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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    The exact data on women in agriculture is difficult to pin down. There are variations between countries and agriculture data is challenging to collect. What is clear, however, is that most small-scale farmers are women, making up 60-80 percent of farmers in developing countries. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN) estimates that between 43 percent to even 70 percent of agricultural labor in some countries comes from women.

    But women still don't have the same rights as men when it comes to farming, making food production harder for women because of gender inequality. For female farmers, it is unquestionably a challenging job to engage in food production.

    In the first place, purchasing land, farming equipment and hiring labor can be expensive. These costs are even harder on women because many of them lack access to credit. In nearly 48 economies women face legal restrictions to having control of their own finances.

    Getting to the bank is hard too. Mobility for women in rural parts of developing countries is a big concern. Better transportation and infrastructure could help make access to credit more practicable for women. Credit and finance should be equal for everyone, especially women who are held back by gender restrictions.

    Sadly, women may run the world, but they do not own it. Women are virtually denied property rights. Traditional customs in place can pass down land through the male side of the family, leaving women out of land rights completely. Other times, women need permission from a male relative or husband to own land.

    It has been apparent that women are not as productive farmers as men and work longer hours in some countries like Indonesia. This is largely due to a lack of education. When education is considered more valuable for men (and thus mainly given to men), women farmers are less informed about the best production methods, thus producing less yield in crops and becoming "less productive". This can all be changed through providing education for women. Removing gender inequality can help feed 130 million people who are currently undernourished.

    Despite these barriers, women are definitely not leaving the "field". In countries experiencing urban growth, men are migrating to urban areas for other jobs while women stay in rural areas, taking on jobs in farming and agriculture. Healthier children, education, and investment into the community are all benefits that female farmers are shown to have on their communities.

    Let's close the gender gap and give women the tools they need to succeed. If women farmers in developing countries have the same rights and opportunities, they will be just as productive. With increasing population, and the need for better food security, supporting women in agriculture is something that cannot afford not to be invested in.

Women running most small farms

Women in developing countries for a large proportion of the labor force in the agricultural sector.

Women's to food production

Without credit, many women farmers can't the cost of large farms.

* The law sets a on women's freedom to manage money.

* It is a struggle for women in the countryside to enjoy bank service.

Women in many countries do not have easy to the ownership of property.

* can take over land from the previous generation.

* Without a male's permission women cannot take possession of land.

The education system men over women, resulting in different levels of productivity.

* Unlike men, women are often ignorant of agricultural science.

* Women could become more if they were to enjoy equal education.

Expected support for women farmers

Considering women' to society, we are supposed to end gender discrimination and up women in agriculture.

    Developing good study habits isn't easy.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} In this way, you'll become more and more successful as a student.
    Start by allowing no interruptions{#blank#}2{#/blank#}You have to give 100 percent of your attention to your work. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by friends or fellow students. Keep your goal in mind; know what you have to do and when it needs to be done. Don't let other people influence you into not doing your work.
    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}If you study best in the morning, plan to do your hardest subjects first. Remember not to leave today's work till tomorrow. A delay like this is called procrastination. If you delay for any reason, you'll find it more and more difficult to get things done when you need to. You may rush to make up the time you wasted getting started, resulting in careless and error-filled work.
Another good way to study is to take part in partnered and group-study sessions. These allow students to share ideas, and help each other deal with difficult material{#blank#}4{#/blank#}
    Forming good study habits can be difficult at first, and requires energy and a strong will, But if you commit yourself to it, success will be yours{#blank#}5{#/blank#}By doing so, you will know that you have tried. If you are satisfied with what you've done and know that you have tried your best, your grade will be the icing on the cake.
A. Always give your best in the classroom and in study sessions.
B. It's impossible to study while chatting or watching TV.
C. Figure out when you're most productive.
D. You may do well enough but maybe you can hardly achieve your goal easily.
E. Putting off your task for any reason can make it difficult to finish on time.
F. But start with a plan, put in a lot of hard work, and studying will become easier.
G. In addition, learning among students is a good way of getting a firmer grasp of the material.


    ⒈When chopsticks were invented?

    In fact, before the invention of chopsticks, Chinese ancestors actually used hands to eat, but how did they eat soup(汤菜)and porridge? {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Chinese started to use chopsticks about 3,000 years ago in Shang Dynasty.

    ⒉Who invented chopsticks?

    The records of using chopsticks have been found in many written books but lack physical evidence. However many stories are about the invention of chopsticks. One says that Jiang Ziya, an ancient wise man, created chopsticks. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} But there is no exact history record about the invention. We can only say that smart ancient Chinese invented chopsticks.

    ⒊How to use Chinese chopsticks.

    Using two slim sticks to pick up food is actually not difficult. You can do it if you practice it for some time, even if you are a foreigner. The key to managing chopsticks is keeping one chopstick in position while moving the other to pick up food. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    ⒋Chopsticks Manners

    Chopsticks are usually held in the right hand, and left-handed chopstick use is considered as improper in China. Playing with chopsticks is thought to be impolite. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    ⒌The philosophy of Chinese chopsticks

    Chinese philosopher Confucius advised people to use chopsticks instead of knives because the metal knives remind people of cold weapons, which mean killing and violence.

    ⒍A chopsticks-themed museum can be found in Shanghai

    If you are truly interested in chopsticks, you can pay a visit to the Shanghai Chopsticks Museum. The museum gathered more than 1,200 pairs of chopsticks from China, Korea, Japan and Thailand.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Chopsticks were introduced to many other neighbor countries due to its lightness and convenience.

B. It is considered to be polite and thoughtful to pick up food for the elderly and children.

C. Bamboo chopsticks are most frequently used in Chinese daily life.

D. The oldest one was from the Tang Dynasty.

E. There also go around some other stories.

F. Remember to practice with patience.

G. They had to use sticks to eat them.


Unless you're one of the lucky few who already know what their passion is and what they really enjoy, you will be spending a lot of time trying new things and figuring out what you're good' at and what you like. Don't be afraid to try new things and fail in them; failing builds character. You have a lot of growing up to do in your 20s, a lot of self-examination and exploration. Use this time wisely to get to understand yourself as best as you can — not that you won't change as you continue to get older, but it's definitely a time of discovery, getting to know yourself and what you want in this world and what you have to contribute in the world.

    Life is about change; don't go against it and just go with it. Learn from your mistakes and grow. Let go of things you can't change. Sometimes change will be so painful that you will want to tear your heart out, but you'll be okay if you just hang on and know that no matter what happens, you will be alright. Win, lose or draw, life will go on and you'll get another chance to start your life over if things haven't gone according to your plan.

    Nothing lasts forever. Enjoy every moment that you have. Enjoy life and practice being present at the moment because time goes by extremely fast. There will be both good and bad times. The bad thing about ups is that there are always downs. It's important to really enjoy the good moments in life because you'll need those memories to reflect back on when the bad times come. The first 10 years after high school go by at a really high speed and before you know it you're 28 and wondering how the time has escaped you.

    Choosing a life partner is hard. Relationships in general are hard, not just romantic ones but friendships, and family relations as well. Stay in touch with people who you really care about and who really care about you. Make an effort to stay an active person in their life if you really care. You will not have as many close friends as you get older and you will probably lose some friends as well. Remember that it is okay because not everyone who comes into your life is meant to stay forever; let them go and try their best to love the people who are still in your life.

    Happiness, love and confidence come from within. Life is what you make of it and what you put into it. You can create whatever life you want, and if you create that life and it doesn't work for you any more, guess what? You can create a whole new life that does work. You may not have a choice in things that happen to you but you have a choice in how you react—to them. Try to stay positive no matter what life throws at you and get through the tough times by talking to friends, family and an adviser if you need to.

Things nobody tells you while you grow up

You're going to spend a lot of time  {#blank#}1{#/blank#}  things.

• Try new things and fail in them with no {#blank#}2{#/blank#} because failing builds character.

• Use your 20s wisely to know yourself as best as you can.

Assume change will come.

• Don't  {#blank#}3{#/blank#} change.

• Another change will come to  {#blank#}4{#/blank#}  your life if things haven't gone according to your plan.

Time is a  {#blank#}5{#/blank#} resource.

• Make an enjoyment of every moment because time  {#blank#}6{#/blank#} 

• Good memories help you go  {#blank#}7{#/blank#}  bad times.

Relationships don't come easy.

• {#blank#}8{#/blank#}  people who you really care about and who really care about you.

O Let someone go' and love those who {#blank#}9{#/blank#} 

You get what you put in

• Choose the way you react whatever happens to you.

• Stay positive and turn to others if  {#blank#}10{#/blank#} 


    A psychotherapist once taught me a little trick that helped me feel less angry at my partner and less sad about the failings of our relationship.

    She said, "Look at him and imagine him as a very little boy; that way, you separate yourself somewhat from the adult, and you are likely to understand and forgive him."

    It actually helped. I couldn't be as mad at or disappointed by a child as I could be with a grown man. So, at least on some occasions, we were both spared the heartache of an uncomfortable silence or a not-so-silent argument. And I sometimes still use versions of that trick whenever I feel frustrated or angry in other relationships or personal exchanges.

    But what if you could mentally change the form of the emotion itself? According to scientists at the University of Texas, maybe you can.

    Focusing specifically on sadness, the researchers asked two groups of study participants to write about a time in their lives when they felt very sad. They then asked one group to imagine sadness as a person, and write down a description of the person they imagined would be sadness. Not surprisingly, the participants described sadness in such ways as an older person with gray hair and sunken eyes or a young girl holding her head down as she slowly walked along.

    The researchers asked the other group of participants to write down a description of sadness with respect to its impact on their moods. When asked to rate their levels of sadness after completing their descriptions, the participants who wrote about the emotion itself and how it affects them reported higher levels of sadness than the group that anthropomorphized (人格化)sadness into a specific type of person with familiar human characteristics. The researchers suggest that by giving life to the emotion, participants can view sadness as something (or someone) separate and somewhat distant from themselves, helping them relieve their negative feelings.

    While it's okay to feel sad, many people behave in unconscious and sometimes self-destructive ways to distract or "save" themselves when they are consumed by negative emotions. So in the study authors wanted to know whether or not the group that reported feeling less sad would make smarter shopping decisions.

    They tested this by asking participants in both groups to first choose between a salad or a cheesecake dessert to go with the main dish they were having for lunch. The researchers also asked participants to choose between a computer loaded with features for productivity or a computer loaded with features for entertainment. Those study participants who had anthropomorphized their emotions were more likely to choose the salad and the productive computer than those who had simply written about their feelings.

    For obvious reasons, then, they say this technique is best for reduce negative emotions.

A Little Trick to Help You Feel {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Sad

Passage outlines

Supporting details

The writer's experience

    When he was angry with his partner, the writer was able to improve his mood by {#blank#}2{#/blank#} his partner as a little boy, which is sometimes {#blank#}3{#/blank#}to both sides.

This trick can mentally change the form of people's emotion

    It is no {#blank#}4{#/blank#}that the study participants tend to picture sadness as an older person or an unhappy girl.

    The participants who describe their emotion as a person have a {#blank#}5{#/blank#}level of sadness than those who merely describe their emotion itself.

This trick can {#blank#}6{#/blank#}people's consumption decisions

    When lost in negative emotions, people may lose {#blank#}7{#/blank#}of themselves and behave in self-destructive ways.

Participants who give {#blank#}8{#/blank#}to the emotion prefer salad while those who don't choose food {#blank#}9{#/blank#}in sugar and caloric.


    This little trick can help people reduce negative feelings.

