
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



As the mother of an eleven-year-old girl, I have read several books that tell parents how to bring up a girl to be beautiful, elegant, confident, and rich. However, I have always believed that girls need to be brave above all else, but this is easier said than done.

I still remember I couldn't see the screen directly when my daughter switched to the animal channel, which was broadcasting a show about snakes. I stood as far away from the TV as possible, too scared to open my eyes. However, my little angel was not scared of the snakes. In fact, she watched the show with a keen interest. I was relieved that my daughter didn't get too many genetic phobias(遗传恐惧症). Even to this day, she is still obsessed with challenging herself with new things.

This year, I got a chance to study in Singapore for six months. After the novelty of the first few days had gone, I found myself missing my family. With the summer vacation approaching, my husband agreed to make good use of the fact that I was staying in Singapore. He brought our daughter out to visit me and to enjoy the new experience in a new country.

The reunion day finally came. My husband and my daughter arrived in the second week of July. I was so looking forward to seeing them. I had made many preparations for their visit. On the first day, I arranged for us to see Gardens by the Bay. When we walked out of the MRT station, we were amazed by the sight of the Super Trees. When my daughter saw lots of people walking on the Skyway, she couldn't help shouting excitedly that she wanted to have a try. The Skyway is a 22-meter-high suspension bridge from which you can enjoy a birds eye view. Last time I came here with my friends, I firmly rejected their repeated attempts to challenge me to go up there. It was like the day with the snakes all over again. But could I really reject my little angel?

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My daughter was waiting for my reply. ……

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Halfway across the bridge, I had to stop. ……


    "Every cloud has a silver lining, "It drives me crazy when Mom says nonsense (废话) like that.

    I'd barely had time to arrange myself in the passenger seat, my foot already blow up like a balloon when she came out with it, exactly like I knew she would. First, she patted my leg. Then she just couldn't help herself, "Every cloud has a silver lining, you know sweetheart." "Mom I appreciate the thought, but I' m not ready to look on the bright side of this." We hadn't even left the school parking lot yet.

    On the farthest side of the field I could see my teammates doing sprints training, Coach Zito striding back toward them. He'd mercifully helped me to the car in silence. Unlike Mom, he knew when it was best to say nothing.

    As Mom started the engine, I imagined my teammates cooling down without me while they listened to Coach Zito's pep talk. And next Thursday, they would go to practice without me, and the Thursday after that. When I had fallen and twisted my ankle, I'd cried from the pain, but I was crying out of self-pity in the car. Hours and hours of training, and then this. I told myself there was a glimmer(微光)of hope that everything would um out okay, and that

    I'd make it to the track meet next month, but I knew it was just that: a glimmer. The tears fell hot and fast Mom gave me a weak smile. "It'll be okay, Case." I suspected this was another version of the silver-lining thing, but I felt so miserable that I let it pass.

    We finally arrived at the hospital. Doctor Van gently moved my ankle around a bit before carefully lowering it I nervously asked how long it would be before I could run." Four weeks maybe, possibly five," he replied," and even then, you'll need to take it easy for a while. Is that possible?" he asked with a smile.






Paragraph 1

    I couldn't answer.

Paragraph 2:

    One month later, I made my appearance on the field.


    Fisherman Salvador was just trying to make a living on the sea with fellow fisherman Cordoba. Two days into the journey, disaster struck, and the two men would begin the greatest challenge of their lives.

    The boat was loaded with tons of provisions, including 70 gallons of gasoline, 16 gallons of water, 50 Ibs of sar - dines for bait(鱼饵). They also had a mobile phone, kept safe in a plastic bag, a GPS, and a two-way radio. The two had never spoken before or worked together, but they liked fishing and both of them seemed to know what they were doing.

    Two days later, the weather was getting worse and worse. Salvador was trying to remain calm, but Cordoba was not prepared. He held on to the rail(围栏) for dear life as the waves crashed around them, vomiting(呕吐)and crying. When the storm finally passed, Salvador noticed that they had drifted far away from land. To make matters worse, the motor had stopped working. Salvador called his boss on the radio, but there was no response. Even worse was the fact that the GPS they has brought with them had stopped working.

    The two men had been at sea for two months. While Salvador had become accustomed to catching and eating the animals available to them, Cordoba's mental health and physical health had begun to decrease. Once he got sick from eating raw seabirds, he refused to eat at all. His own depression, fear and malnutrition(营养不良)finally killed him, leaving Salvador alone on the boat.

    One day, after a terrible storm, Salvador found the sky was suddenly filled with shorebirds. He knew that he was heading for land at last. He must have been close. There, in the distance was a green Pacific atoll(环礁). It looked small and wild, but it was dry land and would likely have food and shelter.






Paragraph 1:

    Salvador struggled until he reached what appeared to be a beach house.

Paragraph 2:

    Salvador was rescued(拯救).


    I was a mother of four children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always valuable, but we had a roof over our heads, food on the table, and clothes in the wardrobe. I always tell myself to be brave and strong. I hope all my efforts would be worthwhile, as long as my children can grow up healthily. It was Christmas time. We drove downtown to see the Christmas lights, and enjoyed a special dinner, but the big excitement for the kids was the fun of Christmas shopping at the mall. This was a tradition of my family, so they all looked forward to the coming of the season of goodwill. They talked and planned for weeks ahead of time, asking each other what they wanted for Christmas.

    The big day arrived and we started out early. I gave each of the four kids a twenty -dollar bill and asked them to search for gifts. Then everyone scattered (分散开) with the bill. I sat at a table in a café waiting for my children and enjoying an instant of silence. It must be a happy day.

    Back in the car driving home, everyone was excited about Christmas, laughing and asking each other about what they had bought. I noted Ginger, my younger daughter had only one small and flat bag with her. I could see enough through the plastic bag to tell that she had bought candy bars—fifty-cent candy bars! What did she do with that twenty-dollar bill I had given her? I was so angry. After getting home, I called her into my bedroom and closed the door. I couldn't hold back my anger and shouted at her, "What about the rest of the money? No one would be convinced all these candies are worth 20 dollars. What do you want to do with the rest of the money?"

Paragraph 1:

    She was shocked at my reaction and burst into tears.

Paragraph 2:

    My anger disappeared.

