
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Before you start your day, the following habits are good for you.

    Music can make you relaxed and is good for your health. Listening to music before work will bring you a relaxing day.

    The hot shower will help you to get a good stretch. The stretch will make you start the day feeling more relaxed.

    Breakfast is known as "the most important meal of the day". A balanced breakfast is important for every one of us. Be sure to have some milk and fruit.

    A morning walk can let you get ready for the day, help you sleep better at night and so on.

    Taking time to sit down and make a list of your activities for the day allows you to have a greater sense of orderliness.

A. Balanced breakfast.

B. A morning walk.

C. Stretch in the shower.

D. Listen to some music.

E. Make a "to do" list.


Having a cheetah (猎豹)as a pet in the house? Does it sound scary to you? But for a family in South Africa, one cheetah is treated as a VIP (Very Important Person) in the house. The big cheetah is named Jolie, after the film star Angelina Jolie{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. She can often be found eating from the kitchen table, taking a short sleep on the sofa, or even sleeping on Lucy and Jeff's bed. The big cat also sleeps and plays with the Browns' other pet, the more usual one— a sheepdog{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Having a cheetah as a pet is unusual. Atfirst,Mrs.Brown wasn't willing to keep a cheetah as a pet. She said,''{#blank#}3{#/blank#}. But we are now happy that we did it— she is part of the family.''

    Just like her name, four-year-old Jolie has achieved a celebrity(名人) status(地位)in the Browns' hometown. Fans often come to take pictures of her{#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

    However, a cheetah is always a cheetah{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. '' She makes a lot of mess in the house, urinating (小便)everywhere and chewing everything. It's her wild instincts (天性), said Mrs. Brown. There must be some problems of having a cheetah as a pet in the house, but some unusual fun must also be waiting ahead.

A. Interestingly, Jolie enjoys all the special attention that is paid to her.

B. An impossible friendship has happened between these two animals.

C. Though Jolie is now a pet in the home, she still has some wild habits.

D. She is surely the VIP at Lucy and Jeff Brown's home.

E. I was really against the idea of getting a cheetah as a pet.


    Emperor penguins are the largest penguins on Earth. Each adult is over a metre tall, and can weigh up to 40 kilograms.

    For many months each year, emperors live near the sea in large groups called colonies. However, in May, the weather gets colder and ice covers large areas of ocean. Each colony moves many kilometres from the water.

    Sharing the work

    There, each mother penguin lays just one egg. Then all the hungry mothers must walk back to the ocean to find food. The father penguins put their eggs on top of the feet, under a special piece of skin called the brood pouch. For two months, the father penguins keep the eggs safe and warm. Antarctica. Most animals leave for warmer places, but the father penguins stay. In this time, without food, a father penguin can lose almost half of his weight.

    New life

    Then the babies begin to hatch! The mother penguin returns just in time to see her baby come out of its egg. The chick is then moved to her bored pouch. This can be difficult. If the chick falls, it can freeze quickly, so the penguin parents must be very careful! Once this is done, the father penguin can go back to the ocean to find food.

    Growing up

    Over the next few months, penguin parents take turns to go to the ocean for food. They each make the trip several times, bringing back food for the chick. The chick grows quickly and is always hungry.

    Into the water

    By December, winter is ending. The chick is five months old and can live on its own. Soon it enters the water for the first time. It will swim and eat until next April, and then return here. After a few more years, it, too, will start its own family.

⑴{#blank#}1{#/blank#} ⑵{#blank#}2{#/blank#} ⑶{#blank#}3{#/blank#} ⑷{#blank#}4{#/blank#} ⑸{#blank#}5{#/blank#} ⑹{#blank#}6{#/blank#} ⑺{#blank#}7{#/blank#} ⑻{#blank#}8{#/blank#} ⑼{#blank#}9{#/blank#} ⑽{#blank#}10{#/blank#} 

