
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A science teacher's job is teaching science to his students. A person who decides to become a science teacher may have many career choices available to him. He may decide to work in a primary to teach a range of subjects, including science. Some even choose to earn advanced degrees that allow them to work as college professors.

     They may cover such basic science subjects as biology, chemistry, physics and earth science as well as a full range of other subjects. The subjects a science teacher covers may vary, depending on such factors as where he teaches and the age of the students he's instructing.

    A person who wants to become a science teacher for primary-aged students may find it necessary to teach other subjects in addition to science. In such classroom, one teacher may instruct students not only in science but also math, history, language and other subjects.

    At the high school level, science teachers usually have the opportunity to focus on their chosen subject. Typically, teachers at this level are required to earn bachelor's degree in the subjects they want to teach in addition to teaching certifications.

    College science teachers usually need more advanced degrees to secure their positions. Typically, a full-time science professor needs a doctoral degree in order to do so. That is because colleges typically need teachers in basic and highly-specialized courses.

A. Science teachers teach various science concepts.

B. Science teachers are good at answering mysterious questions.

C. Often, college science teachers have a wide range of subjects choices.

D. A deep knowledge in the field of science will help applicants stand out.

E. He may also choose to teach a particular science subject in high school.

F. For example, a high school chemistry teacher usually needs a chemistry degree.

G. Many primary schools hire teachers to teach all the basic subjects in one classroom.


    How to Pick the Perfect Watermelon

    I love watermelon, but what I don't love about watermelon is picking them out. There is nothing worse than cutting into a watermelon and having it taste not sweet.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Evaluation: You need to evaluate your watermelon to make sure that the watermelon is symmetrical. Irregular shapes typically indicate the watermelon received inconsistent amounts of sunshine and water.

    Color and Appearance: The color of the surface is extremely important.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}If it's shiny, it's not ripe yet. Another important thing is to look for the field spot. This will be a yellow spot on the underside of a watermelon. It should be a creamy yellow color.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Don't take the watermelon if the field spot is white or non-existent.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} For a sweeter and riper watermelon, there shouldn't be a visible stem (茎) on the surface. If there's a stem, it indicates that the watermelon doesn't fall off the vine on its own.

    Knock on it: Gently knock on the watermelon, and listen to the sound it makes. A ripe watermelon should have a full, deep, and hollow sound.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Make sure of the firmness of the melon when you knock on it. You want the surface to be hard and firm.

A. Look at the stem.

B. The darker the yellow, the sweeter the melon.

C. Watermelon can help you increase your brain power.

D. While an under ripe melon will make a more dull one.

E. The perfectly ripe watermelon should be dark green in color.

F. Here are some helpful tips on how to pick the perfect watermelon.

G. Watermelon is one of the most popular summer fruits that almost everyone loves.


    Life is short. It may feel as if it takes forever sometimes, but the reality is that you live, and a short time later, you die. It happens so quickly that many people don't even realize they had a life until it's already over.


    If you don't believe in yourself, nobody will. Success starts in your mind, and if all you're doing is putting yourself down and predicting failure, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy(预言){#blank#}2{#/blank#}instead of not believing yourself. Not only will you be happier and more successful, you'll also spread it to everyone around you.

    ⒉Stop Being Lazy

    Lazy people are annoying—it's like pulling teeth and getting them to do anything. If I can't do something as simple as going to the movies with you without wasting an hour convincing you to get your lazy butt (臀部) out of bed, I'd rather go alone. People have enough trouble motivating themselves{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    ⒊Stop Wasting Time

    I've said it before. And I'll say it again{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Don't waste your time on unproductive things. If you want to explore the World's dark corners, that's great. I still associate with people who have not-so-kosher(没有固定工作的) careers, but I don't hang out with those people at the expense of my own short- and long-term goals.

    ⒋Stop Being Wasteful

    You don't finish your meals, and throw away food instead. You leave the faucet running when you brush your teeth,

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} You drive to places you could easily walk to, burning gasoline (a non-renewable resource). You are wasteful, and it needs to stop.

A. Think positively

B. wasting is a shame

C. Stop Being Selfish

D. Stop Doubting Yourself

E. pouring precious clean water down

F. Time is the most valuable resource we have

G. don't make your friends and family waste their energy motivating you as well


Being a superhero to others

    Ewan Drum has always liked superheroes. He likes how they help people. At age seven, he told his parents, “I want to dress up like a superhero and help the homeless.” {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Wearing his red superhero cape (斗篷), Ewan helped pass out  bag lunches to hungry people in a park in Detroit, Michigan. That's how Super Ewan was born.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}People donated(捐赠) money and supplies (供给物), and Ewan took them to those in need.

    When someone donated jugs(大罐) of water, Ewan and his family drove their car to get even more. They took the water to Flint, Michigan, a city that had unsafe drinking water. Another time, a businessman donated six turkeys(火鸡) for Thanksgiving.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}“In the end”, he says, “we gave turkey dinners to families all around Detroit.”

    Ewan has a motto: Everyone can be a superhero to someone. At an event called the Hero Round Table, Ewan told the audience, “It's not hard to help people. You can keep some socks and food in your car to help people in need. You can help a neighbor with doing the garden. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} ”

It's been several years since Super Ewan started his task. Every month, he still visits the same park to hand out clothes, food, and supplies to people who are hungry or homeless —his Super Friends. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    “No matter what,” Ewan says, “I will always keep helping people.”

A. News spread about Ewan's act of kindness.

B. This superhero says he'll never take off his cape.

C. Ewan says he wants more adults to act like superheroes.

D. Every little thing helps and can make someone feel happy.

E. A few months later, Ewan's family planned a day of giving.

F. Several days later, his parents drove to Flint and helped him raise a lot of money.

G. With his parents help, Ewan asked for more turkeys through the Internet, plus side dishes.


    A new urban sport, parkour, is hitting the streets. It has evolved from obstacle course training into a fitness option for young people. In parkour, the outside world is the gym! {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The goal of parkour is a direct route from one place to another. You meet an obstacle, you overcome it.

    Mark Toorock, who teaches the techniques of parkour at his fitness gym, says that parkour is a method to train the body and mind using obstacles as the medium. He says that this new sport is demanding and takes years to master. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    But Toorock, who used to be a martial arts expert, says that everyone can benefit from learning the basic skills involved in parkour like running, jumping and crawling (爬行). These are the things that humans used to have to do all the time. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The original idea of parkour was to return to running and jumping as basic elements in moving from one place to another.

    Georges Hebert, a French navy officer, was so impressed by the effortless athleticism of African tribes that he devised a training method based on running, climbing, jumping, balancing and throwing. The word parkour comes from parcours de combatant, the French term for a military obstacle course. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Dr Kenneth Kao explains that the sport of parkour is not extreme – it is the environment which is extreme and dangerous. Being outside, jumping off railings and flipping over park benches can be quite frightening, so parkour courses in gyms concentrate on practicing all the individual moves to make everything easier. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} However, that is not real parkour because it's indoors with a fixed obstacle. The goal for everyone is to go outdoors.

A. Gyms provide thick floor matting (垫子) for rolling and rubberized boxes for jumping over.

B. The bridges, buildings and railings (栏杆) of each and every city are the equipment.

C. Every action in parkour is natural, so everyone must have the ability to move in this way.

D. Parkour was introduced into china in recent years and has gained popularity.

E. But today, due to modern transport, these basic skills are no longer used on a regular basis.

F. The French word for people who participate in the sport is traceurs or traceuses.

G. Beginners should realize that they won't be jumping over buildings any time soon!


    When I first came to UK from China at 6, I entered the first grade. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. I saw children throw their left over food into the large trash cans — from half-eaten pizzas to untouched burgers. I watched them pour their milk into a white bucket. In China, this was a huge no-no in school. We had to finish everything.

    One day, my first grade teacher announced that we would be having a party and everyone was told to bring something from their country. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. My mom stayed up after her long day of work and made many dumplings. She put them in the fridge and woke up early in the morning to steam them and fry them so they would taste extra fresh when I brought them to school. They smelled great and looked golden brown after they were cooked.

    I was so excited to share these with my class and teachers. It was placed in the corner of the table next to all the other delicious food. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. One or two kids bravely took a piece and knew what they were because they had it with their parents at a Chinese restaurant. At the end of the party, it was cleanup. My teacher walked up to me and asked, pointing to the dumplings, "Would you like to take these home?" I carefully replied, "No…" {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. I thought she was going to share it with other teachers, but immediately after I said that, she threw all the dumplings into the trash and continued cleaning. I was confused; what just happened?

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. And today I still witness this frequently in my English fiends. Please eat all your food or take it to go or share it or just get enough so you don't have to throw it away. Thank you.

A. In China, "no" usually means "yes"

B. I got super excited and told my parents

C. It was very impolite to take your gift home

D. This was the biggest culture shock I have experienced

E. When I got home, I shared the experience with my parents

F. Many kids had the cookies and juices and were hesitant to try the dumplings

G. I didn't understand why kids were getting their lunch food and not finishing it


    I don't believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) could replace my teaching career. I have always been interested in human connection, and the ways in which I can use these connections to inspire change and make a difference. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}, there are other ways where AI could make a more efficient and effective difference than I could on my own.

    My teaching experiences over the past several years have been creative and inspiring. I believe that the job of educators extends beyond simply teaching students a set curriculum. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}, they must constantly reflect on ways to better their teaching, and they must inspire their students to be the best versions of themselves. And now with the help AI, they could achieve these goals much easier.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. First, AI can be used to promote fundamental skills, such as mathematical education and vocabulary lessons. Additionally, I see AI being used for such necessary tasks as answering questions and grading assignments. Thus I could focus my attention to establishing human connection, individualizing lesson plans and inspiring my students.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. I believe AI could provide a strong basis for educational equality around the world. According to Todd Leopold, close to 800 million people worldwide are functionally illiterate (不识字的). Due to its ability to efficiently pass knowledge across large groups of people fewer teachers may be needed in some schools. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. Since students will always need a human teacher

B. The benefit AI brings is far beyond my own classroom

C. I think AI is a powerful assistant to my future classroom

D. The need for students to learn how to use AI will also grow

E. Although human connection may never be able to be fully replaced by AI

F. This could be an opportunity for students everywhere to receive equal education

G. They must observe and get to know their students in order to individualize educational plans

