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  • 1. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空,在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

    Seven years ago, Steve lost his beloved dog Wolfgang. In memory of it, he began to adopt dogs who had been in their last few years. He (choose) to rescue these senior dogs because they otherwise wouldn't have had a home. When(ask) how he could bear to adopt senior dog, Steve answered, "These abandoned animals need love, and they also have a lot of love to give, is just one of the things these dogs wish you knew."

  • 2. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空,在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

    For many years, researchers(try) to find out the magic of reading. According to an article in Scientific American, researchers have found evidence that literary fiction improves a reader's ability to understandothers are thinking about. Andarticle further argues that literary fiction can teach us values about social behavior, such as the importance of understanding those who are different from ourselves. The results of this study suggest people who love reading can(well) put themselves in someone else's shoes.

  • 3. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空,在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

    A team of international(scientist) announced that they discovered a group of dinosaur footprints in Tibet Autonomous Region in China. The team, which consistsexperts from China, the United States and Germany, found about 99 footprints in that area. According to their findings published in the academic journal Historical Biology earlier this month, these footprints, (range) from 22 cm to 99.3 cm in length, are believed to have been left by large, medium and small-sized sauropods (蜥脚龙) dating back to the Middle Jurassic period.


  • 4. 完形填空

    It Runs in the Family

    My childhood had its ups and downs, but with my mom, who was so supportive, I was destined to succeed in life.

    She never 1any of my school events. When I graduated from college, I was selected to give the commencement address(毕业演讲). Just like old time, my mother listened to my2 over and over again. That reminded me of a time when I used to be3by my mother. She always laughed just too loud. I respected my mother, but just wanted her to be more like normal mothers and less4.During my speech in a statewide speech contest, she moved her lips as if she was coaching me. I worried other people would think she was talking to herself.

    By the time I made it to the finals, I had given my mother strict conditions. I instructed her not to mouth the words to my speech. And I5 under no circumstances should she Jump up and down and make whooping noises if I won. This was the final speech contest, and we had to look the part.

    When I took to the stage and delivered my presentation, one of the most flawless performances of my 16 years on earth, I realized my mother was sitting with her face turned toward the door rather than the stage-obeying my orders. I realized that she knew all the words to my speech--just to show her6for me. Suddenly, I knew then that I had no desire to win without my mother seeing it and7in whatever way she wanted to.

    Near the end of my speech, I walked onto the main floor. I wanted Momma's8. My mother never moved, desperately trying to do what I had asked her to do: Be someone else. While the rest of the crowd rose to their feet in a standing ovation, Momma was9. When they handed me the scholarship money, Momma allowed herself to simply smile.

    Without our traditional crazy celebration, my10felt empty. At that moment, I realized you can't enjoy where you are going if you deny where you are from. I let Momma know from that moment on she could whoop and holler and be herself.

    A . visited B . missed C . delayed D . cared
    A . request B . story C . speech D . lecture
    A . confused B . embarrassed C . surprised D . disappointed
    A . dizzy B . messy C . crazy D . busy
    A . warned B . informed C . promised D . complained
    A . respect B . support C . patience D . curiosity
    A . coaching B . performing C . participating D . celebrating
    A . attention B . instruction C . affection D . impression
    A . afraid B . sad C . still D . bored
    A . dream B . fortune C . effort D . victory


  • 5. 阅读理解

    Shakespeare Week is the annual national celebration of Shakespeare in primary schools, organized by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Since its launch in 2014, over eight million primary school children have had first experiences of the world's greatest writer. This year, Shakespeare Week runs from 16 to22 March and has a theme of art and design. It's free to register and to access the hundreds of resources on the Shakespeare Week website, including videos, plays, poetry, storytelling, debate, art and much more, providing children with first experiences of the world's best-known writer.

    Create a Shakespeare portrait

    We're working with some of the nation's best-loved children's illustrators to contribute a portrait of William Shakespeare. Participants can see their artworks in a fabulous online exhibition. They can imagine their own William Shakespeare, plan and decide how they would like to represent him. Here are some suggestions:

    ·Make an abstract Shakespeare, Draw a sketch of Shakespeare and then use a tablet to take photographs of the portrait. Create a selection of images that show a range of thoughts and emotions.

    ·Children can enter their Shakespeare portraits in a competition to win the chance to have their works exhibited during Shakespeare Week. They will also receive an art workshop for their class from great artists.

    Recreate Shakespeare's hometown

    Some of the buildings that Shakespeare would have walked past and indeed lived in are still standing in Stratford-upon-Avon. If you can't make it along. why not recreate a miniature Stratford-upon-Avon? We offer a simple art activity created for Shakespeare Week by artist Jennie Maizels. Children can follow her step-by-step video and use the downloadable resources free on the website. It is a simple but effective tracing and copying activity, exploring watercolor and fineline pen painting and drawing techniques.

    Design a storyworld

    Participants can work with other children to design a “narrative environment” or "storyworld" that picks out a key or magical moment from one of Shakespeare's stories. This will offer them a great chance to explore Shakespeare's world.

    Why not take your children to join us? You won't regret it!

    (1) Shakespeare Week________.
    A . requires a registration fee B . has a history of more than 10 years C . is a yearly competition about Shakespeare D . offers learning materials about Shakespeare
    (2) If someone wins in the Shakespeare portrait contest, he can________.
    A . meet with popular illustrators B . have his work shown in public C . run an art workshop for his class D . visit Shakespeare's birthplace for free
    (3) The article is mainly intended for________.
    A . parents with kids B . students of arts C . Shakespeare's fans D . newspaper journalists
  • 6. 阅读理解

    A group of researchers led by Patrick Yu-Wai-Man. an ophthalmologist (眼科医师) at Cambridge University, investigated a new genetic therapy for a form of blindness. Officially, their study was a failure. But it was also a great success, for 29 of the 37 participants reported big improvements in their vision.

    The disease in question is Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON)(遗传性视神经病变) .A defective gene leads to sudden and rapid loss of sight, with many sufferers becoming legally blind within a year. It affects between one in 30,000 and one in 50,000 people. Men in their 20s and 30s are particularly at high risk. Since most cases are caused by a mutation (突变) in a single gene, LHON is a good candidate for gene therapy, a form of genetic engineering which aims to replace the defective gene with a working one.

    With that in mind. Dr Yu-Wai-Man and his colleagues loaded up a changed virus with a corrected copy of the gene and injected it into their patients' eyes. The researchers controlled the experiment by injecting only one of each patient's eyes--chosen at random--with the virus. The other eye was given a fake injection. Using two eyes in the same patient makes for a perfect control.

    The surprise came several months later. The researchers had hoped to see a big improvement in the treated eyes, compared with the untreated ones. They did not, for which the study failed in its primary objective. Instead, in more than three quarters of their patients, they saw significant improvements in both eyes.

    On the face of it, that was odd. Only one eye had received the treatment, after all. Follow-up studies in monkeys confirmed what the researchers had suspected. The virus, it seemed, had found a way to travel from one eye to the other, probably via the optic nerve. Tissues and fluids samples from monkeys given the same treatment as the human patients showed viral DNA in both eyes, not just one.

    Although it had a happy outcome in this case, the prospect of a gene-therapy virus travelling to places it is not intended to go to might worry regulators. Fortunately, the researchers found no trace of the virus elsewhere in the monkeys' bodies. And. though the study was technically a failure, its practical success means that an effective treatment for LHON may at last be in reach.

    (1) LHON is chosen in this study because it________.
    A . can be easily cured B . affects young males mostly C . is a common disease among people D . results from a mutation in a single gene
    (2) Why was the study a great success despite a failure officially?
    A . Some participants suffered loss of sight B . The vision of both eyes improved greatly C . All the participants gave positive feedback D . The virus didn't replace the damaged gene
    (3) The experiment on monkeys is mentioned in order to________.
    A . confirm the virus travels across eyes B . prove the virus can affect other body parts C . show the effect of the treatment on animals D . highlight regulators' worry about gene-therapy
    (4) Which is the best title for the passage?
    A . The Future of Gene Therapy B . The Blessing for Eye Patients C . Gene Therapy: Eyeball to Eyeball D . Virus Treatment: From Humans to Monkeys
  • 7. 阅读理解

    A character in one of Shakespeare's plays once said, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Any of these could apply to the modern day sportsmen. Many still argue about the nature of talent. Some claim that people are born to be sportsmen, while others say it is only through devotion and hard work that they achieve their abilities. Arguably though, it is not until their talents are acknowledged by the public that they truly have greatness fallen upon them.

    With this acknowledgement of their "greatness" come all the trappings of modern day celebrity: money, power, influence and responsibility. For better or for worse, like it or hate it, modern sportsmen are the role models of children everywhere. These children will grow up admiring their heroes, devoting their lives to copying their every move, and wanting above all to be like them. Due to this fascination,particularly with the massive influence of the media, it is more important than ever for these sportsmen to acknowledge their responsibility.

    In the past few months alone, there have been many examples of questionable behaviors from sports icons. Sport stars of the present day are often mirroring the very worst aspects of society, a fact that the self-righteous(自以为是的) anger of the modern press has been quick to point out. It would be wrong for us to expect sportsmen to be saints. It would also be wrong for us to think that their behavior is markedly different from the sportsmen they grew up watching, but with the all-seeing eye of modern media it is a different world,and different standards must be expected.

    Of course there is no obligation for sportsmen to be good role models. There are no prison sentences, no fines, no community service—unless their behaviors are illegal. Unless they break the law, it is entirely up to them as to whether or not they think their behavior is appropriate. Furthermore, measuring the true influence their decisions have on their followers is absolutely impossible. Some will rise against their idols, seeing them in a new light and condemning their actions. Others may copy their heroes' actions, using them as a shield when accused of the same crimes.

    It is undeniable that the actions of sportsmen will influence the lives of those who worship them. Modern day sportsmen are almost ideals of today's world, and their actions are watched carefully by millions over the world. Some may complain against it, denying their influence on these children's lives. Others may be aware of it but not respect it, while many may both be aware of it and respect it. In a word, you do not choose whether you are a role model. All you can do is to decide how to act when greatness is thrust upon you.

    (1) In Paragraph 1, the author tries to emphasize________.
    A . sportsmen become great when their gifts are recognized by people B . sportsmen achieve greatness through their devotion and efforts C . different ways for sportsmen to achieve success and greatness D . the core characteristic to become great sportsmen nowadays
    (2) According to Paragraph 4, we can learn that________.
    A . role models usually have positive influence on their fans B . sportsmen have the right to behave freely within the law C . all the fans will follow their heroes' actions D . no obligation is given to sportsmen
    (3) The underlined phrase thrust upon most probably means________.
    A . palled off B . removed from C . related to D . forced on
    (4) What is the main purpose of the passage?
    A . To advise the media to choose proper events to report. B . To inform the public that sportsmen are no role models. C . To remind the sportsmen of their social responsibilities. D . To argue that sportsmen should not be expected as herons.


  • 8. 任务型阅读

    What is a Food Critic

    A food critic is a writer who specializes in writing criticisms of food. Like theater and movie critics, food critics are supposed to provide thoughtful, well-informed, and objective information to the public so that members of the public can make decisions about where to spend their money. However some may also engage in more general food writing.

    Becoming a food critic takes time. Many food critics pursue professional experiences in the world of food, attending culinary schools, working in restaurants, participating in farming, and so forth. A good food critic is extremely knowledgeable about food, from how certain foods are harvested to the history of various dishes. Food critics also have very well-developed palates, and they may specialize in a particular area.

    Food critics may move between publishers over the course of their careers, or start working for the food section of a paper and working up to a position as a food critic. A handful of critics become well known and well respected, with most primarily being known only in the area they serve.

    Professional integrity is very important for food critics. Many make reservations and visit restaurants anonymously, so that they get an idea of how a restaurant serves ordinary customers. They also make repeat visits so that they can make fair and balanced assessments of a restaurant and its offerings. Implications of favoritism or bribery can ruin the reputation of a food critic.

    This is what food critics are like. They describe and evaluate the food, providing opinions on its quality. These can be used as a reference for readers to make decisions.

    A. Food critics have the right to score the restaurant.

    B. It's important for them to be familiar with varieties of food.

    C. Avoidance of gifts from restaurateurs is also very important.

    D. Therefore, they can learn about every aspect of the food industry.

    E. After considering all aspects of the dining experience, they generate ratings.

    F. Food critics primarily write about restaurants from fast food establishments to fancy restaurants.

    G. Once a food critic has gained experience, he or she can start writing articles for magazines and newspapers.


  • 9. 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。

    The signs appeared practically overnight. They'd been planted anywhere and everywhere—in front of homes, along sidewalks, around the neighborhood. Each featured just a few uplifting words in simple black type: "Don't Give Up", "You Are Not Alone", "We Will Get Through". The residents in Newberg, Oregon, had suffered huge loss from a major tornado this year, so the town of 25,000 instantly understood the messages. For days, what no one could figure out was who had planted them.

    Amy Wolff had. At first, she didn't want anyone to connect her to them. For one thing, the 36-year-old mother of two didn't really feel it was her place to weigh in. However, losing her brother in an accident several years earlier had led her to do so. She planted the signs anonymously because she wanted them to be about their message, not any one person. It was compassion(同情) for compassion's sake. "I couldn't just do nothing," says Wolff.

    Yet as Wolff saw the deep chord her signs struck with her neighbors, she decided to step forward to share her message publicly. Instantly, her inbox was flooded with requests for more signs.

    That was in May 2017.Since then, the Don't Give Up Movement has spread from Newberg to the hearts and yards of people in every state and several countries. The signs have morphed(变化) into wristbands, bumper stickers, pins, stamps, etc. One of the most heartening elements of the movement is that it has gone viral in a remarkably human way. More and more people have taken action, planting the signs in their lawns, taking selfies, and then posting them to share.

    Aware of the added emotional challenges isolation brings under the cloud of COVID-19, the Don't Give Up Movement has since offered to send letters of support to anyone in quarantine who needs it. The group received about 400 requests in just 24 hours. A young woman wrote that she struggled with mental illness and that shelter-in-place rules were especially hard on her and her family; she asked whether the Don't Give Up group could send her relatives a cheerful note. Wolff's message is about to grow yet again.

    (1) What personal experience led Amy Wolff to plant the signs of hope?
    (2) How did the Don't Give Up Movement help people during COVID-19?
    (3) What does the underlined part it has gone viral mean?
    (4) Please write one of your experiences of encouraging other people or being encouraged. (about 40 words)


  • 10. 假设你是红星中学高二(1)班学生李华 你校英文校刊My Beijing栏目在招聘小记者,你非常感兴趣。请你写一封应聘信,内容包括:




