
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Eating is best when it's a social activity. Think of the meal a family enjoys in the evening when everyone's together after work or school, or the big get-togethers over food at Spring Festival. But now, in the age of the Internet and social media, anyone with an Internet connection can enjoy a social eating event.

    Mukbang-a South Korean phrase meaning “eating broadcast”-is an unusual food fanaticism that's sweeping the country. This is a meal where only one person gets to eat, while many viewers watch live shows of hosts eating large quantities of food. They leave comments on the dishes the host is taking, and the host responds to them live.

    So why have people taken to this unusual new food trend(趋势)? Jeff Yang, an Asian-American cultural critic, thinks that it's down to “the loneliness of unmarried or uncoupled South Koreans”. He believes that eating on your own can be hard in a country like South Korea, where social eating is such a long tradition. However, Mukbang gives people the feeling that they are part of something larger, it seems.

    Millions of people have trouble with food. Either they eat too much of it, or too little. Some say that the popularity of Mukbang helps people with these disorders. Those who always eat too much and put on weight can watch Mukbang live shows to satisfy their appetite (胃口). And those who don't eat enough can build their appetite by watching delicious food being eaten.

    Even though Mukbang is a South Korean phenomenon, it's also taken off in the US. But unlike South Koreans who sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi (泡菜), Americans enjoy their own native dishes. This means that viewers of US Mukbang live shows will see locals stuffing themselves with hamburgers, fries and ice cream.

(1)、The underlined word “fanaticism” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.
A、disappointment B、enthusiasm C、dislike D、imagination
(2)、According to Jeff Yang, Mukbang is becoming popular in South Korea mainly because ________.
A、people are used to eating alone B、it's good for those who have eating disorders C、it helps to comfort the lonely people D、it assists people to build their appetite
(3)、What is the article mainly about?
A、A traditional Korean eating habit. B、A new food trend from South Korea. C、How Koreans communicate through eating. D、How the Internet affects the way we eat.

    “Don't you have any toys you want to share?” I asked my son during our church's Christmas toy drive. “What about all those things in your closet you haven't used in years?”

    "I don't have anything,” he said. “We're so poor.”

    We're only “poor” because we refuse to buy him the phone he wants for Christmas, which would also require a monthly texting charge.

    “You're not so poor you have nothing to give,” I found myself saying to him, a phrase my mother often used on me.

    At work the next day, one of my students said, “I didn't spell your name right,” as she handed me a Christmas gift—a box of chocolates. No wonder she hadn't spelled it right—I had only worked at the center for a couple of months, and my name is not easy to pronounce, even in English, which is this woman's second language.

    I hadn't expected a gift—I worked at an adult education center, where we dealt with people who struggle economically. When I was hired, my boss told me she tries to keep snacks around the center and cooks “stone soup” once a week, where whoever can bring something in does, because “You will hear growling bellies here. They give their food to the children before they themselves eat.”

    And yet these people, so grateful for a second chance at getting an education, unable to sometimes even afford the gas money to come in, manage to do something for us nearly every week. Some bring in food; others do chores around the center. They help and encourage one another, and us. They give what they are able to give.


    In my living room, there is a plaque(匾) that advises me to “Bloom(开花) where you are planted.” It reminds me of Dorothy. I got to know Dorothy in the early 1980s,when I was teaching Early Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville, Kentucky. The job responsibilities required occasional visits to the classroom of each teacher in the program. Dorothy stands out in my memory as one who “bloomed” in her remote area.

    Dorothy taught in a school in Harlan County, Kentucky, Appalachian Mountain area. To get to her school from the town of Harlan, I followed a road winding around the mountain. In the eight-mile journey, I crossed the same railroad track five times, giving the possibility of getting caught by the same train five times. Rather than feeling excited by this drive through the mountains, I found it depressing. The poverty level was shocking and the small shabby houses gave me the greatest feeling of hopelessness.

    From the moment of my arrival at the little school, all gloom(忧郁) disappeared. Upon arriving at Dorothy's classroom, I was greeted with smiling faces and treated like a queen. The children had been prepared to show me their latest projects. Dorothy told me with  a big smile that they were serving poke greens salad and cornbread for “dinner” (lunch). In case you don't know, poke greens are a weed-type plant that grows wild, especially on poor ground.

    Dorothy never ran out of reports of exciting activities of her students. Her enthusiasm never cooled down. When it came time to sit for the testing and interviewing required to receive her Child Development Associate Certification, Dorothy was ready. She came to the assessment and passed in all areas. Afterward, she invited me to the one-and-only steak house in the area to celebrate her victory, as if she had received her Ph.D. degree. After the meal, she placed a little box containing an old pen in my hand. She said it was a family heirloom (传家宝), but to me it is a treasured symbol of appreciation and pride that cannot be matched with things.


    A new tool of communication called the “drift diary” is doing the rounds among young college graduates.

    The “drift diary”, like those ancient paper messages put into a bottle left to drift on the high seas to reach hundreds of miles away, connects lonely hearts.

    The “drift diary” was first started by a Beijing woman, who goes by the Net name Little S, in 2007. It has become the preferred tool of communication among youngsters afraid to reveal their innermost self to peers, but wanting to share their lives with others.

    The way it works is that the initiator(发起人)of the diary mentions it on popular  Internet forums such as Tianya and Douban. Those wanting to react or otherwise add to the diary then send their real names and addresses to the initiator via e-mails or text messages.

    The numbers in one group are usually restricted to between 30 and 50. The diary then passes on to another by express delivery or personal handover. The diary writers are mostly anonymous but if they wish to reveal their identity they can do so by posting their contact information at the end of their postings.

    The diary writers add not just words but also decorate the plain notebooks with cartoons, drawings or even dress it up with a ribbon or a new cover. Interesting experiences, travel journals, the simple joys of everyday living or sweet recollections of childhood, all find a place in these diaries. Most often, though, the writers set down their frustrations and predicaments.

    It usually takes one year for a diary to return to the initiator. The last recorder is the luckiest one, with access to all previous entries, while others can request photocopies of these from the diary's initiator.


    These days a green building means more than just the color of the paint. Green buildings can also refer to environmentally friendly houses,factories,and offices.

    Green building means "reducing the effect of the building on the land",Taryn Holowka of the US Green Building Council (评议会) in Washington,D.C.,said. According to Holowka,building accounts for 65 percent of total US electricity use.

But green buildings can reduce energy and water use. Also,the buildings are often located near public transportation such as buses and subways,so that people can drive their cars less. That could be good for the environment,because cars use lots of gas and give off pollution. Green buildings are often built on developed land,so that the buildings don't destroy forests.

    Marty Dettling is project manager for a building that puts these ideas into action. The Solaire has been called the country's first green high-rise building. According to Dettling,"We've reduced our energy use by one-third and our water by 50 percent."

    The Solaire cuts energy in part by using solar power. "On the face of the building we have solar panels (光板) which change the sun's energy into electricity," Dettling explained.

    The Solaire also has lights that automatically turn off when people leave the room. In addition,the building has lots of windows,allowing people to use the sun for light during the day. The Solaire cuts water by reusing it.

    Not everyone is eager to move into a green building,however. Some people think that things like solar panels cost more money than more traditional energy sources. Anyhow,Holowka said,"It's going to be big."

