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  • 1. —It is reported that _________ excellent basketball player Kobe died on January 26,2020.

    — Bad news! He is my favorite basketball star.

    A . an B . the C . a D . /
  • 2. — Tom, here is a/an _________for you. Tina called you when you weren't here.

    — Thank you. I'll call her back as early as possible.

    A . message B . information C . article D . lesson
  • 3. —A house near the airport must be very _________.

    — Yeah, that's why Mike always can't sleep well at night.

    A . crowded B . noisy C . expensive D . dirty
  • 4. —Mum, the ice cream _________ so good.  May I have some more?

    — I'm afraid not, Susie. You've eaten a whole box.

    A . tastes B . smells C . looks D . feels
  • 5. —Mike, how do you remember English words?

    — My dictionary helps a lot .You can buy _________.

    A . it B . one C . that D . this
  • 6. — I watched the basketball match between China and America on TV last night. It was so exciting.

    — What a pity! I _________ for my report at that time.

    A . will prepare B . am preparing C . prepared D . was preparing
  • 7. —How long have you _________ the motor bike?

    — For about two weeks.

    A . bought B . borrowed C . lent D . had
  • 8. — How do you like the latest movie The Eight Hundred?

    — It is _________ wonderful _________ I'd like to see it again.

    A . such; that B . so; that C . enough; to D . too; to
  • 9. —Tim, _________ is your home from our school?

    — It's about five minutes' walk.

    A . how often B . how far C . how long D . how soon
  • 10. —Sunming, is that our head teacher Miss Li over there?

    — I don't think so. She _________ Xiamen for a meeting.

    A . has been to B . has gone to C . went to D . will go to
  • 11. — Whose cap is it? Is it Cindy's?

    — It _________ be hers. Don't you remember she even did not come to the party?

    A . must B . may C . can't D . mustn't
  • 12. —Do you know how to pronounce these words?

    — Yes, I _________in the dictionary yesterday.

    A . looked it up B . worked it out C . gave it up D . made it up
  • 13. — _________fine weather! Why not go out to enjoy the sunshine?

    — Good idea.

    A . How B . What C . What a D . How a
  • 14. —What did you discuss just now?

    — We discussed _________.

    A . if we will have camp during the National Day holiday B . when could we meet at Xinhua Bookstore C . where we would have a wonderful party D . who is the host of the talk show
  • 15. —I don't like showering or stormy weather.

    — _________. Rainy weather always makes me feel awful.

    A . Me too B . Me neither C . Come on D . Sounds great


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    I was a kid who was always treated unkindly. One day, I was in the bathroom talking with my friends Maya and Lizzie. When Kristina, one of the bullies 1in. To my great surprise, she said that she was2 for the way she had treated me and wanted to be friends.

    Maya and Lizzie didn't believe 3she said.  But I decided to accept her. Later that day, I sat with the popular girls 4 the first time, feeling important.

    Over the next few months, I started spending 5 time with Kristina and her friends and less time with Maya and Lizzie. When my new popular friends gossiped", I laughed. Sometimes I did feel bad about it, 6 I didn't want to be a nobody again.

    Then one day, Lizzie 7 to talk to me, which made me happy. But Lizzie showed her anger with me for being mean*to Maya. A 8 broke out between us. Feeling angry, I pushed her. She looked at me in terror*, shouting 9 ,"You are a bullet*!"

    I 10 stood there with regret. She was right. I had become a bully, one who I had always disliked so much. I cried all the way home. That night, I decided that I was going to 11 being a bully*. The next day at school, I tried to say sorry to Lizzie, but she turned her back on me. 12 would talk to me. I felt like the loneliest person in the world.

    Not 13 what to do, I told everything to the counselor*. With her help, Lizzie and Maya decided to give me another 14 . It took a while to win back their trust.

    I thought I needed to be popular to be somebody. I was wrong. I am somebody because I am special and 15 to my friends. Best of all, I like me again, too.

    A . rode B . drove C . walked D . flew
    A . sorry B . angry C . sad D . proud
    A . that B . what C . which D . who
    A . as B . for C . after D . before
    A . longer B . shorter C . more D . less
    A . and B . but C . so D . or
    A . warmed up B . came up C . called up D . woke up
    A . discussion B . problem C . competition D . fight
    A . carefully B . loudly C . happily D . politely
    A . still B . even C . just D . yet
    A . start B . stop C . practise D . enjoy
    A . Everybody B . Somebody C . Anybody D . Nobody
    A . knowing B . remembering C . dreaming D . explaining
    A . choice B . suggestion C . lesson D . chance
    A . brave B . active C . importan D . strong


  • 17. 阅读理解

    To protect people from COVID-19,many countries are making efforts these days. Here are some special rules in the following countries.


    At one point, Serbia's government introduced a" dog-walking hour" from 20:00 to 21:00. But that has now been stopped, because a lot of dog-owners are against it for it is unhealthy for their dogs.


    In the Central American country, men and women are able to leave their homes for only two hours at a time, and on different days. No one is allowed to go out on Sundays. "This rule is for nothing more than to save your life." the security minister Juan Pino said.


    In some Colombian towns, people are allowed to go outside based on the last

    number of their national ID number. For example, people with an ID number ending with 0,7 or 4 are allowed to leave their house on Mondays, while those with an ID number ending with 1,8 or 5 can go outside on Tuesdays.


    The government of Sweden believes that people will do the right things. Gathering* of more than 50 people are not allowed on Sundays but schools for children under the age of 16 remain open. Many people are still meeting friends as usual in the restaurants, on which people both at home and abroad have different opinions.

    (1) These days men and women can go out on different days in ________.
    A . Serbia B . Panama C . Colombia D . Sweden
    (2) A Colombia man whose ID number ends with 8 can leave the house on________ these days.
    A . Mondays B .  Tuesdays C . Saturdays D .  Sundays
    (3) From the passage, we know that ________.these days.
    A . the rules in the four countries are strict B . dog-owners in Colombia can't take their dogs out C . the rule about going outside can do nothing in Panama D . 40 friends can stay together in restaurants on Sundays in Sweden
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Toronto, Canada, is a fantastic city. It's large and has many job chances. Most importantly, it is one of the most diverse*cities in the world with over 140 languages spoken there. What's more, 12.5% of the city's population is Chinese.

    With all these different groups, it's no surprising that you can find food from all over the world, from Vietnamese to Ethiopian. Many of these restaurants lie in the Kensington Market area, where there's also music to hear and art to see.

    This diversity is probably the reason why people living there think it a fantastic place. peaking to BBC News, Alyssa James said, "The city doesn't give up its secrets easily. I love Toronto because you really have to love it to know it."

    Toronto is also a great place to explore*. Bruce Poon Tip told BBC News, "Toronto has big city advantages with small-town living." He said, "It's clean, it's safe ,...and it's beautiful." The good news is that you won't miss any of the beautiful sights, as Toronto has a very good public transport*system.

    It is the home to many computer geniuses*.So if you're hoping to work in the computer companies, Toronto is the place to be.

    With all this to offer, it's not surprising that this Canadian city is a dream place, whether you're going on a holiday or even looking for a home.

    (1) We can't _____ at Kensington Market according to the passage.
    A .  listen to music B . have a meal C . see art D . play sports
    (2) In Toronto, you won't miss any beautiful sight because__________.
    A .  Toronto is clean, safe ,and beautiful B .  Toronto has a very good public transport system C .  Toronto is a great place to explore D . Toronto has many computer geniuses
    (3) Which of the following is TRUE?
    A . Toronto is a good place for traveling and living. B . You can't eat food from all over the world in Toronto. C . There are 140 languages spoken in Toronto. D . Toronto has small city advantages with big-town living.
    (4) Where might you possibly find this passage?
    A .  A story book. B .  A math book. C . A magazine. D .  A world map.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    A sunflower is a sunflower. A mobile phone is a mobile phone. But can you put the two together to do something for your local environment? As early as next year it may well be possible. When you have finished with your mobile phone, you will be able to bury* it in the garden and wait for it to flower.

    A biodegradable* mobile phone was ,this month, introduced by scientists. It is hoped that the new kind of phone will encourage users to recycle*. Scientists have come up with a new material*over the last five years. It looks like any other plastic*and can be hard or soft, and able to change shape. But after some time, it can also break down without polluting the environment. British researchers used the new material to develop a phone cover with a sunflower seed. When this cover turns into waste, it forms nitrates*. These feed the seed and help the flower grow. "We've only put sunflower seeds into the cover so far. But we are trying to find out which flowers would be the best. Maybe we could put roses in next time." said one scientist.

    As phones are developing so quickly, people are always throwing their mobiles away. This means producers have to find ways of recycling them. About 650 million mobile phones have been sold this year. Most of them will be thrown away in two years, leaving plastic*, heavy metal and other waste to the environment. A biodegradable cover can reduce the harm to nature, according to the scientists. "The seed sprouts*and the flower grows so you don't have to worry about the phone when you have finished using it," said Kerry Kirwan, the leader of the research team, which is based at the University of Warwick in Britain.

    (1) What do people do with the used mobile phone now?
    A . They throw it away. B . They bury it in the garden. C . They recycle it. D . They turn it into nitrates.
    (2) Scientists do this kind of research in order to __________.
    A .  make mobile phones more beautiful B . solve environmental problems C .  find a new way to grow flowers D .  produce more mobile phones
    (3) We can guess from the passage that __________.
    A . the new kind of mobile phones is already on the market B .  about 650 mobile phones will be thrown away C . the new kind of mobile phones is not useful to the environment D . other flowers may be used in the new kind of mobile phones
    (4) Which can be the best title of the passage?
    A .  Sunflower and Phone B .  Plant your Phone C . Protect our Environment D .  No Worry about Phone
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Thyra Flowerdew was traveling alone in Switzerland. She made money by tuning*pianos for others, Some people did not treat her well, seeing her as just a low-paid worker. Nobody knew that she was actually a famous pianist. But she doesn't mind. She's like a wild bird who loves freedom and doesn't care what people think of her.

    One day she played the piano in front of a group of people. When she stopped playing, there was not a sound to be heard, but the magic of her music was still holding her listeners. At last they came forward to greet her.

    "There is only one person who can play like that, "one man said," She is Miss Thyra Flowerdew."

    Thyra smiled.

    "That is my name, "she said, and she went quietly out of the room.

    The next morning, at an early hour, the bird of passage went on flying. The singer Oswald Everard saw Thyra on the road, and he followed her.

    "You little wild bird!" he saiD. " And so this was your great idea to have your fun out of us all, and then play to us and make us feel I don't know how, and then to go."

    "You said the company wanted stirring*up, "she answered," and I believe I have stirred them up."

    "And what do you suppose*you have done for me?" he asked.

    "I hope I have proved*to you that the bellows-blower *and the organist*are sometimes the same person," she answered.

    But he shook his head.

    "Little wild bird," he said, "you have given me a great idea, and I will tell you what it is: to tame* you. So good-bye for the present."

    "Good-bye," she said. " But wild birds are not so easily tamed*."

    Then she waved her hand over her head and went on her way singing.

    From The Bird on its Journey

    By Beatrice Harraden

    (1) Thyra Flowerdew made money by _________.
    A .  playing the piano B .  playing the guitar C . tuning pianos D . traveling
    (2) The underline word "hold" probably means __________.
    A . make a difference to B . give hope to C . catch the attention of D . raise the interest of
    (3) What is the main idea of the passage?
    A .  A pianist must know how to tune a piano. B . Don't make fun of others. C . Don't look down on others. D . Musicians are usually smart.
    (4) Why did Thyra Flowerdew play the piano in front of a group of people?


  • 21. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。

    wonder   twelve   remain    luckily   again

    (1) Christmas is celebrated in month every year.
    (2) The Great Wall is one of the greatest man-made in the world.
    (3) Jim likes playing chess and is really interested in playing other players.
    (4) I plan   by the canyon for half an hour.
    (5) , she wasn't badly hurt in the traffic accident.
  • 22. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

    In the modern world, living without money sounds (可能). However, as an Australian couple have come up with new ways of making it through the years without spending any money.

    Have you (曾经) imagined how to live without money for several years? Let's have a look at how they make it.

     After they decided to do that, they built themselves a new house which was made of used wood.  At first, (没有人) of their friends knew where they lived, so few(宾客) visited them in daily life. They collected cold rainwater to take a shower and raised five ducks to (提供) them fresh eggs. They grew some fruits and vegetables as well, and sometimes even looked for food on the streets. Some people were afraid that the food on the streets would make them ill. In fact, they were in excellent (状况). Although they had no jobs, they didn't have a lot of time to waste. They spent most of the day working for their neighbors so that they could get their next meal.

    (尽管) not everyone is brave enough to do this, they really made it work and they felt happy. One day, someone sent their, story onto the Internet and then more and more people knew them. A lot of reporters (采访) them since they became famous." Maybe some people think we are (疯狂的) , but the free life without money really  (满足) us."they said.


  • 23. 今年国庆,英国交换生将来你校进行为期一周的交流学习活动。期间,学校计划带他们去参观瑞安、了解瑞安。现招募一些学生导游志愿者,并征选一些活动方案。假如你是李华,请结合下表所给的信息提示,用英语写一篇竞选稿。

    Characters(性格)& Hobbies

    ⒈be outgoing/friendly/...

    ⒉be good at...



    ⒈do volunteer work, benefit(受益)a lot



    ⒈visit Rui'an Museum

    ⒉enjoy local food





    Dear teachers and friends,

    I am Li Hua. I'm happy to be here to give a speech .I would like to be a volunteer guide in our school.


    That's all. Thanks for your listening.


    bellows-blower n.  拉风箱的人     biodegradable adj. 生物可降解的      bully n. 霸凌者

    counselor n. 指导员   diverse adj. 多样的   bury v. 埋   explore v. 探索 gathering n. 集会

    genius n. 天才    gossip v. 传播流言 material n. 材料    mean adj. 卑鄙的

    nitrate n. 硝酸盐  organist n. 风琴师  plastic n. 塑料   stir v. 惹

    recycle v. 再循环 sprout v. 发芽  suppose v. 料想  tame v. 驯服

    terror n. 恐惧   transport n. 交通   tune v.  为...调音
