
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I was about 5 when I first heard the word "Greenland", and my interest grew from there. Finally, after decades, I decided to go.

    When I finally arrived, the place, at first glance, was clearly misnamed: The east coast of Greenland was an expanse (宽阔的区域) of ice and snow, with no sign of human habitation.

    One of my purposes of going to Greenland was to make contact with some native Greenlanders. I didn't know I would achieve this, but success came in an unexpected way.

    When I arrived at the Illunnguujuk Hostel, where I had reserved a bed, a young couple and their baby were out front, enjoying the sun and unusual warmth. Greenlanders speak their own Inuit language and learn Danish in school, and many also speak English well. The young woman, however, was not one of these. Her English turned out to be anticlimactic.

    When I identified myself, her eyes widened. Another traveler had arrived earlier and, mistaking him for me, they had given him my bed. There was no more space in the hostel. "But don't worry," she said, as she threw herself into cleaning a tiny house the family owned. "This is for you," she said. And as if that weren't enough, she invited me to eat supper with her family. That evening I sat down to a dinner of fresh fish with a loving, happy native family.

    When I first set foot in Greenland I found myself all but shocked by the emptiness, the vastness, and the silence. I had decided that I would probably never return. And then I was taken into this Greenlandic home. I can now say that even cold, empty, and silent scenery is worth visiting, so long as one has a warm and welcoming place to go to.

(1)、What did the author intend to do in Greenland?
A、Get a part-time job. B、Live with a native family. C、Make some native contact. D、Do business with the natives.
(2)、What does the underlined word "anticlimactic" in Paragraph 4 mean?
A、Simple. B、Modem. C、Outstanding. D、Disappointing.
(3)、The author lost his bed in the hostel because of       .
A、the language barrier B、a misunderstanding C、a wrong address D、the high price
(4)、What made the author's visiting Greenland worthwhile?
A、Tasting the local food. B、Helping a local family. C、Meeting friendly people. D、Enjoying the great scenery.

    Today, we are told, children don't spend enough time in the fresh air. Many of them are addicted to screen on a computer or a TV—they seem to be living in a virtual world. They have lost touch with nature.

    But now 400 organizations in the UK, from playgroups to the National Health Service, are encouraging children to have some “wild time”. They want kids to swap at least 30 minutes of watching TV or playing computer games for time playing outside. Activities such as building dens, climbing trees, rummaging for conkers and playing hide and seek are just some of the things kids can do. Even if they live in a city, they can go on adventures in the garden or the park.

    Children often need a helping hand from mom and dad. They need to be shown what to do and where to go. Andy Simpson from National Health Service says, “We want parents to see what this magical wonder product does for their kids' development, independence and creativity, by giving wild time a go”.

    So despite the complicated world that young people grow up in now, it seems that going back to basics and experiencing “nature's playground” is what modern children need. David Bond from Project Wild Thing says, “We need to make more space for wild time in children's daily routine, freeing this generation of kids to have the sort of experiences that many of us took for granted”.

    This might sound a bit old fashioned to you or maybe, like me, it's made you think about sticking on your boots, getting outdoors and reliving your childhood. There is no age limit on enjoying yourself!


The healthy adolescent boy or girl likes to do the real things in life,to do the things that matter. He would rather be a plumber's mate and do a real job that requires doing than learn about hydrostatics(流体静力学)sitting at a desk, without understanding what practical use they are going to be. A girl would rather look after the baby than learn about child care. Logically we should learn about things before doing them and that is probably why the experts enforce this in our educational system.But it is not the natural way—nor, in my view, the best way. The adolescent wants to do things first for only then does the appreciate the problems involved and want to learn more about them.

    They do these things better in primitive life,for there at puberty(青春期) the boy joins his father in making canoes,patching huts,going out fishing or hunting.He is serving his apprenticeship in the actual accomplishments of life.It is not surprising that anthropologists(人类学家) find that the adolescents of primitive communities do not suffer from the same neurotic(神经质的) “difficulties” as those of civilized life.This is not,as some assume,because they are permitted more sexual freedom,but because they are given more natural outlets for their native interests and powers and are allowed to grow up freely into a full life of responsibility in the community.

    In the 19th century this was recognized in the apprenticeship system,which allowed the boy to go out with the master carpenter,or ploughman,to engage in the actual work of carpentry or roof-mending,and so to learn his trade.In some agricultural colleges at the present time young men have to do a year's work on a farm before their theoretical training at college.The great advantage of this system is that it lets the apprentice see the practical problems before he sets to work learning how to solve them,and he can therefore take a more intelligent interest in his theoretical work.

    Since more knowledge of more things is now required in order to cope with the adult world, the period of growing-up to independence takes much longer than it did in more primitive community,and the responsibility for such education,which formerly was in the hands of the parents,is now necessarily undertaken by experts at school. But that should not make us lose sight of the basic principle, namely the need and the desire of the adolescent to engage responsibly in the real pursuits of life and then to learn how—to learn through responsibility, not to learn before responsibility.


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    In Western society, especially in the English-speaking world, the chance for young people to see the other countries and experience life is considered important. Many young people, when they finish school at the age of 18, take a gap year before they go to university.

    Parents often want their children to grow up a little and see what the real world is like when they finish school. Although they are worried about their safety, many think that the advantages of independence and experience are worth the worries. Children are encouraged to be brave, independent and to explore the world on their own or with friends.

    Young people also want to experience freedom and see what life is like on the other side. This other side could be the other side of the world or just the other side of life. For example, if they have a rich life, they may want to see how people in poor areas live.

    A gap year after school is also an important chance for young people to spend time thinking about what they want to do with their lives. A little bit of growing up and experience will help them make their important career decisions, especially when they are unsure about what they want to study.

    Another reason for going straight after school is to get a break from studying before they start the next few years of university. So anywhere you travel in the world, you will meet young European people exploring the world.

    So much of the world has been travelled and explored. The young people are now looking for more worthy experiences. Some of them work as volunteers to do something for the country they are visiting. Many gap year volunteers are now spending a few months teaching English in Thailand, helping feed giant pandas in China or building a well(井) in a village in Africa.

    These young people's wish to explore the world is an expression of the values of the societies that they are part of. Both discovering the world and making a positive difference in it are important parts of the Western mind.


    Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions.

    Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: what kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes? It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must negatively affect people. A person's conception of himself or herself is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.

    Shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing "the right thing." Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their feelings of inferiority. They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliment with a statement like this one, "You're just saying that to make me feel good. I know it's not true." It is clear that while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.

    Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determined and patient efforts in building self-confidence. Since shyness goes hand in hand with a lack of self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths. Each one of us is a unique, worthwhile individual, interested in our own personal ways. The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential. Let's not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich and fulfilling life.


    Austin Perine, a four-year-old boy, discovered that sympathy for the less fortunate can produce superhuman results.

    Once Austin's father, TJAustin, took Austin to the Firehouse Ministries, a local shelter that provides housing, food, and other services for homeless men. As they drove by the redbrick building, they saw a group of 25 homeless men standing on the street corner. "Dad, they look sad," Austin said. "Can we take them some food and make them smile?"

    That day, Austin used his allowance to buy each man a Burger King sandwich and handed the food out himself.

    Seeing what their presence meant to the men at the ministry, Austin and TJ returned the next week. After he returned every week for five weeks, word of Austin's acts of kindness spread through social media and national news outlets. Burger King jumped aboard, agreeing to donate $1,000 a month for an entire year toward the cause. Soon, churches and shelters across the country began inviting Austin to come and distribute food in other poor areas. Whereas before Austin and TJ could feed 25 to 50 people at a time, now, thanks to corporate and community support, they can feed 800 to 2,000 people at once.

    But Austin isn't just filling bellies. He's improving the lives of those he meets. On that first trip to Firehouse Ministries, TJ and Austin talked to a man named Raymont. The respect Austin gave 41-year-old Raymont touched the man. TJ helped Raymont collect all the credentials(资格) he needed to get a driver's license. The license helped Raymont get a job. And with money in the bank, he was able to rent his own apartment. All that was made possible because a little boy took the time to care.

