
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    With his love for video games and petty arguments with his older sister, Jack Rico might seem like any other 13-year-old. But Rico is1 but average: the teenager just graduated with four degrees and he did it in just two years.

    Rico2 from Fullerton College in California last weekend, making him the 3 student to achieve that feat (壮举) in the school's 107-year-old history.

    Majoring in one study is4 enough, but the baby facing teen earned degrees in5, human expression, social behavior and social science .

    "I just love learning new things," Rico said. "I6 knowing more about the world and all the different things we could study."

    The community college has about 21,0007students from various backgrounds and walks of life. But Fullerton College President Greg Schulz said Rico surely8 from the crowd.

    "It is not typical to have such a young student take classes, so Jack is pretty well9on the Fullerton College campus," Schulz told CNN." Jack is wise beyond his years, and I'm so10 that he found a home and place to be outstanding at Fullerton College."

    If you're eager to know the secret11 to his great achievements, Rico said there isn't one. Just good old time management and listening to your12, he said.

    Rico's mother said she knew her son was13 ever since he was a young boy. Having been home schooled before attending Fullerton, Rico's14 official graduation was his college one.

    But as a result of the coronavirus pandemic (新冠疫情), his in-person graduation ceremony was15.

    He was a little sad and disappointed because he never had a graduation. So 16, his family and friends will help him17 by holding a drive-by graduation parade (游行) on Wednesday.

    The next step for Rico is to continue studying history at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he received a full ride.

    While he may be several steps ahead of his age group, he said he's still just 18.

    "I'm 13 right now so I don't really have the whole life thing 19 ," Rico said, when asked what he wants to be when he grows up." I'm still trying to20 my interests and learn what I want to do in life."

A、something B、anything C、nothing D、everything
A、suffered B、survived C、graduated D、arose
A、youngest B、most determined C、tastiest D、most delighted
A、vast B、cautious C、difficult D、brief
A、history B、politics C、physics D、business
A、concern B、dislike C、demand D、love
A、many B、other C、another D、all
A、dropped out B、stood out C、put out D、gave out
A、motivated B、spoken C、harmed D、known
A、puzzled B、ashamed C、pleased D、annoyed
A、method B、manners C、behavior D、education
A、schoolmates B、citizens C、instructors D、hosts
A、special B、painful C、willing D、innocent
A、legally B、last C、curiously D、first
A、commented B、conducted C、canceled D、replaced
A、anyhow B、somehow C、moreover D、instead
A、celebrate B、absorb C、owe D、blame
A、a twin B、a kid C、a graduate D、a student
A、given away B、taken out C、put off D、figured out
A、earn B、explore C、exchange D、explode

Day Camp

Our Day Camp is more than a place where children simply play. We are a group of devoted educators who long to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children. 


Entering 3rd & 4th Grades

Sailfish groups are separated by gender(性别) and enjoy intramural(校内的) sports with a greater emphasis placed on teamwork and sportsmanship. Sailfish group also enjoy all of the aquatic(水生的) activities our waterfront campus has to offer, along with a daily schedule of activities that enrich the mind and body. 


Entering Kindergarten

This group of campers have their own learning facility(设施) and take part in age-appropriate specials throughout the day. The Tadpoles swim twice daily in our in-ground swimming pool. A certified teacher and counselorsc指导老师) arganize and monitor the day's activities, helping the Tadpoles to prepare for the fun of the upcoming school year. 


Entering lst & 2nd Grades

These campers are grouped by gender and have the chance to play sports-centered games, explore art and saence and become acquainted with the excitement of sailing on Stony Brook Harbor. Daily swimming lessons are also included, and trips to the beach are a favorite of the Minnows. Both certified teachers and senior counselors work with these campers to provide a safe and enriching experience. 


Entering 5th & 6th Grades

These campers participate in a wide variety of sports and activities. Same-gendered grouping allows flexibility for the groups to choose their favorite games during meeting times. Dolphins also spend time sailing on the Harbor, swimming in our in-ground swimming pool and participating in adventurous activities. 


Lily loved school. However, there was one class Lily worried about more than any other—art. She didn't know why she just wasn't any good at drawing, painting, or cutting.

Ms. Clay, the art teacher, stood at the front of the room. "Class, next Friday our school is going to have an art competition," she announced. Ms. Clay was a great teacher, and Lily liked her a lot. But this announcement made Lily nervous. "Everyone in the school will create a piece of artwork to show in the library. You can use the different types of artwork we have been studying." Ms. Clay was quite excited when she spoke while Lily found herself sinking lower in her chair.

Lily had the whole weekend to work on her project, but she could not think of anything to do. On Monday, Lily felt frightened, so after school Lily asked Ms. Clay if she could write an art paper instead of doing an art project.

"I understand this project scared you, Lily," Ms. Clay said. "Just remember, you can create any kind of art you want." Ms. Clay smiled at her. "Art is a person's way of expressing his or her feelings—it isn't always painting, drawing, or cutting. I know you will think of something very creative, and I can't wait to see it."

When Lily arrived home, she took out a piece of paper and a pencil. She remembered Ms. Clay's words. "Art is a person's way of expressing his or her feelings." Lily wrote the word "terrified" on her paper. She crumpled (揉皱) the paper and threw it to the side of her desk.

Then Lily stared at the crumpled ball. Suddenly an idea struck her.

Paragraph 1:

Why not create something out of crumpled paper?

Paragraph 2:

On Friday, Lily carefully carried her project into the library.


Adults check their phones, on average,360 times a day, and spend almost three hours a day on their devices in total. The problem for many of us is that one quick phone-related task leads to a quick check of our emails or social media feeds, and suddenly we've been sucked into endless scrolling.

It's an awful circle. The more useful our phones become, the more we use them. The more we use them, the more we lay neural(神经的) pathways in our brains that lead to pick up our phones for whatever task is at hand-and the more we feel an urge to check our phones even when we don't have to.

What we do know is that the simple distraction of checking a phone or seeing a notification(通知)can have negative consequences. This isn't very surprising; we know that, in general, multitasking does harm to memory and performance. One of the most dangerous examples is phone use while driving. One study found that merely speaking on the phone, not texting, was enough to make drivers slower to react on the road. It's true for everyday tasks that are less high-risk, too. Simply hearing a notification "ding" made participants of another study perform far worse on a task-almost as badly as participants who were speaking or texting on the phone during the task.

It isn't just the use of a phone that has consequences-its me re presence can affect the way we think.

In one recent study, for example, researchers asked participants to either put their phones next to them so they were visible(like on a desk), nearby and out of sight(like in a bag or pocket), or in another room. They were found to perform far better when their phones were in another room instead of nearby-whether visible, powered on or not.


Zhang Guimei taught at a school during the day and took care of a children's home in her spare time. One day, Zhang met a teenage girl {#blank#}1{#/blank#} told Zhang that her family was too poor {#blank#}2{#/blank#} (afford) school fees. Zhang went to persuade her parents to allow their daughter to continue schooling {#blank#}3{#/blank#}, the parents refused Zhang. With the little girl lingering in her mind, Zhang tried to figure out how to help those poor local girls.

In 2007, Zhang {#blank#}4{#/blank#} (elect) as a representative of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and attended the meeting in Beijing. A news report on Zhang helped her ambition of building a school {#blank#}5{#/blank#} girls gained the attention of Huaping county officials and other {#blank#}6{#/blank#} (support). A year later, Huaping Girls' High School, China's {#blank#}7{#/blank#} (one) tuition-free high school, opened and enrolled 100 students, with Zhang as its president. Most of the girls were from remote areas.

{#blank#}8{#/blank#} (follow) in Zhang's footsteps, many of the graduates of Huaping Girls' High School have chosen to work in remote areas.

In July 2021, she was one of the recipients of this year's July 1st Medal, the {#blank#}9{#/blank#} (high) honor for a Communist Party of China member, for her outstanding contributions to education in the {#blank#}10{#/blank#} (mountain) region.

