
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Are you preparing for a big test? If so, you may want to go to play some basketball in between hitting the books. Doctors are starting to find more and more information that suggests a connection between exercise and brain development. Judy Cameron, a scientist at Oregon Health and Science University, studies brain development. According to her research, it seems that exercise can make blood vessels (血管), including those in the brain, stronger and more fully developed. Dr. Cameron is sure that this allows people who exercise to think better. As she says, “While we already know that exercise is good for the heart, exercise can actually cause physical changes in the brain.”

The effects of exercise on brain development can even be seen in babies. Babies who do activities that require a lot of movement show greater brain development than babies who are less physically active. Even a little movement can show big results. Margaret Barnes, a scientist, also believes in the importance of exercise. She thinks that many learning disabilities that children have in primary school or high school can result from a lack of movement as babies. Babies need movement that encourages and excites their five senses. They need to set up a connection between motion and memory. In this way, as they get older, children will begin to connect physical activity with higher learning,” says Margaret.

    Older people can develop their brains as well. Cornell University studied a group of seniors who have a short-term memory increase of up to 40 percent after exercising just three hours a week. The exercise does not have to be very difficult, but it does have to increase the heart rate. Also, just like the motion for babies, exercise for older people should not be too simple. Learning some new skills or actions, such as with yoga or tat- chi helps to open up memory paths in the brain that may not have been used for a long time. For most people, any type of physical activity that increases the heart rate is helpful. The main aim is to increase the brain's flow of blood. And your brain can benefit from as little as two to three hours of exercise a week.

(1)、What is the main idea of this passage?
A、How exercise makes people strong. B、How to get good scores in a test. C、How exercise helps the brain develop. D、How the brain can change one's memory.
(2)、According to the passage, what is the connection between exercise and brain development?
A、Exercise helps soften our blood vessels. B、Physical exercise helps us think better. C、The brain needs special mental exercise. D、The more exercise, the bigger the brain.
(3)、For ordinary people, the smallest amount of exercise required to gain any benefit is ______.
A、two hours per week B、40 hours per week C、three hours per day D、40 hours per month
(4)、Why is yoga suggested for seniors?
A、It does good to the joints of old people. B、It does not increase the heart rate. C、It includes learning new actions. D、It can be done in groups.

    Welcome to Arundel Castle which is situated in West Sussex, England. The castle has a history of nearly 1000 years and has welcomed visitors traveling from all over the world. Arundel Castle also plays a starring role in many films.

    The Gardens

    The White Garden is planted with soft white Iceberg Roses, and Snow White Lilies.

    The Rose Garden is newly planted with lovely old-fashioned English roses that are at their very best in June and July.

    The Organic Kitchen Garden produces a wide range of seasonal fruits and vegetables, pears, cherries and apples.

    The Castle Shop

    In the Castle Shop, you will discover a wide and interesting range of gift ideas for everyone. It offers gifts and souvenirs designed to appeal to all tastes and pockets. Foods, china, books, and stationery (文具)are all available. Many are sold in this Castle Shop only.

    At Arundel Castle we pride ourselves on supporting local suppliers and actively encourage environmentally friendly products.

    The Arundel Festival 2014

    Saturday 16th to Monday 25th August

    The annual Arundel Festival gets bigger and better every year. It is one of the most amazing, diverse and easily accessible arts festivals in the UK, offering a mix of visual arts, music, theatre and street entertainment.


    Coaches and mini-buses can drop off at the main Castle entrance in Mill Road and park in the main town car park that is opposite the Castle entrance. Please inform us when making your booking of how many parking permits are required.


    USAW and USAPL Super Total Weekend

Murder of Crows Barbell and Crow Hill CrossFit are proud to present a Super Total Weekend on Saturday, December 1st and Sunday, 2nd at Crow Hill CrossFit! Athletes can sign up for one or for both competitions. BUT you must be a member of USAW to compete in both competitions.

    Registration will be limited to the first 60 entries. Athletes must be present USAW members and must compete in an event shirt.

    Medals will be awarded to First, Second and Third best totals in each open weight class for both men and women. We will also be awarding a prize cup for Best Male and Best Female Lifting in the Open Division and in the Masters Division. Youth lifters are welcome and we will be giving away medals for the top three finisher in each weight class and age group(11 & Under, 13 & Under, 14—15, 16—17).

    Entry fee will be $60 for the USAW competition. Event shirts can be preordered only for $20 before November 1st. $5 for spectators. Two coaches per athlete will get in free for the day.

    Tentative Schedule:

    Session 1: WOMEN YOUTHS & WOMEN 45, 49, 55, 59

    7:00 am Weigh In

    9:00 am Lift

    Session 2: MEN YOUTHS & MEN 55, 61, 67, 73

    9:30 am Weigh In

    11:30 am Lift

    Session 3: WOMEN 64, 71, 76, 81, +87

    12:00 pm Weigh In

    2:00 pm Lift

    Session 4: MEN 81, 89, 96, 102, 109, +109

    2:30 pm Weigh In

    4:30 pm Lift

    REFUND(退款) POLICY: Athletes may receive a 50% refund up to November 1. No transfers. NO REFUNDS OR TRANSFERS OF REGISTRATION AFTER 11/1.


    The conclusion of the Paris Agreement in 2015, in which almost every nation committed to reduce their carbon emissions(排放), was supposed to be a turning point in the fight against climate change. But many countries have already fallen behind their goals. Meanwhile emissions worldwide continue to rise.

    The only way to catch up is to aggressively pursue an approach that takes advantage of every possible strategy to reduce emissions. Wind and solar energy are usually part of this effort, but it must also include investing heavily in carbon capture(碳捕捉), utilization(应用)and storage(CCUS)—a range of technologies that pull carbon dioxide from the air, and transform it into useful materials or store it underground. Although CCUS has been opposed as too expensive and unproved, recent gains have made it far more effective. Improvements such as chemical compounds could drive the cost down from $1 00 per ton of captured carbon in 20 16 to $ 20 per ton by 2025, according to a 2016 article in Science.

    Three primary CCUS paths lead to the reduction of carbon emissions: retrofitting(改装)existing power plants; reducing emissions in industries that cannot run on renewable energy; and directly removing carbon from the air. Cutting emissions from existing electric power stations with CCUS could be made more appealing in a future with a circular carbon economy, in which captured carbon could be resold and recycled for other uses——for instance, serving as a raw material for making concrete or plastics.

    The basic idea of carbon capture has faced a lot of opposition. Skepticism has come from climate change deniers, who see it as a waste of money, and from passionate supporters of climate action, who fear that it would be used to justify continued reliance on fossil fuels. Both groups are ignoring the recent advances and the opportunity they present. By limiting investment in decarbonization, the world will miss a major avenue for reducing emissions in a variety of industries. CCUS can also create jobs and profits from what was previously only a waste material by creating a larger economy around carbon.

    The transition to clean energy has become necessary. But that transition's ability to achieve deep decarbonization will become less effective without this wide range of solutions, which must include CCUS.


    Visual language is a form of communication that uses visual elements (元素) as opposed to formal written language to convey meaning or an idea, Graphicacy, the ability to communicate visually, is considered as important as literacy and numeracy, the abilities to read and count. Some people are visual thinkers, using that part of the brain that is emotional and creative to process and give meaning to information. Visual communication can find expression in paintings, drawings, symbols, or simply lines and shapes arranged for a specific effect.

    Art is an example of visual language. A painting or sculpture can convey ideas or arouse specific kinds of emotional responses. It may also express ideas about historical events, abstract concepts, or simply be about the way certain shapes or forms "work" together or create a certain effect on the mind. Some researchers believe that different parts of the brain respond in unique ways to colors and shapes.

Pictograms (象形文字) and ideograms (表意文字) are types of visual language. Pictograms are pictures that are similar to what they represent. They are still used today to communicate information. Many people around the world are familiar with the pictograms indicating such things as airports, public facilities, and non-smoking areas indicated by a cigarette in a circle with a line across it. Ideograms are pictures that represent ideas and can often be understood without the aid of written language. Some scholars track modern alphabets to pictures Letters are actually ancient pictures, and words are a series of pictures. Modern alphabet letters are not only phonetic (语音的) symbols but are based on ancient religious images and symbols.

    Musivisual communication is also a part of visual language. The term refers to music created specifically to improve the visual experience of film. It corresponds to the images being seen on the screen, and the music may arouse a sense of terror, fear, or other emotions. Most movie goers understand the language of musical clues showing that something dramatic or important is about to happen.


    Forget Cyclists, Pedestrians are Real Danger

    We are having a debate about this topic. Here are some letters from our readers.

    ■ Yes, many cyclists behave dangerously. Many drivers are disrespectful of cyclists. But pedestrians are probably the worse offenders.

    People of all ages happily walk along the pavement with eyes and hands glued to the mobile phone, quite unaware of what is going on around them. They may even do the same thing while crossing a road at a pedestrian crossing or elsewhere. The rest of us have to evade (避让) them or just stand still to wait for the unavoidable collision.

    The real problem is that some pedestrians seem to be, at least for the moment, in worlds of their own that are, to them, much more important than the welfare of others.

—Michael Horan

    ■ I loved the letter from Bob Brooks about cyclists (Viewpoints, May 29). I am afraid they seem to think they own the roads.

    I was walking across Altrincharn Road one morning when a cyclist went round me and on being asked what he was doing he shouted at me.

    The government built a cycle lane on the road but it is hardly used.

    The police do nothing. What a laugh they are!

    The cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanes and wear helmets, fluorescent (发荧光的)jacket and tights at night and in the morning. They should pay some sort of tax and be fined for not wearing them.

—Carol Harvey

    ■ Cyclists jump on and off pavements (which are meant for pedestrians), ride at speed along the pavements, and think they have a special right to go through traffic lights when they are on red.

    I was almost knocked down recently by a cyclist riding on the pavement when there was a cycle lane right next to him.

    Other road users, including horse riders, manage to obey the rules so why not cyclists?

    It's about time they had to be registered and insured, so when they do hit a pedestrian or a vehicle, or cause an accident, at least they can be traced and there might be an opportunity to claim.


    Write to Viewpoints of the newspaper.


    Allen Cook and his daughter Melissa were renovating(整修) her house, when they found a beautiful, heart-warming love story. "The envelope in the ceiling was old and yellow. It had never been opened, It was unbelievable when my son-in-low started reading it. In the letter she was talking about the baby she was going to have," Allen Cook said.

    The story began in May 4, 1945, the typed letter was written by a woman named Virginia to her husband, Rolf Christoffersen. At the time, he was a sailor in the Norwegian navy. The envelope was marked "return to sender" and never found its way to her husband. Allen's daughter used the Internet to find the phone number of someone named Rolf Christoffersen and gave him a call, leading her to his son in Santa Barbara, California.

    "Someone called me at my office. They just googled my name because I have the same name as my father. Melissa asked me where I grew up and I told her. She told me she had the letter," Christoffersen's son, 66 now, said. The younger Christoffersen wasn't yet born when his mother Virginia wrote the letter, but he said her words were very special to him. His mother, who died six years ago, wrote about her love for her husband.

    "I love you Rolf, as I love the warm sun, and that is what you are for my life, the sun about which everything else revolves around me," she wrote. Seventy-two years later, her words were finally heard by her husband. Christoffersen immediately called his father, who is now 96. And read the letter to him over the phone. "I was so surprised after all these years. I was very emotional," the elder Christoffersen said.

    The long-lost letter was finally received just before Mother's Day; it was another tangible connection to Virginia Christoffersen. "It's Mother's Day and reading her words reminded me just what a wonderful person she was and how much she loved us" her son said, through tears.

