
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    Working with a group of baboons (狒狒)in the Namibian desert, Dr. Alecia Carter of the Department of Zoology,Cambridge University set baboons learning tasks involving a novel food and a familiar food hidden in a box. Some baboons were given the chance to watch another baboon who already knew how to solve the task, while others had to learn for themselves. To work out how brave or anxious the baboons were, Dr. Carter presented them either with a novel food or a threat in the form of a model of a poisonous snake.

    She found that personality had a major impact on learning. The braver baboons learnt, but the shy ones did not learn the task although they watched the baboon perform the task of finding the novel food just as long as the brave ones did. In effect, despite being made aware of what to do, they were still too shy to do what the experienced baboon did.

    The same held true for anxious baboons compared with calm ones. The anxious individuals learnt the task by observing others while those who were relaxed did not, even though they spent more time watching.

    This mismatch between collecting social information and using it shows that personality plays a key role in social learning in animals, something that has previously been ignored in studies on how animals learn to do things. The findings are significant because they suggest that animals may perform poorly in cognitive (认 知的)tasks not because they aren't clever enough to solve them,but because they are too shy or nervous to use the social information.

The findings may impact how we understand the formation of culture in societies through social learning. If some individuals are unable to get information from others because they don't associate with the knowledgeable individuals,or they are too shy to use the information once they have it,information may not travel between all group members, preventing the formation of a culture based on social learning.

(1)、What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A、The design of Dr. Carter's research. B、The results of Dr. Carter's research. C、The purpose of Dr. Carter's research. D、The significance of Dr. Carter's research.
(2)、According to the research, which baboons are more likely to complete a new learning task?
A、Those that have more experience. B、Those that can avoid potential risks. C、Those that like to work independently. D、Those that feel anxious about learning.
(3)、Which best illustrates the “mismatch” mentioned in Paragraph 4?
A、Some baboons are intelligent but slow in learning. B、Some baboons are shy but active in social activities. C、Some baboons observe others but don't follow them. D、Some baboons perform new tasks but don't concentrate.
(4)、Dr. Carter's findings indicate that our culture might be formed through  .
A、storing information B、learning from each other C、understanding different people D、travelling between social groups

With brown curly hair and a pair of glasses, 19-year-oldNicholas Allegra from New York state, US, looks like a real-life Harry Potter.However, rather than waving a wand, Nicholas is a "wizard " at"jailbreaking ". This is probably why he ended up with an intern­shipat Apple, a job many of his fellow Brown University students dream of.

Jailbreaking is the process of removing the limitations set byApple on devices with the iOS oper­ating system. These devices include theiPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. It allows users to gain full access to theoperating system and download additional materials that are unavailable through the official Apple App Store.However, it is estimated that Apple loses $100 million (640million yuan) fromjailbreaking each year.

Nicholas, with a famous nickname "Comex", is theteenage hacker behind the jail-breaking site JailbreakMe. com. The site tellsusers how to unlock their iPhones using software that is not approved by Apple.The jailbreaking software he made has been downloaded millions of times byusers around the world.

Then Forbes magazine suggested in an article that Apple's securityteam might need him as a new intern. It seems that they do. Little more than aday after Steve jobs stepped down as CEO, Apple welcomed Nicholas Allegra.Nicholas wrote on his Twitter on August 26 that " It's been really, reallyfun, but it's also been a while and I've been getting bored. So, the week afternext I will be starting an internship with Apple.

Apple is not the only company embracing the skills ofhackers. Facebook recently hired iPhone jailbreaker George "Geohot"Hotz as a full-time employee.

However, there are still hot debates about whether employinghackers is a wise solution. The word "hacker" has always had a doublemeaning. In the press, "hacker" means someone who breaks intocomputers. They steal from people's bank ac­counts, download sensitiveinformation and attack legal websites. Among computer lovers, it means a coolpro­grammer who can make a computer do whatever he wants.

Hiring a hacker does have its advantages. A talented hacker isprobably quite capable of finding problems and suggesting corrections. On theother hand, because of a hacker's former behavior, many people doubt theirmorals .Can the company trust them with its valuable assets ? And can someonewho is so used to working alone in the dark fit into a new role within acompany?

One thing is for sure- Comex isn't the first member of thehacker community to land the job of his dreams. It's likely that he won't bethe last.


    It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and Maggie and I were returning from our walk through the woods. We were only a couple of blocks from home when I spotted a cell phone and a credit card sitting on the road. We took them home. We always find amazing things on the street and she looks upon them as a movable feast-a chicken wing here or a barbecue rib there.

    I found another cell phone a few years back, too, and called a number in its phone book. I explained the situation to the guy who answered. He said it was his sister's and that he'd come to pick it up, which he did.

    And that was that. No verbal thank-you, no written thank-you, no “here's a box of chocolates” thank-you.

    I didn't have time to call anyone on my latest found cell phone. I was pouring myself coffee when it started to vibrate(震动) and dance across the kitchen counter.

    “Who's this?” someone asked when I picked up.

    “Who's this?” I countered(反问.“Sarah?”

    She was surprised at my knowing her name until she realized her name was on the credit card. “Could you send them to me?” she asked.

    She lives in Arlington, which is 2 miles from my house.

    “Hmm, no, ”I replied, adding that I thought she could come to get them, and that if I wasn't at home, they would be in my mailbox.

    A day later, when I was out for a run, someone retrieved(取回) them. There wasn't even a piece of paper put in the mailbox with “Thanks” on it. In this age of e-mail and cell phone, there's really no excuse. Years ago, I found something more precious than a $100 bill on the street: a driver's license. I saw  that its owner lived a couple of blocks from me, so I called him up. He asked whether I could slip the license through his front door.

    “I guess I could, ”I replied.

    And that was that.


    When thinking about placing a human being in space, one of the most important questions was how to design special clothing needed to protect a person from the dangers of the space environment. The cold of space will freeze skin in a short time. The fierce heat of the sun can cause serious burns. The lack of atmosphere can cause gases in the body to expand(扩大) and even burst. With no oxygen to breathe, a human being will die in only a few moments. Radiation from the sun is another risk in space. So is damage from small pieces of rock and objects like meteoroids (陨石).

    In 1933, an American flyer, Wiley Post, designed one of the first successful devices to protect a pilot at extreme heights. It was a large device that looked like a can surrounded the pilot's head. Astronauts in the American space agency (NASA) flew the first American space flights in the early 1960s. The clothing was similar to that invented by Wiley Post.

    Today, astronauts wear very different protective clothing. It lets them move, do useful tasks, and stay outside their spacecraft in comfort and safety for several hours. The spacesuit is called the shuttle extravehicular mobility unit or EMU. It was designed to endure longer and to permit more movement than earlier spacesuits.

    The EMU has a number of parts that an astronaut can link together by using only one hand, which makes it possible for each astronaut to select the parts that fit correctly.

    Nowadays, NASA scientists are also considering the kind of spacesuits that would be needed for exploration on the planet Mars. Because of the gravity on Mars, spacesuits may have to be designed to be lighter than suits used in orbit or on the moon. The equipment may also have to protect astronauts from dust carried in the winds on Mars. And, they must be easy to repair and keep clean during a longer flight to and from the red planet.


    Welcome to Orlando! It has a host of attractions and activities. Ready to join the party and plan a visit to O-Town? Just print out our list that suits your style.

    Universal Orlando's Islands of Adventure

    The addition of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was among the list of must-visits for theme park enthusiasts. Each of the park's “islands” — Toon Lagoon, Jurassic Park, and The Lost Continent — has unique appeal in the form of rides and interactive attractions. (407-363-8000)


    It bills itself as “Orlando's best half-day attraction”, for in a city people are limited by their time and money. Catch Gatorland's animals and handler(驯化) shows in the afternoon. There's a nighttime run as well, including the Gator Night Shine and various activities. Gatorland ranks as a comparative theme-park bargain. (407-855-5496)


    One of the city's most unique water parks, Aquatica is a fantastical world of twisting, turning rides and sparkling white sand beaches. And if you enjoy a side of terror with your water-park fun, be sure to check out Ihu's Breakaway Falls. This towering slide is an eight-story mind-bender of a plummet(垂直落下) that is not for the weak heart. The less exciting will still find plenty of fun splashing from one giant wave pool to another or drifting down the lazy river through a world of unusual fish. You can also watch the black-and-white Commerson's dolphins underwater. (407-351-3600)

    Warbird Adventures

    Few attractions are more hands-on historic than Warbird Adventures, which offers thrill-seekers the opportunity to fly like the hero aces of World War II in the North American T-6 Texan. Flights range from 15 minutes to an hour. A visit to the nearby Kissimmee Air Museum is a wonderful way to round out the experience. (407-870-7366)


    For most of her life, Suanne Laqueur's passion for storytelling was shown on the dance floor.

    Although Laqueur began writing at a young age, dancing always took center stage. She majored in dance and theater at Alfred University and taught at her mother's dance studio in Croton-on-Hudson, New York, for years. But when her mother was ready to retire and an opportunity opened for Laqueur to take over the studio, she realized she had no interest in taking on the business side of her art: "Owning a studio is a lot of work—financially, logistically. I love the teaching, the choreographing(编舞), the staging, but I didn't want to own it."

    Yet Laqueur's disinterest in running the studio changed when she became a self-published author. In the fall of 2013, she decided to pursue Self-publishing as a way of sharing her first completed novel with friends and family. During the process, she realized that following her true passion—telling stories through writing—made the business of the art worthwhile, and owning that business meant she could direct her writing career however she chose.

    Starting with her second self-published novel, she began investing more time in marketing and building her audience. Her investment paid off. Since 2014, Laqueur, now 49, has self-published six novels, which collectively have hundreds of ratings and reviews on Goodreads. Her 2016 novel An Exaltation of Larks stole the show at the 25th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards, topping more than 2,300 entries to win the grand prize.

    "You have to write the most truthful story to you, and I think self-publishing allows that freedom,' she says. "If you work with traditional publishing, it's more about what's marketable, There are trade-offs, which everyone will tell you, but by self-publishing I have control of the book, I have control of the story, and I'm cool with that."

