
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    You may probably meet most of the powerful graduation speakers, here who are well-known people in their fields. I think the schools couldn't have picked better speakers than them, because they set good examples, deeply inspiring us in our daily life.

    1) Steve Jobs, Stanford University:

    "Remembering you're going to die, and the best way I know is to avoid the trap of thinking that you have something to lose. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice... "

    2) Oprah Winfrey, Stanford University:

    "I consider the world, this Earth, to be like a school... And the secret I've learned to get ahead is being open to the lessons from the grandest universe of all. Don't react against a bad situation. And the solution will arise from the challenge. So don't give up easily, acting with responsibility... "

    3) Bono, University of Pennsylvania:

    "For four years you've been buying, trading, and selling everything you've got in this market-place of ideas. Your pockets are full, even if your parents' are empty, and now you've got to figure out what to spend it on... The world is more flexible than you think and it's waiting for you to hammer it into shape... "

    4) Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin:

    "Now it's time for you to move on to what's next and obtain your desire. But you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps. Don't spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity, or sometimes you'll miss the right opportunity. Recognize that there will be failures and obstacles. But you will learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others."

(1)、Who wants to express "Don't live your life in regret?"
A、Michael Dell. B、Bono. C、Steve Jobs. D、Oprah Winfrey.
(2)、Which of the following can best describe what Oprah Winfrey says?
A、To break some of the rules. B、To overcome the fear of loss. C、To go all out to achieve our goals. D、To be brave and keep trying to the end.
(3)、What Michael Dell said is to urge people to   .
A、listen to their own heart B、pursue their own dreams C、create their own journey D、correct their own mistakes
(4)、What can we be likely to gain from these powerful graduation speeches?
A、Some life lessons. B、Some well-known people. C、Some social skills. D、Some effective solutions.

    Summer School for Effective Leadership 2014

    The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) partners with 2 world-class universities, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to offer you the best international summer schools in town! This year the Summer School for Effective Leadership (SSEL) is divided into the HKU Chapter—An Overture to Global Leadership, and HKUST Chapter—The Art of Public Speaking. Please find out more from the introduction below:

    HKU Chapter—An Overture to Global Leadership

    An Overture to Global Leadership, now in its seventh year, is cooperation between the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and the University of Hong Kong with the aims:

    1 To nurture youth leaders with solid fundamental knowledge and intensive leadership skills;

    2 To strengthen their critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills and problem solving abilities;

    3 To reinforce their willingness to serve the community;

    4 To further develop global perspective and promote intercultural awareness amongst participants.


    Between 18 July 2014 (Friday) and 26 July 2014 (Saturday).

    Full attendance is mandatory for the 9-day-8-night programme. Shared-room accommodation in the University dormitory is required.

    Application Deadline

    Non-residents of Hong Kong: 6:00 p.m., Friday, 16 May 2014 (Hong Kong Time)

    Non-residents of Hong Kong may need to apply for a student visa, please visit the website: http://121.hkfyg.org.hk/ssel/hku/overview.html for further details.

    For application, please visit: http://121.hkfyg.org.hk/ssel/hku/application.php

    HKUST Chapter—The Art of Public Speaking

    The Art of Public Speaking is a new collaboration between the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with the aims:

    1 To enhance the leadership skills and public speaking skills of participants;

    2 To allow youth leaders and speakers to learn from one another, and encourage cultural exchanges;

    3 To demonstrate how public speaking skills can be used by leaders to communicate to the public;

    4 To allow outstanding student leaders to serve and understand the local community.


    Between 14 July 2014 (Monday) and 19 July 2014 (Saturday)

    Full attendance is mandatory for the 6-day-5-night programme. Shared-room accommodation in the University dormitory is required.

    Application Deadline

    Non-residents of Hong Kong: 6:00p.m., Friday, 9 May 2014 (Hong Kong Time).

    Non-residents of Hong Kong may need to apply for a student visa, please visit the website: http://l21.hkfyg.org.hk/ssel/hkust/overview.html for further details.

    For application, please visit: http://l21.hkfyg.org.hk/ssel/hkust/application.php


    Notice: Medical Alert(警报)

Dear Readers,

    Medical related emergencies are on the rise with more old people living alone. More seniors are looking for an independent lifestyle and better quality of life. More than 1 in 3 people over the age of 64 will fall this year. Nearly half will not be able to get up without support.

    Medical fees can escalate when a person is not given timely support. You can prevent a medical disaster with our 24-hour emergency response system. Our solution is highly suggested by doctors, healthcare professionals, and hospitals.

    We are offering a FREE Medical Alert System to seniors or their loved ones who call now. For a limited time, there will be no set-up fees and the medical monitoring starts at less than $1 a day. The system is easy to use. The necklace pendant(挂坠) can travel with you. Our new system can detect falls automatically.

    Call Toll-Free 1-800-360-0405 and gain peace of mind. There's no long-term contract. Our medical alert professionals can walk you through everything over the phone.

    The first 100 callers to order will receive:

    Free Medical Alert System ($300 value).

    24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week LIVE Monitoring and Support.

    Free Necklace Pendant.

    No long-term Contract.

    Free shipping (Mention Reader's Digest).

    Don't wait until after a fall to give us a call. Take advantage of this special offer now to protect yourself or a loved one.

    Call now Toll-Free 1-800-231-0167 and mention Reader's Digest.


Jim Nelson


    Please Don't Be Afraid To Travel On Your Own

    You want to travel. You make an unclear plan. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But either way, you're leaving in six months time. You start doing research every single night.

    Of course, as this will be your first ‘real' travel experience, you naturally prefer to travel with other people. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} But the first friend you ask, perhaps your closest friend, turns you down and so you move on to the next friend. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The third friend, the fourth friend and even that guy that you don't really like say no as well.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}You hope that one of your friends will change their mind and decide to join you. Maybe you decide to forget about your trip altogether, fully believing that you can only travel so far away from home with a friend or travel companion (同伴) by your side.

    Don't give up just yet. Here's my advice to you. You may be on your own when you board that flight to Bangkok or Mexico City, but believe me, once you arrive, you'll never actually be alone. That's how travel works. Unless you stare at the ground and never talk to anyone, you're going to meet people when you travel, lots and lots of people from all over the world. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Don't give it up.

B. Maybe you'll fly to Thailand or to Mexico.

C. Meeting new people is one of the worst things to do.

D. But they too, tell you they have no interest to join you at all.

E. They will be interested in meeting and hanging out with you.

F. So you start asking your friends to join you in your journey.

G. Maybe you decide to put off your trip for another six months.


    A Language Program me for Teenagers

    Welcome to Teenagers Abroad! We invite you to join us on an amazing journey of language learning.

    Our Courses

Regardless of your choice of course, you'll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively. Our Standard Course guarantees a significant increase in your confidence in a foreign language, with focused teaching in all 4 skill areas—-speaking, listening, reading and writing. Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course, with 10 additional lessons per week, guaranteeing(确保) the fastest possible language learning (see table below).

Course Type


Number of Lesson

Course Timetable

Standard Course


20 lessons


Intensive Course


20 lessons


10 lessons



    Students are placed into classes according to their current language skills. The majority of them take on online language test before starting their program me. However, if this is not available, students sit the exam on the first Monday of their course. Learning materials are provided to students throughout their course, and there will never be more than 15 participants in each class.

    Arrivals and Transfer

    Our programme offers the full package—students are taken good care of from the start through to the very end. They are collected from the airport upon arrival and brought to their accommodation(住宿) in comfort. We require the student's full details at least 4 weeks in advance.

    Meals / Allergies(过敏) / Special Dietary Requirements

    Students are provided with breakfast, dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch(which consists of a sandwich, a drink and a dessert). Snacks outside of mealtimes may be purchased by the student individually. We ask that you let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements as well as information about any medicines you take. Depending on the type of allergies and/ or dietary requirements, an extra charge may be made for providing special food.


    Three men have had a big influence on modern sound and communication technologies. We started with the beginnings of computer-generated music.

Max Vernon Mathews

    Max Vernon Mathews has been called the father of computer music. He created electronic tools so that people could use computers, as musical instruments. He had a huge influence on the development of electronic music and how it is written, recorded and played. In 1957, Max wrote the first: computer program, Music, to enable a computer to create sound and play it back. The computer was so slow that it would have taken an hour to play the piece of music in seventeen seconds. For that reason, Mathews moved the work to a tape player, which could be sped up to play the music at a normal speed.

    Mathews continued creating other versions of the Music program. He became interested in how computers could help musicians outside recording studios. The Groove program he developed was the first computer program made for live performances.

Norio Ohga

    Sony Corporation official Norio Ohga helped to develop, the compact disc in the late 1970s.

    He pushed for CDs to be larger, and with a longer playing time. He wanted them to hold seventy-five minutes so that they could store all of Bcethoven's Ninth Symphony on one disc. This way, listeners could enjoy the musical work without any break. The compact disc changed the electronics industry and the way people listened to music.

Hubert Joseph Schlafly

    Hubert Joseph Schlafly was an electrical engineer who helped change the way actors, politicians and other people speak on television. In 1950, he and two other men developed the teleprompter. One co-worker, Fred Barton, was an actor. He had an idea for a tool that would help television actors read their lines without having to memorize them. The first teleprompter involved a person who turned a long piece of paper printed with tall letters. As the actor read the lines, another person would, move the paper ahead on the device. Later versions used television screens to show the words that were to be read.

