
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Toronto, Canada, is a fantastic city. It's large and has many job chances. Most importantly, it is one of the most diverse*cities in the world with over 140 languages spoken there. What's more, 12.5% of the city's population is Chinese.

With all these different groups, it's no surprising that you can find food from all over the world, from Vietnamese to Ethiopian. Many of these restaurants lie in the Kensington Market area, where there's also music to hear and art to see.

This diversity is probably the reason why people living there think it a fantastic place. peaking to BBC News, Alyssa James said, "The city doesn't give up its secrets easily. I love Toronto because you really have to love it to know it."

Toronto is also a great place to explore*. Bruce Poon Tip told BBC News, "Toronto has big city advantages with small-town living." He said, "It's clean, it's safe ,...and it's beautiful." The good news is that you won't miss any of the beautiful sights, as Toronto has a very good public transport*system.

It is the home to many computer geniuses*.So if you're hoping to work in the computer companies, Toronto is the place to be.

With all this to offer, it's not surprising that this Canadian city is a dream place, whether you're going on a holiday or even looking for a home.

(1)、We can't _____ at Kensington Market according to the passage.
A、 listen to music B、have a meal C、see art D、play sports
(2)、In Toronto, you won't miss any beautiful sight because__________.
A、 Toronto is clean, safe ,and beautiful B、 Toronto has a very good public transport system C、 Toronto is a great place to explore D、Toronto has many computer geniuses
(3)、Which of the following is TRUE?
A、Toronto is a good place for traveling and living. B、You can't eat food from all over the world in Toronto. C、There are 140 languages spoken in Toronto. D、Toronto has small city advantages with big-town living.
(4)、Where might you possibly find this passage?
A、 A story book. B、 A math book. C、A magazine. D、 A world map.


Future astronauts could travel with emotional support robots

    To help astronauts of the future survive (幸免于) the mental (精神的) challenges that come with staying in space for quite a long time, space travelers‟ tasks could soon be accompanied(陪伴) by AI-powered, empathetic (有同理心的, 同感的) robotic helpers.

    Not only does space travel present astronauts with lots of physical stresses, spending months or years in such a physically demanding (要求高的) place with limited space and the same people can also raise many mental tests as well. According to MIT Technology Review, scientists are working to alleviate astronauts from some of the latter challenges by creating "an AI assistant that's able to feel human emotion and respond (做出反应) with empathy."

    While such a technology would prove itself useful by being able to predict the needs of the

crew members in space and "intervene (干预) if their mental health is in danger," it has the potential to be life-saving when humans choose to explore beyond Earth's gravitational field (引力场) and towards deep space.

    Though astronauts currently on the International Space Station have an intelligent robot to interact with called CIMON, it is short of proper emotional intelligence according to NASA CTO Tom Soderstrom. As a result, a team at the organization's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is working on a more complex (复杂的) emotional support companion that can control a spacecraft's functioning in addition to tracking the crew members‟ behaviours.

    Right now in the lab, an AI-equipped robot called Henry the Helper can be found walking around the grounds assisting visitors who appear confused or lost based on their facial expression. Two more emotionally intelligent robots are expected to be introduced later this year, one of which is said to be able to take part in conversations more complex than giving navigation(导航) assistance.

    The team's final goal is to make a companion named Fiona the Future a reality, an emotionally intelligent cross-platform system. Fiona, if all goes according to the JPL's plans, will help keep astronauts of the future stay mentally fit as they start their journeys to deep space.


Every year,Time magazine puts out its list of the year's best inventions.Some of them help us solve problems,while others make life easier or more fun.Here are three of the inventions on this year's list.Which one do you think is the best?

Life﹣like animals

At the Hologram Zoo(全息动物园) in Australia,you don't just see a giraffe.You see a group of giraffes running towards you and then over you."We show people things they have never seen before,"says the zoo's CEO.Visitors to the zoo can see life-like wonders.Thanks to hologram technology,the public can see wildlife while no animals have to be kept in cages.

Stopping fires

Alert California is a safety program in California.It uses AI to predict wildfires.The AI detector(探测器) uses more than a thousand cameras in forests across the state.It can spot smoke and other early signs of fire.In two months,the program correctly predicted 77 fires before any 911 calls came in.

Air on Mars

If astronauts land on Mars in the future,they'll need air to breathe and a way to get home.NASA's Moxie can help solve both problems.This small equipment can separate oxygen(氧气) from the atmosphere(大气) on Mars and help astronauts breathe.In addition,the oxygen can be used to provide energy for spaceships.This is important for sending astronauts home from Mars.


A lot of primary schools in China are doing something to improve naptime conditions (午休条件)for students.

Recently, Dongxing Experimental Primary School in Quanzhou, Fujian, is popular on the Internet. Why? Because the school uses adjustable(可调整的) sleep desks to help students have a better nap. With a simple turn of a knob(旋钮), desks become comfortable beds. In this way, students can rest in a proper way.

Longteng Primary School in Zhengzhou, Henan, is another example. At school, there are some unused classrooms. These classrooms are now naptime rooms with beds and pillows.

For classroom usage, Tianqi Primary School in Wuhan, Hubei, is planning to make unused indoor sports fields and activity rooms future nap spaces. Teachers in Tianqi said, "Students are excited to hear this news. They are looking forward to having a comfortable place to rest."

In the town of Chashan, Liling, Hunan, Meixia Wanquan Primary School plays an important role for a great number of left-behind children who live too far away to return home for a nap. An organization gave them 130 folding beds to make sure every child could have a proper nap.

The new way of napping at school is not only comfortable but also good for health. Medical experts warn, "If students take naps with their face down, it will increase(增加)their eye pressure and finally lead to some eye problems. The lying-down way of napping addresses these worries, and protects the children's health."

