
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    It's possible to be straightforward about climate change with our children and protect their emotional well-being. . So they don't have to despair over the future.

    Don't overdo the news

    Although adults may want to watch and listen to the news, a little goes a long way for children. There's a difference between being prepared and being overwhelmed (不知所措), especially for kids. . For example, when you have anxious kids watching the TV or anxious families, you may see a growth in kids' anxiety; in other words, when parents watch TV a lot in a sorrowful atmosphere, they're hurting their children. It's the responsibility of parents and caregivers to control their kids' media consumption; they simply do not need to know everything.


    As in all areas of parenting, it's up to caregivers to assess how much their kid can take. If you know your child is more anxious than the next kid or has a sensitive character, you have to parent differently. It's not so much about keeping kids away from every bit of information about rising temperatures and extinction, it's that you handle it differently. .

    Emphasize agency

    At home or in school, parents and educators can pair environmental studies with actionable steps such as having kids organize a challenge to increase the number of students bringing reusable bottles to school. They also can help students research how many species have thrived (茁壮成长) under the Endangered Species Act. . Families can support an environmental organization, plan a park cleanup or host a bake sale to raise money for habitat preservation of a kid's favorite endangered animal.

A. Teach kids action

B. Know your child

C. Here are some ways to help children be part of the team

D. The news can't be too much, especially if a child is sensitive

E. You change the words depending on their age and what they can handle

F. Without hope, you're not going to have action and thus not going to have hope

G. Inviting children to brainstorm ideas for progress helps energize and give them hope


      With the summer holiday just around the corner, it seems like everybody is busy planning their vacations. Here are some tips that can helpyou enjoy your holiday without emptying your pocket:

Travel off-season

Go to your desired destination while the demand is low and takeadvantage of huge discounts. During the peak season, the hotel and flightprices increase quickly, and you'll likely spend more of your vacation timestanding in line due to the rush of tourists.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}


      Websites can help you find discount hotel rooms. Look for placesthat do not charge extra for children if they use the existing bedding. Staywith the locals. If you and your family are going to stay for a longer period,renting a small apartment is a good choice.

Eat like a local

      Why eat at big chain restaurants when you can experiencesomething new?{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

During your family trip, try new food where the locals eat. Thiswill not just save money, but also provide you with a new and differentexperience. For smaller meals and snacks, avoid restaurants and try street foodor other takeout.

Don't hesitate to bargain

      Tourist- heavy places are known for overcharging for just abouteverything. Clothes, travel goodies, souvenirs, etc. are very expensive atthese places. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Bargain hard to get the best price.

Choose local transportation


      Instead, take buses, railways or subways, which are alwayscheaper. If you are planning to stay for a while, you can consider renting acar. Hiring a car is much easier than carrying your bags everywhere if you aremoving around a lot.

A. Save on hotels.

B. Surf the Internet while traveling.

C. Therefore, avoid buying anything there.

D. So it's best to find out when the off-season starts.

E. Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travelcosts.

F. For this reason, you shouldn't feel ashamed to ask forbargains.

G .As a tourist, avoid taking taxis whenever possible, sincethey are expensive.


    We often close ourselves off when painful events happen in our lives. Instead of letting the world soften us, we let it drive us deeper into ourselves. We try to ignore the hurt and, pain, but we can't hide from ourselves. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    The items listed below are four tips you can open your heart more fully and completely.

    ⒈Breathe into pain

    Whenever a painful situation arises (出现)in your life, try to face it instead of running away. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and accept it. By using our breath we soften our experiences and allow more newness.


    We're often confused (困惑的)at the next step to take. Actually, we can try a new decision making process. To start this process, we may ask, “Heart, what decision should I make here? What action feels the most right?” See what comes up, then put it into practice and evaluate(评价)the outcome.

    ⒊Spend time alone

    For most of our lives we're surrounded by people: our friends, family members, and strangers. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} When you spend time in solitude(孤独), you're free from the influences of other people. It might be painful at first, but eventually you'll add a whole new understanding into your life.

    ⒋Get outside of yourself

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} But in reality, they actually work hand-in-hand. After you've explored the depths of yourself, you come away with a new understanding.

    Now, it's time to share that —not through telling others, but through being with others.

A. Have a light heart

B. Ask your heart what it wants

C. Is there anything I'm hiding from myself?

D. How often do we really spend time alone?

E. This may seem a little contradictory(对立的)to the last tip.

F. We should open our hearts and take action to heal(使愈合)the wounds.

G. When we run away from sadness, it gets stronger and more real.


    You're growing up. That means you're probably experiencing lots of changes, all at once. Your body is changing. It might even seem as if your entire self is changing. It can be confusing and even scary.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} And it's good!

    Growing up means that you can do more, learn more, and start to make your mark on the world. In order for that to happen, your body produces chemicals called hormones that help both body and mind grow. Hormone levels change constantly, rising and falling.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} But it's partly to blame for intense emotions, surprising reactions, and mood swings.

    Because of the way your brain develops, it is somewhat ruled by emotions now and through your teen years. As a result, growing up can seem like an emotional roller coaster! {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Take care of yourself. If you eat right, sleep enough, and get good exercise, your brain will be much more able to deal with the stress.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} When you feel your moods swinging or you're upset, or confused, some quiet time will allow you to gather your thoughts and get calmer.

    Practice relaxing your body and deep breathing when you wake up and when you go to bed.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Plus, when stuff happens during the day, you'll be able to calm yourself quickly with a deep breath or two before you react. Your body is changing.

A.Find a peaceful time to relax.

B.But the truth is, it happens to every teen.

C.Work out regularly to keep physically fit.

D.This changing is needed for your body's development.

E.It will help you fall asleep—and start the morning right.

F.Here are a few things you can do to make the ride smoother.

G.Usually, these feelings settle down when you realize what is going on.


The Science of Risk-Seeking

    Sometimes we decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward, the risk seems worth taking. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Some of us enjoy activities that would surprise and scare the rest of us. Why? Experts say it may have to do with how our brains work?

    The reason why any of us take any risks al all might have to do with early humans. Risk-takers were better at hunting, fighting, or exploring. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} As the quality of risk-taking was passed from one generation to the next, humans ended up with a sense of adventure and a tolerance for risk.

    So why aren't we all jumping out of airplanes then? Well, even 200,000 years ago, too much risk-taking could get one killed. A few daring survived, though, along with a few stay-in-the-cave types. As a result, humans developed a range of character types that still exists today. So maybe you love car racing, or maybe you hate it. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    No matter where you are on the risk-seeking range, scientists say that your willingness to take risks increases during your teenage years. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} To help you do that, your brain increases your hunger for new experiences. New experiences often mean taking some risks, so your brain raises your tolerance for risk as well.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} For the risk-seekers a part of the brain related to pleasure becomes active, while for the rest of us, a part of the brain related to fear becomes active.

As experts continue to study the science of risk-seeking, we'll continue to hit the mountains, the waves or the shallow end of the pool.

A. It all depends on your character.

B. Those are the risks you should jump to take.

C. Being better at those things meant a greater chance of survival.

D. Thus, these well-equipped people survived because they were the fittest.

E. This is when you start to move away from your family and into the bigger world.

F. However, we are not all using the same reference standard to weigh risks and rewards.

G. New brain research suggests our brains work differently when we face a nervous situation.


    Some are born with the ability to talk to people in any kind of situation and express their ideas. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Having no confidence can be one of the reasons why these people are afraid to talk with others. So it's necessary for them to know some ways to talk to people.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} In some situations where you are finding it awkward (难为情的) to talk to people, just carry a smile, and you'll find that people will actually start talking to you!

    Using good body language during a conversation is also important. Before you start talking, make sure that you are in a good posture (姿势), and look into the eyes of the other person.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} It also shows you're interested to talk to the person.

    For talking comfortably to people on the phone, you have to learn to listen actively. Here, body language is of no importance at all. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}And at the same time repeat to the person what he or she said from time to time. This shows your interest in the conversation.

    It's difficult to talk with unhappy people. Such people are less likely to talk first because of their bad state of mind. Try asking close­ended questions. For example, you can ask like this:Have you been alright lately? Or was your day a good one? {#blank#}5{#/blank#}This will help calm the other person down.

A. And this can increase your confidence.

B. However, remember to use a gentle voice.

C. Start a lively conversation with the latest events.

D. A smile is a good way to start any conversation.

E. Talking to people is not a difficult task as it may seem to be.

F. You just need to listen carefully to the person at the other end.

G. For some people, it's difficult even to start a light conversation.

