
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A pioneer in café consumerism(消费主义) in America and abroad, Starbucks Coffee company is commonly known as one of the world's most expensive coffee chains. The prices for a Starbucks coffee vary(不同) not only with different drinks on the Starbucks menu and with Starbucks drink sizes, but also with the country in which you're buying the drinks.

    So just how much is Starbucks coffee, anyway? Below, you'll find prices for Starbucks coffees of various types (including lattes, mochas and more) in the USA, the UK, Japan and elsewhere.

A Starbucks Grande Latte

USA: $ 3.65

UK: 3.16 euros ($4.33 US)

Japan: 425 Japanese yen($4 55 US)

China: 27 Chinese renminbi ($4.32 US)

Thailand: 36.47 Thai baht ($1.09 US)

A Starbucks Grande Caramel Machiatto

USA: $ 3.40

UK: 4 Great British pounds ($5.48 US)

Japan: 470 Japanese yen($5.04 US)

A Starbucks Grande Mocha

USA: $ 3.30

UK: 2.90 Great British pounds ($3.97 US)

Japan: 48 Japanese yen($5.14 US)

A Starbucks Tall Brewed Coffee

USA: $ 2.02

UK: 1.15 euros ($1.57 US)

Japan: 410 Japanese yen($4.40 US)

China: 10 Chinese renminbi ($1.60 US)

A Starbucks Grande Caramel Frappuccino

USA: $ 4.50

UK: 3.70 Great British pounds ($5.07 US)

Japan: 510 Japanese yen($5.47 US)

    For more details about the Starbucks coffee, click cappromo.starbucks.com.

(1)、Starbucks coffee price is decided by the following factors except_______
A、drink types B、drink-consuming country C、drink amount D、different tastes
(2)、How much should a couple pay at least if they both order the Starbucks Grande Caramel Machiatto in Japan?
A、$6.80 B、$10.96 C、$5.04 D、$10.08
(3)、Which drink can be available in Thailand?
A、A Starbucks Grande Caramel Machiatto B、A Starbucks Grande Latte C、A Starbucks Grande Caramel Frappuccino D、A Starbucks Grande Mocha
(4)、In the USA,which of these types of coffee costs the most?
A、A Starbucks Grande Latte. B、A Starbucks Grande Mocha. C、A Starbucks Grande Caramel Machiatto. D、A Starbucks Grande Caramel Frappuccino.
(5)、Where can we most probably read this text?
A、In an ad column of a paper. B、On TV. C、In a magazine. D、On the Internet.

    Everybody should have some level of first aid ability, because accidents and medical emergencies can happen anywhere at any time. St John First Aid courses give you the knowledge and confidence to provide effective first aid whenever it's needed.

First Aid Level 1

    Ideal(理想的) for anyone who wants to learn basic first aid or needs to renew their first aid qualification. Courses can be held at St John or your workplace.

Fee: $162(includes GST)

Duration(持续时间): Eight hours

First Aid Level 2

    Includes all course content from First Aid Level One, plus an additional half day. Ideal for special first aiders, health and safety managers and anyone who needs a first aid qualification.

Fee: $235(includes GST)

Duration: 12 hours

Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (PHEC)

    Advanced training for first aiders who already hold unit standards 6400 and 6402. Ideal for people who require advanced first aid skills or a pre-hospital emergency care (PHEC) qualification for their work.

Fee: $635(includes GST)

Duration: Three days

Child First Aid

    Ideal for parents, grandparents and other family caregivers. A recognized qualification for childcare workers.

Fee: $65(includes GST)

Duration: Four hours

Outdoor First Aid

    First aid response for accidents and medical emergencies in the wilderness. For groups of eight or more.

Duration: One to two days depending on experience

Sports First Aid

    First aid response for common sporting injuries and medical emergencies. Includes ACC injury prevention advice.

Duration: Eight hours.


Zero Waste Awards

    Who should enter?

    Entries(参赛作品) are welcomed from anyone who processes waste. While we expect

    most entries to come from the UK, we welcome international entries, too. Entrants have been split into the following groups: private sector, public sector, community sector and partnerships.

    What are the categories?

    There're five categories which are based on the Waste Hierarchy(层级). We appreciate that companies will have different strengths within those categories as they work towards Zero Waste. The broad categories are: waste prevention, re-use, recycle/recover, energy recovery, general.

    How do I enter?

    Submitting an entry is really easy! Just follow these few simple steps:

    1) Carefully read through the category information;

    ). Write your entry--it should be a maximum of 1,500 words and a word document;

    3) Arrange your supporting material into a single document--maximum six pages long;

    4) Complete the simple online entry form.

    Important dates

    While entries are welcomed all year round, these are key dates—this is to give the judges plenty of time to read through all the entries! These are listed in entry deadlines column below. Don't worry if you have just missed one of the entry deadlines, your submission will be automatically entered into the next session.

Entry deadlines

Judging dates

Awards presentation dates

1st March

12th March

4th April

1st June

12th June

4th July

1st Sept.

12th Sept.

4th Oct.

1st Dec.

12th Dec.

4th Jan.

    You can submit a maximum of two entries per year—six months apart.


    We understand that working towards Zero Waste is an ongoing journey and as such the

    Zero Waste Awards scheme offers organizations a structure to celebrate their progress along the way. The four awards are: Gold (76-100), Silver (51-75), Bronze (26-50), Highly Commended(0-25).


    You're sitting on the sofa, and there's your dog, right at your feet. You stand up? He stands up. But then you head to the bathroom, and guess who comes with? Why, your dog, of course. But why? Why does your dog follow you like a shadow, no matter where you go?

    Ever get the feeling you're being followed? As for why your companion follows you everywhere you go, read on!

    "When dogs follow their owners, there can be several scientific explanations, depending on the dog and the individual situation," according to Mary Burch, Ph.D., an animal behaviorist(行为学家).

    These explanations include:

    Positive reinforcement(正面强化): When your dog follows you, good things happen. Think dog food, a hot bath and taking a walk around the neighborhood. Your dog's no dummy. And one of his many talents is learning from experience, that is "reinforcement."

    Natural instinct(本能) to be part of a pack: In fact, a study out of Princeton University that was published in the journal, Science Advances, shows that your dog's drive (驱动力)to follow you around (as well as watch you attentively and seek physical contact (身体接触) from you) lies in his genes(基因).

    Feel good chemicals(化学物质): Your presence causes your dog's brain to release "feel good" chemicals, Dr. Primm explains, citing this study. Considering how much we as humans enjoy those feel-good chemicals, it's no surprise your dog likes them too—and will follow you around to get some!

    Sense of responsibility : As you move about your home, your dog might feel that you are patrolling your territory (巡视领地) and take on the duty to assist you.


    I'd like to share a little story with you about something that happened when I was four. I remember it clearly. Our loving family dog was nearing the end of his life. My father picked him up and put him in a little bed we had made for him. Our dog, my companion, whom we had cared for, bit my father when he attempted to help him. How could he? Why? I couldn't understand it. I didn't like him anymore.

    I hadn't thought about that story for a long time but something that happened last week brought it back to me. I went to speak with a friend. When I knocked on the door, I met in an instant an angry look and a few harsh(尖刻的)words. When the door was slammed(砰地关上)in my face, I stood there shocked, and in a rush, I was reminded of my dog bit my father 20 years ago or so. What brought that story back was that same feeling of betrayal.

    Both stories taught me something the next day. You see, when I got up in the morning and was told my dog had died, it became clear to me that he must have been in great pain. For him to have bitten a family member, he could not have been himself. Much the same for the other story when I learned that my friend's wife had just left him.

    We are all beings of our environments, our opinions and feelings. And all of those things can cause you to say and do things that can't be understood by those who are not in the same situation with you.

    If you meet someone either behaving out of character or acting in a way that doesn't seem to fit the situation, put out your hand and be patient when you think it is least possible for him to do so. You may turn around a story that has a sad ending simply by your actions.


The age of technology is a great and convenient thing, but it does have effects on us in many different ways.

It causes long-term memory loss. Thanks to Baidu, we don't really have to remember much of anything. Questions are answered at the drop of a hat because Baidu is all-knowing! Is that a good thing, though? People aren't digging through their brains anymore to find answers. Here's the good news: we can still exercise our long-term memory by simply thinking before we Baidu. If we don't want to go down that road, we can search Baidu for some memory games to play. Turn Baidu into an asset instead of an enemy.

It makes us lack patience. Baidu gives us what we want. Everything is instant. In fact, if we have to wait for even a handful of minutes for anything, we start losing our minds. This idea of instant satisfaction carries through to many other aspects of our lives, too, like when we go out to eat, drive in traffic, or even deal with workplace accidents. Instead of using Baidu to lessen our anger, try searching for some mindful meditations (沉思).Focus on our breath and realize everything doesn't have to move at lightening speed. We can actually listen to some peaceful spa or meditation music on our Pandora, too!

It wastes our time. Be honest, how much time are we spending on Baidu every day? Whether we're doing research for our own personal needs, buying clothing, or writing a research paper, we all spend a ton of time on the trusty Internet. Are we always being efficient with this time? For the sake of our precious time, if we haven't used Baidu Drive, we should. Keep spreadsheets, text does, PDFs, slideshows, and even recordings exactly where we can easily find them. Keep a running list of websites we know we'll revisit.

Overall, things are different these days. Yes, there are noticeable negative side effects because of the Baidu invasion, but we don't have to fall into that trap. Stay sharp and don't let ourselves become imprisoned doing the Baidu god's bidding.


Parties and social gatherings no longer excite us the same way they once did. This is not due to a lack of desire to socialize, but the smartphone.

At parties, people focus more on their smartphones than on their drinks. According to a recent study from International Data Corporation,over half of all Americans have a smartphone and reach it the moment they wake up, keeping it in hand all day. In addition, too many people are using smartphones while driving and as a result, they get into car crashes. 34 percent of teens admit to text while driving, and they confirm that texting messages are the major interruption while driving. People's attachment (依恋) to their smartphones is unbelievably becoming more important than the lives of themselves and others.

Just as drivers dismiss the importance of focusing while on the road, many people also fail to recognize the significance of human interaction. When with their friends, some people pointlessly (无谓地) check or send messages in the presence of their friends., which means that their friends are less important. In addition, relying on our smartphones to make friends does not give us the same advantages as making new friends in the real world. Face-to-face conversations will give us the chance to improve our communication skills in the long run.

As many people risk their lives and the lives of people around them just to send a text or mindlessly check their messages, smartphones are in many ways more dangerous to people. The technology shows the achievement weaken the value of communication. Not only is the smartphone affecting our desire to interact face to face, but it is also lowering people's ability to communicate.

