
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Venus (金星) is close to Earth. . Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Venus is similar to Earth in size and mass (质量).It is often described as Earth's" sister".

    Scientists have been learning about Venus for a long time. First they looked at Venus through telescopes(望远镜). But Venus is covered with thick(厚的)clouds.. So they made guesses about it.

    For a long time, scientists thought that Venus had water and plants. They thought Venus might have animals, too.

    . In the 1960s, they began sending probes (航天探测器) to Venus. The probes flew through the thick clouds. They took pictures of Venus up close. They found out many things, too. The probes sent the pictures and things they found out back to the scientists.

    . First they learned that most of their guesses were not right. And they learned that Venus is very hot.

A. Then scientists found a way to learn more about Venus.

B. It is the second planet from the Sun.

C. The scientists learned a lot from the probes.

D. But they didn't know for sure.

E. Scientists could not see Venus well through the clouds.


    Table manners are different from country to country. If you visit a friend's home for a meal, it's good to know about certain customs.


    In many homes, people often sit on the floor to eat a meal. Often, everyone eats from the same plate. It is in the center of the table. Only eat the food in front of you. Don't reach across someone for food. It is common to use your fingers and small pieces of bread to eat food. Use only your right hand to eat. Don't say "no" to food. If the host offers you food or drink, take some and try a little.

    Also remember: In many homes, it is common to take off your shoes.

The United States

    In most homes, people usually sit on chairs when they eat a meal. People eat from their own plate or bowl, but sometimes people share desserts. If you want something (for example, the water), ask for it. Reaching across someone is rude. It's OK to eat things like sandwiches, fruit, French fries, pizza, and some kinds of meat with your fingers. It's OK to say "no" to food if you don't like it.

    Also remember: People often talk when they eat a meal together.

Manners in Morocco

Sit on the floor to eat.

Everyone eats from the same {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

Don't say "no" to food.

Manners in the US

Sit on {#blank#}2{#/blank#} to eat.

Eat from their own plate.

It's {#blank#}3{#/blank#} to say "no" to food.

Manners in both countries

Eat some food with {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

It's {#blank#}5{#/blank#} to reach across someone for food.

