
试题 试卷


题型:短文填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



Drinking Kungfu Tea is one of the most famous customs in Chaoshan area. In Chaoshan, family has tea sets. Tea must be several times a day. Chaoshan people can not be without tea for a day, so the hing Chaoshan people usually treat guests is to make tea.

Kungfu Tea is not a kind of tea. It's a to make tea. The reason why it is called Kungfu Tea is because it is made in a very particular way. The word "Kungfu" in Chaoshan dialect means to pay to the way of doing things. Here it refers he way of cooking and tasting tea. Chaoshan Kungfu Tea has become mportant part of the study of Chaoshan culture. Drinking Kungfu Tea kind of social activity in people's daily life, which leads to many customs.

It seems that there are so many cultures and emotions in a cup of Kungfu Tea. Chaoshan people enjoy a slow pace of life. It's really wonderful for them to make a cup of tea after a day's work and taste it .


    Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home. And every night, I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Paper was first created about 2, 000 years ago, and has been made from silk, cotton, bamboo, and, since the 19th century, from wood. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand. As a result, they were expensive and rare. And because there weren't many books, few people learned to read.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}When printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books, and information can be kept on CD-ROMs or machines such as MP3 players.

    Computers are already used in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can already be read online. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}No, I don't think the poster about Yao Ming on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by a two-metre-high computer!

A. People learned to write words on paper to make a book.

B. So will books be replaced by computers one day?

C. Can we imagine life without paper or print?

D. Then printing was invented in China.

E. As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly.


    Many people know that rubbish is a big problem on planet Earth. What many people don't know is that junk (垃圾) has become a problem in outer space too.

    According to BBC News, there are more than 22, 000 pieces of space junk floating around the earth. And these are just the things that we can see from the surface of the earth by telescopes (望远镜). There are also millions of smaller pieces of junk that we can't see.

    Objects, like bits of old space rockets or satellites, move around the planet at very high speeds, so fast that even a very small piece can break important satellites or become dangerous to astronauts. If the tiniest piece of junk crashed into a spaceship, it could damage the vehicle.

    To make things worse, when two objects in space crash, they break into many smaller pieces. For example, when a U. S. satellite hit an old Russian rocket in 2009, it broke into more than 2,000 pieces, increasing the amount of space junk.

    To reduce additional space junk, countries have agreed that all new space tools can only stay in space for 25 years at most. Each tool must be built to fall safely into the earth's atmosphere after that time. In the upper parts of the atmosphere, it will burn up.

    Many scientists are also suggesting different ways to clean up space junk. In England scientists are testing a metal net that can be fired into space junk. The net catches the junk and then pulls it into the earth's atmosphere to burn up. The Germans are building robots that can collect pieces of space junk and bring them back to Earth to be safely destroyed.

    "The problem is becoming more challenging because we're sending more objects into space to help people use their mobile phones and computers," says Marco Castronuovo, an Italian space researcher.

    "The time to act is now. The longer we leave the problem, the bigger it will become," he says.

