
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Which kind of diamond is better for the environment and the world we live in: a diamond from a traditional mine or one made in a laboratory?

    Some recent reports suggest the answer may not be so clear. At the very least, these reports provide evidence of tensions between two different sectors of the diamond industry.

    Lab -grown diamond companies say they are more ethical and cause less harm to Earth's environment. The traditional diamond sector notes that its businesses help the communities where they operate mines. It says they provide jobs, help build roads and other infrastructure and make investments in conservation.

    Some companies, such as De Beers, work on both sides. De Beers sells natural and man-made diamonds. In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission(FTC) investigates reports of deceptive, or misleading, advertising. In April, the commission sent warning letters to eight lab-grown diamond companies. One of the FTC's concerns was the use of the word 'eco-friendly', and similar terms, to describe diamonds made in a laboratory. The lab-grown process requires very high temperatures and uses a lot of energy. Trucost is a company that estimates the costs of using natural resources. Asked by the Diamond Producers Association to study the issue, Trucost found the carbon intensity of natural diamonds was lower than lab-grown diamonds.

    The Trucost report did note that diamond miners should reduce their effect on the environment by using more renewable energy, such as wind power and sunlight.

(1)、What is the passage mainly intended to tell us?
A、There are many tensions between two different sectors of the diamond industry. B、Which kind of diamond is better may not be so clear. C、Neither the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) nor the Trucost is satisfied with the diamond industry. D、Both lab-grown diamond companies and traditional diamond mines do harm to the environment.
(2)、According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A、Many diamond miners have begun to use more renewable energy, such as wind power and sunlight. B、Natural diamonds have a higher carbon intensity than man-made diamonds. C、In April, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of the USA fined eight lab-grown diamond companies for misleading. D、Diamond mines tend to take on locals to work for them.
(3)、What does the underlined word "issue" in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A、The carbon intensity of the two kinds of diamonds. B、The event of the deceptive advertising. C、The eco-friendly situations of the two sectors. D、The ways of using renewable energy.

    I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. I fumbled(摸索) in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those. I looked through the bars at the guard. He did not make eye contact with me. I called out to him “Have you got a light?” He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette. As he came close and lit the match, his eyes unconsciously locked with mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don't know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn't want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and caused a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile.

    I kept smiling at him, now thinking of him as a person and not just a guard. "Do you have kids?" he asked. “Yes, here, here.” I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes filled with tears. I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too. Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Out of the prison, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town.


    In box-office terms, Steven Spielberg is the most successful movie director in the world. Jaws, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Indiana Jones, Schindler's List ... his movies are cinema classics.

Q: What were you afraid of when you were a child?

A: I was my own monster (怪物). My fancy was unbelievable, so I was afraid of everything. A chair could very quickly change into a mouse. I remember looking up at the sky when I was five. One of the clouds up there looked like a beautiful bird, then suddenly it was a tiger. I ran home crying.

Q: What did your parents feel about that?

A: For my parents my imagination was a real problem, so much so that they seriously considered having me examined by a doctor. After all I was always seeing things that didn't exist (存在) except in my head. My mother and father thought I had something wrong with my mind. I probably did — but it is the gateway to a great career!

Q: What do you consider your greatest career achievement so far?

A: The right to decide my own programs. That was always my only dream, telling my stories without anyone else interfering (干预). It was also why I built my own company.

Q: Which movie did you enjoy making most?

A: That was E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, because it was the first time I realized I wanted to be a father. Three years later I had my first son.

Q: Do you make home movies?

A: Yes, I always have a video camera with me. At Christmas it's traditional for my family to see a movie about the family that lasts one hour. We all watch the film together and everyone gets a DVD of it.


    When you get a cut, you cover it with a bandage. How do you know when to change it? Maybe you just wait until it's wet or dirty. But when people have long-term or chronic (慢性的)wounds that take months to get better, changing bandages too early or to late could make healing take even longer. Changing the dressing on a wound too often can provide an opportunity for infections to get in. But if a bandage gets very wet very quickly from the inside, it might be filling with pus (脓)--a sign an infection has begun. Judging just when to change is important.

    Chronic wounds are common in people who are older or who have certain health conditions. Chronic wounds affect around 6.5 million people per year in the United States. When Anushka Naiknaware, 13, learned about chronic wounds, she decided to make a device that could alert a person when it's time to change their bandages.

    After a lot of trials and errors, the teen settled on a design that used an “ink” filled with carbon nanoparticles(纳米粒子). The teen loaded her ink into a printer cartridge (墨盒) to print onto her special paper, which was to be made into bandage. Well, actually, Anushka loaded her ink into many, many printer cartridges. Just changing a printer cartridge isn't easy, and filling one is even harder.

    The small printed papers cost only 5 to 10 cents, Anushka estimates. The Bluetooth sensor is more expensive, but the teen notes that it could be used over and over again. She also knows there is a long way to go before her design can help patients. It hasn't been tested on a real person yet. “You have to make sure everything works perfectly,” she says.


    The University of Tokyo has eight museums covering various fields such as medicine, agriculture and art. Click the names of the museums below to read brief introductions about their histories and exhibits.

    The University Museum

    Having accumulated over three million academic materials for its collection since the University of Tokyo was founded in 1877, the University Museum is the largest museum of its kind in Japan. From the time of its reorganization into an independent entity in May 1996, the Museum has held exhibitions over 60 times.

    The Museum of Health and Medicine

    The Museum of Health and Medicine seeks to provide information about health and medicine to the general public and advance education for students studying medicine. The Museum features both a permanent and a temporary exhibition space and a temporary exhibition space, with the latter focusing on topics related to medical care and the study of medicine.

    The Agricultural Museum

    The Agricultural Museum displays materials from the collection of the University's Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science, Notable items on display include the documents and portraits of scientists affiliated (隶属的)with the University, internal organs of Japan's famous dog Hachiko, and drawings illustrating German agriculture and the varieties of Japanese cows.

    The Farm Museum

    The Farm Museum opened in 2007 within a renovated dairy bam. The bam was built in 1934 as part of the moving of the University of Tokyo's farm from Komaba to Tanashi, an area in Western Tokyo. The Museum features both permanent and temporary exhibitions. Permanent exhibitions include European farming equipment used on the Komaba Farm, tools for agricultural experiments, agricultural machinery, American tractors and drawings illustrating German agriculture.


    A humpback, a kind of big whale, can weigh as much as 40 tons and reach 50 feet from nose to tail. That means they can easily overturn small boats and it can be a great trouble to anyone who jumps on the back of the animal.

    But that was just what Sam Synstelien did when he saw a humpback in trouble in Central California's Morro Bay. The animal was hopelessly tangled (缠绕) in a rope that was attached to a buoy (浮标).

    Synstelien, along with his partner Nicholas Taron, had already tried reporting the poor animal to the U. S. Coast Guard—but they were told it would be hours before rescuers could come. Hours, the fishermen thought, this whale didn't have. "If we wanted the humpback to survive we had to go to get it," Taron later said. "We thought there was no other choice for the whale; we decided to go for it. We were so excited then. I don't think we were that scared. "

    It's easy for Taron to say, of course. His role in the rescue was mostly in the cheering department. In the video, you can hear him shouting "Swim! Swim! Move! Just get it! Get it!" from the side of the boat while filming the entire rescue. "The humpback was just swimming in circles," Taron said. "You could tell it was stressed and being held to the bottom."

    The very agitated whale didn't take well to human intervention (介入) and even hit the boat with its huge tail with a lot of force. But Synstelien hung in there, and at last cut through the rope. And then with a sudden move, the humpback swam deep down beneath the waves. It wasn't much of a thank you, but Synstelien and Taron were happy.


    When men get together, they seldom talk about their feelings or inner thoughts. However, they talk about a lot, like their newest computer, how to repair their car, or even business.

    Talk might move to the best place to find fish or women, jump to computer games, then continue to the sport of the season. They also like to tell jokes each other and spend a fair amount of time playing one-up and boasting (吹牛). Men seldom call each other to chat.

    When man meets woman, he usually wants to make a good impression. Many single men try hard to carry on amusing, fun, and pleasant conversations. They use conversation to discover her interests and feelings in order to learn how to be attractive to her.

    Some men, either out of nervousness or ignorance, spend most of the time talking about themselves, often appearing to brag about their achievements or talk endlessly about their problems or work. Even the quietest man talks to his woman when love is new.

    When women get together, they talk about feelings and relationships, their work and their family. They enjoy talking but also want the give and take of talk, then listen. Women often call each other to chat. Conversation is an important part of most women's 1ives.

    As relationships progress, however, many a man turns on the television and forgets how to talk. This raises anger and cry from his woman partner who says, “You never talk to me anymore.” Some men start talking. Many, however, mainly discuss their own achievements and problems.

    When the woman starts talking about her favorite subjects: feelings, family, relationships, friends and her work, many men lose interest or bring the conversation back to themselves. Pretty soon, the man is back to staring at the television each night, wondering where his relationship has gone. The woman is talking to her friends, mom, sister, or neighbor, often about that very relationship and how she is hurting.

