
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Many students have some 1. For example, some students do not learn their school subjects 2. Some are good at 3and do well in many exams, 4 they are doing very badly in sports and they do not have strong bodies. So their classmates always call 5 "bookworms"(书虫). So many students suffer from(遭受) stress. The good news 6 that there are some simple ways to deal with(处理) 7.

    Firstly, 8 a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and doing exercise are very important. How can we be happy if we are unhealthy!

    As for schoolwork, making plans can be helpful. Making a list of the things they need to do and planning 9to do them can help students organize(组织) their time. If you are 10 in one subject, studying hard and 11 a teacher for advice can help.

    Students should not care about 12 laughing. They should think about the things that are good.

    Then students should 13 make enough time for their hobbies. Playing sports, reading and watching movies help them relax.

    Finally, 14 is useful and important for students to share(分享) their problems with their 15 and family members.

A、friends B、problems C、happiness D、homework
A、good B、well C、great D、bad
A、learns B、learn C、learning D、to learn
A、so B、and C、but D、because
A、them B、they C、him D、her
A、are B、were C、be D、is
A、hungry B、illness C、stress D、tired
A、eating B、eat C、eats D、to eat
A、when B、where C、what D、why
A、good B、weak C、strong D、badly
A、asking B、ask C、asks D、asked
A、other B、another C、others' D、other's
A、too B、either C、to D、also
A、that B、this C、it D、these
A、brothers B、friends C、sisters D、cousins

Most people around the world are right-handed. This also seems to be true in history. In 1799, scientists studied works of art made at different times from 1,500 B.C. to the 1950s. Most of the people shown in these works are right-handed, so the scientists guessed that right-handedness has always been common through history. Today, only about 10% to 15% of the world's population is left-handed.

Why are there more right-handed people than left-handed ones? Scientists now know that a person's two hands each have their own jobs. For most people, the left hand is used to find things or hold things. The right hand is used to work with things. This is because of the different work of the two sides of the brain. The right side of the brain, which makes a person's hands and eyes work together, controls the left hand. The left side of the brain, which controls the right hand, is the centre for thinking and doing problems. These findings show that more artists should be left-handed, and studies have found that left-handedness is twice as common among artists as among people in other jobs.

No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed instead of left-handed. Scientists have found that almost 40% of the people become left-handed because their main brain is damaged when they are born. However, this doesn't happen to everyone, so scientists guess there must be another reason why people become left-handed. One idea is that people usually get right-handed from their parents. If a person does not receive the gene (基因) for right-handedness, he / she may become either right-handed or left-handed according to the chance and the people they work or live with.

Though right-handedness is more common than left-handedness, people no longer think left-handed people are strange or unusual. A long time ago, left-handed children were made to use their right hands like other children, but today they don't have to.

