
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类: 难易度:普通



Children who were behind in their development at age 4-5 were almost three times as likely to have been out of education,employment,or training at age 16-17,analysis of pupil data has found. 

4-5-ycar-olds in England are assessed by the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile,and those who reach the boundary of a"good level of development"are considered"school ready". 

The new study in the journal BMC Public Health has found a significant gap in Not in Education,Employment or Training (NEET)outcomes between those who were ready and unready for primary school. The research drew on data from more than 8,000 Bradford young people whose records are linked as part of the Connected Bradford project. The research found that 11%of children who were not school ready went on to be NEET at 16-17, compared to just 4%of children who were school ready. 

Lead author Dr Matthew Warburton,Research Officer at Leeds' School of Psychology, said:"These findings tell us that there are clear,early indicators for children and young people being at risk of disadvantage in late adolescence. As schools routinely collect this data,the research could be used to kickstart early intervention in schools based on primary school readiness. "

The research team,which also included academics from Lancaster University and the Bradford Institute for Health Research,say this shows a clear need for early intervention by schools to reduce disadvantage in later life. 

This echoes the message from a series of N8 Child of the North and Centre for Young Lives reports on the need to put children and young people first. Senior author Dr Amy Atkinson,Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Lancaster University said:"Data from the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is readily available for millions of children and young people in England. This information could,and should,be used to identify pupils at increased risk of becoming NEET. "

(1)、What does the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile probably do?
A、Record employment status. B、Monitor teenagers' progress. C、Evaluate primary school students. D、Assess 4-5-year-olds'development.
(2)、What does Dr Matthew imply about the current situation of schools?
A、They lack data for early intervention. B、They lack data to identify at-risk students. C、Early intervention is required. D、Early intervention have been done.
(3)、What do we know about the data according to the last paragraph?
A、It is rarely used in England. B、It is not enough for identifying NEET youth. C、It is used effectively for the NEET issue. D、It can solve the issue of NEET youth.
(4)、The passage is structured in the following way . 
A、Introducing a topic-Describing related studies -Making suggestions B、Making a claim -Providing evidence-Drawing a conclusion C、Presenting a problem -Analyzing the causes -Offering solutions D、Raising a question-Discussing different opinions -Reaching an agreement

    Teaching materials for learning Chinese are provided here. There are sites where you may find interesting instructions suitable for you. Here are some sites to begin your surfing.

    You may start with these pages from this website — just to get a little taste of it without working too hard.

    A Is For Love

    Flash cards for learning a few Chinese words

    Listening to the sound of Chinese

    Play a few words of Chinese on your computer.

    A few Chinese words

    Each word is enlarged for easy study.

    If you are studying Chinese, these tools can help.

    Zhongwen site

    More than a dictionary!

    Clavis Sinica

    Excellent program by Professor David Porter. It displays a whole document in Chinese [GB] or [BIG5], and gives individual word's definition, pronunciation as well as much more information when you click on that word. If you are studying Chinese, this is a very useful tool.

    Chinese Character Visual Dictionary

    If you like to know more, go to the following sites on the Internet.

    The Chinese Outpost

    Pronunciation, Character and Grammar By Mark Andrew Baker. The best. A must-visit site.

    Learn Cantonese / Mandarin Online

    Internet Based Chinese Teaching and Learning

    Rainland Kids discover Chinese — Site is in Germany

    If you want to have a better understanding of China, go to this one.

    Wanfang Data

    As an affiliate (分支) of Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology, Wanfang Data has been the leading information provider in China since 1950s. With a wide range of database resources and value-added services, Wanfang Data has become a gateway to understanding Chinese culture, medicine, business, science, etc.


    The first time she saw Bryce Loski, she flipped. The first time he saw Juli Baker, he ran. For six years of living close by, they had played the same game of cat-and-mouse (Juli was the cat; Bryce was the unfortunate mouse).

    For years Juli dreamed of one thing: her first kiss from the boy. Nothing else seemed to matter. But when Juli's favorite sycamore tree is threatened by developers, things begin to change. She begins to see things and places and people in a different light. Things, for years, she thought to be important, become things she can live without; and people she thought to be the center of her universe, become nothing more than a star in a faraway galaxy.

    Things begin changing with Bryce also. It all begins with the eggs…which then cause a domino effect of changes with his relationships with his best friend, his father, the Bakers and, ultimately, Juli.

    I had seen this book on the shelf at bookstores for years, but never bothered to pick it up because it looked to be another book from Jerry Spinelli (not exactly my favorite author in the world) and so, continually, I would walk past it without giving it a second glance. If by chance I had picked it up, I most likely would not have read it, since the summary on the back didn't seem too appealing. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I heard about Flipped the movie. I read an interview with Callan McAuliffe (the actor who portrays Bryce) and thought that Flipped was a romance right up my alley; cute, innocent and as far from Jane Austin as you could get. After reading the interview and a summary of the movie, I found the plot-line to be somewhat appealing and a definite breath of fresh air opposed to the dark material I have been recently reading and writing. I found the book a few days later in a Goodwill bookstore and finished it in three days.

    The story isn't what you would consider deep…it isn't shallow and pointless either…I guess you could say it's the perfect balance of life-lessons and innocence.

    You read about Bryce and Juli (each from their own points of view) and how, throughout six years, their lives and views and opinions change and develop. Flipped is somewhat of a coming of age story about two kids learning to see life from the other's point of view and learning that growing up isn't about staying the same, but changing; changing likes and dislikes; changing friends and crushes and views on family.

Uniquely written, every other chapter showing the same scenes and events, only from the other's point of view, you see how the saying, "Two sides to every story," is true. You are able to see both Juli and Bryce's reasons for doing what they do and saying what they say…not just what the other sees.

    It will be interesting to see how this writing style comes into play in the movie. Overall I thought this story was incredibly cute and light-hearted, although it didn't entirely meet my expectations. Especially the ending. I felt as though it ended quite abruptly and that there was more story that needed to be told.

    But even with that, after having taken a step back and taken my mind off of Flipped, I find the story has stuck with me and stayed in the back of my mind, making me highly anticipate seeing this book turned to a film. I understand why it has been so popular for almost two decades and am looking forward to seeing Flipped on the big screen soon.


    Shine United (Madison, Wisconsin)

    In the past five years, this Wisconsin-based advertising agency has shared more than $500,000 in profits with its employees through the company's ShineShares program. The agency partnered with the University of Wisconsin's oncology department to develop the Ride, a biking event that benefits cancer research. Employees also get snacks every day, “Beer Thirty” on Thursdays, and Summer Fridays, a program that lets employees leave at noon.

    GroundFloor Media (Denver, Colorado)

    The key for workers at this midsize public relations firm in Denver is that employees work anytime, anywhere. Headquarters are in a former warehouse downtown, near Coors Field. The offices are spread around the central space that doubles as a wet bar every Thursday when the company's “bear club” brings in a new brew.

    Ergodyne (St. Paul, Minnesota)

    The St. Paul-based company has grown to operating out of a retired storehouse with plenty of natural light. Rules about dressing? “Wear something.” Its purpose? To create cool, comfortable, and tough safety workwear for those who need it to get the job done. Ergodyne has around 50 employees, who enjoy hot-dish cook-offs, tickets to sporting events, and at least one happy hour every quarter.

    Southwest Michigan First (Kalamazoo, Michigan)

    It's family first at this Michigan economic development advising agency. CEO Ron Kitchens says that in the past year, the company has made a push to go green, initially started by the millennial employees who make up half the agency's workforce. A new staff position was created for the purpose of making sure every employee is able to balance working and cheering at their kids' sporting events or going fishing.


Learning New Vocabulary during Deep Sleep

    Sleeping time is sometimes considered unproductive time. This raises the question whether the time spent asleep could be used more productively, e.g. for learning a new language? Up-to-now sleep research focused on the stabilization and strengthening of memories that had been formed during wakefulness. However, learning during sleep has rarely been examined. There is enough evidence for wake-learned information undergoing a revision by replay in the sleeping brain. The replay during sleep strengthens the still weak memory and leaves the newly acquired information in the pre-existing store of knowledge.

    If re-play during sleep improves the storage of wake-learned information, then first-play, i.e. the initial processing of new information, should also be possible during sleep.

    The research group of Katharina Henke examined whether a sleeping person is able to form new semantic(语义的)associations between played foreign words and translation words during the brain cells' active states, the so-called "Up-states." It turned out to be that what they thought was reasonable. When we reach deep sleep stages, our brain cells progressively coordinate their activity. During deep sleep, the brain cells are commonly active for a brief period of time before they jointly enter into a state of brief inactivity. The active state is called "Up-state" and the inactive state "Down-state". The two states alternate(交替)about every half-second.

    New evidence for sleep-learning challenges current theories of sleep and theories of memory. The concept of sleep that we are separated from the physical environment is no longer reasonable. "It's false that complex learning be impossible during deep sleep," says Simon Ruch, co-first-author. "In how far and with what consequences deep sleep can be applied for the acquisition of new information will be a topic of research in upcoming years," says Katharina Henke.

    The research group of Katharina Henke is part of the Interfaculty Research Cooperation (IRC). Thirteen research groups in medicine, biology and psychology are part of the IRC. The aim of these research groups is to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms(原理)involved in sleep and consciousness.


Welcome to Inspire 21

    Our aim is to provide "Inspiring words for the 21st century". So, here we offer a unique collection of inspiring short stories, motivational short stories, and humorous short stories for you to read and share.

    If you do care to share, click the "SHARE" button in the bottom left corner of each page. And thanks for telling others about Inspire 21.

    The inspiring stories that are labeled (标记) "TRUE" are done so to the best of our knowledge, but we do not have full proof in some cases. However, all of these stories and messages are provided because of their uplifting content, whether true or not. Many books we've read and movies we've watched were totally untrue, but we enjoyed the inspiration they gave us—especially if they had a happy ending.

    So, please read and share these stories at your own discretion (判断力). Thank you for your understanding!

    Also, many of the inspiring stories used here are used with permission from the author. However, we cannot grand (授予) permission to reuse any of these inspirational stories, as the majority of them are not ours.

    Lastly, many inspiring stories (emailed to us or we came across online) are listed as "Author Unknown". If you happen to know the author's name, to whom credit should be given, please contact us with that information so we can keep our inspiring story collection accurate. Thank you again!


Whistler World ski Snowboard Festival

    There are many reasons why the World Ski& Snowboard Festival has been so popular for the past 22 years. Known to locals as WSSF, the festival combines spring energy with Whistlers unique mountain culture. It is being held from 10th April to 15th April, at the Whistler Conference Centre in Whistler. Canada. There are photography, filmmaking, ski and snowboard competitions.

    WSSF Schedule

    Below are some of the events.

    Tuesday, April 10

    Eight famous adventurers give visual stories to the audience. The eight people include mountain bikers Darren Berrecloth and Hans Rey, climber John Long, diver Jill Heinerth, snow boarder Alex Warburton, skier Johnny Thrash, and adventurers Casey Brown and Ted Baird.

    Wednesday, April 11

    This free exhibit gives you a deeper look at mountain culture. It goes further than simply landscapes and wildlife. The exhibit will be open to everyone from April 1l to April 13.

    Teams have 72 hours to shoot, edit and produce a short film taken within 100 kilometres of Whistler Village. Judges will choose just one winner for "Best of show".

    Thursday, April 12

    Six photographers compete to amaze the judges and the audience with pictures that record sports, culture and the human spirit.

    Friday, April 13

    Whistler Blackcomb is the fourth stop in British Columbia, Canada, for this snowboard contest. The contest is free to enter and the two champions (man and woman) will share C $50, 000.

    Saturday, April 14

    Competitors include a mix of racing legends. The audience can view the ski race for free. The ski race depends on the weather and is scheduled for Saturday, April 14 but may be moved to Friday, April 13-check wssf.com for up-to-date information.

