
试题 试卷


题型:书面表达 题类:真题 难易度:困难



    You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.


    I worked from the time when I was four and raised seven children, all of them college graduates. It seemed I'd done everything I'd ever wanted to do in my life, but I had one regret. I was born in 1898, the oldest of five kids. Papa couldn't spare me to go to school, so I worked in the fields with him till I was 21 years old.

    Everywhere I went, I learned some hard lessons about what happens to a man who even can't read the alphabet. People cheat you out of wages. They sell you a ticket to one city, take your money and hand you a ticket to somewhere else.

    By 1928, I'd been wandering for nine years. I met a woman named Elzenia. We fell in love, married and moved to Dallas, where I got work fixing roads for the city. When Amelia, the oldest of our seven children, first went to school, I took my wife aside. "Elzenia," I said. "I don't want the kids to know I can't read or write."

    In 1938, one day my boss called me in. "George," he said. "No one knows those machines like you do. I'd like to promote you." But my thrill and surprise were cut short when he said, "Fill out this application and we'll get you a raise." I couldn't admit the truth. I thanked him and walked out of his office. I did stay right where I was, until I turned 65 and my boss made me retire. But I didn't stop working. For the next 25 years, I lived a happy life, but it still seemed to me like something was missing.

    A young fellow handed me a piece of paper. It's information about adult education classes. People can learn to read and write. Now I'm 98. I thought of my friends and neighbours and what they might think if they found out I couldn't read. After all these years, my secret would be out. But all my life I've wanted to read. It was high time for action.





Paragraph 1:

    The young man drove me to

Paragraph 2:

    I'm still going to school.


    In 1989, fresh out of high school, I had the difficult task of choosing a career path before college started in three months. In those days in Pakistan, there were limited choices: becoming a doctor or an engineer, or entering the financial world after getting a business degree. I wasn't interested in engineering, so that I was left with medicine or business. I couldn't decide.

    My uncle suggested that I do a work placement(实习) to experience it for a month in an international company followed by a month in a hospital. After that, I could make a decision. It seemed like a good idea.

    I was accepted for a month's placement at a foreign bank in Karachi. I got a feel for how the world of finance functioned, made new friends, and generally enjoyed the mostly easy-going work surroundings.

    The month passed rapidly, and soon I began working at a leading hospital in Karachi. The experience couldn't have been more different. The hospital had a stressful environment. The days started early (at 7 am, compared to 9 am at the bank), and were filled with endless duties. And the night calls! This was crazy, working all day, through the night, and again the next day.

    I began thinking about my two experiences. The bank had offered a more relaxing atmosphere, better working hours and less stress. The hospital was full of excitement, but the studying and training was difficult. It seemed that the business choice was going to win out.

    Near the end of my month at the hospital, I was driving home after an especially busy night call. In front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the top. As the driver weaved through (穿梭) traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side.






Paragraph 1:

    Suddenly, a boy fell off the back of the bus.

Paragraph 2:

    The next day, when I went to the hospital to see the boy, all his family got up, with grateful smiles on their faces.


    When I was ten I was suddenly very sad, for I had to move from the only home I had ever known. My whole life had been spent in that big old house which saw the laughter and tears of four generations.

    When the final day came, I ran to the front of the house and sat alone, crying. Suddenly I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up to see my grandfather. " It isn't easy, is it, Billy?" he said softly, sitting down on the steps beside me.

    "Grandpa," I replied how can I ever say goodbye to you and all my friends?"

    "Goodbye is such a sad word," he said. "It seems too final, too cool, which has one thing in common: sadness."

    He gently took my hand in his." Come with me, my friend," he whispered.

    We walked, hand in hand, to his favorite place in the front yard, where there was a huge red rose bush — his beloved rose bush.

    "What do you see here, Billy?" he asked.

    I looked at the flowers, not knowing what to say," I see something beautiful, Grandpa."

    "It isn't just the roses that are beautiful, Billy. It's that special place in your heart that makes them so." His eyes met mine again." Billy, I planted these roses a long time ago—before your mother was even a dream. I put them into the soil the day my first son was born. It was my way of saying thank you to God. That boy's name was Billy. I used to watch him pick roses for his mother.

    I saw my grandfather's tears. I had never seen him cry before. His voice became hoarse(嘶哑的).

    "One day a terrible war came, and my son, like so many sons, went away to fight a great evil. He and I walked to the train station together... Three months later a telegram came. My son had died in Italy. All I could think of was that the last thing I say to him in his life was goodbye."






Paragraph 1:

    Grandpa slowly stood up.

Paragraph 2:

    Soon my grandfather became seriously ill.


A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market. The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town. But it was snowing hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold out, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village.

On his way home he saw a person lying on the snow. He placed his baskets on the ground and was going to help the person to get up. At that time he found it was a dead man and there was much blood on his body. He was so afraid that he ran away quickly, without taking the baskets with him.

The next afternoon the farmer was sent to the police station. Having shown the baskets, an officer asked, "Are these yours?" "Yes, sir," the farmer answered timidly. "Have you killed the man?" "No, no, sir," the farmer said in a hurry. "When did you see the dead man?" "About seven last evening." "Did you see who killed the man?" "No, sir." The officer brought out a knife and asked, "Have you seen it before?" "No, sir." The officer became angry and told the policeman to beat him up and sent him into prison. He wanted to trap the farmer into the confession, but the farmer didn't admit he was the murderer.

Paragraph 1:

The officer was so angry that he asked the policeman to beat him up again.

Paragraph 2:

The farmer was lucky. A few days later,

