
试题 试卷


题型:书面表达 题类:真题 难易度:普通



  Questioning is a bridge to learning. When you begin to doubt something and search for an answer,you will learn.











    At first, Michael Surrell didn't see the black smoke or flames shooting from the windows of his neighbors' home. He and his wife had just parked around the corner from their own house in Allentown, Pennsylvania, when they got a call from one of his daughters: "The house next door is on fire!" He went to investigate. That's when he saw a woman crying desperately on their porch.

    "The baby's in there!" the woman cried. Though the fire department had been called, Surrell, then 64, instinctively ran inside. "The baby" was 8-year-old Tiara Roberts, the woman's granddaughter.

    Entering the burning house was like "running into a bucket of black paint," Surrell says. The thick smoke caused him to stumble blindly around, burned his eyes, and made it impossible to breathe. The conditions would have been dangerous to anyone, but for Surrell, who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (慢性阻塞性肺病), they were life-threatening.

    After a few minutes in the smoke-filled house, he retreated outside to catch his breath. Surrell knew he couldn't hold his breath for long. Taking a deep breath, he went in a second time. The darkness was overwhelming. Yet because the house had a similar layout (布局)to his, he found the stairs and made it to the second floor. He turned to the right and was met by intense heat. He was already out of breath.

His throat and lungs burned as if he'd breathed in fire instead of the smoke and soot in the air. Every blink stung his eyes. All he could hear was the crackling and popping of burning wood. Then a soft but distinct moan (呻吟声) emerged. Still unable to see, Surrell fell to his knees on the hot wood floor. He crawled toward the sound, feeling around for any sign of the girl.






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    Finally, he touched something — a shoe, then an ankle.

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    Surrell woke up in the hospital a couple of days later.


December 16, 2009 was the worst day of my mother's life. It was on that day that she was told her thirty-six-year-old daughter had developed breast cancer. I would never forget her hopeless expression and tear-filled eyes as I told her. That scene uncontrollably broke my heart. It was one of the few times in my life that I had seen my mother was so painful and weak.

Since I got breast cancer, the doctors had made a heavy-duty plan to fight with it, which would mean an operation on my breast, five months of chemotherapy (化疗), and five weeks of radiation therapy. It also meant that an independent single girl who lived alone was in serious need of some help and care.

Thankfully, I was blessed with my own army of family, friends and co-workers who had offered to help me out with whatever I might need, including meals and rides to doctors' appointments. But as grateful as I was, there really was only one person who I wanted by my side — my mom. Despite living 300 miles away, my mother agreed even without a second thought. She was going to be my primary caregiver, driver, personal cook, nurse, counselor, and shoulder to cry on. No one else in the world could fill her shoes. It was a job that only she could do.

The night after my first chemotherapy treatment was firmly fixed in my memory. I was never so sick in my entire life. I couldn't even keep down a glass of water. And after hours spent in the bathroom, I weakly lifted myself into bed, weeping, "Please, God, take this away from me. Please make me fed better." At that moment, my mother crawled into bed with me and wrapped her entire body around me. It looked as if l had still been a little girl.

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Over the next six months, my mom traveled between two homes just to take care of me.

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However, when I finally began to recover, my morn suddenly fell ill.


Juju was the star dancer at school. She had a smile that would light up the room and movements as if she was creating the music. But when she was away from her high school dance class, she was more quiet, a little bit cautious — something the group of girls in her class noticed. 

In fact, Juju's real name is Julie. Raised up as an orphan (孤儿), she experienced a lack of familial support, which contributed to her sense of loneliness. More often than not, she hid behind the nickname, creating a bright character that covered up the pain she was experiencing. Julie kept schoolmates at a distance but let Juju out when the music was on. Though as an excellent dancer, her biggest regret was that none of her family ever came to watch her performances. She would watch sadly as other students were greeted with flowers and hugs from parents after the performances. 

Observing Julie's closed nature outside of the dance room, Corrina, one of the other dance students, sensed her need for companionship. When she found her at lunchtime sitting alone, Corrina would invite Julie to join her table with other dance kids, including her as a member of their extended "family". At first, they talked about dance and music. As the conversation turned to family, Juju would quickly shift the subject back to dance. 

Despite this initial hesitance, trust between the girls gradually developed, and then a sister-like bond. They started spending more time together, not just in dance-related activities but also in their personal lives. 

As their high school years ended, the closing night performance for graduation was around the corner. While everyone was filled with excitement, Corrina sensed Julie's anxiety as curtain time approached. She knew Julie feared the post-show loneliness of having no family to celebrate with. So she took it upon herself to ensure that Julie didn't feel alone on this important night. 

注意:1. 续写词数应 100 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Determined to plan a surprise for Julie as a "family", Corrina gathered other girls.

