
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



The healthy adolescent boy or girl likes to do the real things in life,to do the things that matter. He would rather be a plumber's mate and do a real job that requires doing than learn about hydrostatics(流体静力学)sitting at a desk, without understanding what practical use they are going to be. A girl would rather look after the baby than learn about child care. Logically we should learn about things before doing them and that is probably why the experts enforce this in our educational system.But it is not the natural way—nor, in my view, the best way. The adolescent wants to do things first for only then does the appreciate the problems involved and want to learn more about them.

    They do these things better in primitive life,for there at puberty(青春期) the boy joins his father in making canoes,patching huts,going out fishing or hunting.He is serving his apprenticeship in the actual accomplishments of life.It is not surprising that anthropologists(人类学家) find that the adolescents of primitive communities do not suffer from the same neurotic(神经质的) “difficulties” as those of civilized life.This is not,as some assume,because they are permitted more sexual freedom,but because they are given more natural outlets for their native interests and powers and are allowed to grow up freely into a full life of responsibility in the community.

    In the 19th century this was recognized in the apprenticeship system,which allowed the boy to go out with the master carpenter,or ploughman,to engage in the actual work of carpentry or roof-mending,and so to learn his trade.In some agricultural colleges at the present time young men have to do a year's work on a farm before their theoretical training at college.The great advantage of this system is that it lets the apprentice see the practical problems before he sets to work learning how to solve them,and he can therefore take a more intelligent interest in his theoretical work.

    Since more knowledge of more things is now required in order to cope with the adult world, the period of growing-up to independence takes much longer than it did in more primitive community,and the responsibility for such education,which formerly was in the hands of the parents,is now necessarily undertaken by experts at school. But that should not make us lose sight of the basic principle, namely the need and the desire of the adolescent to engage responsibly in the real pursuits of life and then to learn how—to learn through responsibility, not to learn before responsibility.

(1)、According to the author, what is the natural way of education?
A、Doing things while learning. B、Doing things before learning. C、Doing things as an apprentice. D、Learning practical knowledge first.
(2)、The main advantage of the natural way of education, whether in primitive or modern times, is that learners      .
A、can learn the trade through solving problems at work B、can work with their masters throughout their learning C、are given opportunities to develop their interest first D、are given more freedom in doing things and learning
(3)、According to context, “this” in the third paragraph refers to ________.
A、the kind of skills boys learned from their father B、the difficulties modern adolescents experience C、the amount of freedom in learning in primitive life D、the way of learning in primitive communities
(4)、Which of the following sums up the author's main point?
A、The apprenticeship system was effective in learning. B、Learning to solve problems is learning through responsibility. C、Students develop their interest through learning. D、Students should be given more freedom in learning.

Yellowstone Weather

    Yellowstone National Park is at high altitude. Most of the park is above 7,500 feet (2,275 meters).

    Yellowstone's weather is unpredictable. In summer, it may be warm and sunny with temperatures in the high 70s. At night in any given month, the temperature may drop close to freezing. So it is best to come prepared for cold evenings and mornings, especially if you are camping or hiking. When you leave your campsite, please leave it prepared for possible thundershowers and wind.

    A sunny warm day may become fiercely stormy with wind, rain, sleet and sometimes snow. Without enough clothing, and easy day hike or boat trip can turn into a battle for survival.

Seasonal Weather Information


Cold and snow continue into May, although temperatures gradually climb. Early in spring, daytime temperatures average in the 40s to 50s; by late May and June, they may reach the 60s and 70s. Nighttime lows fall below freezing.


Daytime temperatures are usually in the 70s, occasionally reaching the 80s in the lower elevations. Nights are cool; temperatures may drop in the 40s and 30s—sometimes even the 20s. June can be cool and rainy; July and August tend to be somewhat drier, although afternoon thundershowers are common.


Weather can be pleasant, although temperatures average 10—20 degrees lower than summer readings. Nighttime lows can fall into the teens and lower. Snowstorms increase in frequency as the weeks go by or towards the end of the fall season.


Temperatures often stay near zero throughout the day, occasionally reaching high in the 20s. Suhzero nighttime lows are common. Annual snowfall averages nearly 150 inches in most of the park. At higher places, 20 – 400 inches of snow have been recorded.


    There's a trend that more city people decide that they want to grow crops and raise some live-stock (家禽). After all, there are few things more satisfying than biting into a bunch of tender, red carrots you grow yourself, or a fresh egg from the backyard.

    Most gardeners understand that the soil in big cities is often polluted with lead and know to get their soil tested. But most are pretty clueless about how to prevent other types of pollutants, like heavy metals and asbestos(石棉)from getting into their vegetables.

    Part of the problem is that “there might be pollutants that gardeners can't test for,” says Brent Kim, a program officer. Most soil tests look for lead, cadrniunt(镉)and arsenic(砷). But they don't test things like chemicals left behind by cars, which might have escaped into the soil.

    So if you're thinking of staring an urban garden, Kim says, once you've found a plot of land, you should learn what's now an empty plot or a backyard might once have been a parking lot, a gas station or a chemical ground. “Knowing its past will give you some idea about what might be in that soil,” he says.

    “People tend to think raised beds are going to solve their pollution problem,” Kim says. But polluted soil could easily kicked onto your plants, especially if the beds are low to the ground.

    “Another consideration is that you have to be careful about the materials that you're using to build a raised bed,” Kim says. Recycling wood from an old construction site might seem like a good, eco-friendly idea. But that wood could be treated with chemicals you don't want touching your fruits and veggies, Kim says. And it's always a good idea to use gloves while gardening, and wash all your produce thoroughly.

    “I see these urban growing spaces as these oases(绿洲)in the middle of these urban environments,” Kim says. “They bring communities together, and they help people save money on fresh produce. Urban growing spaces are amazing. Let's keep doing this, but let's do it safely.”


    Wolves travel shorter distances and move slower during snowfall events, according to new research by University of Alberta biologists. The effects were most pronounced at night, when wolves hunt, and behaviour returned to normal within a day. Wolf tracks across snow in northeastern Alberta.

    "Our findings suggest that there is something about actively falling snow that causes wolves to slow down," said Amanda Droghini, a former MSc student in the Department of Biological Science and lead author on the study. "We don't know the exact mechanism behind that. It's unlikely that they were staying still because they were feasting on a recent kill. Instead, active precipitation(降雪量)might affect wolves' hunting abilities. Like rain, snow clears the air column of scent molecules. So, maybe falling snow makes it harder for wolves to detect the smell of prey."

    Over the course of two winters, the researchers used remote cameras to disclose snowfall events and estimate snow depth. To study wolf movement, they collected telemetry(测距仪) data from 17 wolves to calculate travel speed and duration, as well as resting periods. It is the first study to examine how large flesh-eating animals respond to snowfall events.

    With the effects of climate change on precipitation in the north forest region uncertain, it is difficult to predict the implications for wolf populations. Studies such as these increase our understanding of how large mammals react to normal snowfall events, but the type and amount of winter precipitation will likely have an impact on animal behavior and the energetic cost of movement.

    "Winter is already challenging for many wildlife species because moving through snow requires more energy. Snow can also make it harder for animals to access food resources," said Droghini, who conducted the research under the supervision of Professor Stan Boutin, Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chair.

    "Anything that increases those costs, such as increased rain-on-snow events, could lead to lacking in nutrition, poor body condition, and even starvation as animals are unable to make up for those additional costs. That is one of the worst-case scenarios(设想)but, in truth, we know very little about potential changes to precipitation patterns and how wildlife will respond to those changes."


    Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment.

    Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses (球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.

    There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, .sleep well and have better weight control.

    Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be "green gyms". They are better replacements for traditional health clubs and modem sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it's free.


    Each year Canada Chocolate Town, St. Stephen, New Brunswick, celebrates our community's rich and delicious heritage with our annual Chocolate Fest. Now in its 30th year, this week-long, family-oriented festival is "choc-full" of activities, fun events, and all things chocolate-related. Our beloved mascot, the Great Chocolate Mousse, and his lovely wife Tiffany, invite you to join us this August for the sweetest festival of the year—Chocolate Fest!

    Ball Hockey Tournament

    8:30 am to 11:30 am

    Location: Garcelon Civic

    Center Game on! Dust off your hockey sticks, turn back the clock, enjoy the great game of Ball Hockey and be the first team to claim the "Chicken Bone Cup". We encourage sportsmanship and equal opportunity for all players. For details call Heather, 465-5616. Sponsored by SUBWAY Restaurants and Chocolate Fest. Cost: $ 100/team.

    Ca-r-ma Charlotte County Coffee Morning

    9: 30 am to 12 noon

    Location: St. Stephen Town Square

    Come out and join us for a Starbucks coffee, cup of tea or juice and scrumptious (美味的) home-baked goods, many featuring chocolate. Sponsored by Ca-r-ma Charlotte County and adoption programs-caring for homeless and feral cats.

    Dot's Delecto Birthday Party

    11 am to 2 pm

    Location: Boys and Girls Club of Charlotte County, 54 Disher Lane, Oak Bay, NB

    Who does St. Stephen love? Dot Larsen! Please join us for chocolate cake and chocolate milk and help celebrate Dot's birthday. Come and play in our indoor/outdoor playground, have your face painted and enjoy a barbecue to help raise funds for the Barracuda Swim Team. For details call BGCCC, 466-4300.

Lucy the Lady Bug's 1st Birthday Party

    12 noon to 3 pm

    Location: Kingsbrae Garden, St. Andrews, NB

    Come to celebrate with Lucy and her friends for a picnic on our front lawn-bring your own picnic, or grab lunch at our Garden Cafe. At 2 pm, join Lucy and her friends for an amazing race adventure through the big maze, obstacle course on the main lawn, find treasure in the fantasy garden and much, much more! Cost: $ 38/Family Day Pass, $ 16/Adult, $ 12/Students and Seniors, Free/Children 6 and younger.

