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题型:阅读理解 题类: 难易度:普通



Many people have long believed that bright lights draw, or attract flying insects. But that is not exactly what is going on, a new study suggests.

Researchers believe that artificial lights at night may cause problems with flying insects' natural navigation systems. As a result, the creatures fly in confusion around porch lamps, street lights and other artificial lights. "Insects have a navigational problem," said Tyson Hedrick of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He added, "They're accustomed to using light as a cue(提示)to know which way is up."

Insects do not fly directly toward a light source, but actually "tilt(倾斜)their backs toward the light," said Sam Fabian of Imperial College London. Fabian was a co-writer of the study that appeared recently in Nature Communications. This tilting action would make sense if the strongest light source was in the sky. But in the presence of artificial lights, the result is midair confusion.

For the study, researchers attached very small sensors to moths and dragonflies in a laboratory. They then filmed "motion-capture" video of flight—similar to how filmmakers attach sensors to actors to follow their movements. Researchers also used high-resolution cameras to film insects flying around lights at a field in Costa Rica. Such films permitted researchers to study in detail how dragonflies circle endlessly around light sources, positioning themselves with their backs facing the light. Researchers also documented that some insects fly upside down—and often crash land—in the presence of lights that shine straight upward like search lights. Insect flight was least disrupted by bright lights that shine straight downward, the researchers found.

"For millions of years, insects oriented themselves by sensing that the sky is light, the ground is dark—until people invented artificial lights", said Avalon Owens of Harvard University.

(1)、What can we learn from the study?
A、Insects have a navigational problem. B、Artificial lights will make insects confused. C、Not all insects do fly directly toward a light source. D、Small sensors are used to film an insect documentary.
(2)、Which of the following may Avalon Owens agree with?
A、Insects are unlikely to fly upside down. B、Insects can position themselves facing the light. C、Insects failed to orient themselves because of artificial lights. D、Insect flight was interrupted by downward-shining bright lights.
(3)、What attitude does the author take towards the study?
A、Ambiguous. B、Objective. C、Optimistic. D、Indifferent.
(4)、Where can we most probably read this passage?
A、In an advertisement. B、In a science textbook. C、In a nature magazine. D、In a news report.

How to Fill Your Empty Walls with Beautiful Art

    If you've ever stared at an empty wall wondering what to put there, you're not alone. The idea of having the same museum print as everyone else doesn't seem that appealing.

    But, many people who may be interested in purchasing art are at a loss on how to start. The amount of time taken to discover art and artists that you truly love, and the expense of purchasing art, keep many people from even considering it.

    But now, TurningArt is solving this dilemma(困境). TurningArt is an online subscription(订阅 ) service that allows the average consumer to learn about art and be able to afford to own it. TurningArt offers art-lovers an online gallery of thousands of works, from highly accomplished and successful artists, to view in their homes and eventually buy if they want to.

    Here's how it works

    Visit TurningArt.com to browse through the work of hundreds of independent artists from across the country. Sorted by style, medium, color, price, artist, or even region, new art is added daily. You're sure to find several things you like.

    Then, simply sign up for one of TurningArt's subscription plans. These start at just $10 per month. TurningArt will send you your first piece, framed and ready to hang right out of the box. The piece will not be the original, but rather a museum-quality print produced together with the artist. You can request the next piece at any time. New prints arrive in a mailer that you can use to send back your old prints.

    You can enjoy each piece for one, two, or three months—however long you want. And, best of all, you never have to worry about taping, sizing, or centering your new print, because all prints are pre-sized to fit easily into the frame originally sent to you.

    If you've got an empty wall to fill, or simply like the idea of getting fresh art in your home every now and then, TurningArt is for you.


    For incoming freshmen at western Connecticut's suburban Brookfield High School, lifting a backpack weighed down with textbooks is about to give way to tapping out notes and touching electronic pages on an iPad. A few hours away, every student at Burlington High School near Boston will also start the year with new school-issued ipads, each loaded with electronic textbooks and other online resources in place of traditional texts. Apple officials say they know of more than 600 districts that have launched what are called " one-to-one " programs.

    At Burlington High in suburban Boston, Principal Patrick Larkin says the $500 ipads is better than textbooks in the long term, though he said the school will still use traditional texts in some courses if suitable electronic programs aren't yet available. Larkin said of textbooks, " but they're pretty much outdated the minute they're printed and certainly by the time they're delivered".

    But some experts warn that the districts need to ensure they can support the wireless infrastructure (设施 ), repairs and other costs that accompany a switch to such a tech-heavy approach. Mark Warschauer, an education and informatics(信息学)  professor said,  "I think people will like it.I really don't know anybody in high school that wouldn't want to get an iPad," he said. "We're always using technology at home, then when you're at school it's textbooks. So it's a good way to put all of that together." Districts are varied in their policies on how they police students' use.

    And the nation's textbook publishing industry, accounting for $ 5.5 billion in yearly sales to secondary schools, is taking notice of the trend with its own shift in a competitive race toward developing curriculum specifically for ipads.Jay Dickey, executive director of the Association of American Publishers'schools division, said all of the major textbook publishers are moving toward electronic offerings, but at least in the short term, traditional bound textbooks are here to stay. "I think one of the real key questions that will be answered over the next several years is what sort of things work best in print for students and what sort of things work best digitally."


    “The failure to play is now a serious issue and it calls for action for change,” says Sir Ken Robinson, a leading expert in education, creativity and human development. This is the driving force behind Outdoor Classroom Day—a global teacher-led campaign, supported by Dirt is Good, a company producing daily chemical products.

    Outdoor Classroom Day, taking place on 17th May and 1st November this year, will see schools around the world swap the inside for the outside and take learning into the playground and beyond to make playtime a key part of the school day. This might involve using natural objects like stones to do sums, or going on an insect hunt to encourage curiosity. By now, Outdoor Classroom Day has grown from a grassroots movement to a global campaign that is expected to benefit five million children and over 40,000 schools from all around the world in 2018.

    This is helping to change the trend that sees many schools selling up or building on their playgrounds and cutting back on playtime to make more room for academic studies, while at home children's lives are increasingly filled with organized activities intended to help them learn. Today globally 61% of parents surveyed in the Dirt is Good Qualitative Study said that children don't know how to play without using technology.

    Outdoor Classroom Day is making playing time happen, with 22% of participating schools having increased their playtime since joining the campaign. 93% of teachers surveyed saw improvements in children's creativity after playing outside, and 97% believe that time outdoors is necessary for children to reach their full potential.

    Scientific studies show that real play—the active, physical, self-directed play—is essential for children to develop key life skills that are not taught elsewhere. Few would question the value of developing creativity, leadership, resourcefulness, and curiosity.


    In the ongoing battle between Tiger Moms, French Mamas, and everyone else who wants to know what is the best way to raise their kids, a new study adds evidence that the extreme Tiger-style may do more harm than good. Authoritarian parents are more likely to end up with disrespectful children with violent behaviors, the study found, compared to parents who listen to their kids with the goal of gaining trust.

    It was the first study to look at how parenting styles affect the way teens view their parents and, in turn, how they behave. The study considered three general styles of parenting. Authoritative parents are demanding and controlling while also being warm and sensitive to their children's needs. Authoritarian parents, on the contrary, are demanding and controlling without the appearance of caring, attachment and receptiveness. They take a "my way or the highway" approach to their kids. Permissive parents, the third group, have warm and receptive qualities, but they set few boundaries and carry out few rules.

    Using data on early 600 kids from an ongoing study of middle school and high school students in New Hampshire, researchers from the University of New Hampshire were able to find "my way or the highway" parenting with more violent behaviors like robbery, drug-taking, and attacking someone else with the intention of hurting or killing. Firm but loving parenting, on the other hand, led to fewer lawbreakers. Permissive parenting, surprisingly, didn't seem to make much of a difference either.

    To explain the link between parenting style and behavior in kids, the researchers suggested that what matters most is how reasonable kids think their parents' power is. This sense comes when kids trust that their parents are making the best decisions for them and believe that they need to do what their parents say even if they don't always like how their parents are treating them. When kids respect the power of their parents, the researchers reported in the journal of Adolescence, their behavior is better. Previous research has also linked firm but caring parenting with kids who have more self-control and independence.

    "When children consider their parents to be the reliable figure, they trust the parents and feel that they have a duty to do what their parents tell them to do," said lead researcher Pick Trinkner. "This is very important as the parent doesn't have to rely on a system of rewards and punishments to control behavior and the child is more likely to follow the rules when the parent is not physically present."


Best Ways to Quit Smoking

    Not sure how to quit smoking cigarettes? Try the following ways to stop smoking and start your path towards a healthier, smoke-free life.

    Post this list in a visible location in your house.

    Whenever you're tempted to light up, take a look at all the ways smoking can damage your health:

    Increases risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure.

    Reduces levels of folate, low levels of which can increase the risk of heart disease, depression, and Alzheimer's disease.

    Affects mental capacity and memory.

    Contributes to thin bones.

    Affects ability to smell and taste.

    Increases risk of depression in adolescents.

    To minimize cravings (欲望), change your routine.

    Sit in a different chair at breakfast or take a different route to work. If you usually have a drink and cigarette after work, change that to a walk. If you're used to a smoke with your morning coffee, switch to tea, or stop at Starbucks for a cup of java—the chain is smoke-free. You might even work better in coffee shops!

    Tell your friends, coworkers, boss, partner, and kids how you feel.

    Don't bottle up your emotions. If something makes you angry, express it instead of hiding it with cigarette smoke. If you're bored, admit to yourself that you're bored and find something energetic to do instead of lighting up.

    Make an appointment with an acupuncturist (针灸师).

    There's some evidence that auricular acupuncture (i. e., needles in the ears) controls cigarette cravings quite successfully. You can even do it yourself by taping "seeds" (small beads) onto the acupuncture points and squeezing them whenever cravings arise. Acupuncture can treat these other conditions, too.

