namely via a video game called Assassin's Creed: Unity. In this game, the player can travel to one city after another and enter the buildings exactly like what they are in reality, and see Notre Dame as it was before the fire. Further, with virtual reality technology, which is already quite mature, one can even look around the undamaged Notre Dame as if it is still there. Maybe digital technology could help to better protect architectural cultural heritage.

    The idea of digitizing ancient buildings, making digital models of them so their data can be saved, dates back to the 1990s and the necessary technology has continued to advance since then. By scanning the ancient buildings with lasers, building 3D models with multiple images, as well as measuring everything precisely, engineers can make a copy as accurate as the real one.

    As computers and smartphones are hugely popular, the digital replica(复制品)has great use value  First, it allows tourists to feel the cultural relics without touching them, which helps protect them. The virtual tour of Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province is a good example of this as tourists can view the paintings without standing near them. Furthermore, it can make the digitized cultural relics more famous by spreading awareness about them via the Internet. In 2000, a virtual tour of the Great Wall became very popular at the Hannover World Expo, which increased the number of foreign tourists visiting the site in the following years. Above all, it preserves all the information of the cultural relics. Even if the original ones are damaged one day, people can still know what they were like and can build a replica if desired.

    Of course, however precise a model is, it is not the original. Time is the biggest threat to a country's architectural heritage, which will always become ruins with the passing of time. Maybe we will have better technologies in the future, but the digital technology offers a practical way to preserve architectural cultural heritage at the moment.

