
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The deadliest Ebola(埃博拉病毒) outbreak inrecorded history is happening right now. The outbreak is unprecedented(空前的) both in the number of people who have gotten sick and in the geographic scope. And so farit's been a long battle that doesn't appear to be slowing down.

    Ebola is both rare and very deadly. Since the first outbreak in 1976, Ebola viruses have infected thousands of people and killed roughly killed 60 percent of them. Symptoms can come on quickly and kill fast.

    The current outbreak started in Guinea sometime in late 2013 orearly 2014. It has since spread to Sierra Leone and Liberia, including somecapital cities. And one infected patient traveled on a plane to Nigeria, where he spread the disease to several others and then died. Cases have also popped up in various other countries throughout the world, including in Dallas and NewYork City in the United States.

    The Ebola virus has now hit many countries, including Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the United States. The virus, which starts off with flu-like symptoms and sometimes ends with bleeding, has infected about 6,500 people and killed more than 3,000 since this winter, according to the World Health Organization on September 30, 2014.

    There are some social and political factors contributing to the current disaster. Because this is the first major Ebola outbreak in WestAfrica, many of the region's health workers didn't have experience or trainingin how to protect themselves or care for patients with this disease.

    Journalist David Quammen put it well in a recent New York Timesarticle, “Ebola is more dangerous to humans than perhaps any known virus on Earth, except rabies(狂犬病) and HIV. Andit does its damage much faster than either.”

    Hopefully, researchers are working to find drugs, including a recent $50 million push at the National Institutes of Health. And scientists are working on vaccines(疫苗), including looking into ones that might be able to help wild chimpanzees, which are also susceptible to the disease. The first human Ebola vaccine trial is scheduled to start in the spring of 2015.

(1)、According to the passage, which of the following about Ebola is true?

A、The Ebola outbreak now is the biggest one in history. B、Ebola breaks out quickly but it is under control now. C、Ebola is deadly and common so it kills a lot of people. D、Ebola killed about 60 thousand people quickly in 1976.
(2)、The Ebola virus was brought to Nigeria by         .

A、a flying bird B、an infected passenger C、hot African weather D、a health organization
(3)、The last paragraph mainly tells us that         .

A、it will be a huge waste when researchers spend lots of money finding a cure B、the vaccines can be effective to wild chimpanzees but not to the humans C、there will be an optimistic future in which we can defeat the disease D、we can use the vaccine to cure the patients completely in 2015's spring
(4)、What is the best title of the passage?

A、Ebola —- The African Local Disaster B、Ebola —- The Newly-Found Disease C、Ebola —- A More Effective Vaccine D、Ebola —- The Deadly Virus Outbreak

    Too Good To Go, an app operating in the UK, allows users to order leftover food at a discount from restaurants, according to the website. The goal is to help cut food waste.

    Users simply log in, pick a restaurant, pay through the app and then pick up their food at a set time—usually around closing or after peak meal times. Orders through the app cost between 2 British pounds ($2.60) to 3.80 British pounds (about $5). Users aren't able to pick the food items, but they get an idea of the type of food that will be available, according to Business Green.

    Users also have the option to give meals to people in need by donating 1 British pound or more through the app. More than l, l00 meals have been donated so far.

    To ensure the entire experience is super eco-friendly. Too Good To Go provides recyclable takeout packaging to participating restaurants.

    Restaurants using the app make extra money by selling food what would otherwisehave been throw away. And Too Good To Go itself makes money by taking a fee from participating restaurants on each sale.

    Founded in Denmark last year. Too Good To Go launched this year in the UK and is expanding to other countries. The app is available in Brighton, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds, and will be in London later this month.

    “Food waste just seems like one of the dumbest(愚蠢) problems we have in this world,” co-founder James Crummie told Business Green. “The restaurant industry is wasting about 600,000 tonnes of food each year, and in the UK alone there are one million people on emergency food parcels from food banks. Why do we have these two massive social issues that are completely connected, yet there is not much going on to address them?”

    Too Good To Go has already helped cut a significant amount of waste. So far, the app has saved 600 meals from landfills in the UK, reports Business Green.



    Greece's finance minister says his country's financial situation is “terribly urgent” and the crisis could come to a head in a couple of weeks. Yanis Varoufakis gave the warning after eurozone finance ministers met in Brussels to discuss the final €7.2bn tranche(援助资金) of Greece's €240bn EU/IMF bailout(紧急援助).

    Ministers said Greece had made “progress” but more work was needed.

The Greek government is struggling to meet its payment obligations(责任).Earlier, Greece began the transfer of €750m (£544m, $834m) in debt interest to the International Monetary Fund - a day ahead of a payment deadline.

    “The liquidity(资产流动性) issue is a terribly urgent issue. It's common knowledge, let's not beat around the bush,” Mr Varoufakis told reporters in Brussels. “From the perspective of timing, we are talking about the next couple of weeks.”

    Greece has until the end of June to reach a reform deal with its international creditors. Its finances are running so low that it has had to ask public bodies for help. The crisis has raised the prospect that Greece might default(违约) on its debts and leave the euro.

    In a statement, the eurozone finance ministers said they “welcomed the progress that has been achieved so far” in the negotiations,” but added: “We acknowledged that more time and effort are needed to bridge the gaps on the remaining open issues.” Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem said there had to be a full deal on the bailout(紧急财务援助) before Greece received any further payments. “There are time constraints(限制;约束) and liquidity constraints and hopefully we will reach an agreement before time runs out and before money runs out.” he said.

    There had been fears that Greece would default on its IMF debt repayment due on Tuesday. However, a Greek finance ministry official was quoted as saying that the order for repayment had been executed(实施) on Monday. Almost €1bn has been handed over to the IMF in interest payments since the start of May.

    It is unclear how the government came up with the funds, but the mayor of Greece's second city Thessaloniki revealed last week that he had handed over cash reserves in response to an appeal for money.


    A good hiking trip should be planned out ahead of time. Whether it is a hike on a mountain trail or through the woods, an enjoyable hiking trip can easily turn into a dangerous situation if safety is not considered well. North Mountain State Park recommends hikers consider the following tips before hitting any trails:

    Make a copy of your itinerary to give to a family member or a friend. Make sure that someone close to you knows where you are and how long you will be gone.

    Wear a good pair of hiking boots or strong athletic shoes. The right shoes will keep you safe, warm, and comfortable.

    Prepare for various types of weather conditions. Check the forecast before you leave; take along sunglasses and extra clothing (e.g., a hat and /or a jacket for a day hike).

    Pack plenty of food and water. Consider how long your hike will be and pack accordingly.

    Pack basic and necessary supplies. Bring a first-aid kit, a flashlight, a pocket knife, a map of the area (if available), and a compass. You may need other supplies, such as matches, depending on how long your hike will be.

    Determine what time the sun sets. This information is available in most local newspapers. Most people become lost after nightfall, so it is important to know this information.

    Stay on properly marked trails. Stay on established trails to decrease the chances of becoming lost. Staying on established trails also lowers the risk of doing harm to rare and endangered plants.

    Carry a whistle(哨子). Using a loud whistle is a good way to call attention to your location if you get lost.

    Keep an eye out for wildlife. Do not approach animals in the wild, even if they seem friendly.

    The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission (WSPRC) manages a diverse system of more than 120 parks. The 90-year-old park system, which receives nearly 48 million visits a year, ranks 4th nationally in day-use attendance, 10th in overnight attendance, and the WSPRC has a smaller budget than most states.


    When the telephone rings late at night, most women guess it must be one of only four or five people calling. A sister? Maybe. An emergency? Possibly. A mother? Probably not at that time of night. Much more probably it is a close female friend calling to tell you that she is heartbroken because she has split up with her boyfriend again or perhaps simply that a good movie has just started on TV.

    At a time when families are spread far and wide and marriages often end in divorce, friendships are becoming more and more important. Erika, a 32-year-old lawyer, is strengthened by her ten year friendship with her married friend Jane. "I was very sick one night, so I called Jane at about 3:00 a. m. to talk about it," she says. "She was very supportive and even came over to take me to the doctor's."

    As American TV shows like Friends have become more popular, many of us are beginning to see the value of such friendships.TV shows like this tell us that our romantic relationships may not last, but we need to keep in touch with our close friends if we want to survive.

    With Erika's family 200 miles away, it is Jane who keeps a spare set of keys to Erika's apartment and waters her plants whenever she is away. "Having Jane around gives me a certain amount of freedom. It is not the kind of thing that you could ask anyone to do, but she knows I would do the same for her. "Jane, who may move to a different city soon, is worried about leaving such a support system of friends. "My friends have more to do with my life than my parents and, therefore, I don't have to spend a lot of time explaining things to them. Friends are more up to date with what is happening."


    When traveling in England, here are some things to keep in mind.

    When taking the underground in England, once on the underground train, stand clear of the closing doors. They can give you a pretty hurtful knock if they hit you. When getting on or off the tube train, make sure you mind the gap(缝隙)! This varies from a few inches to a foot at some of the stations.

    The saying that English food is boring and tasteless isn't true, at least not anymore. You'll find a huge variety of international restaurants, especially in London. Make sure you eat some of the old-fashioned traditional foods in pubs, and wash it down with some local beer!

    Come prepared for any sort of weather ——even if the day starts off well, it's likely that the temperature will change. The best thing to do is layer(分层穿套) your clothes so that you can add or reduce as necessary.

    The British are in general very polite people and will expect at least basic politeness from travelers. Pleases and thanks go a long way! At the same time  they like playing jokes on others. Don't be surprised or offended if you're called darling, dear, dearie, flower, love, chick, chuck, me duck, son, ma'am or any other similar pet name by someone you don't know. It's quite normal.

    England is generally quite safe, but you'll need to be more careful in London and the other large cities, especially at night. Choose an underground train that has plenty of people in it and avoid suburban underground stations at night. There are many night buses you can catch, but try not to do this alone. A licensed cab is often the best choice. Try and leave valuable things in your hotel room, as pickpockets(扒手) do operate in some areas. Be careful of bags especially when in some busy areas.

