
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



If you've ever been to a Disney Park, you've obviously seen little children running around dressed as their favorite characters. In fact, it's 1 by the park, and you can even purchase a Disney makeover for your kids in the park 2 with authentic costumes (戏服), hairstyles, and makeup by the professionals. But as the kids get 3, they are less likely to be dressed up, and 4 they hit the age of 14, you won't 5 a single one of them in costume.

It isn't because they're “too cool for school”; it's 6 against the rules. According to the Disney Park rule-book, any guest aged 14 or older may be 7 admittance if they are 8 costumes or masks.

The 9 of this rule is two-fold. One, your face can't be 10 and you can't be carrying anything resembling a real gun. This is obviously a 11 issue, so choose your cosplay wisely. The second intention is to 12 that any interactions park guests have with cast members remain genuine (真实的) and on brand. If there were 20 13 running around dressed like Cinderella, some of the guests in costume may get one confused with Disney's official princess, ruining the fantasy for children. He may convey false messages or break one of the 15 Disney etiquette (礼仪) rules all Disney employees must 14.

15, that doesn't mean that you can't truly get into the 16 of your favorite Disney character the next time you head to one of the parks. 17 Disney fan Leslie Kay began a trend that is called Disney Bounding. In 18, Disney Bounding is dressing up in a non-costume outfit 19 by your favorite character. So maybe you can't dress up in Princess Belle's iconic (标志性的) yellow dress, but you could wear a yellow dress with teacup-themed jewelry. Try to be creative with your 20 the next time you head to one of the parks.

A、discussed B、encouraged C、confirmed D、ignored
A、delighted B、combined C、complete D、complex
A、older B、stronger C、taller D、cleverer
A、because B、in case C、once D、even if
A、recognize B、understand C、remember D、spot
A、actually B、properly C、generally D、specially
A、given B、promised C、refused D、left
A、buying B、making C、changing D、wearing
A、origin B、purpose C、effect D、weakness
A、covered B、injured C、identified D、acknowledged
A、attitude B、finance C、dignity D、safety
A、discover B、admit C、ensure D、prove
A、adults B、workers C、performers D、guards
A、make B、follow C、learn D、support
A、However B、Therefore C、Moreover D、Anyhow
A、nature B、spirit C、quality D、fight
A、Rude B、Devoted C、Annoyed D、Disappointed
A、brief B、addition C、fact D、part
A、created B、designed C、copied D、inspired
A、security B、manners C、intention D、look

How to Build Healthy Interpersonal Relationship

    Human beings are social creatures and thrive(茁壮成长) in relationships with others. A healthy part to be a well-rounded, happy individual is engaging in healthy relationships with others.These friendships can provide safe environments in which individuals can thrive and help promote general well-being. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

1).Know your worth.

    One of the first steps in building healthy interpersonal relationships is understanding one's value. When an individual is aware of and treasures what he or she has, the building of relationships can be founded on that knowledge. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Everyone has talents. When this worth is discovered, a person can then make use of these skills in approaching interpersonal relationships. If someone is a good listener, showing how to develop this skill can attract relationships with individuals who have a need for this talent.

2).Recognize the value of others.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} In a healthy interpersonal relationships, both parties should be respected and feel as if they are valued in the friendship. When contributions to the relationship become one-sided, the relationship will move from healthy to unhealthy.


    Another way to build healthy relationships is to make friends with someone who shares the same value systems and lifestyles. Knowing that a friend will not request something from an individual will help to foster trust in the relationship. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} The relationship can grow on this familiarity. Trust can also develop from these similarities and go a long way in fostering a healthy friendship.

A. Everyone has worth.

B. Be true to yourself.

C. Seek out individuals with similar value systems.

D. A healthy interpersonal relationship cannot be built on dishonesty.

E. Also, having the same lifestyle can provide a link of familiarity.

F. Here are some tips to build healthy interpersonal relationships.

G. Along with understanding one's worth is recognizing and understanding the worth of others.


    Enjoying a musical performance no longer requires a costly ticket or a trip to a theater. These days, musicians are performing in private homes,at haircutting shops,at airports...even on ferry boats.

    Musicians like house concerts. At music clubs, they often have to perform over loud conversation or deal with people who have had too much alcohol.People at house concerts are more focused on listening to the music.

    Just a few hours before the Bombadils started singing at the O' Hair Salon,Lindsay was cutting hair and Tamera was doing facials.Then,they moved chairs and microphones to create a small performance space.The Bombadils made music in the front part of the hair salon,near the hair dryers and make-up table.

    "This is our first show at a hair salon,"Sarah Frank of the Bombadils told concertgoers at last week's performance.Frank said she and band members Luke Fraser and Kaitlyn Raitz had a great time "interacting" with the audience.

    Concerts in people's homes, or small businesses such as O' Hair's,are becoming more popular,musicians say. "There is a more relaxed atmosphere,"said Domenic Cicala,a musician who opened up his O' Hair Salon to concerts. "People really get to know the artists."

    At house concerts,people get time before and after concerts to meet the performers.Often,the hosts or guests will provide food and drink.

    "People really like listening to music in the living room of a friend,"said Matt Hart,with Aubrey Zoli making up Local Strangers,a folk-rock group based in Seattle.At many such concerts,the musicians do not need microphones. Yet,every word of their songs can be heard.


    People with bigger brains tend to score higher on standardized tests of intelligence, according to new study findings.

    However, the study author Dr. Michael A.McDaniel of the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond emphasized that these findings represent a general trend, and people with small heads should not automatically believe they are less intelligent. For instance, Albert Einstein's brain was "not particularly large", McDaniel noted." There's some relationship between brain size and intelligence on the average, but there's plenty of room for exceptions," he said.

    Interest in the relationship between brain size and intelligence grew in the1830s, when German anatomist(解剖学家) Frederich Tiedmann wrote that he believed there was "an unquestionable connection between the size of the brain and the mental energy displayed by the individual man". Since that statement, scientists have conducted numerous studies to determine if Tiedmann's assertion was correct. Most studies have looked into the link between head size and intelligence. More recently, however, researchers have published additional studies on brain size and intelligence, measured using MRI scan(核磁共振成像扫描).

    For his study, McDaniel analyzed more than 20 studies that looked into the relationship between brain size and intelligence in a total of 1,530 people. The studies showed that on the average, people with larger brain volume tended to be more intelligent. The relationship between brain volume and intelligence was stronger in women than men, and in adults than in children. McDaniel notes in the journal Intelligence.

    McDaniel is not sure why the relationship was stronger for adults and women. "Other research has shown that women, on the average, tend to have smaller brains than men, but score just as well—if not higher—in tests of intelligence," he said.

    McDaniel insisted that the relationship between brain size and intelligence is not a "perfect" one. "One can certainly find lots of examples of smaller-sized people who are highly intelligent," he said, "But, on the average, the relationship holds."


    Imagine a brand-new, magical pill which can measurably improve your memory, overall cognitive (认知的) performance, ability to learn new information, mood, ability to handle problems and more. Would you buy it?

    Yeah, yeah, you saw this coming: That pill exists, but not in pill form. You can have all of those benefits for free, and all it takes is going to bed a little bit earlier. So what are we to do to get a better night's sleep?

    First, learn how much sleep you need. Generally, if you're waking up tired, you're not getting enough. However, the gold standard of eight hours per night might not be right for you. A study from 2015 brought into question whether we need that magical number, so following your body is the best way to figure out the right rhythm. The only real guideline is to get as much sleep as you need to feel refreshed and energized the next day.

    Next, figure out your body's natural rhythm. Maybe after years of trying, you need to acknowledge that you're just not a morning person. And that's perfectly fine! Click the link and take the quiz to find out what kind of sleeper you are, and don't fight your body's natural sleep tendencies.

    Last, keep a consistent sleep schedule. This can be the most important part of your overall sleep quality We're all equipped with circadian clock (生物钟), which s that internal 24-hour timer that naturally tells us when to sleep, and the best way to getting rest and feeling rested is to keep this consistent. Fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day, and try to build as much regularity into your schedule as possible. And don't forget to keep your bedroom cool.


    I'm sitting in my kitchen in London, trying to figure out a text message from my brother. He lives in our home country of Germany. We speak German to each other, a language that's rich in odd words, but I've never heard this one before: fremdschämen. I'm too proud to ask him what it means. I know that eventually, I'll get it. Still, it's slightly painful to realize that after years of living abroad, my mother tongue can sometimes feel foreign.

    Most long-term migrants know what it's like to be a slightly rusty(生疏的) native speaker. The process seems obvious: the longer you are away, the more your language suffers. But it's not quite so straightforward.

    In fact, the science of why, when and how we lose our own language is complex and often different to what we think. It turns out that how long you've been away doesn't always matter. Socializing with other native speakers abroad can worsen your own native skills. And emotional factors like trauma(精神创伤) can be the biggest factor of all.

    It's not just long-term migrants who are affected, but to some extent anyone who picks up a second language. The minute you start learning another language, the two systems start to compete with each other, says Monika Schmid, a linguist at the University of Essex.

    Schmid is a leading researcher of language attrition, a growing field of research that looks at what makes us lose our mother tongue. In children, the phenomenon is somewhat easier to explain since their brains are generally more flexible and adaptable. Until the age of about 12, a person's language skills are relatively easy to change. Studies on international adoptees have found that even nine-year-olds can almost completely forget their first language when they are removed from their country of birth.

    But in adults, the first language is unlikely to disappear entirely except in extreme circumstances. For example, Schmid analyzed the German of elderly German-Jewish wartime refugees(难民) in the UK and the US. The main factor that influenced their language skills wasn't how long they had been abroad or how old they were when they left. It was how much trauma they had experienced as victims. Those who left Germany in the early days of Nazi occupation, before the worst violence, tended to speak better German – despite having been abroad the longest. Those who left later, tended to speak German with difficulty or not at all.

    "It seemed very clearly a result of this trauma", says Schmid. "Even though German was the language of childhood, home and family, it was also the language of painful memories." The most traumatised refugees had held them back. As one of them said: I feel that Germany betrayed me. America is my country, and English is my language.

