
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Mind Your Manners

    Around the world, people have different ideas about what good table manners are. In India, for example, people only eat with their right hands. You take food from one dish on the table, usually a kind of bread or rice, mix it with food from another dish and then put it in your mouth. Your left hand stays still. Eating with your left hand is very rude!

    In western countries, people do not usually share the same dishes. Everyone has his or her own plate of food. You eat with a knife and fork and you should not wave them around when you are not eating. In addition, you should try not to be noisy when eating.

    When you go to some restaurants in different parts of the world, it is important to know what people think is rude. For example, in China it is OK to be noisy in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant is not noisy, you may think it is not very good.If a table is too noisy, other customers might notbe happy.

    In China, one person usually pays for every one. In western countries, when friendseat together, they usually share the cost. This is called "going Dutch". In addition, when westerners pay the check, they usually leave some money for the waiter. This is called“leaving a tip." Not leaving a tip is very rude. In US, it's common to leave tips of 10%, 15% or 20% of the check. The amount depends on how good the waiter was.

    The way people eat food is different around the world, but you can find the same kinds of food in many countries.

A. Good waiters can get a lot of money!

B. People think that is bad table manners!

C. Guests usually leave the tips under the plates.

D. Paying for the meal is also different from country to country.

E. However, in many western countries, restaurants are quiet places.

F. Chinese and Italian foods, for example, are popular all over the world.

G. Although good manners always make you look good, you can always follow your hosts if you're not sure what to do.



    Right now, millions of people are digging into their food with two sticks that have school the test of time as a utensil(烹调用具)for humans. But what's so special about them? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Personally, I think they teach us the importance of:


    If you're ever tried using them, you know that you can't get what you want by just randomly stabbing at the plate. To be able to get what you want, you have to aim for it. There's no way you can pick up everything in one go. Know what you want, and just do it. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} 


    Using chopsticks doesn't come naturally. You can't learn to use them by just reading about them. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} It is the same with the real life. You can read as much as you like about all the things you want to do, but it will just amount to dreams and theory if you don't try actually doing it.

    Slowing Down

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Why? Because it allows your stomach to tell your brain you're full before you overeat. Eating with chopsticks is a slower process, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes we need to slow down and take things one step at a time, so that we have time to think and realize that we don't have to keep charging full speed through life.

A. Aim

B. Motivation

C. What can we learn from them?

D. You have to practice using them

E. Those who eat too fast were less successful at losing weight

F. Sometimes, a little bit of focus makes the difference between failure and success

G. A common health tip is to try to eat with chopsticks when you can


    Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance. But in fact, a lot of guys spend plenty of time in front of the mirror. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.Body image is a person's opinions and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. You appreciate your body for its capabilities and accept its imperfections.So, what can you do to develop a positive body image? Here are some ideas: Recognize your strengths. Different body types are good for different things. What does your body do well? Maybe your speed, strength, or coordination makes you better than others at a certain sport. That may be basketball, table tennis, mountain biking, dancing, or even running. Or perhaps you have non-sports skills, like drawing, painting, singing, playing a musical instrument, writing, or acting. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Exercise regularly. Exercise can help you look good and feel good about yourself. Good physiques (体形) don't just happen. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. A healthy habit can be as simple as exercising 20 minutes to one hour three days a week. Working out can also lift your spirits. Respect your body! Practicing good habits — regular showering; taking care of your teeth, hair, and skin; wearing clean clothes, and so on —can help you build a positive body image. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Your body is just one part of who you are. Your talent for comedy, a quick wit (智慧), and all the other things make you unique. So try not to let small imperfections take over.

A. Use this as an opportunity to discover what you're good at.

B. Be yourself.

C. They care just as much as girls do about their body image.

D. Just explore talents that you feel good about.

E. They take hard work, regular workouts, and a healthy diet.

F. The good news is that self-image and body image can be changed.

G. Having a positive body image means feeling satisfied with the way you look.


    The Open Hand — a Universal Sign

    When meeting people at the airport,{#blank#}1{#/blank#} We know that a smile is usually a sign that people feel friendly and happy, but what if we don't know who the new person is?{#blank#}2{#/blank#} What if we are meeting a stranger in an unfamiliar place? Sometimes people are dangerous and humans have to find ways to protect themselves. We have to make sure we can trust people we do not know,{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Showing our hands means that we are not armed(武装). In many cultures today, the Western custom of shaking hands is used. We use our right hand, which is usually stronger than the left one. If we are using our hand this way, it cannot be holding a knife or a gun. It shows that we trust the other person,{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Not all cultures use the handshake,{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Japanese people might cover one hand with the other and, depending on whom they are greeting, bow slightly or quite low. In India, Hindu people join their hands in front of their faces and bow their heads. A Muslim will touch his heart, mouth and forehead(前额)to show respect. Even young people in the West now give each other the “high five”, when they slap(拍)each other's hands high in the air. They are all keeping their hands busy. In almost all cultures, to smile and show an open right hand means, “Welcome, you are safe with me.”

A. What if I want to show that I am bored?

B. most people smile and shake hands with people they meet.

C. and that the other person can trust us.

D. What if we are not introduced by a friend?

E. and people in many Asian cultures do not always touch another person.

F. and we have to show that we are not dangerous.

G. nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.


    Curiosity is at the heart of lifelong learning. It not only gives children an advantage in school, but today's business leaders agree that it's also at the heart of successful organizations.

    Psychologists view curiosity as a life force, vital to happiness, intellectual growth, and well-being.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} It points students toward the knowledge, skills, relationships, and experiences that they need to live full and productive lives.

⒈ {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Often, the temptation(诱惑)is to benefit students when their curiosity leads to a desired outcome or good grade. But it's more important to notice and strengthen curiosity when you see it in action. When you praise students by describing how their questions and explorations are contributing to their own or classroom learning, you let them know that they are valued for their motivation, regardless of the grade they achieve.

⒉Teach students how to ask quality questions.

    Quality questions are vital for curiosity; Google, is great at finding answers but doesn't motivate the formation of questions. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}An excellent book for understanding the art of questioning is A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger.

⒊Spread the curiosity around.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Curiosity is influential in groups working toward a real-world common goal, helping to inspire questions and new ideas.

⒋Explore a variety of cultures and societies.

    How is one culture or society uniquely different from another one? Encourage students to explore their genetic or emotional links to other cultures. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Value and reward curiosity.

B. Teach students to be critical.

C. Good questions contain “why,” “what if,” and “how”.

D. Why do they relate to certain beliefs or values that other societies hold?

E. The greatest advantage of curiosity lies in its power to motivate learning.

F. Create opportunities for more curious and less curious students to work together in learning.

G. How can students create a new poem, science experiment or product from their explorations?


    Your children are watching you. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} According to the Health Program, developing healthy habits is an important part for your children. And when it comes to developing healthy habits, parents influence their children more than anyone else.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} What happens during those early years can influence children for the rest of their lives. This includes some eating and exercise habits. Children are very careful, even at a young age. Children watch what others do carefully and imitate the behaviors of those closest to them. As parents, you should do the following: {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you do that, your children are more likely to be enthusiastic about developing theirs.

    Let your children see you taking care of your own physical health by eating fruits and vegetables. Talk to them about healthy habits in appropriate terms and at a proper time. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Computers, televisions and other forms of technology are a major part of life in the 21st century. Unfortunately, as the use of technology in the home increases, so does the time spent watching TV or playing on the computer. So as parents, you should also arrange the time for your children wisely.

A. Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.

B. Don't get rid of technology, but use it wisely.

C. Be enthusiastic about developing healthy habits of your own.

D. Your actions arc speaking to them louder than your words will.

F. Children prefer to imitate their parents rather than listen to them.

F. This can be helpful to teach your children to form good eating habits.

G. It's easy for the children to form their healthy habits when they arc young.


    There are numerous benefits of reading good books. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Whatever your field might be, it's very important to create a good habit to read beyond your horizons. Here are tips to help you cultivate a better and consistent reading habit:

    Determine your reading goal. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}This goal should be clear and backed up with a purpose. Start by thinking about how a consistent reading pattern can help you grow indifferent areas of your life-spirit, academics, career, relationships and more.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Once you're done setting your reading goal for the year, you'll need a list to back it up. Write out a list of the amazing books you want to read. Ask for recommendations from friends and instructors. It's important to keep a journal listing the books you'll like to read for each month.

    Get a responsible reading partner to promote your reading. Goals need to be backed up in order to help put a check and encourage you during times you don't feel motivated.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    To develop a reading culture, you must first analyze your current reading habits. Do you read at all?{#blank#}5{#/blank#} In order to truly achieve your reading goals and build a consistent reading habit, you'll need to set up simple systems, find responsible partners, and generally be hungry to grow beyond your comfort zone.

A. Do you study hard at school?

B. Make a list of books for each month.

C. Do you start off and stop at some point?

D. Get up early and go to bed late to back up your goal.

E. It's important to start off by setting a goal to create a reading habit.

F. Get a friend willing to read, and create a plan to help you achieve your reading goals.

G. It can make you think deeper, sharpen your skills and teach you more about your field.

