
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A primary school in UK has banned Valentine's Day cards because of concerns that young pupils spend too much time talking about boyfriends and girlfriends.

    Ashcombe Primary School in Weston Super Mare, Somerset, has told parents that cards declaring love can be "confusing" for children under the age of 11, who are still emotionally and socially developing. In this month 's newsletter(通讯), Peter Turner, the head teacher, warned that any cards found in school would be confiscated(没收). He wrote: "We do not wish to see any Valentine's Day cards in school this year. Some children and parents encourage a lot of talk about boyfriends and girlfriends. We believe that such ideas should wait until children are mature enough emotionally and socially to understand the commitment involved in having or being a boyfriend or girlfriend." Mr. Turner said any family wanting to support the Valentine's Day idea should send cards in the post or deliver them to home addresses by hand.

    His views were endorsed by Ruth Rice, 46, who has twins Harriet and Olivia at the school. She said, "Children at that age shouldn't really be thinking about Valentine's Day, they should be concentrating on their schoolwork." They are at an age when they are impressionable(易受影响的)and most parents including myself are with Mr. Turner." She added that "the cards cause too much competition. If someone gets a card and another doesn't, then someone will be disappointed."

    However, Rajeev Takyar, 40, who has two children Jai, 11, and Aryan, five, at the school, said he was "very angry". He said, "There are schools that have banned computer games and snowballs, and now Valentine's Cards." I think banning the cards stops children from having social skills. How are they going to learn about relationships otherwise? It's ridiculous. Alec Suttenwood, father of three children, said of the ban: "It's totally ridiculous. Young children just send the cards to each other as friends and to their parents. It's just a bit of harmless fun. There is no difference between this and Mother's or Father's Day."

(1)、Which of the following is the best title?
A、Ban on Valentine's Day cards at school is well received. B、Ban on Valentine's Day cards at school is disapproved by many parents. C、British children spend too much time talking about love. D、A British primary school bans Valentine's Day cards.
(2)、The underlined word "endorsed" means________.
A、criticized B、quoted C、disapproved D、approved
(3)、What do you know about Harriet and Olivia?
A、They will send Valentine's Day cards this year. B、They are strongly against the school's decision. C、They are of the same age. D、They are the children of Rajeev Takyar.
(4)、According to Rajeev Takyar, ________.
A、sending Valentine's Day cards helps develop children's social skills B、banning Valentine's Day cards will benefit children C、the cards cause too much competition among children D、children are too young to talk about love


    What's more fun than standing still? Jumping up and down on a springy piece of fabric (织物)! This activity is known as trampolining and it's sweeping the nation.

    The idea of trampolining is ancient. Eskimos have been throwing each other in the air for thousands of years. Firemen began using a life net to catch people jumping from buildings in 1887. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    A gymnast named George Nissan and his coach Larry Griswold made the first modern trampoline in 1936. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} They named their equipment after the Spanish word trampolín, which means diving board. The men wanted to share their idea with the whole world. In 1942 they began making trampolines to sell to the public.

    Trampolines may be fun, but they can also be dangerous. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Clubs and gyms use large safety nets or other equipment to make it safer. Most trampoline injuries happen at home. Since trampolines are more affordable than ever, injuries are even more common.

    These injuries happen for many reasons. People may bounce too high and land out of the trampoline or onto the springs. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Perhaps the worst injuries happen when untrained people try to do flips (快速翻转). Landing on your neck or head can cause injuries or even kill you.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} There are many things that you can do to practice safe trampolining. Trampolines have been around for a while now. They have brought a lot of joy to many people. They can be a good source of exercise and activity. They can help people improve their balance and moves. But they can also be deadly. It is important to follow some professional guidance. Be sure that you are practicing safety while having a good time. Happy bouncing!

A. They found a winner when they performed a piece of spring across a steel frame.

B. And in the early 1900s, circus performers began bouncing off a net to amuse audiences.

C. Injuries also happen when many people are jumping at the same time.

D. Experts find that more than 100,000 people hurt themselves while using one each year.

E. You can surround your trampoline with a net so that people don't fall off it.

F. They got the idea by watching swing artists bouncing off a tight net at the circus.

G. But don't let all that bad news keep you down.


    Each year the Pritzker Architecture Prize (普立兹克建筑奖) goes to a star designer with a long list of attractive buildings around the world. This year's winner is a little different.

    Shigeru Ban has designed museums, homes and concert halls. But Ban is best known for a more simple kind of work: the temporary (暂时的) buildings for people who became homeless after disasters.

    Ban may be the only designer in the world who makes buildings out of paper — cardboard paper tubes (管). Ban actually tested the strength of cardboard tubes, and said he was surprised by what he had discovered. He has used them to build temporary buildings in Japan, Haiti, China and elsewhere.

    “After a disaster, the building material is going to be more expensive,” Ban explains. “But the paper tube is actually not a building material. It is cheap and plentiful. We can get the material easily anywhere. And unlike costs for traditional building materials, the price of paper tubes doesn't jump after an earthquake or flood. The tubes are also lightweight, so you don't need heavy machines to work with them.”

    Ban started using cardboard paper tubes in the 1980s. At that time he had just graduated from the architecture school, and he was looking for a cheap substitute for wood. So he started reusing the paper cardboard tubes that were left over from rolls of paper in his office.

    Ban was born in Tokyo and studied architecture in the U.S. before moving back to Japan to start his practice. Some of Ban's temporary buildings have become permanent (永久的), like the paper church he built after the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan.


    How can you gain knowledge of the world without books or teachers? Visiting various kinds of world-famous museums may be your best choice. If you are interested ,here are 3 famous museums well worth visiting.
National Gallery, London 2017 attendance: 6,263,000

    The National Gallery originally opened in 1824 in a Pall Mall townhouse with just 38paintings. Today's collection contains over 2, 300 works from the 13th to 19th centuries, which you can appreciate free of charge. The works range in style and time period, but hey, everyone needs to see Van Gogh's Sunflowers in Room 43 at least once, for which the Museum is famous.

    Opening time: daily 10 am—6 pm Friday 10 am—9 pm

    Closed time: January and 24—26 December

    Admission: Free
National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D. C.

    2017 attendance: 7,500,000

    The National Air and Space Museum, part of the Smithsonian Institution, hosts the world's largest collection of aviation and space artifacts. You'll see crowds flocking toward the 1903Wright Flyer and Apollo 11command module, but don't forget about NASA's often—overlooked Stardust probe.

    Hours and Admission :Open every day except December 25.

    Free admission and tickets (free) are needed.

    ⒈A maximum of 4000 free tickets will be issued each day at the museum.

    ⒉Each visitor can once collect one free ticket of the day with valid ID (Passport ).

    Regular Hours :10:00 am to 5:30 pm

    Extended Hours :10:00 am to 7:30pm Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays

National Museum of China, Beijing

    2017 attendance: 7,550,000

    Founded in February 2003, this huge, well-curated museum sits on the edge of Beijing's Tiananmen Square and is free to enter. It houses more than 1.3 million exhibition pieces in its 40halls ,focused primarily on China's achievements in history, culture, and art.

    Opening Hours :9 :00—17:00

    (No Entry after 16:00) Closed on Mondays

    Museum Visiting Tips: Limit the number of bags( only one handbag is allowed ). All visitors are screened through metal detector upon entry. The fewer items you bring inside the Museum. Before you visit, please review the list of prohibited items, Visitors carrying prohibited items will not be allowed inside the Museum, s0 please leave them at home or in your car.

    No Food or Drink: Only bottled water is permitted in the Museum


    Wang Mengshu, an expert at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said at a group discussion on the sidelines of the annual session of the National People's Congress that Wi-Fi should not be provided on high-speed trains, as it might disturb communication signals of trains and would also cost a lot in keeping trains in good condition. He also encouraged passengers to enjoy the views, instead of fixing their eyes on tiny screens of smart phones and laptops. However, on last Tuesday Beijing Youth Daily said it should be market demand that decides whether the Wi-Fi is offered on the trains or not.

    An increasing number of residents, especially young white-collar workers, are addicted to their smart phones rather than face-to-face interactions, thanks to the extensive Wi-Fi coverage across the country. That partly justifies Wang's opposition to the offering of Wi-Fi on high-speed trains, because they are not supposed to be dependent on high-tech devices. It is also evident that passengers on trains without free Wi-Fi will use their smart phones and other mobile devices less. However, whether the trains should provide a free Wi-Fi service fundamentally depends on customer demand.

    In other words, state-owned as it is, the China Railway Crop still has to obey relevant market rules, and provide technologically possible services to passengers if that is what they want. It cannot turn a blind eye to customers' wants "for the sake of their well-being".

    Free Wi-Fi, in fact, is already available on a lot of buses and coaches. This is a natural response to their competition with trains (especially high-speed ones), which are significantly faster and safer. The bus companies have been forced to improve their services to survive. It requires proper guidance, not a total ban on the bus, to make up for the negative effects of high-end technologies, such as people's increasing addiction to smart phones.


A huge lake of salty water appears to be buried deep in Mars, scientists reported this week. The presence of water raises the chances of finding life on the red planet. The discovery is based on observations by a European spacecraft. It has excited experts. Water is necessary for life, and scientists have long hoped to prove that it is present on Mars.

Cassie Stuurman is a geophysicist at the University of Texas. In 2016, she found evidence of a huge ice deposit(沉积)on Mars. “If these researchers are right, this is the first time we've found evidence of a large water body on Mars. ”Stuurman said. Researchers are not yet sure how deep the area of water is. So, they cannot say whether it is an underground pool, or just an area of soft and wet soil.

In order to find the water, Italian researchers examined radar signals. The signals were collected over three years by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft. The results suggest that a 20-kilometer-wide water body lies below ice that is 1.5 kilometers thick. They believe the area is close to the planet's southern pole.

    Mars is very cold, but salt in the water may have kept it from freezing. It is the same as when you put salt on a road to prevent ice from forming. The water would be extremely cold, right at the point where it's about to freeze. And it would be salty. Such conditions are not ideal for life to form. But, she said there are bacteria on the earth that have been able to survive in similar conditions.

Mars has been a popular planet for exploration, with some groups placing instruments on its surface and others examining it from space. In May, NASA launched another spacecraft, the InSight Mars lander which will dig deep into the data under the surface after it reaches a flat area of the planet in November.


Dear Coach,

    I have been out of work for almost six months now and things are starting to get very tough for me. I am practically living out of my savings. I have been looking for a job, but things are really bad and I cannot find a single person who wants to hire me. I know that the main problem is that I do not have a degree. I want to go back to school and get my degree, but I also need a job now. I owe money to some people who have been helping me. Because I am out of work, I cannot pay them back. What do you think I should do? I need to find a job as quickly as possible, and want to know what else to do to get people to give me a chance to work for them.

The Unemployed

Dear Unemployed,

    Before you get yourself in a really bad situation, you need to stop borrowing money from people. If you continue doing that, you will be deep in debts and the situation will get even worse for you. The next thing you need to do is look for a job depending on your abilities, skills, and experience. By doing that, you will be increasing your chances of finding a job that suits you best. And the last thing I will suggest is that you should stop feeling sorry for yourself and continue working hard to get a job that you need. Borrowing money, complaining, and feeling bad for your situation will do no good to you. Stay strong and get out there and start showing the world what you can offer. I promise if you work hard and never give up, you will soon find the job that you are looking for. And while you are doing it, thing about getting your degree as well because it will help you to become more challenging. Try those tips.

The Coach

