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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Welcome to Princeton

        Princeton University is a vibrant community of scholarship and learning that enrolls students of all backgrounds and interests. Established in 1746, Princeton is the fourth-oldest college in the United States and is an independent institution that provides undergraduate and graduate instruction in the arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. As a renowned research university, Princeton seeks to achieve the highest levels in the discovery and spread of knowledge and understanding. Meanwhile, Princeton is distinctive among research universities in its commitment to undergraduate teaching.

        Campus Life

        A vast range of cultural educational, athletic and social activities are available to Princeton students. Getting involved in campus life is the quickest way to become a part of the University community, and to create one's own Princeton experience. Campus life activities are built around the concepts of encouraging each community member to display his or her talents and to learn to respect all members of our community.


        Princeton University Library consists of the Firestone Library and nine buildings across campus. The library's collections include more than 8 million books and impressive rare books, prints and other materials that require special handling. The library's extensive electronic resources include databases and journals, images and digital maps. Exhibitions from the library's rich collections are free and open to the public.

        Aid Program

        Our aid program is designed to encourage all qualified students—regardless of financial circumstances to consider applying for admission to Princeton. Any family, who feels they need help to pay for a Princeton education is welcome to apply for aid.

        For more information, please visit: http://www.princeton.edu.

    (1) What makes Princeton University outstanding among research universities?
    A . Its longest history. B . Its higher level in discovery. C . Its undergraduate teaching. D . Its wide range of institutions.
    (2) What can you enjoy as a Princeton University student?
    A . Free undergraduate education. B . Free membership of sports clubs. C . Access to rare books and databases. D . The quickest way to show the talents.
    (3) The aid program of Princeton University is intended for ____________.
    A . qualified students to pay for Princeton B . any student from low-income families C . every student admitted into university D . graduated students majoring in Finance
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Dr. Nancy Roman, born in 1925, who was celebrated as a pioneer for female scientists and had advanced the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, died on Dec 25, 2018.

        When Nancy Roman asked for permission to take a second algebra (代数)course in high school,a teacher demanded to know "what lady would take mathematics instead of Latin". In college, a professor admitted that he often tried to prevent women from majoring in physics but Nancy stuck to it. And after receiving Doctor's degree in astronomy. , she found a professional home at NASA(美国宇航局)In 1959, Dr. Roman became the first chief of astronomy at NASA. headquarters, a role that made her one of the agency's first female leaders.

        Dr Roman spent much of her career helping develop, fund and promote technology that would help scientists see more clearly beyond Earths atmosphere. But her most well-known work was perhaps leading to design the Hubble Space Telescope the first major telescope to be sent into space for the purpose of gathering photographs and data from the universe. She was, therefore, named as "the mother of Hubble".

        "She made it possible to get the early telescope up into space to learn what needed to be learned," said science historian Bob Zimmerman: and her hard-nosed nature helped get the telescope built.

        The telescope did not launch until 1990, a little more than a decade after Dr Roman retired, but when it did, its photographs of the universe thrilled the world.  I am glad, "she once told Science, "I ignored the people who told me that I could not be an astronomer. "

    (1) What can we conclude from the teacher's reaction to Nancy Roman's application for taking a second algebra course?
    A . The teacher doubted it. B . The teacher didn't care about it. C . The teacher accepted it at once. D . The teacher was strongly against it.
    (2) What was the most famous achievement of Nancy Roman's work?
    A . She was one of the founders of NASA B . She proved the black hole really existed. C . She was the first female astronomer in the world. D . She led to design the Hubble Space Telescope.
    (3) When did Dr. Nancy Roman probably retire?
    A . In1969. B . In1979. C . In1990. D . In2000.
    (4) What can we learn from Dr. Nancy Roman's words in the last paragraph?
    A . She was very proud of what she had done for the country. B . She thought highly of the people who hadn't believed her. C . She was delighted to have become an astronomer in spite of the prejudice on her. D . She had hard-nosed nature and never cared about other people's opinions.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        There is such a group of singers in the western musical circle at present, who enter the business as online celebrities(名人) and then become top idols and giant stars globally. They become popular for their videos online and then they are discovered by talent agents and gradually cause huge storms in the musical circle. For example, Troye Sivan, a singer who is nicknamed "chuoye", became popular on Youtube from an early age.

        As a popular video sharing website, YouTube has given rise to plenty of stars, creating a new celebrity culture. Providing a platform where anyone can post videos, Youtube presents the opportunity for anyone to achieve fame by simply uploading a short video. Sivan has been making Youtube videos since he was 12 to show his singing talent. In the digital age, Sivan has already developed large devoted audience online and his sensitive video blogs have earned him extreme popularity.

        A survey has showed that US teenagers are more attracted with YouTube stars, which is a surprising result. YouTube stars are judged to be more attractive, outstanding and related than traditional stars. Looking at the survey comments and feedback, teens enjoy a close and real experience with YouTube celebrities, who aren't carefully directed by design. Teens also say they appreciate YouTube stars sense of humor and risk-taking spirit, which are often limited by Hollywood stars. As a result, singers who make their first show in the traditional way no longer have a complete advantage in front of the audience. Online platforms open up a lot of doors for people. They become the best place to be discovered.

    (1) How do online celebrities become popular?
    A . By acting in Hollywood. B . By writing blogs on the website. C . By posting their videos online and gain recognition. D . By meeting audience across the country.
    (2) Why does the writer mention Troye Sivan in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2?
    A . To give an example of becoming successful by working hard. B . To give an example of becoming a well-known singer with the help of the website. C . To give an example of holding a successful concert. D . To give an example of sticking to great determination.
    (3) What can we infer about Hollywood stars according to the last paragraph?
    A . They never give performances online. B . They are more outstanding than YouTube stars. C . They write less sensitive video blogs than YouTube stars. D . They are less humorous and risk-taking than YouTube stars.
    (4) What is the author's attitude towards online platforms like YouTube?
    A . Positive. B . Negative. C . Uncaring. D . Doubtful.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Osaka, Japan—Defending champions China lifted the FIVB Women's Volleyball World Cup trophy(奖品) with perfect 11 straight wins after easing past Argentina 3-0 here on Sunday. With their eleventh win at the 2019 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup, China won the FIVB Women's Volleyball World Cup.

        This year, the World Cup has been played across different cities, and Team China had training sessions even on traveling days when some participating teams chose to rest up after a tiring flight. "Coach Lang focuses on details of the technique in the training sessions, and I feel our team has become more balanced." Captain Zhu Ting said. This firm approach explains how China managed to turn the table against the United States at the World Cup. Never giving up, especially in adversity, that's what the spirit of Chinese women's volleyball means.

        When the team struggled, Zhu was always there, doing whatever was needed to carry the team forward. That's why she has become a national volleyball icon, just like "Iron Hammer" Lang. As for Lang, she took over the flag from her former coach Yuan Weimin, who was behind China's rise in the beginning. From coach Yuan to coach Lang, and spiker(主攻手) Lang to spiker Zhu, the flag bearers may have changed over time, but the craving for championships and the steely desire and determination remain the same.

        Volleyball is a team sport and behind the on-court team. There is always a supportive coaching team and staff. Lai was one of the members. Shouldering responsibilities as both vice director of China's Volleyball Management Center and as assistant coach. Apart from coordinating between coaches and players, Chinese coaches and foreign coaches and sometimes within Chinese coaches, she also has to do chores. During Rio 2016, assistant coach Yuan Lingxi headed for the arena(竞技场) at 6 am every day to film the matches and would return to the Olympic Village at 2 am when he would start analyzing China's opponents and file reports. There are many Lais and Yuans that are not known by the public, but who remain indispensable for the team to overcome difficulties and reach their peak.

    (1) What does the underlined word "lifted" probably mean in paragraph 1?
    A . Raised. B . Won. C . Beat. D . Expected.
    (2) What does the spirit of Chinese women's volleyball mean according to paragraph 2?
    A . Being a special team. B . Sticking to the end. C . Winning every game. D . Training hard every day.
    (3) Why does Zhu Ting become a national volleyball icon?
    A . She wins many awards in the World Cup. B . She keeps strong desire and determination. C . She takes lots of training after the tiring fight. D . She does almost everything to help the team forward.
    (4) What does the author intend to convey in the last paragraph?
    A . Hard work is vital in volleyball matches. B . The coach has a great influence on players. C . The staff behind the on-court team is also important. D . Understanding opponents is necessary to win the game.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Japan's famously diligent workers spend more hours at the office than employees in almost any other country. Authorities have a message: Stay at home.  Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to attend Olympic and Paralympic events in Tokyo during the 2020 Games, putting additional pressure on the city's already notoriously crowded commuter routes. Officials also hope that promoting working from home during the Games will encourage a more easy-going approach in a country known for its cases of karoshi, or death from overwork.

        On July 22, one year before the Games, Tokyo rolled out a month-long "Telework Days" campaign, with government offices and private businesses committing to avoiding peak commuting hours. The government has been urging employers to be more flexible, hoping to help parents and others caring for elderly relatives to better balance their work and home responsibilities. Officials hope the campaign will show firms that employees can actually "work even more effectively" when they stay at home.

         Such as concerns over the security of sensitive information, the difficulty of controlling working conditions and the fact that corporate culture stresses the importance of face-to-face communication.

        Experts and government officials hope that Olympic efforts to expand telework might serve as something of a legacy for the Games. "Tokyo 2020 is a chance to actively introduce telework, which can create a stress-free lifestyle," said Azuma Taguchi, a professor of engineering at Chuo University.  And he also urged to take serious measures to tackle Olympic traffic.

         "This is a chance to make telework a legacy of the Games that will take root" in Japanese society, Industry Minister Hiroshige Seko said in a recent forum to promote flexible work. And some officials are hoping that a more open-minded approach to work could encourage people to take "workstations"—working remotely from far-flung locations with attractive leisure options.

    A. Workstations have already appeared in Japan.

    B. The concept isn't completely unfamiliar in Japan.

    C. The efforts have also run up against various barriers.

    D. Tokyo tells workers to stay at home to enjoy a new lifestyle.

    E. The aim is to avoid traffic chaos during next year's Olympics.

    F. He warned of potentially "fatal traffic jam" if action is not taken.

    G. Others also see the Games as a chance to break existing work habits.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        I quietly placed my ear against the kitchen door. Mom had a male 1! I peeked(偷看) around. Sitting there was a gentleman, the most handsome man I'd 2 seen.

        Mom was a young widow then with three children. My sister was ten, my brother four and I six. I 3 having a daddy. And I knew he was the one. Then I marched right into the 4. "Hi! I'm Patty. What's your name?"


        Looking towards Mom, I asked, "Don't you think my mom's pretty?"

        "Patty!" Mom scolded with5. "Go and check on Benny."    George leaned forward and 6, "Yes, I do. I'll see you later, Patty. I think we will be good friends."

        George started 7 Mom more often. He always seemed happy to see me and never grew 8 of my endless questions.

        Soon they entered into a 9. For George who'd never been married before, coming back from World War II and into a ready-made family took some 10. One evening was especially bad. Benny was crying on the kitchen floor. Annie was 11 loudly it wasn't her place to 12 that spoiled child. And I spilled a whole pot of butter milk. With a(n) 13 look, George muttered(嘟囔), "I must have been 14 to marry a woman with three kids."

        Mom fled to their bedroom in 15, and George walked out. I hurried to the porch. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful next time. Please don't 16 !"

        17wiping my tears, he said, "We're friends, and friends never 18 the people they love. Don't worry. I'll always be here." Then he went to 19 Mom.

        Over the years, George has always been there for me. I still turn to him with my 20 though he is 85.

    A . volunteer B . visitor C . supporter D . scholar
    A . ever B . always C . never D . seldom
    A . recommended B . stopped C . missed D . minded
    A . kitchen B . bathroom C . bedroom D . garden
    A . excitement B . doubt C . embarrassment D . pride
    A . yelled B . complained C . reported D . whispered
    A . taking on B . calling on C . focusing on D . putting on
    A . tired B . uncertain C . fond D . confident
    A . conflict B . contact C . marriage D . competition
    A . planning B . pretending C . adjusting D . misunderstanding
    A . warning B . complaining C . wondering D . demanding
    A . look after B . depend on C . stand for D . set up
    A . exciting B . energetic C . curious D . vacant
    A . talented B . mad C . brave D . unbelievable
    A . shock B . vain C . tears D . ruins
    A . leave B . refuse C . approach D . escape
    A . Deeply B . Gently C . Properly D . Skillfully
    A . betray B . force C . abandon D . threaten
    A . persuade B . inform C . attract D . comfort
    A . suggestions B . problems C . experiences D . achievements


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Pinyin is a successful tool, which (teach) in China to school kids. It is not merely used by westerners like us. It has proved to be a useful tool for Chinese people (they) to learn standard pronunciation in their early education.

        The first step is to learn how (pronounce) each letter in pinyin correctly and the meaning of the tone markers. Then you have to do (drill) as many as you can. Turn that into a game. It can be (much) fun than you would expect. Start  single syllables and do that a lot and then syllable pairs. Slowly move on to larger groups. Understand the initial, final and the tones.

        But most importantly,  you need is good feedback. You'd better have someone that can correct your mistakes immediately.

        Find a native Chinese,  can listen to you and correct you. If you take Chinese classes, the teacher will (probable) have you do drills every class. Do this very seriously.

        If you are self-studying, try to meet native Chinese people and ask them to give you some feedback. Otherwise, try to be self-critical and listen very carefully. Good (listen) is more than 50% of what it takes to pronounce correctly.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        Last night, I had an interesting dream. In the dream I accidental got a magic pen with that I could write beautiful Chinese characters. Then I took part a calligraphy competition. With the help of the pen I got a first place. I became famous soon but a lot of people came to beg me for some characters. But when I picked the pen up and wrote down a character, I find out it very ugly. The pen no longer has magic. Then I was scaring awoken. I know that in the world there is not magic pen. Only by working hard can I write beautiful character.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,在某英文网站上看到一家国际文化机构招聘中学生暑期志愿者。请根据以下提示,用英语写一封自荐信。要点包括:




    Dear Sir/Madam,


    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua
