
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    My parents told me we were going camping during winter vacation. Camping! They are always trying to get me outside more. It seems like my mom is always saying, "Brian, turn off the computer!" or "Brian, put down your phone and talk to us!" They don't understand that I'm in the zone when I'm using a keyboard, so of course I don't want to stop.

    We drove for an hour to Everglades National Park. As soon as we got there, I couldn't get a signal(信号) for my phone. Suddenly, I was facing three days of no contact with the outside world. My mom tried to tell me I'd like it, "You'll be able to look around more when you're not staring at a screen."

    We took a hike with a ranger(护林者) in the afternoon. He explained a lot to us about the Everglades. At first, I couldn't care less, but after a while I started listening. By the end of the hike, I realized there was more action going on in the park than in most video games.

    We did a lot of walking and that night I was really tired. Even so, I woke up in the midnight, and I was scared at first because of some strange sounds. But then I realized it was the barred owl that the ranger had described. It sounded like it was calling out "Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you?" Then I was not afraid anymore and went back to sleep.

    The next two days we did a lot more exploring. I saw that all the land and water and animals were connected in the Everglades. Small fish eat mosquito eggs; large fish eat those smaller fish; and alligators eat the large fish. If you got rid of(除掉) the mosquitoes, you might lose some of the other animals higher up the food chain too.

    After we left, we talked in the car about the Everglades. Right in the middle of our discussion, I heard a familiar sound from my phone. My friend Jeff was sending me a message. I reached for my phone, then put it back down. "Aren't you going to reply?" asked Mom.

    "I will in a little while," I said. My dad and mom looked at each other and just smiled.

(1)、The underlined word "in the zone" in Paragraph 1 has the closest meaning to "________".
A、feeling bored with something B、doing something easily and well C、working hard at a difficult task D、having confidence in doing something
(2)、Why didn't Brian reply his friend Jeff at once?
A、His phone didn't work. B、He didn't see the message on the phone. C、His parents didn't allow him to use his phone. D、He wanted to keep talking to his parents about the Everglades.
(3)、It can be inferred (推断) from the passage that Brian will ________ after the camping.
A、spend less time on the screen B、not use the keyboard any more C、lose interest in camping trips D、phone Jeff and talk for a long time
(4)、What is the right order of the following events according to the passage?

a. Brian heard the strange sounds of barred owl.

b. Brian learned about the food chain.

c. They discussed the camping in the car.

d. As soon as they got to the park, Brian's phone stopped working.

e. They took a hike and Brian became interested in the Everglades.

A、c-e-d-a-b B、c-d-b-a-e C、d-e-a-b-c D、d-a-e-c-b

From Asia to America and everywhere in between, Swing—an energetic form of dance that includes six-step and eight-step rhythms(节奏) — has taken the world by storm. Making a recent comeback, swing dance floors have popped up all over the world. Many clubs make fans of Swing happy by holding nights when swing music is played, and sometimes even offering classes to attract customers.

Though Swing is now popular worldwide, it first appeared alongside the jazz movements of the 1920s and 1930s in New York City. While listening to jazz, the young black people of that time developed the movements of the Lindy Hop — a style of dance that is best known for a break away or 'swing out' move and sudden improvisation(即兴表演).

It was reportedly given this name when a reporter was interviewing a man at the dance hall who was watching other couples dance. When asked what that dance was called, the watcher looked at a newspaper next to him that had an article about Lindbergh— the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic(大西洋)—which was titled, 'Lindy Hops the Atlantic'. Then the watcher announced that the 'Lindy Hop' was the name of the dance, and it has stuck since then.

    In 1926, the Savoy Ballroom was the first large business to offer a place for people to listen to swing music and dance. With its huge dance floor, the Savoy became a big success overnight, attracting some of the best dancers and musicians in the New York area.

    Within ten years, the Lindy Hops was sweeping through the United States and became a symbol of unity, as young people of all racial(种族的) backgrounds crowded into dance halls to swing the night away. Traditional dance teachers did not welcome it because they thought it was not even a real dance and were quite sure about its demise but Swing has proved them wrong; it continues to be one of the world's most fun dances.

