
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    How do you notice a child genius (天才)? Gifted children tend to share three characteristics.

    First, they develop skills at a very young age. Mozart began composing music when he was just five years old.

    Second, they are self-starters. Srinivasa Ramanujan was building complex formula (公式) before he'd even been taught basic mathematics.

    Third, gifted children can be crazy about their interests. For William James Sidis, a writer, had collected hundreds of street car models and had learned eight languages by the time he was eight. He was accepted at Harvard University at the age of 11.

    They would all have been good members for Mensa, an international society for people with the highest IQs. Its youngest member is just two years old. But there can be disadvantages to being so clever. Members of American Mensa are three times more likely than the general public to suffer from allergies (过敏) or depression (抑郁), and they are almost six times more likely to struggle with anxiety.

    These are just some of the physical and emotional problems that gifted children in particular may face.

    Noticing those children is important, but many of them are being missed. To find out gifted children, you actually have to look for them in all places. The benefits can be huge when those "lost Einsteins" are found.

    A study has been observing 5,000 gifted people since 1972. All of the children had test scores high enough to get into university when they were just 13. In adulthood, the first 1,650 people went on to publish 85 books, more than 7,500 articles. One-third of the group earned a doctor's degree that is 17 times the national average.

    The founder of Google and Lady Gaga were discovered as gifted children. The child geniuses who could change tomorrow's world are already out there. But will we notice them?

(1)、What do we know about William James Sidis?
A、He was only gifted in languages because he could speak 8 languages. B、He was famous for collecting hundreds of street car models. C、He was accepted at a top university at a young age. D、He was a well-known musician.
(2)、According to the passage, what do gifted children tend to do?
A、Develop all skills at five. B、Teach themselves everything. C、Put a lot of time and energy into their interests. D、Be members of Mensa when they are 13 years old.
(3)、What can we infer from the passage ?
A、All the gifted children struggle with physical and emotional problems. B、On national average, about 32 out of 1650 can earn a doctor's degree. C、All of the 5,000 gifted people got into university at 13. D、Einstein was lost when he was young.
(4)、What can be a suitable title for the text?
A、How to notice a child genius. B、The Lost child geniuses. C、The famous child geniuses. D、The difficulties child geniuses may face.

    The deadliest Ebola(埃博拉病毒) outbreak inrecorded history is happening right now. The outbreak is unprecedented(空前的) both in the number of people who have gotten sick and in the geographic scope. And so farit's been a long battle that doesn't appear to be slowing down.

    Ebola is both rare and very deadly. Since the first outbreak in 1976, Ebola viruses have infected thousands of people and killed roughly killed 60 percent of them. Symptoms can come on quickly and kill fast.

    The current outbreak started in Guinea sometime in late 2013 orearly 2014. It has since spread to Sierra Leone and Liberia, including somecapital cities. And one infected patient traveled on a plane to Nigeria, where he spread the disease to several others and then died. Cases have also popped up in various other countries throughout the world, including in Dallas and NewYork City in the United States.

    The Ebola virus has now hit many countries, including Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the United States. The virus, which starts off with flu-like symptoms and sometimes ends with bleeding, has infected about 6,500 people and killed more than 3,000 since this winter, according to the World Health Organization on September 30, 2014.

    There are some social and political factors contributing to the current disaster. Because this is the first major Ebola outbreak in WestAfrica, many of the region's health workers didn't have experience or trainingin how to protect themselves or care for patients with this disease.

    Journalist David Quammen put it well in a recent New York Timesarticle, “Ebola is more dangerous to humans than perhaps any known virus on Earth, except rabies(狂犬病) and HIV. Andit does its damage much faster than either.”

    Hopefully, researchers are working to find drugs, including a recent $50 million push at the National Institutes of Health. And scientists are working on vaccines(疫苗), including looking into ones that might be able to help wild chimpanzees, which are also susceptible to the disease. The first human Ebola vaccine trial is scheduled to start in the spring of 2015.


    Do you still remember your favorite poem from high school or some other important periods in your life?Why is it that decades later it still stands out in your mind?Probably the main reason is that some aspects of that poem resonates(引起共鸣)with you.In the same way,you too as a school leader can touch the hearts of your staff and students.

    Poetry allows us to experience strong spiritual connections to things around us and to the past.Thus,it can inspire whatever and whomever it touches.The power that poetry has displayed over time and across cultures actually satisfies this common need of the human heart and soul.

    As one of the oldest art forms,poetry has successfully connected various strands of humanity(人性)from one generation to another.Referring to poetry,Hillyer makes a simple yet meaningful statement,“With this key mankind unlocked his heart.”

    School leaders can find and make use of the value of poetry for themselves,their students and their staff members.Beyond the simple use of poetry,techniques of poetry such as metaphors,repetitions and imagery can be used to take advantage of the power of language to transform communication,create meaning and a culture of care and attention.

    Since schools are mainly about people and relationship,school leaders,like poets,are required to inspire and encourage the human heart.The use of poetry—or even of some techniques of poetry—in school leadership not only helps to improve communication,but also serves to meet the human need for inspiration.


    You are given many opportunities in life to choose to be a victim or creator. When you choose to be a victim, the world is a cold and difficult place. “They” did things to you which caused all of your pain and suffering. “They” are wrong and bad, and life is terrible as long as “they” are around. Or you may blame yourself for all your problems, thus internalizing(内化)your victimization. The truth is, your life is likely to stay that way as long as you feel a need to blame yourself or others.

    Those who choose to be creators look at life quite differently. They know there are individuals who might like to control their lives, but they don't let this get in the way. They know they have their weaknesses, yet they don't blame themselves when they fail. Whatever happens, they have choice in the matter. They believe their dance with each sacred(神圣的)moment of life is a gift and that storms are a natural part of life which can bring the rain needed for emotional and spiritual growth.

Victims and creators live in the same physical world and deal with many of the same physical realities, yet their experience of life is worlds apart. Victims relish (沉溺)in anger, guilt, and other emotions that cause others—and even themselves—to feel like victims, too. Creators consciously choose love, inspiration, and other qualities which inspire not only themselves, but all around them. Both victims and creators always have choice to determine the direction of their lives.

    In reality, all of us play the victim or the creator at various points in our lives. One person, on losing a job or a special relationship, may feel as if it is the end of the world and sink into terrible suffering for months, years, or even a lifetime. Another with the same experience may choose to first experience the grief, then accept the loss and soon move on to be a powerful creative force in his life.

    In every moment and every circumstance, you can choose to have fuller, richer life by setting a clear intention to transform the victim within, and by inviting into your life the powerful creator that you are.


Beijing Imperial Court Food

    Imperial Court Food(宫廷菜) is a style of food with origins in the Imperial Palace and it is well-known for the original features of the raw materials and carefully selected ingredients(原料). In addition, the dishes are decorated with different colored vegetables and fruits in various shapes. Each dish has a special name, such as Yu Feng Huan Chao. And some of them even have short stories. Today, Imperial Court Food has become an important school of Chinese cooking with several places offering this special taste. While expensive, it is worth trying.

    Restaurants of Imperial Court Food

    Fangshan Restaurant

    Fangshan Restaurant is the most famous one offering the first-class Imperial Court Food. The restaurant is made up of three parts and it can hold 500 people eating at the same time. It is decorated in imperial style with the design of dragon and phoenix. Here is the best place to experience the life of the Chinese emperors in former days. Now, it serves nearly 800 kinds of Imperial Court Dishes. Among them, Man-Han Banquet is the most famous.

    Li Jia Cai Restaurant

    The dinner here is served by set menu starting at ¥298/person. That is to say, a guest cannot order a dish but a set of dishes. There are no chemicals in the dishes and all tastes are natural. This restaurant has welcomed many famous people including Bill Gates, the former premier of Britain, John Major, and Chinese superstar Jackie Chan.

    Yushan Restaurant

    The layout of the restaurant follows the imperial palace. When eating in the restaurant, diners are served by waitresses in traditional imperial clothes.

    Da Zhai Men

    The dishes and snacks cooked in this restaurant are worthy to have a try. And, the traditional performances at night is one of the restaurant's attractions.

    Royal Palace

    Both of the food and service of this restaurant are so good. You can also enjoy some wonderful performances in this large courtyard.


    If you are in Dubai you may notice a robot police officer sharing the street with you. Your first thought might be, “Have I walked into a movie set?”

    The answer is no. That robot is Dubai's newest police officer. The robot has a touch screen instead of a gun. The robot will be employed mostly at shopping centers and other places popular with visitors.

    The robot's face has eyes but no mouth or nose. It stands 165 centimeters tall and weighs 100 kilograms. If the robot works well, Dubai says 25 percent of its police force could be robots by 2030. The robot cop(巡警) was officially presented at Dubai's Gulf Information and Security Expo and Conference in May.

    The police hope the robot will make life easier for the people of Dubai. Khalid Al Razooqi is Director General of Smart Services at the Dubai Police. He said the robot can help the public every day, and that “it won't ask for any sick leave”.

    The robot cannot make arrests (逮捕). But it can recognize faces and compare them to photographs on a criminal database. It can also sense emotions. People can use the robot's touch screen to do things like reporting a crime, paying fines and reporting lost or found things. They can also ask how to get somewhere. The robot can greet and shake hands with people. So far, the robot can speak Arabic and English. It soon will learn other languages such as Russian, Chinese, French and Spanish. In addition to having a touch screen, the robot has a camera that can live stream video to a police command center.

    Dubai has plans to add other kinds of robots to its police force. Within two years, the city plans to use a three meter tall robot that can run up to 80 kilometers an hour. The Dubai government says the machine would be the world's largest robot. A human police officer will be able to sit inside and control the robot. It will be able to lift heavy objects.

    The city also plans to use an egg shaped robot to control parking areas and give tickets to people who break traffic laws.


    At times my mom has been uncomfortable seeing some quality in me. For example, when I was 12, I went to Puerto Rico all by myself to stay with my grandmother for the summer. My mom was extremely nervous about it. She kept telling me how things were different in Puerto Rico, to always put on sunscreen, not to wander away from my grandmother, and other warnings. She helped me pack and did not leave the airport until she saw my plane take off.

    But despite her worries, she let me go on my own. As I moved into my teens, she continued to give me space to grow and learn, even when it might have been difficult for her. When I reached my senior year, I decided to move away for college. Once again I found that I differed from my peers: while many of them wanted to stay close to home, I couldn't wait to be out in the world on my own. While my mom may not have been happy at the thought of my going away, she was supportive and excited for me.

    One big thing I realized during my senior year, as my mom granted me more freedom, was that she actually believes in me and trusts me. That means a lot. Most of my life, and especially when I was little, the main person I tried to impress in my schoolwork or other things was my mother. I knew she expected nothing but the best from me. Sometimes it was hard to live up to her standards: getting a single B on my report card would make me feel bad because I knew she wanted me to have all A's.

    I know that her high standards have helped me stay focused on what's important, like education, and made me who I am. I am thankful for her support and involvement in my life. Most of all I respect her. She is the strongest woman I know and that's why I have turned out so strong and independent.

