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How to Enjoy Life As a Teen

    The "best years of your life"? Maybe not, but you can learn to make the most of your high school days.

    Learn to appreciate small things. Whether it's having a computer, having friends, having a good supply of food, a bed to sleep on, family that loves you, having a decent education or simply being born in this world, value it.  Be happy, and life will reward you. Remember that these are the last few years you will be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility of an adult, but make sure you prepare yourself for when you do become one. When you actually become an adult, you'll learn to love that responsibility and you probably never want to go back.

    Choose your friends wisely. Unlike what many articles state, you don't have to be popular and have a gazillion friends to be happy.  Try to have friends that like you who you are, not just because you are wearing a certain brand of shoes or something like that. These are people who shop at the same store as you; not someone who will sympathize with you when your dog dies.

    Keep your grades up.  This also sets you up to get into a college you want to go to, which in turn prepares you for a career you will enjoy, improving your quality of life in the future. You'll get cheap car insurance as well if you have at least a B or A average.

     Participating in clubs, activities, and sports increases your chances of meeting new friends. While you only need 4 or 5 close friends, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to meet new people. Participating gives you something to do instead of sitting bored at home and wallowing in self-pity.

    Work at a job you can enjoy. Working is a great way co gain experience and to meet other people.  This will look great on your resume. If you can't find work, especially in this hard economic time, volunteer or make your own job.

A. Be sociable.

B. Remember the point of life is for you to enjoy it.

C. Find a hobby that is meaningful or practical.

D. In fact, many of the "friends" you have when you are popular are not true friends.

E. When you do get out of college, interviewing companies will look at your previous work experience.

F. Even though you want to enjoy your teen life as best as possible, don't idle away your time in school.

G. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing your hard work pay off in the form of A's and B's (but mainly A's).


A. A general sleep rule.

B. The importance of sleep.

C. A funny sleeping example.

D. Different levels of sleep.

E. The time we need for sleep.

F. Different states of sleep.


    Sleep, as we know, is important to us because it helps restore tired organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need?


    For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. Yet we know that there are a great many people who get along perfectly with less sleep and some who may even need more. A great deal depends on the way we live. But a good general rule to follow is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work at our best when we are awake.


    There are actually different levels of sleep. There is a deep sleep and a shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest as it gets in a deep sleep, so that after eight hours of a shallow sleep we may still feel tired. But a short deep sleep can be very restful.


    Alexander the Great was able to get a deep sleep whenever he needed it. Once, during the night before an important battle, he remained awake longer than anyone else. Then he wrapped himself in a cloak and lay down on the earth. He slept so deeply that his generals had to wake him three times to give command to attack!


    Normally when we go to sleep, our “ sleep center” blocks off nerves so that both our brain and our body go to sleep. One prevents us form wanting to do anything and the other makes our internal organs and limbs go to sleep. But someone will fall asleep (brain sleep) and keep on marching, because his body is not asleep!


    People are being lured(引诱)onto Facebook with the promise of a fun and free service without realizing they're paying for it by giving up large amounts of personal information. Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages.

    Most Facebook users don't realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they're paying for Facebook, because people don't really know what their personal details are worth.

    The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules. Early on, you could keep everything private. That was the great thing about Facebook—you could create your own little private network. Last year, the company changed its privacy rules so that many things—your city, your photo, your friends' names—were set, by default(默认), to be shared with everyone on the Internet.

    According to Facebook's vice-- president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don't share information, they have a “less satisfying experience.”

    Some critics think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money. Its original business model, which involved selling ads and putting them at the side of the page, totally failed. Who wants to look at ads when they're online connecting with their friends?

    The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington. In April, Senator(议员) Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy. He also urged the Commission to set guidelines for social-networking sites. “I think the senators rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them,” Schrage admits.

    I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy, it's only the beginning, which is why I'm considering deactivating(撤销)my account. Facebook is a handy site, but I'm upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don't know. That is too high a price to pay.


    Moving into a new home in a new neighborhood is an exciting experience. Of course, you want to make sure that you become an accepted and valuable part of your new neighborhood. The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Perhaps one of the most important things you can do as a good neighbor is to keep your property(房产) neat, clean, and in good repair. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}By choosing to keep the outside of the home in great shape, you will help to improve the look and feel of the area.

    Second, take the overall appearance of the neighborhood seriously. When going for a walk. Take along a small garbage bag. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}This small act will let your neighbors know that you care about the area.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If a neighbor is going to be out of town, offer to collect mail and newspapers. If a neighbor suffers an illness, offer to do the grocery shopping. Let them know you are there to help in any way this acceptable, while still respecting the privacy of your neighbor.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}By following the basic rules of respecting others, taking care of what belongs to you, and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood in general, you will quickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciates.

A. In general, keep an eye on their property while they are gone.

B.A good neighbor is also one who likes to help out in small ways.

C. Being a good neighbor is more or less about considerate behavior.

D. Sometimes neighbors may go to the supermarket together to do shopping.

E. Should you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car, pick it up.

F. People tend to lake pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting.

G. Here are a few tips to help you win over everyone in the neighborhood quickly


A. Dress right

B. Keep warm.

C. Don't go too fast, too soon.

D. Start and finish in the same way.

E. Don't wait to drink water until you feel thirsty.

F. Head out into the wind and come home with it at your back.

G. On really cold days, wear a mask or scarf over your mouth to protect your face.

    It is not as simple as opening the door and hitting the track in winter. There are a few things you can do to ensure you are getting the most out of your run, and, importantly, not doing more harm than good.

    Warm up, cool down

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Your muscles need some time to warm up when it's cold  so take it easy when you set off and do a few stretches (伸展) once you're finished.

    Drink water

    You might not feel hot, but that's because sweat evaporates (蒸发) more quickly into the chilly, dry air. So be sure to drink water before, during and after cold-weather workouts. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} A belt bottle conveniently attaches to your waist so you don't have to carry it and can have a drink whenever you feel like it.


    Running in cotton is a bad idea. Wear thin, breathable layers of synthetic (合成的) clothing that help protect you from the wind and snow, but still let out heat and moisture (水分).Thirty percent of your body heat escapes through your hands and forty percent through your head. Wear a hat, or beanie (无边小便帽), and gloves so your circulatory system can distribute warm blood to the rest of your body. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Run into the wind

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Obviously, it will be an easier passage home with some extra help from Mother Nature. But, more importantly, you won't have the wind in your face for the second half of your run, when you are more likely to be sweating and catch a chill.


Choosing the Right Path to Be a "Better" Person

    Life is a constant exercise in self-improvement. In the rush to achieve, the idea of being "better" can become lost sometimes. You may always wonder how to improve yourself and fulfill your dreams in an easier way. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

    Explore your talents

    Eveybody has some outstanding skills or interests. So it's often necessary to be patient and try many things before you find one that suits you.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}For example, people loving adventure may not be interested in the quiet chess club, but someone who enjoys other quiet activities might be. Determining who you enjoy being around may help you know what you'll enjoy.


    No matter how much money you make, you will not be happy if you spend your entire life doing something you hate. "It's important to at least, devote some of your lime to what makes you happy.

    If you're particularly unhappy at your job, consider why. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you feel your job isn't meaningful, or isn't in line with your values, consider finding another job.

    Experience something new.

    Research has shown that when we're in our comfort zone, we aren't as productive as we are when we sleep just beyond it. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Because of that, we may read slowly to our own positive experiences and interactions with others, even when those are little scary. Doing so can help you achieve more.

A. Do what you love.

B. Here are some lips for you.

C. Register in a class you're interested in.

D. Humans adapt very quickly to positive events.

E. It's possible that some changes may change your feeling.

F. Similar types of people may be attracted to the same activities.

G. Try not to allow yourself to focus so much on a certain aspect of your life.

